Lexi’s big outing

With the goal to potentially buy some adult toys Lexi heads to the mall where she was sure to find some.

The next morning Lexi was still in a euphoria after the blissful afternoon with her mother and Max. She found herself horny that night which was unexpected with how hard she had cum earlier. Using her favorite toy, an old hairbrush’s handle she had teased out another orgasm that helped her mind drift off to sexually satisfied sleep. Waking up that morning she could still smell the lingering odor of her juices dried upon her fingers. The used brush had been lazily dropped to the floor last night now laid chewed up. Max had gotten to it in her sleep, destroying her precious toy. He hadn’t really chewed anything like this since he was a puppy. Then she remembered how her mother came home to her slippers destroyed after talking about going for a walk on a work break and didn’t bring Max. He must have been upset by the way her brush smelled like her pussy without him having gotten to enjoy it or something. Either way she was now out a toy to release her morning urge to masturbate and she wasn’t in a particular mood to be mounted by Max. As good as he felt he was also rougher than she was wanting this early.

With a sigh she got out of bed, her naked body soaking up the sunlight rolling in from the window. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do yet today but felt getting dressed would be a good start. Standing in front of her closet she was now in full view of the window but didn’t mind. If someone noticed her now she wouldn’t care in the slightest, after all she wasn’t breaking any laws by being naked in her own room. Hunting through the closet she took her time, unsure of what she should wear. Eventually she found a sundress her mother bought a little over a year ago while traveling. It used to hang awkwardly because of its long straps, so they were cut and tied off to better fit her shorter frame. Slipping it on she closed the closet, looking at herself in the mirror she made adjustments. It took several minutes to untie and retire both sides until the dress sat just right. She had a cute amount of cleavage, as her breasts grew an entire size allowing her to fill it out. The hem however hung more in line with a mini skirt just able to cover her ass. The combination of chest and height growth had shortened the dress length. Lexi didn’t mind any of that, if anything it made her happy as it would be so easy to possibly flash someone if she bent over. Last thing she did was put her long red hair up into a ponytail, just having both arms up doing her hair pulled the hem line higher. Once her hair was done Lexi stretched out arms extended back arched. Looking at the pose in the mirror she saw a faint peek of her pussy as the skirt rose even higher as her body extended. She didn’t think she would be stretching out like this while out and about but she loved knowing what it would do.

Dressed and ready for the day she cleaned up the destroyed brush, thinking about getting a new one the entire time. It had been her only toy for sexual release for some time that she never thought of getting anything new. Her thoughts started to drift towards getting an actual adult toy. Being too young to go into an adult store made that an impossibility. Then she remembered adult toys being sold in a store at the mall or even Walmart. Biting her lip she wondered if such places still sold to people her age. Without a second thought on the matter she decided her goal would be to try and get one… maybe even two.

It wasn’t long before Lexi had herself waiting at the bus stop. Thoughts drifted to the kinds of things she would love to own and play with. As the bus rolled to a stop it was the same one she took when dressed incredibly slutty . Today was much more modest, the dress actually covered her ass and wasn’t cropped. However with its cleavage and length a much more prudish person would find it too slutty. Stepping inside the bus she was feeling flush with excitement as she wondered if someone would be a pervert again. Wearing no panties under the dress its soft material rubbed against her nipples when moving just right. She eyed a decent seat, a bench with three spots next to the handicap door. Another bench across the aisle had a couple currently sitting there. Not wanting to sit next to the ad walls flanking each end seat she plopped herself into the middle. Sitting cross legged Lexi knew that if she wasn’t careful it would be easy to flash the man directly across from her. She had noticed his glance when boarding as he was the only person not nose deep into something. He seemed to be content looking out the window behind Lexi and people watching. As the bus started forward Lexi was scrolling through her phone keeping her legs shut as one would expect of a girl in such a dress. Glancing over her phone, his eyes watching, it started driving her fantasies wild.

