Mercury – 009 (Sovereignty)

Fuck Me with that big cock you cute boy, and when you cum, drive it as deep as you can and hold Me tight.


It has been over a month since the theft at the Bovine Research Center. The 2nd Congregation of the United Mercury Theocracy has maintained a fleet deployment between Earth and Jupiter and remains in contact with Earth forces.

Two weeks prior, as part of the Queen’s revenge for Mira’s capture, invitations were sent out for a State Banquet to be held at the Queen’s castle. The 150 heads of state plus one guest were invited, and the Vatican. There were other Royal guests as well. The Queen, through Prime Minster Kassia Ruslon, extended an invitation to Elder Caylin Martis of the 2nd Congregation of the United Mercury Theocracy and three guests. Chief Patriarch Ti-Weh Naropa, and Prelates Warden Phreet and Merro Valpor attend with Elder Martis.

The banquet was a white tie formal event. The Mercurians landed at the Far Platform as instructed, and they were formally attired and not wearing mantas battle gear. They went through a security check, and were asked many times if they had any weaponry or communication devices, to which they consistently replied, no.

Guests landing at the platforms were shuttled to a great banquet hall. The hall had 66 round tables scattered on either side of the middle walkway. From the entrance leading to the dials on the other end, was where the Queen’s throne was placed. I suppose prominence meant you were seated at one of the tables closest to the throne, but the first tables were 100 feet back from the throne.

Two of the closest tables on either side of the walkway were reserved for the Pope and his entourage, and the Archbishop of Canterbury (who is now a part of the Roman Catholic Church again following the Catholic War; there is no Church of England anymore). The Queen was crowned by the Pope. The Queen reserved one of the farthest tables from the throne for the Mercurians. It was the Queen’s way of saying; you are the least in My kingdom.

The Elders for the Mercurians (and many of the Chief Patriarchs), have subcutaneous defensive, communication, and scanner implants. As soon as the Mercurians arrived, Ti-Weh’s subcutaneous sensor readings were being transmitted to the Temple Galaxy Cruiser Beth’el, where Anchoress Katie Wheylon was analyzing the data from the Queen’s castle.

This is one reason why the Royal Guard Force kept asking the Mercurian’s about weaponry and communication devices. The castle’s nanite constructions were alerting Mira of communication transmissions occurring (other than authorized); and the androids are linked into the same system. Mira Echo is in constant communication with the android force and castle through her satellite drives.

Mira told the androids to admit the Mercurians knowing they were in violation of the security protocols. The Queen told Mira to do this. Their arrogance. The Mercurians believed their technology allowed them to conceal their espionage on the Queen.

The designation Ten, in Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten, stood for the original hardened encased Ten satellite yottabyte memory drives Mira controlled, but there are much more now. The Doctor thought Ten sounded cool, and he does not want to change it. The Royal Guard Force androids do not really have a chain of command. They do have specific designations and formations, and they are linked to Mira’s satellite drives, and commands come from Mira, Queen Dianne, and/or Dr. Nayfel.

When all the guests arrived and were in the banquet hall, the large double doors to the banquet hall opened automatically, and in stepped the First Marchioness of Sombwe in royal blue battle regalia, and shouts the herald:


The anthem plays, and a color guard enters carrying the Queen’s standard and the Commonwealth flag. They march toward the throne and place the flags respectfully behind on either side of the throne. Hundreds of androids march in line behind the color guard and halt lining both sides of the walkway as the Queen enters attired in an intricate flowing black ensemble, and She is wearing a red ruby and diamond tiara. The Queen is in the middle of Her six red Vipers, with Mira in royal blue armor cladding following behind the Queen, and Harold Shirandicol behind Mira. The color guard, Vipers, and honor guard are all wearing sashes, and a black plume.

The Queen stands on the upper dial in front of Her throne facing the audience as the honor guard file around surrounding the perimeter of the hall and facing inward. Two of the Vipers are on a lower dial on either side of the throne facing it, and Mira stands on the same lower dial to the left of the throne. The other four Vipers are cornered to the throne facing the audience. Harold joins the Prime Minister at her table. The music stops, and the majority of the crowd shouts:


Queen Dianne sits, and the guests move to their tables and the food service begins. The food service is handled by the human staff, and they all live in the castle with their families. They are very loyal to the Queen, and the positions are tenanted by different races from all over the world. The servers will bring the Queen bite size samples of each dish on a platter and silver tray, and as they bow, She will sample the food being served to the guests as She sits on the throne. After the meal and desserts, the tables are quickly removed, and chairs re-positioned with other tables brought in with treats and beverages.

