Mercury – 014 (Keys of the Kingdom)

“How big do you want it?”…“I don’t know, I have never fucked a cock before, I have only been with girls,” answers Tildy.


“Tildy Stargel Breeze, you are lucky you had that Occlude with you, or you would not have captured me,” declares the Mercurian Prelate Tam Lunar.

The Queen’s forces captured Tam in the battle of Wolf 489, and he is in a prison cell in the Queen’s castle. The Queen, Mira, and Tildy are visiting the prison complex, and this is the Queen’s first meeting with Tam. Tildy replies:

“Please, that Occlude was protecting you from me. Capture was our goal. If we wanted you dead, they would have just sent me alone.”

“Well, I would be glad to take you on, just get the Occlude you have stashed nearby out of the area,” dares Tam.

“Okay, that is enough of who has the biggest balls, [the Queen leans down and kisses Tildy on the cheek] we know you do baby doll. Anyway, I came here to let you know that I, Queen Dianne, have imprisoned you. You are going to serve several purposes, one of which involves your secret that Harold Shirandicol shared with me. Also, I do not want you to be confused as it relates to Occludes, they are not the chain that binds you. So, Tildy, you can have some fun, but don’t hurt him,” says the Queen.

Tildy teleports into the cell and uses telekinesis to lift and shove Tam against the wall. Tildy says:

“You see Tam, you are the weak one here, not me,” and Tildy releases Tam, and he falls to the floor, and she teleports back outside the cell to the corridor.

Tam asks:

“How are you keeping me here, if you are not using one of the Occludes nearby, how are you preventing me from teleporting, or using telepathy, or any of my abilities?”

“I had a theory when it came to the higher plane and I tested it using you Tam. I discussed it with two thaumaturgists I know, and they researched something for Me. They were surprisingly receptive to My request after meeting Tildy as well. While Mercurians refer to the spiritual dimensions as the higher planes. Other faiths, such as the Christian faith, refer to these planes as heavens.

Perhaps the greatest Ṛddhi of all time, is the Christians’ God, and most likely the One you ignorantly venerate. This One, passed His authority, in the form of the keys of heaven, to a man named Peter, or the first Pope. He also granted Peter two swords to use in the world, a spiritual and temporal. The keys of heaven, and that authority, have resided with the succeeding Popes ever since, and for some reason, a gift given is never taken away in their faith.

That authority included the ability to bind and loose, as in, whatever you bind on Earth, shall be bound in heaven, your higher plane, Tam. I created this prison complex within My castle, and the Pope issued a bull to bind all transcendent humans that are ‘spirit possessed’ and imprisoned here by a being with authority to imprison them.

That would be Me, Tam, Queen Dianne. I have the authority to imprison you for errant spiritual communion in the kingdoms of this world. I did so by Royal Decree, and the original is here on file, and a copy is in the hands of the Vatican. The Pope granted Me sovereignty to rule the temporal kingdoms of this world through the Pope’s terrestrial sword. My Prince in the higher plane granted Me Authorities in his kingdom as well.

The Vatican calls your spiritual communion, devil possession, and a copy of the bull was posted at the entrance of this prison in an elaborate ritual performed by the Pope where he anointed and blessed this prison. We do not need Occludes in this prison, because the spiritual powers, or beings, you commune with for your abilities are under the authority of the One.

The One is the Vatican’s ultimate leader and possessor of all authority and power, which He passed to Peter, and subsequently, to the succeeding Popes. Your path may not be the straight path to His highest plane. My prince of the Powers of the air rules the temporal, and the One rules all kingdoms, but has allowed My prince to continue to rule the world. The Pope has the authority to act in the One’s behalf in the temporal kingdom, possessing both swords, the keys, and the authority.

The Pope and the Vatican found My theories fascinating, and now that they know it works, My two thaumaturgists friends are researching something else they we want to try – exorcisms. We believe we can exorcise the spiritual entities from your being. You know, the entities you commune with and use for your psychic abilities, even if you are unaware of them. You are going to be our guinea pig.

The Vatican is psyched to discover how to subdue psychics, pun intended. You had the Vatican’s faith scared with your supernatural abilities, but they found a new motivation to rediscover the antiquated rites of their faith, and to use them to overcome the Thrones and Dominions beneath the rule of the One. To overcome your supernatural abilities granted to you by the powers of the air,” explains the Queen.

