Meeting my ex boyfriend

My name is Ranu, 27, this happened three years back when I was of 24. I stays in Kolkata at that time and my boyfriend ( Raunak ) was in Delhi. We both were working that’s why we were in a long-distance relationship.

It’s been 2 years of our relationship and now that spark was missing in our relation.

I planned to meet my boyfriend as I was taking leaves for 10-12 days. So we planned to meet. I would stay with Raunak for 3 days and then I will go to meet my parents in Arunachal Pradesh. So everything was planned and Raunak also took leave for 3 days so that we could spend more time together.

We both were excited as we have not met since long time. So the day came, and I have reached airport on time and to my surprise I saw Ankit, my ex-boyfriend. He was my boyfriend just before Raunak. He came to me and hugged me.

I asked him how are you and where are you going. He told me that he’s going to Arunachal Pradesh. He came to Kolkata for some work. He asked for my phone number. And also asked me when I’m visiting hometown. I told him that I will be meeting parents on Sunday. I didn’t tell him if I have a boyfriend didn’t even he bothered to ask.

He took his phone out and said let’s take selfie, to which I agree. He held my waist and posed like he’s kissing my cheeks. I felt a spark inside me. It was quite normal for me as he usually takes pictures with me like this. He was taking more pictures and was getting closer. And in one picture his side lips touched my side lips… And I told him to stop. I think it’s enough selfies for now.

And with this I said bye I have to go for check-in now. He said to inform me once I visit hometown.

So many thoughts were coming to my mind. I was thinking about Ankit how were we so close earlier when he was my boyfriend and now meeting him after so long makes me feel something.

So after 2 hours my flight landed in Delhi. And my boyfriend Raunak was waiting for me in the airport. I hugged him… I was so happy to meet him after so long. I went to his room with him and his roommate went to stay somewhere else as I came to meet him.

I was excited as I was about to make love with Raunak after so long

Finally we reached home and as expected Raunak didn’t wanted me to even Wash Up and he started kissing me. Removing my clothes. Licking my neck. He removed my top and bra and started sucking my boobs. He even started licking my underarm which were smelly and sweaty as well. I stopped him but he didn’t listen. Now he was about to remove my pant and I Stopped him. I said not this it has to be washed first. He didn’t listen and in one go… He removed my pant and panty. Even I felt the smell once he took off my panty. Now he put his nose right into my smelly pussy. It was hell smelly I know it. Then I Stopped him and told him that I need to pee. After that I got fresh up.

I came back to my room and Raunak was ready to make love with me. We made love for 40-45 mins after that and then took rest. At evening we went out as Raunak has already planned everything. We had dinner outside.

And while I was coming back. I got messages back-to-back on my phone. Raunak asked me who’s texting you. I checked it was picture sent by Ankit which was taken in the airport. I saved the phone no. And deleted few pictures which were taken which I wouldn’t like Raunak to see. I said it is my friend who I met in Airport today. He’s sending selfie that we took in airport.

And Raunak checked the pictures.

Even Raunak didn’t know that Ankit is my ex-boyfriend.

So finally we reached home.

So we were simply on bed tired. Raunak was on my phone seeing all pictures of me.

And to my surprise he saw something which I didn’t wanted him to see. It was the pictures which I have deleted.

He asked me who’s he. Why the hell I’m so close to him. I was left with no words.

In those pictures he’s was so close to me. Holding my waist and even in one picture it is like he’s kissing me.

I try to explain Raunak it’s nothing like that.

And at last I was left with no option but to tell the truth. I told Raunak, that he’s Ankit my ex-boyfriend and we met in Airport was a co incident. And he took selfies like that I even stopped him when he was getting to Closed.

But Raunak was not ready to believe me and was left hurt. I said sorry there’s nothing like that.

And after an hour and so he came back to room. And came on top of me. He was hard. He was way too hard. I could feel him tight and hard dick. I said I’m sorry and he shut my mouth with a strong kiss.

I felt like he’s angry. He’s gonna punish me.

He told me to not contact Ankit again and I said never.

Then he started kissing me and made love with me.

Rest of the days we went out and spend good time together.

And the day came for me to meet my parents. Raunak was sad as I was going far from him again.

He dropped me to airport and I reached AP airport.

My brother was supposed to come to pick me up but he was getting late.

So I texted Ankit and informed him that I came to Arunachal. Are you free to pick me up.

But to my bad luck he was also busy somewhere.

So I went home by myself.

I met parents after so long.

And at night Ankit texted me that he will be visiting my home tomorrow.

And my parents know him too, so I had no problem with it

I spoke to my boyfriend and then went to sleep.

Next day Raunak called me and informed me that he’s going to office.

And after 1hour, Ankit came to my house.

He met everyone in my family. And then came to my room.

I asked him. How are you and we started conversation.

He has not changed at all.

I asked him if he’s having any gf to which he replied that he’s single.

I told him about my bf. To which he looked little disappointed.

Then my mom bring tea for us.

He came near me while taking dip from cup of tea. And told me I love you

I was shocked to hear this. I said stop fooling around I know you don’t love me now.

And when I was saying this… He placed a kiss on my lips.

I moved back and was in shock.

I shouted at him and asked what are you doing. I’m not your gf now.

He said I’m him ex gf.

He grabbed my ass and started kissing me.

I said this is not right to which he didn’t listen.

He grabbed me and lay me down on bed.

He went near the door and closed it.

He came on top of me. And started kissing me.

Now I was enjoying it too. He said did your boyfriend make you happy.

He removed my clothes and started licking my body. He was ready to fuck me and I was not able to say no. He removed my panty and start licking it. I was wet and he knew it… He removed his pant and put his hard dick right inside my mouth.

He came inside my mouth. He was not ready to fuck me without condom.

I was feeling bad for my boyfriend.

But I was enjoying it too. I let Ankit do whatever he wants. He opened my pussy and put his raw Dick inside. He started fucking me hard

And then he came after 20 mins on my stomach.

Later we took rest and then he went back.

Later in the evening my boyfriend called me asked me if how I’m… Did I met everyone and all.

I didn’t tell him that I met Ankit here. I can’t even tell him.

Ankit texted me that he will come tomorrow again. To which I replied… I can’t meet you every day. I told him not to come again to meet. Moreover my boyfriend was on off the next day.

Next morning my boyfriend awake me and to my surprise I see Ankit outside my room.

I was just awake. And was on call with my boyfriend… He entered my room and placed a kissed. I moved him away and my boyfriend ask me who’s there… I told him. My cousin came to meet me.

I told him I will get fresh and then call him. I hung up the call.

Ankit again came near me and started kissing me. I stopped him and told him. You can’t kiss me like this. I was on call.

He told me I will fuck you infront of your boyfriend.

He brings his dick out and started fucking me again.

I get call from Raunak now… Ankit told me to take it… He put his dick deep inside me while I was talking to Raunak.

Ankit told me he will not move his dick and told me to talk to Raunak.

While I was talking Ankit pull out his half dick and with full force entered his dick again deep inside me. This time I couldn’t control my scream. And Raunak heard me and asked if what happened.

I pushed Ankit and his dick went out. Then told Raunak that my foot got twisted.

Then I told him that I will call you later and I hung up.

I was angry on Ankit. I shouted at him. But he pushed me to the bed and started kissing me and then fucking me.

And rest of my vacation he used to visit me almost every day.