Daydreaming about having a boy sitting next to her, hands on her thigh. Slowly it creeps higher and higher before finding her bare pussy to play with. All while the other passengers just go about their own days, not noticing or if they did not care. She felt her pussy start to ache at the thought of being touched and tried to stifle the thoughts. She didn’t want to get herself too worked up over nothing especially when the thoughts inevitably distract from her true goal of this outing. Lexi looked around the bus as his glance darted away, he was trying to hide he was looking at her. The bus wasn’t busy yet and those on were either deep into a phone screen or listening to music zoned out. Shifting in the seat she was surprised to have his attention when his girl was literally wrapped around his arm reading a book. Just the two of them were remotely aware of their existence or what was going on around them.

The attention Lexi was getting added fuel to the fantasy currently living in her head. It was getting harder to ignore the intrusive thoughts as the fantasy started having this man be the one to toy with her body. He wasn’t an incredibly attractive, fairly average looking guy but the fact he was intently watching her with his girl right there was turning her on. Looking at her phone she turned on the camera to see if he was watching. While he tried to hide it, there was no doubt he was looking her way often and his eyes looked curiously at her exposed legs. Lexi knew it wouldn’t take much with this short dress, given his angle just uncrossing her legs could offer a peek. Still watching him through the camera of her phone she fainted interest in something online. Slowly Lexi started to uncross her legs, his stare intense, focused on her. With her legs tightly closed she opened them so as to go about switching which leg was now crossed. The man was a deer stuck in headlights as he caught the glimpse of her body.

He tried to hide how flustered it made him so as not to alarm his girlfriend who joyfully was reading next to him. Lexi closed the camera app and slipped her phone into the side pocket of her purse. Opening the small bag she started to casually dig inside for her earphones. Finding them she looked up and gave the man a playful smile while slipping each into place. She held his gaze after sliding the second one into place. He didn’t look away, eyes darting down to silently ask for another look. Lexi couldn’t help but grin playing with her hair, quick glances around before opening her legs. Watching his leg grew tense trying to hold back any major reaction that could be noticed by his companion. Lexi looked for any hint that she managed to turn him on but it seemed he resisted having an erection thus far. Sucked into her own sexual desires Lexi’s open legs held his gaze captive. Her hand crept up her thigh the closer it got to her pussy the more he seemed to fidget. Pushing the top hem of her dress back her hand sank into her crotch. Her attention was more on those around them waiting for signs from other riders if they too were watching. His girlfriend turned the page to her book before continuing with its story.

Lexi’s Index and ring fingers spread the bare lips open giving him a delicious pink sight. This was the moment he wasn’t able to resist getting a good bulge. Its sight forced a grin to play across her lips, unable to contain the excitement. His eyes darted to see if his girlfriend noticed anything, deep into her book she remained oblivious to what happened. Lexi didn’t stop there, lips still open, his eyes feasting upon its full glory her middle finger started to rub into her clit. It took some focus and a lip bite to avoid moaning as she started to touch herself as this stranger watched. If it wasn’t for how tight his shorts were the bulge he had concealed would have been standing tall and proud. All the different elements together created a sexual high she didn’t expect to reach while running her naughty errand. The moment stretched onto a minute as the man watched Lexi slowly and gently toy with her own body. She could feel the wet juices leaking out from her yet untouched hole the longer she touched herself. Another minute of this erotic show had the boyfriend fidget to make sure his erection was hidden from view. The girlfriend felt him shifting, her focus broken, she looked up at her boyfriend. Lexi didn’t stop, she didn’t care if the girlfriend caught her but the boyfriend did. He kissed her with a smile before going back to the book in her hand. Thinking about running two fingers down into the eager opening needing to sate her body’s hunger. The thought came too late, she felt the bus jerk as the driver hit the brakes. What felt like a mere minute had been several and now they were almost at the next stop. Lexi stopped, straightened up, and crossed her legs before the girlfriend started to tuck the book away.

As the bus stopped Lexi watched his adjustment before following his girl out. With the couple leaving, a new wave of people boarded the bus. There was a decent sized crowd, some of which were elderly and one lady was pregnant. Lexi offered her seat to the pregnant lady and chose to stand toward the back. With her headphones in she didn’t hear anything, hair up others could see them. She didn’t notice the last few people boarding as she stared blankly out the window leaning against the wall between the low and high sections. Two boys around her age stood nearby gossiping about the new game they were playing. The skinnier of the two spied Lexi first and with a smirk pointed her out to his heavier set friend.

