Little Danny Boy Toy

I didn’t lose my virginity so much as molest a little boy, and thinking back, I kinda raped him?

I didn’t mean to, but I knew what I was doing, and he didn’t. He was so young, and ignorant, but he got a boner, and he didn’t know what to do with it.

He wasn’t really my boyfriend, he was just this little boy over at Auntie Claire’s house. She wasn’t my real aunt, nor him neither. She was just this single lady who didn’t have kids of her own. So, she let us come over to play after school, and on weekends, but she didn’t have any toys.

She had a 3 bedroom though, which ment 2 guest rooms with beds set up so we could take naps, and I brought my own dolls with me. He brought a truck, and he was rolling it around on the floor when I found him. We’re the only 2 there, and Auntie Claire was out watching her TV shows in the living room.

So finally, he started giving my dolls rides around in the back of his dump truck, and fidgeting uncomfortably on the floor. He rubbed his crotch, when it stuck out at an odd angle, but that fixed it, so he went back to playing with his truck, making motor noises with his mouth.

I had no idea that boys could get erections that young, because my brother was older, and he didn’t exactly jack off in front of me. He got boners, but he always took them in the bathroom, or locked himself in the bedroom to take care of it.

“What’s that?” I pointed, when it was pointing straight up in the lose crotch of his cordaroys. They were dark brown, and lose enough for his junk to roll around in there when I touched him, but I was just playing dumb.

I knew what boners were, and even had some idea what to do with one, from listening to the older girls talk in the girl’s room. They’re all virgins, but old enough to talk about boys, and daydream about what they wanted them to do to them.

“My peener,” he shook his head, obviously annoyed that it wouldn’t behave.

“Is it hard?”

“It sticks out like this sometimes.”

“Well, I think I can help you with that.”

“Huh!” He looked up, surprised when I touched it, then felt down to rub his balls through his pants.

“You just have to pet it until it goes back to sleep, there. Doesn’t that feel good?” He uncrossed his legs, Indian style, then crossed them again like a girl. Squeezing my fingers between his little thighs, but right then, I thought that I was taking advantage of him. He was so young, and innocent, he didn’t even know what boners were for, and he even had a cute little name for it. He called it his “Peener,” which I thought was adorable, but he squirmed for a while before he shook his head.

“I don’t think it’s working, uh!” He let out a little grunt.

“Well, this is really serious, so I’m going to have to try something else.” I stuck my other hand between his knees, and spread them, then I got my hips between his legs, so he couldn’t cross them again. Unbuttoning his pants, and unzipping them to see it sticking straight out. Practically throbbing in his baby blue briefs.

I fished my fingers in the fly, so it could slip out between two of them. “Maybe it just needs some air.” I pinched it with one hand, and rubbed the pink little head with the other. “You like that?”

“Uh,!” he grunted, and humped. Laying down on the floor, he just closed his eyes, and squirmed until I got a dirty though. I looked up the whole time I bent over, and moved down between his legs, so I could hold it up right under my nose, and sniff it. It didn’t smell that bad, but then his eyes flew wide open when I kissed the little tip.

“What are you doing?” He squirmed, but once I had it in my mouth, I just sucked it, and held his hips still while he tried to push my shoulders back, and wiggle out from under me.

“Mh mh!” I started sucking up, and down, but I went to far, and he slipped out. Bumping my nose, I giggle, and shook my head, then I licked down it, and tried to roll his balls up to suck them in my mouth, but he squirmed out, and pulled up his underwear.

“Gross!” He pushed me off with his foot, and I sat back, just realizing what I’d done. I didn’t just take advantage of him, I molested him, and he told me to stop, at least once. “What you do that for?” He zipped up his pants, but I noticed.

“Well, it worked!” He lost his little siffy somewhere in there, but it didn’t stop there, the next time I saw him around the neighborhood, I grabbed him. Picked him up, and he started struggling right away.

“Put me down, let me go!”