Tam rubs his face and head with both hands and sits on the bed, resting his elbows on his thighs. Inside, Tam has a fear of losing his abilities, having just witnessed proof from Tildy’s demonstration. Tam no longer has access to the transcendent powers. Tam looks up and says:

“What do You want from me anyway? At first, I thought it was Tildy getting me back for being one of the Ṛddhi that captured her, but it appears that this was all Your idea. What Harold saw is behind me, and I repented of that?”

“Well, I wanted you as bait to catch Ti-Weh Naropa. He kidnapped Me recently. I sort of owe him one, and you serve that purpose to a degree. Since I had you, I wanted to try My prison, and maybe let the Vatican experiment on you some too. So, do you think Ti-Weh still cares enough to try and rescue you,” asks the Queen?

“I told You, that is behind me, and he has put it in the past as well. For the past six years, I have only seen Ti in passing.”

“Well, Tam, I want to see what your relationship was like with Ti, so I am going to use soul possession, and persuasion on you. I recently picked up those abilities, and I want to try them out,” says the Queen.

The Queen concentrates, and She splits Her consciousness and possesses Tam. The Queen uses persuasion to make Tam focus on his relationship with Ti.

The Queen sees that Tam and Ti grew up on Nabu (FC2), and although it started as a farming community, Nabu is industrialized and very modern now. The population there is much greater than that of those living underground on Mercury. Mercury is more like the Mecca of their faith.

Nabu resembles Earth, and many families choose to live as laypeople there to raise kids and work. The Queen sees the beginning of Tam and Ti’s sexual curiosity that started when they were 14. Tam and Ti were camping near Ti’s house at a lake, and the boys were swimming. As a joke, Tam pulled Ti’s shorts down. Ti tried to catch him in the water until he pulled Tam’s shorts down. As they played around, they ended up skinny dipping.

Tam noticed that Ti’s dick was a little bigger, and Tam played with his until it was hard, and they got into a, who has the biggest dick contest. Tam lost, but he was convinced that if he played with his more it would get bigger. In their tent that night, Tam was playing with his dick as Ti laughed at him for being a little shorter. They didn’t know what they were doing, they were goofing around. Tam jacked on his dick, and it felt good, and the next thing you know, he ejaculated for the first time. It was a thrill, and he convinced Ti to try it, and he ejaculated.

As the weeks passed, they would spend the night with each other and play with their new toys, until they were playing with the other’s toy. It felt good, rubbing someone else, and they would rub their dicks and bodies against each other in fun. They were getting so intimate, as they rubbed against each other, that Tam kissed Ti, and grabbed around his ass and squeezed. It was sensational, to both of them. Pretty soon their lips made it to the chests, and stomachs, until they were next to the toys that started this amazing feeling to begin with. Tam kissed on the top of Ti’s thigh next to his cock, and he wanted to kiss Ti’s cock, and he did.

Ti laid back and began to sigh in pleasure, and Tam knew how to make a dick ejaculate, so he sucked it, and he stroked it real fast, until Ti cum in Tam’s mouth. It was a weird taste and salty, but he swallowed it. In time they were both sucking each other’s cocks and cumming and swallowing each other’s sperm. Their passion for fucking each other was tremendous, and kissing on each other advanced to kissing ass cheeks, and the discovery of another erogenous area. Hard cocks soon found their way to rubbing against asses and resting in butt cracks as they lay on top of each other. It felt good to them, to rub their dicks in the other guy’s ass crack. Then cocks went into the asshole to rub, until Ti shoved his dick in Tam’s ass, and it felt good, for both.

For the next year they had sex regularly, and it became full contact for them. They didn’t know any better, until another boy got in trouble at the local temple for such an act. They were taught how wrong it was according to the Mercurian faith. They had some guilt, but they were really, in love with each other, and did it anyway. They concealed it, up until they decided that they wanted to join the temple, and they became Observants. They ceased their sexual relationship, and focused on meditations, and prayers, and all the religious sacraments needed to ascend to the higher plane. As they received abilities, they advanced, until in their early 20’s they achieved the Order of Anchoret, and they temporarily went in different directions in the fleet for a while.

Ti reached Prelate a few years later, and he wanted to form a group to seek to become Ṛddhi and Tam joined him and another Anchoret. Tam and Ti reached the eight-ability level minimum, and they were granted Ṛddhi acknowledgement. They were strong, and Harold Shirandicol was a senior Prelate over them, and they formed a Ṛddhi triumvirate with the Congregation Elder’s blessing. They were together for four years.

