Love In Tokyo

As a poor Filipina working in Japan, I didn’t have many allies I could count on. The Japanese are polite people but are suspicious and cautious around those from the outside world. Japan, was an isolated island nation for thousands of years, and not that long ago opened up to civilizations beyond its beautiful shores. I understood this going into the situation I was putting myself in. That I’d be an island drifting among a nation whose welcome was more calculated than hospitable. So when I met this lovely and eccentric Japanese girl named Miwa, I felt very fortunate for that opportunity.

Miwa was an extremely wealthy girl. Her family came from the top one percent of the Japanese population. Saying she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth didn’t express how truly wealthy she was. What was more important than her wealth and prestige, was her kindness and caring spirit. She had empathy for others regardless of their financial situation or social status. That’s not to say she was an open book for others, she was very private. But if a situation presented itself, she wouldn’t turn the other way from those outside her social and economic circles.

There was a very unique quality about Miwa, unless you knew her well, one might mistake her as a little crazy, or outside the norms of Japanese society. She was certainly different, but not crazy. In school, she was a rebel who didn’t assimilate well with other students. That didn’t hurt her academic abilities, she was top of the class. In many ways, she was focused on the negativity of others to improve her studies even more. A rare quality for certain.

I met Miwa at the gentleman’s club I worked in. She use to come in and watch the girls dance and have a small drink. One evening she kind of caught my eye, and when I went around to pour drinks, she asked me what my name was.

“Hi, you are so pretty. I love how you dance,” she said to me.

“Thank you very much, it’s a pleasure to please you,” I replied.

“What is your name?” she asked me.

“My name is Melba, ma’am.”

“Please, sit with me before your next dance,” she requested.

“Of course, I’d love to sit with you, ma’am.”

So, I pulled up another chair and sat down with her, and had a nice conversation.

“My name is Miwa, where are you from?” she asked me.

“I’m from the Philippines,” I replied.

“I have never been to the Philippines, I’ve only been to Paris, Berlin, Toronto, LA and New York City,” she said.

I was thinking to myself, only?

“I can only dream of going to such places, ma’am. I hope one day I’ll be able to see those cities,” I said.

Miwa looked at me with a shy smile and took a sip of her mixed drink. She then brushed her long black hair to the side, glancing back at me.

“Dreams can come true, Melba-san. If one wishes hard enough, I believe miracles are possible,” she said.

“Thank you, ma’am. I hope my wishes one day come true,” I replied.

“Please just call me Miwa,” she said.

“Thank you, I’ll do that, Miwa-san.”

We chatted for about a half hour and enjoyed our interaction. I had to excuse myself because it was almost time for my next dance.

“It was a pleasure chatting with you, Miwa-san, but I must get ready for my dance,” I told her.

She smiled at me and bowed her head just a little and watched me as I walked away. I glanced back at her and noticed she was still looking at me. I gave a little wave and vanished into the back.

When I got into the dressing room, I couldn’t stop thinking of her. She seemed very special in ways I’ve never experienced. I knew deep in my heart, I wanted to talk to her again. Little did I know, she felt the same.

I did my dance routine and made sure I noticed her in the audience. She was sitting watching every move I made while enjoying her drink. I even gave her a little wink as I exited stage right. I then darted into the changing room and took a shower before leaving. I decided, that I would not leave without saying goodnight to her. So I got dressed and grabbed my bag and headed for her table.

“Hi, Miwa-san. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed our chat earlier.”

“I did as well, Melba-san. Why don’t we get a late dinner close by?”

“That sounds fun, let’s do it,” I said.

With that, we left the club together and headed for one of the Japanese restaurants nearby. As we were walking, she suddenly hooked my arm with hers. This is very common in Japanese (Asian) culture between two female friends. But being we just met, I was surprised she did it. Regardless, she looked so beautiful with her silk dress and sexy heels. I was so proud she was on my arm! When we reached the restaurant, she pointed inside and in we went.

The first thing I noticed right away, this was an extremely expensive place. I got nervous, I mean I didn’t have that kind of money. We are talking about plates $300 US dollars.

“Miwa-san, I have to be honest, I can’t afford this place,” I said.

Miwa looked at me with a little grin and put her index finger on my nose.

“This treat is on me, Melba-san. Please don’t even look at the prices. I want you to order anything you want,” she said.

I bowed to her and thanked her so much. I felt very shy about this, never in my life did I go to such an expensive place. I looked over the menu and decided not to order anything over a certain amount. She noticed what I was doing and scolded me.

“Melba-san, I mean order anything you want. When we Japanese offer, we mean it. Please, order what you want.

