Little Turkey

The first time I saw a boy’s penis, I was really young. Too young to know what a Pervert was, but he didn’t have any hair on it.
Trigger Warning

We weren’t supposed to have boys in our room, but I didn’t know why. All I knew was boys could pee standing up, but we had to sit down, and wipe. I won’t say who he was, so he doesn’t get in trouble, but his mom came over to use our big oven. Since it was big enough for 2 turkeys, in the roasting pans, and everything else at once.

He came right in the girl’s room, dropped his pants, and looked down when it started growing right in front of my eyes. So, I put my book down, and sat up. “How do you make it do that?”

“It does it all by itself when I see a pretty girl like you.”

“Oh, thanks.” He waved it back, and forth, since it was standing straight out, and my eyes followed it, almost like a hypnotist pocket watch.

“Do you have to pee?” I figured making it stiff like that would make it easier to aim, with it sticking out of their flies. So, I hopped down off my bed to get a closer look.

“I can’t pee when it’s hard like this anyway.” He shook his head.

“Well, if you have to pee later, can you let me know?” I looked down, then tilted my head to see under it. “What’s that for?” I poked him between the balls, then wiggled my finger to make them roll back, and forth, with a giggle, because it was funny.

“That’s what I make sperm in.” He bragged, proudly even though he was still shooting blanks for years, I didn’t know that.

“Oh, what’s sperm?” He told me, all about sex then. How he puts his dick, in my pussy, and sperm is what makes me pregnant. I didn’t want a baby yet, besides I already had baby dolls to play with, but they don’t cry, when you have to change their dirty diapers, and gross stuff like that.

“Huh, maybe you can help me get rid of it.”

“Your dick?”

“No,” he laughed, “The boner. Just put it in your mouth, and suck on it.”

“Okay, but let me know if you have to pee first.” I forgot that he couldn’t do it with a hardon, but I sucked, and sucked until my sister came in to check on me. She caught me giving my first blow job, and slapped his bare butt before she even closed the door.

“Ow!” His boner went right away, but she called him a little turkey, and made him pull his pants up, so she’d stop spanking his bare ass. “You can’t spank me, you’re not my mom!”

“Well, I better go tell her what you did to my sister, so…”

“No don’t.” He held his hands up, “It’s okay, she wanted to. Tell her, I didn’t make her do anything.”

I shook my head, “I just wanted to see him pee.”

“Well, get out you little monster, and don’t come back.” She kicked his ass one last time for good measure, and shut the door, to tell me about boys. Specifically perverts, and how they just want to trick you into sucking their dick.

“So? It wasn’t bad, and he said he can’t pee with a boner like that.”

“Well, he lied.” Actually, that part was true, but she didn’t believe it, just because he said it.


Alice (gb Piss Play)

I don’t know how long it was before I got a chance to see another boy pee, but my sister did tell his mom. So, she never brought him over to our house again, and she spanked him so good, he actually stayed away from me. Whenever he saw me again, he ran if he had to, and I couldn’t catch him, he was too fast.

So, I’m gonna guess it was a few months later, after winter break, but it wasn’t spring yet. I was sitting on a swing, huddled up to keep warm, and a few boys were playing on the playground nearbye. So, I heard one say “I have to go take a leak.” His friends let him go, and he slid down the fireman pole, but the restrooms were locked, so he had to go behind a bush.

“What are you doing here?” He covered it up when he saw me coming, but he was holding his knees together, and gripping it in both hands.

“I just want to watch you pee.”

“Gross, get away from me, stupid girl.” He pushed me away, but he had to let go, and bent over when he almost wet himself.

“Well, you have to go so bad, just go.”

“Fine,” he pulled it out, and tried to turn around, but I kept looking over his shoulder, so it went back and forth, when I went the other way to catch him at it.

“Huh!” He sighed, satisfied, and pulled his underwear out to drop it in, but he didn’t shake it, so a little soaked through the front of his tighty whiteys.

“Come on,” the other boys ran up, “If you’re done making out with your girlfriend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend,” he finished zipping up, and pushed me out of the way to run off, but the other guys chased after him.

“Huh,” well at least I got to see him pee standing up, sort of. I thought that’s what I wanted, but then I remember sucking dick, and I didn’t feel cold any more. In fact, the more I thought about it on the way back home, the hotter I got, but I just threw my jacket in the door, and went around back.

I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was horny, but I tried to pee, and nothing came out. Fortunately, I didn’t actually have to go, because I was standing up, and it would probably just run down my legs to soak my shoes, and underwear. So, I pulled them up, and went for a walk until I cooled down. Then, I went back home before I got too cold, but I didn’t forget about it.

I decided that I got the wrong boy. He was grossed out, and ashamed of me looking, when what I really needed was to find another pervert. One that didn’t mind flashing me again, and maybe even got it up, so I could try giving him head. I guess it was unfinished business, since my sister caught me the first time, before I could suck him off.

Honestly, I have no idea what made that first one such a pervert, and he sure knew a lot about sex, for such a little boy. Now that I’m an adult, and I have enough experience to actually wonder about it, but I bet he was molested first. Maybe he just got his hands on some porno mags, and that’s where he learned about dicks, and fucking pussies. Blow jobs, or for all I know, he just heard someone talking about it. Either older boys, or men like his father, just shooting the shit and telling dirty jokes when he shouldn’t have been listening.

I still wonder about that boy, and whether he was born such a pervert, or he somehow learned it? Probably from an older man, I’d guess. Being a child molester myself, I know that we female pedophiles do things differently. We kinda have to, since we can’t just unzip our flies, and whip it out. Sure, we can flash our tits, when we get them, but not as easily as men.

