Looking Back

First, I got my mom laid, and then, I got him too!

We were out shopping for winter clothes, and when he walked past, mom turned to follow his eyes, too.

He looked up at her face, and smiled, but I swear, he was checking me out first. “Mom, does he have a nice, butt?”

She laughed, “Well, what do you think?”

“I don’t know, I don’t really like boy’s buns.”

She laughed again, and told me it didn’t hurt to look. I said I had to go to the bathroom, when really I went looking for him. He didn’t go very far, and he came in the store. He was looking in the window, but not at the winter coats. (They were on sale.) So then, he followed me back, and talked to mom.

She pulled a top off of one of the racks, and held it up, then I heard him asking her, “Why don’t you try it on?”

I never saw her flirting with someone like that before, even my dad, but he was much younger than her. A lot older than me too, but she pulled him in the changing rooms, while I was hiding behind the slacks, and I could even see her squat below the stall door.

It was a pretty quiet day, at least at Burlington coat factory but I went around to lean up against the door, and I put our bags down so nobody else could see her whale tail. (That’s when your pants slip down, but the top of your thong sticks out the top, so it looks like a fluke?) I could even hear her sucky noises, and when he came out, he had a big grin on his face.

Mom pulled her bra up, and her top back down, but she didn’t even try on the blouse. It was too small anyway, but it was just an excuse to get him in the changing room, where he cum blasted her chest. Fortunately, it wasn’t a low cut top, but she kept rubbing it in over her heart, all the way back home. I promised not to say anything to dad about it.

He must’ve gotten her number, because I saw him again, getting off the bus. He was getting in his car, so I waved, and he smiled, but he didn’t wave back. “Who’s that?” one of my friends asked, so I told her “I don’t know.” Which is the truth, he never said anything to me, all I ever heard him say was “Why don’t you try it on?” But he had a really deep voice, and when we got in the house.

The whole living room stank of sex, so when we got back to my room, she asked “Is your mom having an affair?”

This time, I was lying when I said I didn’t know, but mom was in the shower, washing the cum load off. I don’t know where he left it, she was already in there when we got home, but we just finished her homework, and went home.

He came back for me, a week later, and I didn’t see his car, but he must’ve been watching the house. Because mom, and dad just left (To do some Christmas shopping without us) and my brother answered the door. I heard him saying my name, and he asked for me. By name, somehow he tricked mom into telling her that without raising suspicion, and he even came over to find out where I lived.

And have sex with her, a few times, but my brother asked me who he was, and I had to make up a story. “Just some guy at school, he needs help with his daughter, so I’m going to watch her real quick, and I’ll be right back.” A stupid lie he never even believed, because he was only 10 years older, so there’s no way he’d have a daughter my age.

We didn’t talk much, but I found out he was in college, and working on a degree in graphics design, but it was mostly online, so he only had to got to the actual school, for stuff. I wasn’t really paying attention, I was paying more attention to his hand on my leg until he pulled over to park.

He unbuckled my seatbelt, kissed me, and rubbed my panties in between my legs. Good thing I wore a dress that day, because it wasn’t in the way. He would have had to undone my pants if I had any on to get his hand in them, but I asked if he liked me better in pants?

Like the tight ones I was wearing the first time I saw him, because they were getting too small for me to wear anyway, and he smiled. Oh yeah, and I got my first orgasm, thinking about the way he looked, when he smiled at me. I still hadn’t seen his dick, but he got that out next, and I turned around in the seat. So he could lift up my dress in the back.

He pulled me over to sit on his lap, and I felt his boner rub in the back of my underwear, until he bent me over the steering wheel, and pulled those down. Then, I humped it with my bare butt, until he complained that it was too dry. So, I held onto the steering wheel (Careful not to honk the horn) again, and he spit in his hand.

I asked “Well, if you like it so much, why don’t you kiss it?” but I had to pull my shoe out of my panties, to get up, and sit on his face. He put the seat back, so his big hard cock was right in front of for me to hold onto with both hands, while his tongue explored up and down. Back, and forth between my sex, and my butthole, but I stank up the whole car, before he grunted, and blew a fart in my sex. I laughed, more because it was funny, and it was the wrong hole, but I queefed, and I missed his first cum wads until one hit my bare neck.

“Oh, man!” I scooted up his chest, so the rest shot up the front of my chest, but I had to wipe a little off my thumbs when he finished. He must’ve been saving up, because there was a lot, but it got all over his back seat when he pushed me back there. He rolled over to turn around, and rubbed my sex with his fingers, while he wiggled his thumb up my butt, but he never even tried to break my cherry, or finger me at all.

I was moaning too loud to tell him I already broke it, thinking about his smile, and his eyes all over me, but I started sleeping face down after that. My hands under me, after rubbing my tush to get warmed up, and damp enough to finger myself. Pulling them out wet and juicy to loosen up my back door too. I like anal a lot now, and regular sex too, but I can’t really choose one or the other I like better. They’re just different, so I let the boy chose, but if I’m not on birth control, or he doesn’t have a rubber, there’s one way I’ll get pregnant, and the other I won’t.

Honestly, I was still so flat chested, I knew full well what my best side is, but too bad Justin’s dick was too big. I mean, I liked it, I loved it, especially when it was hard, and blowing nuts all over his car, but there was no way it was going to fit for a long time. I could barely get the head in my mouth, and I wasn’t trying to bite it. He said he didn’t mind, but he pulled out right away, and turned me over to cum all over my back.

I saved the dress to show my friend, because she wouldn’t believe that I got with him. After he had an affair with my mom but just to get to me. Oh and my brother just dropped his jaw when I came home all covered in it.

“Holy shit, that’s your boyfriend?” I looked back before he shut the door, but he just dropped me off, and drove away.

“Yeah, so?”

“I’m gonna tell dad,”

“Okay, but don’t tell mom.” I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, if she ever found out he only slept with her to get me, it would break her heart, but she found out anyways. When I got pregnant, I don’t know how his sperm got inside me, but we weren’t exactly careful. The first time we made love, in the back seat, honestly it went everywhere, but I also remember feeling it run down between my legs, when he hosed down my butt the second time, in the back seat?

I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that was the exact time he got me pregnant. I wanted to have the baby, but I was too young. I miscarried, and I cried a lot. Not only because our son died, and I’d never get to see him grow up, with a beautiful smile just like his dad, but also because I’d never see him again.

He went to jail, because I was underage, and I didn’t want to press charges, but mom was so upset she made the judge throw the book at him.

All I have to show for it now is a lot of development in my body. It almost happened overnight, I went from maybe a couple of soft spots on my chest (And no false modesty here, a great ass) to A cups. Not quite enough to squeeze together, and give boys boob jobs, but something to get their attention, and I got hips too! I really had to hit the situps, crunches, and did planking so my abs would bounce back from the pregnancy, but now I’ve got a taut tummy, and a tight waist to show off my hips too.

To bad it’s too cold to really show it off, but I can’t wait until it’s swimsuit weather again. There’s no way my folks’ll buy me a bikini, after what happened last year, but I have friends that’ll let me wear there’s.

They don’t fit, but I can just tie the strings looser, and that just means the little triangles won’t cover up as much of my tits, and ass, when I finally get to wear them out at the pool.

I bet it’s going to be the best summer ever when it finally gets here.

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