When the waitress arrived, I gave her my order. I could see she was very happy I listened to her. After taking our order, the waitress stepped back, bowed to us and walked away.

“You are so cute, Melba-san. I saw your expression when you opened the menu. Please, I want you to be very comfortable. Just enjoy,” she said.

I smiled and thanked her again. I couldn’t help but notice how sexy Miwa looked. Her face and hair were so inviting. Her figure is just amazing. I could see she had the very best fashions and makeup also. Her top was Versace and her shoes were Louis Vuitton! I was honestly in awe of her. An instant girl crush was coming on strong.

While we waited for our dinner, we talked about our lives. I was honest about I came from a very poor and broken family, and that I didn’t have much growing up. Often I was barefoot I told her. She explained about her life, but didn’t get into just how wealthy she was. But, she made it clear she came from an elite family. I also noticed her eccentric behavior, which to me was appealing.

“Melba-san, I was never too close to my fellow students, most of them didn’t understand me. They kind of thought I was odd. I didn’t care, I was always proud of who I am as a person. But, there was one individual I could count on to always understand me,” she said.

Curious, I asked who that was.

“May I ask who that was in your life?”

“Yes, Melba-san. My stuffed bear Pooh-chan,” she said.

Well, that one left me with an expression I couldn’t cloak from her. I tried my best to look serious, but it wasn’t easy.

“Pooh-san?” I questioned.

“Yes, Melba-san. When I have a problem or feeling down, I line up my stuffed animals and talk to them. Pooh-san was always the wisest, so I listened to him and still do. He would go to the assembled board members, and present my issue to them. He always came back with the best answer,” she said.

I honestly was not sure how to deal with this, if she was joking or testing me out. I felt it was not a test or a joke, because she looked so serious when telling me. I’m not saying I did not have a stuffed toy, but I never thought of them as sentient. Regardless, for a twenty-two-year-old woman, was interesting.

“That’s a first for me, Miwa-san. I never heard of that before,” I said honestly.

“I can understand, Melba-san. You might think it’s crazy, but for me, he always gave the right answers.”

Then our food arrived! Kind of saved me from going any further questioning her consigliere. We had a wonderful meal and she taught me all the different Japanese foods we were having. Most I never tried before. I loved watching her point to the different foods and explain them in such a sexy and polite way. After about an hour, we were all done with our dinner. The waitress never even brought a check, but she began walking out anyway.

“Miwa-san, they never brought the check to the table,” I said as we walked away.

Miwa laughed a little and rubbed my back gently.

“I’m a member here, Melba-san. Payment is automatic,” she said.

Feeling a little dumb and humbled. Duh!

She then called her driver to pick her up in front of the restaurant. She told me she’d have him drop me off at my apartment. I was so excited! To be taken home by a private driver. When he arrived, he got out of the car and opened the door for us then closed it. I felt presidential. We sat in the back and talked all the way home. When we arrived, the driver opened my door and let me out. Miwa looked out at me through the open door.

“Melba-san, I’ll see you at the club next week,” she said.

“Okay, Miwa-san, I had a great time tonight,” I replied.

When I got inside, I felt so happy and exhausted from the long day. I put my bag on the table and slipped off my shoes. I then took off my clothes and headed for the shower. It felt so good feeling the warm water spill over my body. I then shaved my pussy, keeping it nice and smooth for my dance routines. Once done, I dried off and went to bed. It took me a little while to fall asleep. I could not get her off my mind.

About a week later (while at the club) I looked out into the crowd and noticed Miwa! She was sitting near the front (alone as always) mixing her drink at her favorite table. I felt so thrilled to see her. She looked so sexy! She had a short skirt and a sexy animal print top. I ran back to the mirror making sure I looked my best and headed out on the stage.

I danced in a Victoria’s Secret baby doll, which I took my time taking off. Once I did, I noticed Miwa. She was almost licking her lips watching my body grind on the stage. I felt if anything is going to happen between us, tonight might be the night.

After I completed my dance, I walked over to her table asking if she needed another drink.

“Would you like a refill on that drink, Miwa-san?”

“No, Melba-san. I want you in VIP,” she said.

I smiled and took her by the hand and walked her to the VIP rooms. She picked the biggest one with the fancy neon lights.

“I missed you, Melba-san. I talked to Pooh-san, and he said you are a very special girl.”

I smiled and guided her to the leather sofa.

“Please sit down and relax, Miwa-san, I hope you enjoy my little show.”

I then turned on the music and removed my bikini. As I stood there naked, I then got on my knees and started to crawl around to the beat of the song. I stopped close to her, sitting on my ass and crossing my legs Indian style. I showed her my smooth, wet pussy. Opening the slit just enough for her to see a bit inside. I noticed Miwa, was now biting her lip and began to part her legs. She let me see she had no panties on.