“My best guess is simple white panties.” The skinny one whispered, “I’m going lacy thong, probably black.” The response earned an eye roll, He always wanted it to be lacy thongs the sheer material left little to the imagination after getting a good picture or video. The pair were a similar height as Lexi, the skinny one may have even been an inch or two shorter. With her skirt short he didn’t need to lift the hem line as his phone peeked under. Leaning against the wall and holding onto a rail Lexi was looking out the window. She didn’t notice as the boy stood behind her, phone poised, video recorded as it slipped a shot up her skirt. She missed the reaction when he stepped away, reviewing the contents with his friend. Her ass was bare! no panties, not to mention she looked turned on there was a wetness still lingering. The light reflecting off the worn metal floor of the bus glinted against the lingering traces of the fun she just had. The thin fabric of the sun dress flowed down over her perky assets allowing the bottom of bare breasts to be seen as the recording passed for a glimpse up the front.

The two boys could hardly believe it, of all the girls they had done this with not one had been without panties. Their excitement turned to instant arousal, their cocks straining against their clothes. The pair adjusted themselves in case someone would notice. They hadn’t expected this but they were thrilled by the fact they were both wrong. The pair seemed to be thinking the same thing, how it would be so much better to touch than just look. Neither had been so bold when peeping on girls in the past, there had been the accidental bump and rub, followed by annoyed glances from the victim. However, they wanted to do much more than just bump against Lexi’s body. With another exchange of looks they scoped out the bus. The people behind them toward the front were all absorbed in books or phones, a few even having idle conversation with friends. Most had a clear view of the girl. Toward the back from the waist down was hidden by the safety wall. There was one girl leaned against a window watching the city pass by, a man looking like he was headed to work construction asleep, and a pair of legs as someone laid across two seats.

The bus was making another approach to a stop, this time fewer people got off than those that boarded. It was a larger group, many looked to be college age boys all similarly dressed. A handful of others were individuals heading to work given their appearances. Having rode this route a lot the two boys knew the bus would jump onto the interstate from here head down a few exits to get off at the college. From there it had a stop on the far side of the campus before going toward the shopping center. Room would need to be made to allow some of these passengers to stand comfortably, the two boys were more than happy to move. Stepping closer to Lexi, the skinny one was now directly behind her, his friend to her side sheltering her from sight. Lexi noticed his movement, felt the feet walking through the unmoving bus. She looked about to see it had gotten packed full as people stood around them. The two boys were close but all other standing room had been taken up by the college students. One of the men was sitting in the seat on the other side of her wall reading a newspaper. Others in the section were likewise into some sort of reading be it phone or papers. Then there were those sleeping, Lexi was surprised at how packed things had gotten but it was rare she rode the bus in the morning as people went to classes or work.

Confident that no one in the bus was paying any attention to the trio gathered at the window, it began. Coming from behind a hand reached under her dress, cupping and groping her ass. Lexi was shocked as the hand brushed and then groped her body. A part of her wanted this so there wasn’t an immediate reaction till the other part of her told her to resist a little. Make a fun game of cat and mouse before easily submitting to being a plaything. Reaching back she started to brush the hand from groping and now lifting her skirt for a better view. Just like the porn he had so thoroughly enjoyed the boy didn’t stop, his hand brushed away once only returned to grab harder. Once it was brushed away he looked to his heavier set friend and nodded. Lexi had glanced over when the boy by her shifted, she thought it was him this whole time until he reached up the front of her skirt. Two right hands? Was the last thought she had before a finger slipped into her wet slit. The fatter boy she could easily see had a thick finger rubbing against her clit, she couldn’t hold back the shudder she felt as she wanted to moan.

Pulling an ear bud from her ear to hear, “We saw what you are hiding, so be a good girl .” Smirking the boy behind her placed the bud back where it was. Below a camera picked up everything the hands were doing to her body. The skinny boy groped, and spread her firm cheeks flashing her tight holes. The friend pulled away, taking control of the camera. Like a spider the appendage crept deeper between her thighs before running a finger tip up and down her slit. Two fingers spread open her pussy putting the wet cunt on display to the video being made. Toying with her clit for a moment she then felt two fingers effortlessly dive between the folds. Fingers going deep they curled, wiggled, and teased her sensitive areas. There was no resisting this pleasure, he felt, fingered, and played with her. As the boy behind retreated the one next to her jammed a thick finger inside her. She noticed the bus was picking up speed and looking out the window saw it was approaching the highway.

