Mature sexy clothes model

My name is Vanessa I just turned 57 and this is a story about me modeling sexy clothes at private party. I was hired by a lady called Karen, who wanted to show how sexy you can look at older age and seductive. I’m nearly 5ft tall brown eyes 38 DD tits firm ass and slightly plumpt. The way the show worked I would model sexy negligees and skirts and body suits. At some points I would be naked in the show. I would get extra for modeling butt plugs or dildos. The night arrived we set up gear in another room and in living room was a chair for me to sit on and do open leg shots. A few people arrived at Karen’s house, there was 2 couples roughly in their mid 40s and a couple around late 50s to early 60s. To be honest 6 people is just nice number to perform in front of. The show started with sexy dresses and see through blouses, I walk out and model them. After a few drinks came negligees see through showing my big tits and showing my pussy. The atmosphere changes about then feels more erotic. Then comes body stocking, it’s done like a striptease. Karen inserted a diamond shaped butt plug in my ass, then I put on tie up pants and bra, a black skirt and a blouse. I walk out and parade then start striptease always gets couples hot and heavy. When blouse and skirt are off I let someone in crowd untie bra ( in this case a guy ). They always have a grope at my nipples but tonight I let him have a suck of my nipples. I then walked over to his wife and let her untie pants, exposing my wet pussy. I usually walk away but tonight I let her rub my pussy even slide 2 fingers inside me, then watch her lick them. The shock on everyone’s face when they saw butt plug in my ass. Tonight was different the atmosphere was well very sexual. I got back to my chair, sat down ( though butt plug felt uncomfortable ), opened my legs wide exposing my pussy, then Karan give me dildo and I started fuck myself with it. Out of the blue a couple walked up and started to grope me ( this never happened before ), the lady removed dildo out of my pussy and started licking it. She whispered into my ear let’s put something better in their, then unzipped her husband’s trousers and guided his cock inside me, it felt great, he fucked me slowly as she sucked a fit. I glanced at Karen to see what to do, but got surprise another couple had stripped her naked and now groping her and fucking her. The oldest couple had disappeared, but arrived back to see the guy cum inside me. I looked at the older lady omg she was wearing a strapon ( she found Karen’s toys ). I was put on all fours and butt plug removed from my ass, shit the woman inserted strapon inside me, holy fuck I cried as she fucked me without mercy. I looked for Karen omg she was getting double penetrated and her head was in lady’s pussy at the same time. In meantime the lady was fucking my ass harder and pulling my hair as I screamed. By now the body suit was literally ripped off me. She shouted to her husband get up here this old slut needs filled. He replaced strapon and fucked my ass to he cum. The whole thing was crazy, it was like a orgy, everyone was fucking someone. I couldn’t see Karen. Then one of the ladies brought her out to cheers. She had nipple clamps on, butt plug in ass and had written whore across her tits and cum dump across pussy. I had cum dripping out of my ass and pussy. After another hour of been fucked they started to leave but left a huge wad of notes. We didn’t know whether if we had sex party, abused or raped but either way we never experienced anything like that.