“Melba-san, my pussy is saying hello to your pussy,” she said.

I felt so fucking turned on by that. I wanted to go over there and eat her pussy like never before. But I kept my composure and continued my private show for her. I positioned myself doggy style, showing both my holes as I opened them for her. She was rubbing her pussy now. It looked so inviting. Such a beautiful cunt. She was moaning and licking her lips as she pleasured herself watching my show. I then slid over close to her, putting my face near her pussy. She looked down with wide eyes, flicking her pussy so fast I could see it dripping on the leather. With a little grin, I got between her legs and lapped up some of her juices on the sofa.

“Oh, Melba-san, that’s so hot.”

“You like that, Miwa-san?”

“Yes, Melba-san. I want it so much.”

“You have such a sexy pussy, Miwa-san.”

“So do you, Melba-san. I love your pussy.”

I then began rubbing my pussy rough in front of her. Flicking it and rubbing it so fast that juices were flying on my inner legs. I raised my body towards Miwa, exposing my pussy to her even more while I rubbed. She was going wild, fingering herself and rubbing her pussy.

“Melba-san, I’m going to come.”

“Come for me, Miwa-san, make that naughty pussy climax!”

Miwa was looking down at me when I saw her eyes roll up into the back of her head, as her knees closed together due to a massive climax that ripped through her body.

“Melba-san, oh fuck!”

“Keep rubbing, Miwa-san, don’t stop. Let that climax rush through head to toe,”

She came so hard she collapsed backward on the sofa, moaning and gasping for air. I got up and took her into my arms. I placed her gently on the sofa’s big pillow.

“Are you okay, Miwa-san?”

“Yes, I am okay. When I climax hard I often collapse. I am okay, Melba-san.”

We then kissed each other and held one another close. I could feel her heart beating against my flesh. She rested her head on my shoulder and gathered her energy back together.

“That was amazing, Miwa-san!”

“But your pussy did not climax, Melba-san. My pussy wants your pussy to feel the same,” she said.

“It’s okay, here it’s more important you are happy than me. I am glad you came so hard and that makes me really happy,” I replied.

“Thank you, but one day my pussy will make your pussy so feel so good,” she said.

The next day we got together for some ice cream and to see a few sites. After we finished the sweets, she took me to see Zojo-ji Temple, in Minato-ku. She looked so elegant and cosmopolitan as she escorted me around the grounds telling me the history. We stopped and took a few selfies together also. Being with Miwa, was like a special connection to the temples and shrines. She so loved them and truly enjoyed her cultural connection which I felt through her. We walked around for about an hour when she guided me over to a bench overseeing the grounds. We sat there and ate a few takoyaki from a vendor nearby. I took it all in. The temple before us and the Tokyo skyline complimented Miwa’s public persona. She’d look over at me making sure I was happy and enjoyed seeing the awe on my face.

“My father used to take me here when I was very young. I never got to see him much, because he worked internationally. So the time we had together is special to me now”

“Where is he now?” I asked.

“He passed away a year ago.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Miwa-san. I’m sure he was a great man,” I said.

“He was in many ways but was flawed as well. He had mistresses all over the world. My mother knew, (as most Japanese wives know) their husbands will have a mistress after they have children. But, they don’t bring them around the home.”

“Did your father bring one home?” I asked.

“Not on purpose, one night our doorbell rang, and a woman was standing there. My mother opened the door and to her shock, the woman was seeking my father and asked who my mom was. Well, as you can imagine things didn’t go well. Somehow, she found his address and came to surprise him.”

“She sure did!” (laughing) I said.

“What did your father do for a living?”

“He was a commercial developer. Unfortunately, he got involved with the Yakuza (mafia) regarding land dealings and had to leave the country. While in Canada, he passed away from COVID.”

“I’m sorry, Miwa-san.”

“It’s okay, I feel his spirit with me, Melba-san. He’s still close to me. Time moves on and the heart recovers!”

I gave her a little hug and we headed back to her driver.

Two weeks later, Miwa messaged me with an invite to a famous pub in downtown Tokyo. I was so excited! I got dressed and went outside to wait for her driver. When they arrived, I got inside the limo and off we went. We hugged one another in the back seat and did not let go of each other’s hands. She rested her head on my shoulder and I leaned into her. We felt so happy.

After about twenty minutes we arrived. The driver opened the door and let us out. As we entered the pub, one of the managers told Miwa, that I would not be allowed inside. I knew instantly why, and I wanted to just run away. I didn’t want Miwa to be put in that position, but it was too late to stop it.

