Little Oral Party

This is a true story of a time I stayed over my cousins house with my brother. This was a long time ago, but nonetheless 100% real.

My mom is a single mom, growing up was a bit tough because my 13 year old brother, Bo, and I would have to stay the night at friends or my Aunts house so my mom could work.

I was always jealous of my cousins because of how much they had as kids, a big yard with woods we could adventure in. My cousin, Sal was the oldest, he was 14. Gio was my age, 11. Then was Vinny he was 10. I was the only girl but they always made me feel like I was one of the boys. We played football and wrestled just like cousins do. We loved to go in the woods and make forts with the sticks and vines that would grow in the thick shrubs behind the backyard.

My brother, Bo and my oldest cousin Sal would walk ahead of the younger kids and talk about “older kid stuff”. It wasn’t until one day in the woods that they decided to open up and talk to Gio, Vinny and I about the things they thought of.

“It’s a new thing we watched on the internet.” Sal wasn’t specific about where he and Bo watched this, “the girl got all naked and she let the boys smell and kiss her to make her feel good. She hummed she liked it”

“Yeah and the boys liked it… a whole lot” Bo and Sal giggled. Vinny was picking up random rocks not exactly paying attention, Gio wanted to be like his older brother and fit in so he immediately wanted to try it. I wasn’t too sure what this meant, they all said it would be fun if we just tried it once. If we didn’t like it we wouldn’t do it again.

I agreed with the older kids on their logic.
“So what do I do then Bo?” I asked my brother. I wasn’t developed much at that age but I guess seeing a naked girl was exciting enough.

“So you take off your clothes and you can lay on your stomach ….oh..on this rock.” Bo found a Boulder that was just large enough for my little body to crawl onto. So I slowly stripped off my clothes. My dirty tank top and hand me down basketball shorts. Then my panties. My tiny bald pussy felt the cool summer air. The boys watched me, not exactly doing anything.

I hoisted myself onto the boulder, my little nipples and stomach pressed against the rock. My tiny clit barely touching the cold material. I wasn’t sure what was next until the back of my thighs were grabbed by Sal, he squeezed them and pulled them apart to exposed my asshole and pussy.

He moved his hands to my buttcheeks and stuffed his smooth face into my ass. His nose touching my puckered hole I squealed, but I wasn’t ready for his tongue to completely covered my whole pussy getting it completely wet before slipping it inside my whole.

“Woah!” I sat up and gripped the rock.

“What does it feel like?” Gio questioned excitedly.

“Mm it feels… really funny” I giggled feeling my cousin stick his tongue in and out of my pussy, it made a wet sloppy noise as he did. Sal, breathed in deeply, squeezing my little cheeks over his nose. He trailed his tongue over my clit to my asshole before pulling away.

I remember saying it was cold without him touching me there. I felt my pussy was steaming it was hot and my tummy felt weird.

“Go lick your sister” Sal smiled devilishly and pushed my brother close to my throbbing little pussy. He put his hands on both sides of me. Like he was doing a wall push up, he lowered himself down into my ass. His tongue and lips sucking at my little asshole. He moved down to suck on my pussy. It didn’t feel as good as Sal doing it but I didn’t know what we were even doing. Bo, stuck out his tongue hard and repeatedly shoved his face into me his tongue entering. My little hole deep before pulling out.

I made little moans and squeaks as they devoured me. Soon my brother pushed off me and wiped his faces of his slobber and my juices. Sal laughed and lifted up my littlest cousin Vinny, he puckered up and kiss my butthole.

“No you gotta lick it and suck it like you’re trying to get pudding out of a snack pack.” Sal instructed his youngest brother. Soon Vinny was eating me just like Sal, his tongue trying to slip deep inside me and his lips sucking up all the saliva. My brother told Gio to lick my “pink pussy”. While Vinny was being held at my ass. Gio slipped under and sucked on my clit. I whined and told them I was going to pee. I was wiggling against their faces. My eyes were squeezed shut as my cousins ate my parts.

“I’m going to pee!” I cried out as sal and Bo giggled. Maybe they thought I was actually going to pee it they didn’t want to explain that I was having an orgasm. But they let my cousins continue to suck and lick me as I twitched and moaned squeezing the rock I was laying on with all my might.

Gio licked me softly after, because they all thought it was funny how sensitive my now red clit was everytime a tongue hit it. I laid there for a few minutes before Sal helped dress me and we were about to be called in for dinner.

We never talked about the situation after, I’m sure we have all thought about it a lot. It’s definitely not something I could forget.

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