Lexi started to look around the bus more aware that someone may catch them. She saw nothing toward the front, the large boy blocked all sight. Towards the back there was a newspaper on the other side of the wall. The others that she caught a glimpse of were on their phone or asleep. The fat boy’s finger was not as gentle with her. He didn’t bother to play with her clit, instead he shoved a dry middle finger into her body. If she hadn’t already been so turned on it would have hurt. The palm of his hand rubbed against her clit as the finger shallowly played with her dripping cunt. She rather have the other one back to toying with her. He was at least bringing out some pleasure for herself while also getting to feel her body. However this other boy was rough and not aware of how to be half as good. Letting out a hushed sigh Lexi looked out the window trying to keep from moaning or making it obvious anything was happening. The two boys shared another look and mischievous grins pulled on their lips. The pair swapped places and Lexi finally got to see. The boy that had been behind her, she smiled playfully, he was cuter but also shorter than expected.

“Think we should try for more? I really want to fuck this slut.” The fat one said under hushed words to his friend so as not to be overheard. The leader of the two looked about to see everyone was still deep into their own personal worlds. “Only if we can keep her hidden and not do anything to draw attention… too much crazy movement and eyes will be on us.” This answer seemed to please the fat boy as his cheeks jiggled with an ecstatic nod. “You can go first, finally lose that cherry you keep moaning about. Have a condom?” Another quick nod and their hushed exchange was over.

Quickly the brute fished into a pocket, handing his phone over so the other boy could record the action. Lexi was confused as to what was happening until she felt the back of her dress come way up. Then his entire body was pressing against her as the hard shaft poked up between her legs. She hardly had time to think about what was happening, the slick latex wrapped shaft was rubbing against her thighs. She could feel his hot breath against her neck as his arms rocked her hips grinding their bodies together. She managed to look back at this boy and rolled her eyes. Clearly he knew nothing as he hadn’t once managed to even poke at a hole. Getting on her tippie toes for a second shenwas high enough to guide his cock in and sank back down on it. In the reflection of the window she saw the faint sight of the boy covering his mouth. Her tight lips hugging his manhood took it all in deep before their bodies got in the way. She rocked her hips, riding him gently so as not to draw attention, something wasn’t feeling right. His cock was probably a little below average but something felt… loose. As quickly as the boy started he finished, the cum filling the condom he pulled away. Lexi had no time to recover from the lackluster performance the first boy put on. The second one had already prepared himself and mounted her after grabbing her hips and pulling them in. He stood shorter so getting up inside her stretched cunt was eazy enough. She felt he too wore a condom as she went about working the magic of her body upon him. Neither boy really groped or played with her once she started to ride their cocks. It must have taken all their focus not to cum too fast or something. But then on the reflection of the window she saw that probably wasn’t it. She wasn’t the one meant to cum was all, to these two she was a toy. A living fuck doll to be used and discarded dirty after they had their fun. The bus was getting off the highway, it’s short trip down a bus lane was about to bring it into the next stop. This boy felt like he may be lasting longer than the last so Lexi started to really put her hips and grip into it. Soon enough she felt his cock starting to twitch. She felt him thrust one last time a hand down between them. Then as he pulled away and slipped his cock back under his shorts the bus rolled to a stop.

As quickly as they set upon her they were darting off the bus as if to avoid trouble. Lexi started to feel it then. The condom was hanging between her legs, the bastard pushed it off while still inside her. The oozing cum and leaking juices running down her legs. Using her phone camera she managed to see what state she was in, hair and make up were fine. Top needed a quick adjustment, however the condom between her legs was an annoyance. After the bus started moving again she snuck a hand under her skirt pulling the cum filled balloon free. Feeling unwatched she dropped the used contraceptive against the wall before letting out a sigh and watching the city pass by again. The minutes stretched on longer and longer till finally she reached her stop. Given the odd sensation while fucking the first one she thought the condom came off inside her. With a sigh she made her way into the mall while tossing the condom away.