“What do you mean she can’t come in?” Miwa asked.

“She’s not Japanese,” the manager said.

“I’m a member here as is my family, I demand you let her in,” she said.

“I’m sorry, I beg your forgiveness, ma’am, but we don’t allow foreigners inside.”

Miwa became furious. She told them she would cancel her membership and make sure her family did as well. She put her arm around me and scolded the manager for his actions. Regardless, the management would not bend. Not being able to control herself, she told management just how she felt.

“I will never return to this disgusting place and my family won’t ever eat here again. She is my dear friend and good person, if that is not enough for you, then I’m done with you all,” she said.

All the manager could do was give her deep bows of apology, but the policy was the policy.

You have to understand what a rare moment that was. In Japan, most Japanese will never make a scene, nor go against the policies of any establishment or government order. Also, it’s not uncommon for some Japanese establishments to deny non-Japanese entry. I faced it several times and feared one of those fancy places Miwa loved to go, would eventually deny me. I can’t tell you how proud I was she defended me.

“I’m sorry, Melba-san, I am really ashamed they did that to you. As a Japanese, I truly apologize to you,” she said with a deep bow.

“Don’t worry, Miwa-san. I love you for defending me.”

She called her driver and requested he take us back to her home in Minato Ward, Tokyo. I was never in her house before, and I was nervous about going there. I was not sure how her family would feel about bringing a Filipina back home. When we arrived at her house, I was overwhelmed by how beautiful it was. Minato Ward is the most expensive and exclusive area of Tokyo, to live in. They had a huge gate and stone wall around the property.

I can’t explain it, but I felt so safe with her. Some people say they have power, but Miwa did through her family. Regardless of feeling safe, I still hoped her family accepted me as her friend. As we walked inside, I was amazed at how gorgeous it was. They had satsuma vases and all kinds of Japanese woodblock prints. As I looked around, suddenly her mom appeared.

“Mother, this is my friend, Melba-san.”

“Hello, Melba-san. Welcome to our home,” she said.

“Thank you very much, ma’am. It’s an honor to meet you,” I said.

After some small talk, I felt very welcomed. They were such nice people. Her mom even gave me a tour of their home. It was like a museum of art. Just amazing collections and elegant furniture. It felt so special to be in their home. We then returned to the living room where Miwa was waiting for me.

“What do you think, Melba-san?” Miwa asked.

“It’s amazing! I am overwhelmed by how beautiful it is and your mom is very sweet,” I said.

“Come on, Melba-san, I’ll show you my room!”

She took me upstairs by my hand and showed me her amazing room. It was huge! Rare in Japan, since most rooms are very small. Not in this house. I walked around her room looking at her photos and the lovely items she had decorating it. She had big fluffy pillows and a king-size bed with Japanese furnishings all around.

“What do you think?” she asked me.

“It’s amazing, Miwa-san. It’s like a dream,” I said.

“I am glad you like it. Make yourself at home, Melba-san.”

We sat on her bed together, talking and flirting. I just wanted to hug her after defending me. Beyond that, I knew I was falling in love with her. That scared me because I was so far from her social class. Still, she made me feel as if I belonged.

“Let me show you this scroll, Melba-san. It’s my family’s heritage going back over one thousand years. I never show this is anyone, but I want you to see it.”

Sadly, I was unable to read the scroll, being it was in ancient Kanji. But she explained to me certain parts of it and it was fascinating knowing her family’s past. They were wealthy landowners and Samurai. Turns out, that many properties in Tokyo were owned by her family. Many still to this day. It was hard to get my mind around the wealth this family had. But honestly, that was not a concern of mine. I just wanted her to love me. I never met another woman like her. She then put the scroll back in its case.

“Hope I did not bore you with the scroll, let me introduce you to Mr. Pooh-san,” she said.

With a magical grin of youth overcoming her face, she reached behind herself on the bed and picked up her Pooh bear.

“Here he is, Melba-san! He told me you were very special. I thanked him for giving me that inspiration to become closer to you,” she said.

I took her Pooh bear and gave him a sweet hug. I thanked him for liking me! She was so happy I did that for her. Yes, it felt a little odd, but knowing it made her swell with joy was enough for me to do it. She took Mr. Pooh back and placed him on the bed as I turned and looked into Miwa’s eyes.

“You are so beautiful, Miwa-san.”

“Thank you so much,” she said with a shy smile.

We then slowly reached into each other and began to kiss. At first, it was just gentle little butterfly kisses. Our lips danced slowly together as our feet played with one another. I held her lovely face while brushing her hair back to kiss her just a bit harder. She in return became more passionate in her kisses, to the point our tongues were now lashing at each other. She started to feel my big tits and I then played with hers.