A concert from the Queen’s orchestra begins, and some dance and people mingle and talk. Many are announced and approach the Queen, and She is now standing on the floor in front of the throne dials. Two of Her Vipers stand on either side facing the Queen slightly to the rear of Her, and the other four respectively are semi circled around the Queen and facing out. Mira is behind the Queen.

People approach and greet the Queen and chat, and the Queen’s staff takes photos that will be provided to them. Harold Shirandicol makes his way to the back of the hall where the Mercurians are standing.

“Harold, what are you doing here,” asks Ti?

“I am the Queen’s Privy Counsellor, She is an enlightened being,” replies Harold.

“You have been deceived Harold; this woman is in league with Dr. Nayfel,” states Elder Caylin Martis.

“That is your shortcoming, not mine. She has ascended to the higher plane well enough to be considered a Ṛddhi,” explains Harold.

“Have you seen Dr. Nayfel,” asks Ti?

“No, I serve the Queen, not your renegade,” answers Harold.

“You have been bewitched by sorcery not the power of the Ṛddhi. The Queen is a witch Harold,” declares Prelate Warden Phreet.

“It’s funny how a description can be manipulated by the mutterer. Are we not sorcerers and witches too,” ask Harold?

“This Queen is sanctioning murder, suffering, and that is counter to our truths,” answers Prelate Merro Valpor.

Mira and three of her doppelgangers concealed as honor guard, as well as a number of androids approach the Mercurian group, and Harold. Mira says:

“You four have spoken treacherously of the Queen, I think you should leave!”

Ti’s subcutaneous communication device in his ear activates, and Katie Wheylon says:

“It’s the creature Ti, it’s the creature that attacked us near Ganymede!” Ti shifts his form so matter can pass through him, and he says:

“You are Dr. Nayfel’s creature, the one we captured near Ganymede.”

One of the androids says:

“Watch your tongue you irreverent Mercurian, you are speaking to the Queen’s Field Marshal, The Right Honorable First Marchioness of Sombwe, Lady Mialyn Mira Echo!”

“You have insulted Queen Dianne, Sovereign of the Universe thrice, and me Her servant. You should show your Queen more reverence, for She is Sovereign over you as well, you did not escape Her rule by running off to Mercury. You may leave now, and utter nothing else in the Queen’s hall,” declares Mira.

“She is not our Que…,” Elder Caylin Martis could not finish his words.

Mira and two of her doppelgangers beheaded Elder Caylin Martis and Prelates Warden Phreet and Merro Valpor as their subcutaneous defensive armor started to deploy. The blade formations on Mira’s other doppelganger passed through Ti-Weh’s neck as he had already altered his physical being, and Ti teleported back to the Beth’el. Aboard the Beth’el, Katie asks:

“What happened Ti, Elder Caylin Martis’s life signs have ceased?”

“The creature killed him, and Warden Phreet and Merro Valpor. It would have killed me too, if I had not predicted its malicious intent. The creature is a female, and she is the Queen’s head general. We are not just dealing with a renegade and his accomplices. The Earth’s governments and forces may well be under the Queen’s control. War is not an option for our belief, but we just may be heading for a war,” answers Ti.

Back at the banquet hall, the guests are shocked and begin to leave. The UGK police forces arrive as testimonies are recorded. Harold tells Mira:

“You just killed three peace loving men in cold blood.”

“Look Harold, look! Their defensive equipment activated. Their blood was not cold. They violated our security protocols by smuggling in weaponry, communication, and scanning devices. They were carrying out espionage by transmitting information on the Queen’s castle back to their fleet, thus threatening My Queen, and Your Queen. They accused Her of wickedness based on speculation. They insulted Her by calling Her names. I warned them twice to leave, and they kept provoking the situation. Their blood is on their own heads for ignoring the warning. Is that your faith Harold,” asserts Mira?

Mira and Harold return to the Queen near the throne. The Queen watched the whole exchange with the Mercurians, on the castle’s security system through one of her Vipers. The Queen reassures Harold that warnings were given to the Mercurians, and that any peace-loving person would have shut their mouth, heeded, and left. Instead, the Mercurians tugged on the tiger’s tail. The Queen said:

“I am the Sovereign Ruler, Harold. I do not round up people who disagree with Me and banish them on a planet to plot their revenge. I also allow the democracies that were here tonight to run their principalities. None of them ran away from the world of mankind like your people. I want peace too, but I will not take it at the point of a knife or a mandate that I must worship as they do. I am not guilty of their blood. Mira warned them twice, and they pressed the issue anyway.”