I guess I’m a little jealous, not in a penis envy kind of Freudian way. I’m just saying, you guys sure have it easy. You can just unzip your flies, and get a blowjob, or flash little girls if that’s what you’re into. I’m not, I like guys, but I guess because of how it happened. Let’s just say I’m not too choosy when it comes to size, or how old they are. In fact, one advantage of little boys is I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant.


Alice (Alias)

Not counting the little boy, my first real pervert was a pedophile. A real full grown man, but I could tell by the way he was hanging out that he liked little girls. Unfortunately, I was too old for him, but I was walking dogs for a little extra money, and I saw him around the park.

Just sitting on a bench, watching the kids play, in an out of season overcoat. It wasn’t summer yet, we’re still in school, but it was starting to get hot. Too hot for a navy blue 3/4 length double breasted trench coat. He had one foot up on his knee, bouncing it.

He also had both hands through his pocket flaps, too deep to be in the actual pockets, to hold it closed over his lap. Unbuttoned, the long end of the belt flat on the bench next to it, so I went over, and sat down on it.

“Playing a little pocket pool?” Oh yeah, the dogs finished doing their business, so I took them home, but I was relieved to see him still there, when I got back.

“Uh,” he fumbled with his pants, and tried to get up, but I grabbed the belt before it slipped out from under my ass. So, it flapped wide open, and he had to pull his shirt down over his open pants before he pulled the other side over to cover them.

I let him go, but I followed him. Trying to run, zip up his pants, pull his arms out of his coat, and look back at the same time. I just jogged to keep up, but I didn’t catch up until he got to his car. He dropped his keys, and bent over, so I slipped my hip in next to him, and leaned up against the door.

I laughed, and got out my tabletphone. I had a big purse, just to carry it, but it was almost a small laptop screen, without the keyboard. If you remember those, before they started making netbooks, and that IBM surface thing. That should tell you how long ago I was barely a teenager.

“Huh, what’s wrong, I guess I’m a little too old for you?” I turned it on, unlocked the screen, typed in the password, then the PIN code to unlock the secure folder I kept my child porn in. “It’s okay, you’re a pedophile too.” I switched back to pictures of me with the various boys I could talk into pissing on me, or lay down so I could squat, and piss through my white cotton panties, so they turned transparent.

“Tell me when to stop.” The more I flipped back through the gallery, the older the pictures got, and the younger I was, when I took them.

“Is that you?” He finally took the tablet away from me, and looked me over. About 6-9, it turns out I had all my adult teeth in too. He liked jackolantern smiles, loose teeth, and short buds growing back he could feel with his tongue, kissing them.

Can’t really judge him for being such a sicko. “It used to be,” I shrugged, “I got older, but you be surprised how hard it is to find a real live child molester.”

“I’m not a child molester, and you’re sick.” He pushed the phone back in my hands. “I don’t want anything to do with you, let me go.” I finally scooted over, so he could get to the door lock, but I switched to the camera. (Only 1 camera, but they actually sold it as a Cameraphone. It was that new.)

So, I snapped a picture of his license plate, and showed it when when he got in. He shut the door, but then he looked over. Sighed silently, and cracked the door when he knew I had him dead to rights.

“What do you want from me?”

“Let me guess, you’re one of those look, but don’t touch guys?”

He nodded, but turned away, and closed the door. So, I went around, and knocked on the window, before I tried the door, and found all the locks opened automatically at once. So, I got in, and he was crying. That’s why he didn’t just drive off, he was too busy sniveling, and feeling sorry for himself.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” I lied. “Look, I just want to talk. I’m betting you don’t have anyone to talk to about your sexual problems too, but if you don’t want to fuck me. Maybe you could use a friend?”

“Huh, okay. You want to go get some coffee, or something?”

“How bout a beer?”

“How old are you?”

“Thirteen, so we can’t go to a bar, but maybe you can pick up a six pack on the way back to your place?”

“You just want to talk?”

“No, I’m horny, and I want to fuck, but I’ll settle for that.” I can’t say I got him drunk, and he had whiskey dick, but eventually, he got used to me having tits. I shaved, of course. So did he, it cums with being a pedophile, but I guess one of the nice thing about his impotence is he didn’t have any trouble pissing in my mouth.

I even managed to suck him off a few times, without even being fully erect. He got a big chubby, but eventually he couldn’t take it any more. He actually turned himself into the cops, to get help, and registered as a sex offender. I guess, technically I was underage, but I practically had to molest him.

It’s hard enough to find a pervert at all. Then, I had to figure out how to find the right pervert…

Sorry/not sorry if this is disappointing, but now you know how I feel. In a word, my whole sex life has been nothing but one disappointment after another, because my attractions and kinks are so impossible. I want little boys who can’t really have sex to my satisfaction. Even if they get it up, and keep it up, their little dicks are too short to get a decent stroke without pulling out. That’s why I displaced to pissing, because there’s nothing else fluid coming out until they get a little hair on their balls, and then they’re too old for me.

Or another pedophile, I can at least share a similar sexuality with, but I’m too old, and developed to really turn them on. The best I can hope for is one that’s into little boys, so I can get them. Little boys love me, so I can lure them back for him to molest, and possibly rape while I help.

I haven’t found that guy yet, but hopefully when I do. He can keep it up long enough to fuck me, once I strangle the little shit so he can’t talk. Well, maybe we can fuck first, and kill him after, if we have some place to lock him up, or just knock him out, fuck, then strangle him.

I tried drowning one in piss but that wasn’t really satisfying. All I know is I really like feeling their scrawny little necks, and their hearts beat out of control while they struggle, but they’re too weak to fight back, and finally, they get weaker, and weaker until their little hearts stop…


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