“Oh fuck, Melba-san. I want you so badly.”

“Me too, Miwa-san. I want you so much,” I replied.

We then started taking each other’s clothes off fast. I was down to my pink panties when she took them off and put them up against her nose. I started kissing her neck and licking down towards her amazing tits. She was grabbing my big tits and reaching down towards my pussy.

“Melba-san, my pussy wants to play with your pussy.”

We then got our Asian bodies into position, so we could scissor each other. Our two smooth pussies were rubbing off together which felt so fucking hot. Any guy who saw this scene on her bed would be jumping in or jacking off like never before. We were both so turned on. I then started pumping her pussy with mine, pounding them together so hard we could hear our pussies making all kinds of nasty noises.

“Oh fuck, Melba-san, our pussies are so happy together. It feels so fucking amazing.”

“Yes! It does. Oh! It feels so good, I don’t want to stop. I want to do this all night, Miwa-san. My pussy wants more.”

“You want more, Melba-san? You want more of my smooth Japanese pussy?”

“Oh fuck yes, I want it. Please pound me with your Japanese pussy! My naughty Pinay pussy might cum soon.”

Miwa then started pounding me as hard as she could. I was worried others in the house might hear us, but she assured me the upstairs was mostly hers. We were in full lust mode, totally out of our minds with passion. Our tits were flinging around as our bodies slammed into each other. Suddenly, I felt a climax start to build as I started moaning and gasping with each thrust at my pussy.

“Oh fuck, Miwa-san, I’m going to cum!”

Once I told her I was near climax, she moved her body away from mine and brought her face toward my pussy. She quickly started rubbing it hard with her hand, when she put her sexy mouth right on my cunt. Within seconds, I climaxed like never before.

“Fuck, Miwa, I’m going to cum in your mouth!”

Holding her head on my pussy, I climaxed so hard I screamed causing her to jump a little. It ripped through my body from head to toe. As I continued to climax, she kept her tongue very busy on my clit. My slit was dripping as she lapped up my juices enthusiastically. Looking down, I watched her clean my cunt with each lash of her silky tongue.

“You taste too good, Melba-san. You like my tongue lapping your pretty pussy?”

“I do, Miwa-san, I do so much! You are fucking amazing girl.”

She continued cleaning up the sticky mess she made, as I laid back trying to catch my breath after that powerful climax. As I was laying there, I was playing with her hair as she licked up my juices.

“Such a sexy girl, Miwa. I want to eat your pussy now.”

I then got up and adjusted Miwa’s sexy body against the backboard of her bed. I crawled up between her with my ass in the air. I leaned in low over her cunt and blew gently over her silky pussy. Looking up at her with a devilish grin, I asked her one question.

“You want some Pinay tongue on your pussy, baby girl?”

She looked down at me with her eyes wide open, nodding her head in absolute approval. I started licking just little circles around her pretty clit. She took a big gasp of air as I did. I’d look up looking directly into her sexy, Japanese eyes. Watching her biting her lower lip as my mouth serviced her glorious cunt, I started playing with my pussy as I ate her out. Rubbing it furiously!

“Don’t stop naughty girl, make me climax,” she said.

I licked and lapped on her girl mound, using my hands when I wasn’t rubbing my pussy. I even tongue fucked her to get that dirty girl going. It was such a turn-on watching her melting into the backboard. I could see she was getting closer and closer to a big climax. She was now holding my head, trying to direct my mouth, but I was determined to do it my way! Once I heard her gasping, I knew it was time to finger fuck her. Sucking on my index finger, I inserted it into her sex hole.

“Ah fuck! Melba-san, oh fuck!”

“Yes, dirty girl. I’m going to make you come so hard,” I said.

Just as I was about to put two fingers in, she climaxed on my hand.

“Fuck! I’m coming, I’m going to come on your hand.”

Suddenly, she gushed on my hand and all over her expensive sheets. She was grinding my arm like wild! As she was coming, we kissed while our bodies were blending as one. I could feel her heart racing so fast. She collapsed again just as she did in the club, so I lay next to her and held her close.

“You okay, Miwa-san?”

“Yes,” she replied.

After about a half hour, we fell asleep together on the bed. It had to be well after midnight. Around 7 a.m. we woke up in each other’s arms. It was a Saturday morning! We talked a little before deciding we better take a shower.

“Like to take a shower with me, Melba-san?”

“Yes, I would like that.”