The bodies of the slain Mercurians were returned to deescalate the immediate concern. Under concealment, Dr. Nayfel removed Elder Martis’s subcutaneous equipment. The Mercurians demanded to have it returned after receiving the bodies. The UGK government told them the weapons and espionage equipment Elder Martis smuggled in was proof of the crime, and therefore confiscated.

It would take a few days for Harold to understand the justification. The Queen, through the Prime Minister, ordered all Earth states to suspend contact with the Mercurians, and that a potential state of war existed. The UGK government would handle talks for Earth with the Mercurians. The UGK forces demanded that the Mercurian fleet depart the vicinity and maintain a 0.108 AU distance from Earth, any Earth outposts, and shipping lanes (approximately 10 million miles).

Later the night of the banquet, the Queen and Mira are in the Queen’s bed chamber. The Queen and Mira remove the mantas clothing and fall kissing and embracing each other onto the bed. The Queen says:

“I nearly orgasmed when you decapitated those Mercurians baby. My mantas attire was working overtime evacuating My pussy wetness.”

“I practically dared that mother fucker to say something after I warned him the second time. There was no way I was going to let him get away with talking about You My Love. His mouth was not fit to speak of You My Queen, and it will never speak again baby,” remarks Mira.

They kiss with the Queen laying on top of Mira, and Mira’s nodes reconfigure and penetrate and stimulate the Queen’s pussy. There is no inelegant action as the Queen’s lower regions and breasts are covered in Mira’s nodes.

“My Queen, the Duchess of Montrose is coming down the hall to see You,” informs one of the Vipers.

“Is she alone,” asks the Queen?

“No, My Queen, the Earl of Salisbury, and the Baron of Lindsey are with her,” answers the Viper.

“Shit! Get dressed baby, I am not sure I know these lords, I think they are teenagers. Why in the fuck is Ariana bringing teenage boys here this late at night,” remarks the Queen?

“Your Majesty, I have a surprise for You Lover. This is the Earl of Salisbury, Allen Chance Valentini, and this is the Baron of Lindsey, Erin Jonis Branham,” says Ariana, and both the boys address the Queen properly, as they enter the Queen’s chambers and pass into the inner bedroom.

“What is the surprise Duchess? Wait, Allen Valentini, I remember you, I saw you play football in a national game about 6 months ago. You are like the youngest person on the team, and you made the World Cup qualification. Sorry you lost the opener. Damn Duchess, I mean, not a top celebrity, or worthy of a midnight private audience with the Queen,” remarks the Queen.

“No Lover, that is not the surprise. Young Allen here got in trouble with his mommy Lady Madeleine. She caught him and Erin throat hugging each other’s cocks a few weeks ago. I thought they would be fun to play with. Allen is so cute, don’t You think My Queen,” says Ariana.

Allen and Erin are about the same age, 17. Allen is really cute and athletically fit and 6’ tall He has bushy loose curly brown hair that hangs about halfway down his neck. Erin is about the same height with short black hair, and he is good looking, but Allen is a heartthrob.

“He is adorable Duchess,” replies the Queen concerning Allen.

“That is not the best part Lover,” indicates Ariana as she undresses Allen.

Allen has a thick 8.5” circumcised cock, which is impressive, and he keeps his pubic area well-groomed with slick balls and below. Ariana undresses Erin too, but his dick is average, in the 7” length or less range. The Queen, Mira, and Ariana are still clothed and looking mostly at the teen cutie Allen, and his thick hard 8.5” cock.

“Go ahead Allen, you can use the Queen’s bed, I know Erin wants to suck that pretty cock of yours,” directs Ariana.

Allen lays on the bed, and Erin crawls next to him and starts sucking Allen’s cock. Allen reaches down and pulls Erin’s thigh, drawing Erin’s dick to his mouth, and they are in a 69. They are sucking each other’s cock like it is the most delicious thing they can put in their mouths right now. Ariana, whispers to the Queen:

“I bought lube, You are going to love the next part.”

The Queen whispers to Mira:

“No transformations around these boys, you are a normal woman, I will swallow your nodes and fluid as I eat your pussy, and you can recover them later My true love.”

“Yes baby,” replies Mira kissing the Queen.

Allen stops sucking Erin’s dick and lays his head back on the bed, and he starts sighing in pleasure. Erin gobbles Allen’s 8.5” cock deep into his throat, and Allen ejaculates, and Erin sucks Allen’s dick dry and swallows all his cum. Ariana hands Erin the lube, and Allen stays on his back as Erin slides his dick into Allen’s ass, and begins to fuck him missionary. Allen is moaning in pleasure and the Queen is excited, and She removes her mantas attire, and so does Mira and Ariana.