“Sh sh!” I covered his mouth, and held him in the corner of 2 fences, back between the bushes. “I just have to pee, but I need your help. You ever seen how girls pee before?”

He shook his head.

“Well, it’s not as easy for us, for one thing, we don’t have peeners to stick out our flies.” I got up on my knees, and he looked down to watch me undo my pants. On the side, I didn’t wake up this morning thinking today’s the day I rape little Danny. Well, he was so cute, and reluctant the first time that I thought about it, pretty much every night, and I started having sex dreams, so when I woke up, I had something to think about, playing with myself, but a lot of them were getting pretty rapey.

I didn’t even want to think of it as molesting him. He had to learn some time, so I was just like his teacher. His sex ed teacher, but now I remember making him do all that nasty stuff, and just thinking about raping him again and again. It’s not really what I did any more, it’s all the stuff I didn’t get to do, that’re so much worse.

I didn’t have to pee, but I pinched it right in front of him, to rub my clit between my lips. It was too sensitive to rub it with my fingers, but through my lips shot sparks up to electrify my whole body, especially my nipples.

“You have to wring it out?”

“Here,” I took his hand, “Why don’t you try it?” He pinched it, and made me struggle with the intense stimulation, but I grabbed his junk, and rubbed it. “This make your little dick hard?”

“No!” he pushed me, so I pushed him back, and covered his mouth.

“You ungrateful little shit!” Now his eyes were really wide, but I only had one hand to fumble with his button, and stuff down his pants, rubbing him roughly desperate to make him hard so I could hold him down and fuck him. “What’s wrong, you’re gay, aren’t you?”

“Mh hm!” He shook his head in protest.

“Don’t give me that you pussy little fag. What kind of boy doesn’t like pussy, and can’t get it up for a horny nympho girl? I’ll tell you what, a scared little gay boy, you little fairy. You didn’t even know you’re gay did you?”

“Uh!” He looked down, when my desperate rubbing finally got him hard again, so I let him go, and pinched it to rub the head with my fingers again.

“No, I’m not gay. You’re gay!” Stupid boy logic.

“Okay, prove it!” I held him down, and got on his lap so he couldn’t squirm out of it, but he couldn’t keep it up. I barely got it in before he lost his erection, and that pissed me off so much. “See? I knew it, get up, bend over, you little butt boy.” I got him in a headlock, but I stuck his mouth in my elbow, so his cries were muffled a little while I spanked him, and flicked his balls with my nails, then he squirmed, and clenched up when I touched his butthole.

“This is what you want, faggot!” I didn’t ask him, I told him. “Take it up the ass like a man. Don’t cry baby. Stop your sniveling, you winy little brat!” I was insulted that he didn’t want me, and it pissed me off. It made me want to hurt him, and make him pay for being gay, when the truth was he was just too young to understand what I was doing to him, let alone have the first clue how to satisfy me.

Honeslty, I didn’t even know what I wanted, because who ever heard of a 9 year old sadist?

“UMH! Nwh rheee! RHEEE!” He squealed, and squirmed like a stuck pig when I twisted my pinky, and jammed the nail in there so it scratched his butthole, and made him bleed.

“Huh!” Waking up, I felt the goosebumps stand up on my shoulders, and shivered. My nipples rock hard, and my hair trying to stand up against my pillow. “Oh!”

I was so horny, and wet, but I cut my nails, and polished the edges carefully. Just so I didn’t scratch myself up inside, but that’s when I realized I didn’t just want to molest little Danny again. I wanted to rape him, kidnap him, and make a little sex dungeon to tie him up, and make him my own personal sex slave, but I was only eleven.

“Huh?” My pussy felt sticky, and gritty, so I pulled my fingers out, and turned on the light. They were bloody, and still had tiny chunks of placenta in them. “Oh.” I just got my period, and it was about time!

I masturbated with it, wondering how long it would be before his hairless little balls filled up with sperm, so I could rape him tied to a chair, and make him give me his babies?

I got off on it, too.

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