We walked out of her bedroom with bath towels around us. She escorted me to her bathroom and we walked inside and closed the door. It was the most elegant bathroom I ever saw. All Italian marble from Italy and a stunning shower area next to her onsen. We stepped into the shower and washed each other’s bodies. I even used my big boobs to wash her tummy! We kissed and caressed and then stepped out of the shower into the onsen.

“The water is just right, Melba-san, it’s nice and hot.”

“It feels wonderful, I’m not used to such hot water, but it feels so good,” I said.

While soaking in the hot water, we kissed and felt each other’s flesh. We kissed face to face holding our bodies close. It was so sexy hearing the water splash as we played around. After lots of sexual moves, we got out and dried off.

“I have an appointment at the jewelry store today, Melba-san, would you like to go with me?”

“Sure! I’d’ love that,” I replied.

Since I didn’t have anything to put on other than my clothes from yesterday, she was sweet enough to let me pick some things out from her closets. Once dressed, we went outside and waited for her driver. We got into the limo and he took us to a fancy jewelry store in Ginza, Tokyo. When we walked in, they bowed to Miwa and escorted us to the showroom. After we sat down, they walked over serving us an expensive wine. They brought over a tray, lined with stunning 18K necklaces and placed it on our table. They turned, bowed and walked away closing the door.

“Wow, they trust us with all these necklaces, Miwa-san,” I said.

She laughed and shook her head.

“Oh, Melba-san, you are rolling with me! They know my family, we have bought our jewelry here for years.”

She looked over the necklaces very carefully and picked the one she wanted. I also noticed there were no prices.

“How do you know what it costs?” I asked.

She laughed again and poked my nose!

“Melba-san, in very exclusive stores they don’t have prices. Often it’s the price upon request.

“So, will you request the price?” I asked.

Once again she laughed and shook her head at me.

“You’re too cute! To answer your question, no. It would be embarrassing for me to ask and insulting to the store owner.”

“Okay, wow! It is hard to be rich,” I said.

“No, Melba-san, it’s great! But, if you have a lot you should give. She then opened the second layer of the tray and showed me all the 18K bracelets.

“Melba-san, pick the one you want.”

“No, Miwa-san, I can’t do that. Please, I am happy you accepted me, it’s all I need.”

“It would be an insult to me if you don’t pick one out. If a Japanese offers you a gift, you must accept,” she said.

Looking at her and looking over the bracelets, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want her to do this. But I did not want to insult her. So, I tried to pick one that didn’t look more expensive than the others.

“I’ll take that one,” I said.

She then snapped it on my wrist and we both agreed it looked beautiful.

“Thank you so much, Miwa-san. I am very thankful.”

So, as we walked out we showed the owner which ones we picked. He bowed to us and we left. I was starting to get used to walking out of places not paying! We got into the limo and off we went to her next stop. In the limo, the driver was playing classical music. I asked Miwa if she liked that kind of music.

“You like classical, Miwa-san?”

“Yes, very much! Mozart and Wagner are my favorites. When I listen to Wagner’s Tannhauser march, my humanity is elevated.”

My gosh, I thought that was so sexy when she said that. Not only is she beautiful and intelligent, but she’s also spiritual. The music filled the car and I could see her in deep introspection. Almost as if this march was an entrance theme for her life.

” I do know some Mozart,” I said.

Breaking her focus on the music.

“What is your favorite work by Mozart?” She asked.

“Well, I don’t know the name but I can hum it,” I said.

Miwa laughed hard and rested her head on my shoulder for a moment.

“Well, then hum a bit for me sexy girl,” she said.

I then hummed the Mozart work the best I could, and within seconds she nailed the title.

“Ah, that’s Symphony No. 40, Melba-san. Everyone knows that one,” she said with a grin. “You need to expand your repertoire.”

I pinched and tickled her and we both had a good laugh. It’s true, my knowledge of classical music is limited, but I did like some of it.

“Oh, I did watch Amadeus,” I said.

“That’s one of my favorite movies, I enjoyed it also. The ending always makes me cry, it’s so disturbing but powerful,” she said.

“You are so sexy, Miwa-san, I am so turned on by you.”

“So are you, I am so happy! You understand me better than most Japanese,” she said.

Just before we reached our destination, we started kissing in the back of the car. I was impressed by how the driver closed the sliding window for our privacy. Our tongues played with each other while I felt her pussy under her skirt. I wanted to suck on her mound so badly, but we had a dinner to attend. I found myself wanting her almost every moment of the day, I felt obsessed with her in a healthy way. Once we got to the pub, we got ourselves together.

Over the next several months, we went everywhere together. We had one adventure after another. Even her family invited me to several private functions. There were moments I did not feel very welcome by others in her circle. Now and then, a restaurant or club frowned upon my entrance. Each time, Miwa, would defend me and scold them. She was never afraid to defend me or to welcome me within her inner sanctums. Even though I knew I did not really belong, most Japanese in her world were kind to me. Miwa use to tell me, “Walk in like you own the place.” I found that to be very effective.