The walk into the mall had Lexi focused on getting the condom out of her pussy. Heading straight for the bathrooms she noticed how empty the mall was. It was still early in the day along with being a quiet mid week one at that. Once inside an empty stall she quickly sat down while pulling up her dress. No longer as turned on as she was, it took a moment to get two fingers wet with the lube and cum still linger at her used hole. Once she could comfortably get a finger inside she dove it in deep, a moment later and it managed to snag the condom. It still had cum slowly leaking out as it plopped into the toilet. She was thankful for having the foresight to pack wipes in her purse. Using the travel pack she cleaned herself up and strode back out toward the food court.

Taking her headphones out of her ears she started to walk and wander around the mall. She wasn’t sure exactly where the store was that sold adult toys in one part but she remembered walking into it once years ago with friends. It had been so funny to the group she was with that day but today she ached for what they offered. Walking about she saw the mall really wasn’t busy in the early morning. It was a few hours from lunch so most food court restaurants weren’t even open yet. There were a handful of older people all doing laps about the mall as it was free to walk its air cooled confines. Lexi was doing a mix of people watching and window shopping as she strutted about. After what happened on the bus she had day dreams of getting groped in the mall. She doubted that it would just happen like it had on the bus today. Those boys were a couple of pervs who peered at women wearing skirts in public. If it happened here she would have to entice someone into doing it.

Her problem with that thought was who to target, she saw a pack of boys. They were too many and could really lead to trouble. Not to mention she heard one loudly talking about how his girlfriend would kill him before the last part was out of range to be heard. She wandered around a bit more before spying a possible man. He was walking with his young son who happily stomped alongside him. She quietly followed behind them curious as to where they may be headed. The pair made their way into a store that had all sorts of anime, disney, and other stuff. It was a good place to scope out his attitude, following along she acted like another shopper. Her interest wasn’t in the store’s merchandise though.

She spied the man looking at shirts with Disney princesses on them. The thought of pulling this married man’s attention turned Lexi on. She had a few ideas of what to possibly do to get his attention. She wasn’t sure how much of it she would get or for how long since the child was around. Any attention would realistically make her happy. She acted interested in something nearby, just watching him for a moment. As he looked at a shelf of disney themed memorabilia Lexi got close. Bending over pretending to be interested in something on a low shelf she could feel the ac blowing on her body. She couldn’t see if he was looking or not, she felt him brush past walking deeper into the store. Standing back up she looked about the store, one eye always tracking the man. She made her way deeper, finding a spot that he may see and she would notice. She tried bending over again but this time there was a mirror offering a bit of reflection and she saw his eyes look her over. Lexi was unable to contain her smile and grabbed a shirt off the shelf.

Holding it up Lexi spun around to face him, “Excuse me do you think this would look good on me?” Her voice was soft and the shirt was held just below her breasts. She could see his eyes struggling to not look at the cleavage but at the shirt. “Hmmm it looks a bit small but if you like the print it could look good on you. ” The shirt was indeed a child’s size and while some could still fit her a child’s small would not.

“Ah good point. ” folding the shirt back up Lexi bent back over. Intentionally lingering longer than needed she stayed bent over looking over the shirts. An empty hand brushed down the back side of her dress drawing his attention in. “Maybe I should find something else in an adult size. ” She muttered while standing up looking over the wall of shirts.

“Which one do you think I should pick?” Playfully asking, he looked away, eyes darting over the shirts while watching his son. With his eyes averted she tugged the front of her top down. Dark pink circles of her areolas flashing out. Hard buds standing firm against the fabric, as he turned around his eyes locked onto them. Smiling Lexi pulled the top away flashing him all her glory. He looked like he really wanted more but was worried about where they were and the fact his son was there too.

“If you want… I could give you my snap and maybe we can meet up? ” Lexi was standing close, hand brushing against his bulge. He clearly wanted to but also had some reservations. “I would love that but um… I don’t have a snap. I have Kik.” He was clearly shocked, aroused, and interested in the attention he was getting.