The Queen 69’s on top of Allen, and She holds his balls up while he gets fucked in the ass by Erin. Allen wraps his arms around the Queen’s waist, and he bites Her right thigh, and he continues to grunt. Allen pulls his legs up, bending his knees and rotating his pelvis up to enjoy a deeper pleasure. Allen begins to eat the Queen’s pussy, and She starts to suck his flaccid cock.

Erin cums in Allen’s ass, and the Queen grabs Erin by the ass cheeks and pulls him in deep. Allen sighs again in satisfaction feeling Erin’s dick throb in his ass. When the thrill is passed, Allen focuses on eating the Queen’s pussy as She continues to suck Allen’s cock, and it is getting hard again.

Mira and Ariana are locked up on their sides orally stimulating each other’s cunt, and Ariana orgasms rather quickly. It is no wonder, given Mira’s oral abilities. Mira moves to the Queen’s ass as Allen continues to eat the Queen’s pussy. Mira holds her mouth against the Queen’s asshole, and she penetrates Her with a morphing tongue so others cannot see it. The Queen moans deeply, and Mira stimulates the Queen’s rim, and combined with Allen eating Her pussy, they give the Queen an orgasm.

Allen’s big cock is hard again, and the Queen turns and grabs Mira and kisses her, and She pushes her onto her back and turns in a 69 and eats Mira’s pussy. The Queen tells Allen:

“Fuck Me with that big cock you cute boy, and when you cum, drive it as deep as you can and hold Me tight.”

The Queen eats Mira’s pussy, and Mira is excited, and her nodes are secreting, but she is maintaining her female form. The Queen swallows the excess nodes and fluid, and they will move through the Queen’s body by Mira’s command, and exit when it is convenient. Allen cums, and does what the Queen asked, and Mira holds the Queen tight, sensing Her pleasure, and it excites Mira intensely. Allen withdraws, and the Queen pushes Her pussy down on Mira’s mouth, and Mira removes all of Allen’s sperm and the Queen’s excitement. Mira loves to do this, and her nodes enjoy ingesting sperm and vaginal fluid.

The Queen lays on Mira’s thigh, and kisses it, and Erin moves in between the goddess Mira, desiring to fuck the hottest woman he has ever seen. The Queen stops him, and She says:

“No, no, no! She is the Queen’s consort only, little lord.”

Erin moves away and sucks Allen hard again, and Ariana gets to ride Allen’s big cock too. Ariana eventually leaves taking the two lords with her. The Queen and Mira are alone with the exception of the Vipers, and Mira says:

“Maybe that boy would make a good husband for You baby, You need an heir?”

“I don’t want to think about that, I have you My love,” replies the Queen.

“I know baby, but that boy will be 18 in another month, and some other Royalty will claim him. At least reserve the right and consider it, for me. I want You to have a daughter, and the Doctor can help with that. I want You to live forever the way your people live, through their descendants. Your Sovereignty must be continual,” begs Mira.

EPISODE CHARACTERS (Reoccurring Sexually):

Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Kassia Ruslon (AKA) MP/PM Kassia Ruslon, (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-27-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Brunette Medium Length, (CUP) 34DDD Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Christy Canyon, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive Hot Milf, Soft White Skin, Busty Breasts, Ample Thighs, Nice Calves, and Sexy Feet and Toes

Ti-Weh Naropa (AKA) Patriarch Ti-Weh Naropa, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long Length to Shoulders, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 9 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Weight Athletic, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Good-Looking Surfer Type, Probably the Prettiest Cock Compelling You to Suck It

Harold Shirandicol (INTRO) 70 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Gray Balding Gray Goatee, (PUBIC) Gray Trimmed, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 7” Length Uncircumcised, (BODY) Average for Age, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Has an old Sean Connery Look

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Ariana Cossad Ellis (AKA) Duchess, Ace, Janet Graham, and Duchess of Montrose (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, 33-25-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) True Blonde Long, (CUP) 32C Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Tan Complexion Fit Tight & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Bailey Brooke, (COMMENTS) Ariana looks like a Victoria Secret’s Model, Born in High Heels and Never Wears Bras or Panties, A True Blonde

Allen Chance Valentini (AKA) Prince Allen, First Duke of Sombwe, Earl of Salisbury, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Bushy Curly, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Above Average Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Weight Athletic, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Calvin Banks (COMMENTS) Real Cute Heartthrob, A Bareback Twink


It should be no secret that I wanted to be the Queen. There will be story to develop the Queen’s world, which is why I went into some detail using a state banquet setting in this Episode. The next Episode will deal with the fallout from the killings, and the Queen’s engagement to the Earl of Salisbury Allen Chance Valentini.

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