One night I got a message from her. She told me she rented a room at a love hotel (sex hotel) just for her and me. I was excited! I heard about these, but believe it or not, never been to one. I responded and said of course I’d love to go. She told me she’ll pick me up with her driver and drop us off at the hotel. I got dressed quickly and off I went.

While riding through Shinjuku, I loved how the neon lights glowed and flashed on Miwa’s face. She looked over at me with the biggest smile, then took my hand into hers. Again, I just felt so safe with her. Suddenly, she pointed!

“We have arrived, Melba-san. There’s our hotel. I’m so excited! Hope you like it.”

“I’m sure I will, let’s go!”

We exited the car and walked inside. The night staff met us and were very kind and polite. They showed us around and escorted us to our love room. When we walked in, I was amazed! The bed was a big heart and the room had several leather chairs and ottomans with ankle chains, feathers, oils and other toys. The staff bowed and left the room. We looked at each other and started jumping around the room like Xmas morning.

“What do you want to try first, Melba-san?”

“I’d like to see you on that ottoman, Miwa. I’ll put you doggy style and lock your ankles. You can only look into the mirror while I have my way with you. What do you think?”

“I think you are a naughty girl (giggles) but I love your idea!”

We then undressed. But I told Miwa, I wanted her to keep her panties on. I helped her up on the ottoman as she got herself into position. I then took one ankle and locked it. Then I took her other ankle and locked it. She was spread open for me, but her panties were hiding her holes. While she was looking into the mirror, I opened one of the new vibrators. I looked into her eyes from the mirror and told her to prepare herself. I slapped her ass once and then twice.

“You like that, Miwa-san?”

“Oh yes, yes I love it Melba-san.”

I spanked her several more times while keeping my face close to hers.

“Want another one?”

“Yes, Melba-san, please spank me more.”

I spanked her sexy ass several more times. I loved the little moans she made with each spank. I would kiss her neck after each one. After one last slap, I slowly pulled down her panties. Her holes became exposed to me as I slipped her panties down around her legs. I was rubbing her ass gently and began kissing and licking it. She smelled so sweet and good. I just wanted to consume her. While she was moaning and looking into the mirror, I began lapping on her pussy.

“You like that baby girl?”

“Yes, Melba, it feels so fucking good, baby.”

Holding her cheeks wide open, I work up and down her sexy holes. I would use the palm of my hand to cup her mound and run it fast and hard. Taking her over the edge.

“Oh fuck baby girl, oh fuck it feelings so fucking good. You’re going to make me climax doing that,” she said.

I then took the vibrator and turned it on high. I placed it right on her cunt and turned it on. When I did, she screamed and moaned so loudly, I thought they could hear here in Osaka! Within a few seconds, she was dripping her warm sex juices. After she climaxed several times, she begged me to remove the ankle locks so she could eat me. I was looking at her naked with her feet locked to the ottoman. She looked so sexy, any man or woman would want to see this vision. It was a XXX dream. Once free, she turned around and kissed me deeply.

“I want to eat you so much, Melba-san.”

I looked into her eyes and kissed her deeply again. Then I sat on the ottoman and open my legs for her. She got on her knees and parted my pussy lips slowly, giving it little licks while I leaned back and relaxed enjoying her pleasures. She began talking dirty Japanese, it was such a turn-on for me. I held her head firmly as she ate my wet pussy.

“Fuck girl, you are doing so good, love. Please don’t stop, baby girl, I want to climax in your sexy mouth.”

She leaned into my pussy while her ass was humped up and spread wide open. She was devouring my Pinay pussy and she looked so fucking sexy doing it. She was making all kinds of nasty lapping and sucking sounds. It was getting closer and closer to a huge climax. I could feel it building toward an amazing explosion from within.

“Oh fuck, Miwa-san, I’m going to climax.”

“Cum on my mouth Melba-san, I want to taste your juices.”

As she ate my cunt like never before, I held her head into my pussy and let a brutal climax explode. It shook my whole body causing my legs to close around her. I was pressing my legs around her back, pushing her more and more into my cunt. I saw her soaking up my juices with her tongue and that made another wave erupt through me. She consumed all she could, her face was covered with Pinay wetness.

“Miwa-san, your face is covered.”

“It’s okay, I’m so turned on by having your juices.”

She then reached up and we started kissing. I was tasting myself as we did and feeling her amazing ass. I whispered in her ear.