“Mmm, I haven’t used that one before. Give me your details and maybe we can link up.” Lexi quickly took a note down of what his username was then with one last look left to go do her shopping. Lexi spent some time wandering the mall and finally found the store she was hunting for. It was a couple years ago when she came here with friends, as they stumbled across the back section they laughed at the dick shaped items. Walking in the inventory looked much the same toward the front. Funny graphic tshirts, weed related decor, and things edgy teens thinking their cool would buy. The store was empty, the counter was sheltered towards the back with a door to the storage. At the back there was a section of adult toys nestled from view with the shelves. Wasting no time Lexi went about looking over all the options.

Plugs, vibrators of different shapes and sizes, dildos and things she wasn’t even sure what they did all hung before her wrapped and sealed. She wasn’t sure where to start, what she truly wanted, or even how much she wanted to spend. There were some easily affordable ones but the fancy thing she saw on the top shelf was way out of her price range. She was spending a lot of time and concentration on the options. Thoughts raced she couldn’t decide, then she finally noticed the girl working standing next to her. Lexi jumped, she never noticed her approach, “I know too many options to pick from right?” She asked while holding back the urge to giggle at how she spooked this girl.

“Yeah… not sure what to start with, like what is a good first one?” Lexi was quick to recover as her eyes looked this girl over. She had a goth look about her and a very average body style. Hair was dark, probably naturally brown but made darker with dye. All in all Lexi felt she was fairly cute in her torn up jeans and black shirt with a band she couldn’t recognize on it. If Lexi had to guess at her age it would probably be 18 to 21.

“Well from personal experience… This is a good start for a dildo. Not too big or small, however this one has a suction cup and the balls so you can play with it in the shower. As for vibrators I would suggest this baby. This part here plays with your clit while you ride the vibes. ” Lexi listened intently as she went over some of the other options. In the end she learned a bit about everything, some information probably would have been learned from reading the boxes. In the end Lexi went about picking three options; the suction dildo, the vibrator with its clit fingers, and a jeweled plug. Bringing the three items to the counter she was excited and nervous all at the same time. The employee watched her fidget nervously while scanning the items. “By the way we do have a sale going on. It’s not something we have advertised but buying these toys does get you one bottle of that lube down there. If you need a cleaner there is some next to it. ” pointing behind Lexi at the bottom shelf facing the registers was the product she mentioned. Smiling, Lexi turned around and walked over to the display.

She didn’t think about how her body may flash this girl as she bent over picking up a bottle of each product. Ass pointed to the counter as she selected the two bottles she returned a moment later setting them down. Sure enough as the lube was scanned it was marked free with a code below it for the sale. The clearer was discounted but not free, “alright now I just need id.” The cute worker leaned against the counter and knew she wasn’t old enough. Lexi’s heart dropped as she heard those words, “um… why do i need to be a certain age?” Fidgeting she wished she hadn’t come here now but it was too late to just say never mind and walk away.

“Yeah the owner put an 18 or older restriction on this stuff. Apparently too many parents came in to cause a fuss over their precious daughter buying toys. So I need your id.” An eye brow now arched as if asking her when shebwoulf fess up and admit she isn’t old enough. Lexi let out a defeated sigh, “I don’t have one…” she admitted it just looking at the objects with sadness. “I like you, and I figured as much. I also saw what you lack when getting the lube, you’re naughty aren’t you?” The girl’s words came out with a slight pur to them. Lexi just nodded feeling instantly shy for no reason at all other than it was something about this woman.

“You come around behind the counter and make my morning shift a bit more exciting and I’ll even pay for all this myself. Does that sound like a fun little trade?” The girl leaned in whispering as the two looked each other in the eyes. Lexi could see just how serious she was and without the slightest hesitation kissed her. She welcomed the touch of lips splitting them open and dancing her tongue into this slut’s mouth. “Good answer now quick come around here. ” Holding the hip height swinging door open for her Lexi crept around behind the counter unsure of what she would want next.

“Get on your knees there I hope you are good with your tongue because I don’t want you to move until I’m done. I’ll let you know when you can leave. ” gripping her cute face this emo girl went from friendly to dominating. Lexi could only nod in response climbing into position at the foot of a stool. It was there to be something for the employees to sit on while not serving customers. It sat right at her head height when kneeling. If a customer would walk in from a distance Lexi and the chair would be obscured from view. Up close however, they would both be on full display. Lexi watched as the girl calmly unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them with the black panties she wore down to her ankles. Legs open leaning against the stool she made herself comfortable pussy over the edge of the seat calling down to Lexi. Both hands ran up the smooth thighs in front of her as Lexi buried her face between them. Tongue grinding against her clit she could hear her breath sharply before letting out a moan.

“Damn, maybe you know what you’re doing…” she muttered, running a hand into Lexi’s ponytail. Gripping the hair Lexi danced her tongue into the wet slit slowly with increasing pressure she licked against her clit. Lexi wasn’t sure just how long she was going to be down here but she figured the better and faster she worked the sooner she could get out and play with her new toys. Lexi hadn’t given two thoughts as to how she would react if a customer came in and caught them. Her mind was focused on a single goal to get what she wanted. Reaching a hand under her chin Lexi started to spread her lips further, tongue sinking lower she got a stronger taste of her juices. Lexi felt her chin wet and slick the longer she ate out this girl’s pussy. Her juices were at least delicious, better than some cum she had drank before during blow jobs. A solid minute at least had passed, Lexi felt the wet mixture of juices and spit running down her chin. Sliding her tongue back up to her clit she pushed two fingers into the tight slit. She heard the girl moan hard and felt a hard pull on her hair. Lexi didn’t hear the customer come in over the rushing of her own heart beat and the things she was doing to the gorgeous pussy.

Lexi felt her jaw going tired of constantly licking and fucking with her tongue. Lips hugging around her clit she started to suckle upon her body. In a more relaxed position the tongue rolled over each little sensitive spot. The grip from her thighs and hands wouldn’t have let Lexi pull away even if she wanted to. Stuck there Lexi didn’t hear the bell ring as someone came inside. The girl grew quiet though, containing herself as she watched a pair of women look at the inventory. Music played filling the shop helping to cover up any moan that happened to escape her. Lexi could feel the quivering in her pussy, it gripped and released her fingers. Legs started to shake as she curled up covering her mouth. Lexi was drawing out a mind breaking orgasm and before she couldn’t handle it anymore the girl pushed her away. Pulling her pants back up a string of spit broke from between her body and Lexi.

“Oh fuck that felt too good… I didn’t give you any of this and if you ever want more, call me.” She wrote her number down on a piece of paper and slipped it in the bag with the toys. Lexi was using a wipe to clean herself before getting up. It was then that Lexi became aware of the other women as they came to the back and saw her being handed the black bag. They all knew what she was buying, the pair had questioning looks as if trying to pinpoint her age. Not wanting to get hit with invasive questions the shy Lexi took her prize and marched out the store. The black bag of adult toys was too big to hide in her small purse. Perhaps if they weren’t all in chunky boxes but it was at this point she was thankful for its opaque privacy. One of the security guards gave her an inquisitive look, followed by checking out her body. Ready to be home to experiment with her hard earned prize, Lexi headed directly for the bus stop.

As she was on her way out of the mall she ran into the married man once more. He was leaving with his son, the two of them gave her a smile before the boy waved hello. “Looks like I have some good timing, good to see you both again.” Lexi smiled walking next to this man as they made their way into the parking lot. The bus stop she needed was on the other side and he was clearly walking back toward his car.

“Looks like you found what you came for, wish we could say the same. ” letting out a sigh, his eyes watched her for a moment as they walked side by side. Walking beside his free hand she felt it on her backside once deeper between the cars. “Damn it feels as good as I imagined…” pulling his hand away he grabbed a set of keys unlocking a car not far away.