“I want to spread you and hook your legs wide open on the steel table. You’ve been a very bad girl, Miwa-san.”

She looked at me with an excited grin and got up and ran over to the table.

“Yes, I’m a bad girl, Melba-san. I should be punished.”

I helped Miwa up on the S&M steel table and reached for the chain links to strap both her feet. I then pulled the chain spreading her legs wide open. Talk about another XXX dream, I was looking at it. I took a feather and started teasing her shaved cunt. I would glide it over her belly then back down to her pussy. No mercy for my Miwa. I took the vibrator and turned it on high. I placed it right on her mound and watched her squirm on the steel. It was so hot seeing her try to close her legs, but couldn’t. I kept looking directly into her eyes as I kept the vibrator on her soaked pussy.

“You want me to fuck you, Miwa?”

“Yes, Melba-san, please fuck me. I need a good fucking.”

I put the toy down and opened up the new strap-on. I hooked it around myself and climbed up on the table and rubbed the dildo over her glorious cunt.

“Tell me you want it!”

“I want it Melba-san, yes I want it please fuck me,” she replied.

“Beg me bitch.”

“Please oh please, Melba-san, fuck me. Please I need it,” she begged.

“Good girl.”

I then began to stuff the dildo into her love hole, taking it slowly at first because it was so big. Then I pushed my weight into her more and more, making her produce glorious moans from her sexy mouth.

“You like that girl?” I asked her.

“Yes, I love it and need it so bad,” she replied.

I started fucking her hard watching her tits flopping around. Then putting my finger in her mouth as she sucked on it while pounding her cunt letting her know I’m in charge.

“You’ll come for me, Miwa-san?”

“Yes, I’ll come for you yes.”

I pounded her harder and harder, as the steel table moved a bit around the floor. I looked down seeing the dildo going in and out of her. I then reached down and kissed her, telling her she was mine and mine only.

“You are all mine right, Miwa-san?”

“Yes, oh yes I am all yours, Melba-san.”

I then slammed her with all I could (being I’m tiny) and watched her eyes roll up into her head. I knew she was close.

“Fuck I’m coming!”

“Come for me, bitch. Come for me now!”

After several more thrusts into her cunt, she let out a loud moan. She then screamed as her cunt erupted into climax!

“I’m coming, oh fuck.”

I felt her pussy muscles grip the dildo as she climaxed on the steel table. I grabbed her big tits as she let that thrust of excitement rip through her goddess body. Once her head fell back against the steel table, I reached down and kissed her lips, telling her how much I love her.

“I love you so much, Miwa-san.”

“I love you too, Melba-san, you are my happiness.”

After a long night of making love, we got to sleep around 5 a.m. We got several hours of sleep, before getting up and taking a nice shower together. We got dressed and checked out around noon. Over the next year, we came back to the love hotel several more times.

Miwa and I were together for two years before I got my notice my visa period was ending. When I told her I had to leave Japan within a month, she cried like I never saw before. I cried as well, wanting to stay with her forever. But, in Japan, once your visa is up, they make sure you leave unless you live on the run. I did not want that kind of life. I told Miwa, that I will arrange for another work visa. But, that failed. I was left with two options. Work as an RN back in the Philippines, or apply for the USA. That was an easy choice. Only Miwa was taking this very badly. She didn’t want to live in the USA, because she had duties in Japan as an elite family. It left us with few options.

The morning I was leaving, Miwa’s driver came to pick me up and bring me to Narita Airport. Miwa was not in the car. I was heartbroken. I cried to the airport. When we arrived, the driver took my bags and helped me to the gate. He bowed and wished me well. As I lined up to check in, I looked to the right and saw Miwa! She was standing there just looking at me. We ran to each other and hugged so closely. Crying and telling each other how much we loved one another. I told her to come to the USA to visit me. That we could see many places together. She smiled into my eyes through those tears.

“Yes, Melba-san.”

But that “yes” ripped my heart apart, it felt as if that would never happen. I didn’t want to leave or stop holding her close. But I had to. It felt these were the last moments I’d ever see her. She held me by the head with both hands looking into my watery eyes.

“Melba-san, never say sayonara.”

“Yes, Miwa-san. Until we meet again.”

I hugged that girl like I never hugged anyone. I then turned and headed for the counter. I signed in and started for the gate. I looked back and waved to Miwa, watching her waving to me as I walked into my future.

I never saw Miwa again. But I knew why she moved on. She was a woman of the rising sun. A daughter to a family that needed her and a nation her blood craved to remain. The beautiful time we shared in our hearts. We both have a mission to take what we shared and use it to make the world a better place. So that the love we had is seen as acceptance of love as a whole, not just a concept for some.