“Thank you, I just wish I was riding with you two handsome men and not on the bus.” Lexi tagged along as the man started to put his son into the back car seat. “Well where do you live and maybe we can drop you off on our way home.” He clearly had that idea ready but didn’t offer it till he was sure Lexi would possibly take it up. She went about detailing where her place was and learned that they in fact didn’t live too far apart. He could get off the highway in her area and drop her off at the park before continuing his way home. Lexi gladly climbed into the front passenger seat of the small suv as the man finished getting his son in the car. As he climbed into the front he noticed what she had done. The straps to the dress were off her shoulders and hung limp at each side. The top pulled down exposing her young perky breasts, skirt rolled up so her entire pussy was easily seen. He was hard before hitting the button to start the car. Buckling the seat belt behind her lexi ensured the car wasn’t about to beep the entire drive. Before he was out of the parking spot she leaned over the center console undoing his shorts, his cock popped straight into her mouth.

Pulling out of the mall he had one hand on the steering wheel the other held her ponytail pushing is cock deep into her throat. “Fuck this is the best day out ever…” he mutter fucking her throat as the sounds of her slobbering on his shaft mixed with the playing music. Letting go of her hair he left her to do things as she pleased, the hand now free slapped against her ass. With her backside pointed at the door, hand coming from above he managed to reach around her petite frame. Fingers felt her soaked cunt, dancing against her clit, the hand playing with her body. Moans were no longer held back as they were muffled by the dick in her mouth. She was loving this, his cock wasn’t large nor small, a good size sitting around 6 inches long. He had to stop for a red light when she felt her jaw growing tired and took a break. Sitting up on, one arm holding her weight on the console other hand stroking the drool covered cock. She felt his fingers spread her pussy open, so focused on this man that she hadn’t looked back. While stopped there was a truck in the lane next to them just casually watching. The married man smiled at the other driver pulling away as the light turned green.

Lexi stayed focused on the cock before her stroking it, face fucking him with wet sloppy sounds. Drool running down her chin and chest the Miles passed before she felt him quiver. Swallowing the entire shaft she worked out the cum sucking, massaging with tongue, the first hot rope struck deep almost straight down the hungry void of her body. While it took him some time to cum inside her mouth she was happy to make him blow the load quickly. Swallowing it with the skill of someone who handled larger amounts she licked the last remnants clean from his shaft. Sitting back into place the hand that had been teasing quickly found it’s place inside her. “Fuck it feels so perfect… wait. ” two long fingers drive deep curling they found her precious button. They also felt the two strings of her iud letting him know exactly what kind of birth control she used.

“God you are a dirty slut aren’t you? Using an iud i bet you love to feel a man’s raw cock fill you with cum.” She moaned taking the fingers her empty hands played with her breasts. He had a thumb working her clit in rhythm with his fingers inside the wet cunt. “Y…yes….” Was all she could say while moaning the first orgasm of many was pulsing through her body. The man’s eyes were on the road as his hand went about doing its practiced work. A trucker honked his horn in appreciation of seeing her exposed breasts as they passed by. Orgasm number two hit as the car turned off at her exit making its way through the maze of streets to the parks large parking lot. Finding a spot sheltered under some trees in the back he parked the car.

As soon as the wheels stopped moving Lexi was moving into his lap. Her lips finding his kissing him with passion. He had gotten hard again as they pulled into the park, cock leaking precum in anticipation. Sitting on him she dove his cock in deep, hips grinding it into her body. She felt it knocking against her womb with each bounce. The man’s mouth started suckling at her exposed breasts, wet pussy making sloppy sex noises as it gushes on his cock. He felt himself getting closer to the edge not sure how much longer he could go a hand started to play with her clit. Her legs shook from the added sensation, pussy, clit, and tits all being played with make her third orgasm build. Then like an explosion the pleasure hit, sitting on his cock she leaned away, breathless a silent moan twisting her fsce with pleasure. He kept bucking his hips as her pussy strangled the cock inside her. “Fuck!!!” He muttered with one deep thrust she felt him cumming inside her used cunt. They sat there tangled into each others arms and body, his lips kissing against her bare chest for a moment. Then she climbed back into the passenger seat grabbing her wipes she cleaned up the cum that leaked out of her body.

“We will have to do this again… I’ll be sure to reach out soon. ” smiling Lexi gave him one last kiss on the cheek before leaving him there pants down. She could feel the cum running down her legs as she walked through the park making her way back home. She felt both sexually satisfied and excited she was able to have such a good trip. She planned on exploring her new toys at some point but for now she planned to get home and shower before relaxing.

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