Tam and Ti had secretly started having sex with each other again. Harold walked into a Corsair on the hanger deck looking for them one day, and caught Tam sucking Ti’s 9” cock. Harold resigned after advising the Chief Elder (Harold’s brother) to separate Tam and Ti when they repented of the act to Harold. Only Harold and Chief Elder Glacan Shirandicol knew of Ti and Tam’s sexual relationship. Ti and Tam were in one of the first generation of Ṛddhi manifesting Higher Abilities. This was over six years ago, and the Chief Elder concealed Tam and Ti’s transgression in their faith. The Queen releases Tam and says:

“Interesting stuff Tam, I got excited. I almost want to offer you the chance to become one of My AhṚddhi, would you?”


“Suit yourself, I will let the Vatican experiment on you. I could see that you have had no sexual relations with anyone for six years now, do you miss it,” asks the Queen?

“No, I am focused on my faith now,” replies Tam.

“Alright, we are leaving now. Enjoy your stay in My prison,” and the Queen, Mira, and Tildy leave for the Throne Room.

The Queen sits on Her throne, and Mira and Tildy talk with Her siting in chairs in front of Her. One of the Vipers says:

“My Queen, Prince Allen is wanting to come in.”

“Shit, maybe after I get pregnant, I can find something else for him to do. He is kind of a spoiled child. Let him in,” orders the Queen.

Prince Allen comes in and says:

“Darling, shouldn’t I have a seat next to Yours, I am Your husband?”

The Queen rolls Her eyes looking at Mira, and both Mira and Tildy are grin laughing under their breath.

The Queen answers Prince Allen:

“No little boy, you are not going to sit beside Me in My throne. You are a consort, not a ruler. I do have a job for you though. How would you like to seduce someone as a game? Of course, I will have to send you to prison, but it will be fun, what do you say? The Queen wishes it, think about that?”

“Guy or girl?”


“Is he cute?”

“Oh yeah baby, you will love him, but he has been out of the gay sex game for six years, but deep down he loved it. Do you think you can draw his interest in the shower and recreation area of My prison, make him remember how much he misses sucking a nice cock? I will give you a cell in a wing far away from him, so that you only have to try and seduce him when he gets his recreation or shower time. You have to pretend you are a prisoner, but you don’t have to stay in prison. You can tell him the Queen locked you up for stealing, or whatever you want to make up, but you cannot let him know you are there to seduce him, or that you are the Prince. It will be fun; do you want to play?”

“Yes, when do I need to start, My Queen” asks Prince Allen?

“He gets his next shower today in two hours, want to join him and scope him out?”

“Yes, My Queen,” answers Prince Allen.

The Queen has Mira explain it in detail to the Prince, and some of the Vipers escort the Prince to prepare for his undercover mission to seduce Tam Lunar. One of the Vipers says:

“My Queen, Prime Minister Kassia Ruslon is landing.”

“Send her to the Drawing Room,” and the Queen, Mira, and Tildy join Harold and meet with the Prime Minister, and she begins to update them:

“My Queen, the Mercurians notified us of another attack by Dr. Nayfel on their fleet. They suffered significant loses. The tension level is higher this time, and they are making accusations that Earth, primarily through You My Queen, is involved in these ambushes, as they put it. Of course, they have no proof to their accusations.”

“You have to hand it to the Mercurians; they consistently prove that they have no business in politics. The Mercurians appear to have some war with this Dr. Nayfel, Kassia, that is, if they are not making this up. It is not our war, and we offer no assistance. Maybe Dr. Nayfel is a myth, and the Mercurians stole My androids and broke into the Bovine Research Center. Then we gave the Mercurians a tour and explained what the formula they stole does. Then we told them they needed ganite, and they stole that too. The next time they accuse our government, or Me, of something, you accuse them. Since they left, there have been no other assaults on our citizens. Perhaps they have a civil war going on, and they are trying to involve us,” declares the Queen.

“I have another matter that may be beneath You My Queen, but when I heard about it, I was reminded of Your android demonstration. The Federated State of Tennessee’s security forces have had a rash of break-ins recently, and I know this is trivial, but the reports are a little hard to believe. The SSF has arrived on scenes and confronted a female suspect that changes into things like birds or rats, and even into monsters and attacks their forces. It is a little weird, but I thought it might be someone with Your androids,” informs PM Kassia Ruslon.

“That is weird, I will have Lady Mira look into it. Is that all Kassia,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen, the rest is business as usual, and definitely beneath Your station.”

The Queen walks over to Kassia, and runs her hand up Kassia’s skirt, and she is not wearing any panties. The Queen whispers in Kassia’s ear:

“I am glad you are not wearing panties; do you want to spend the night? I have some new security androids. They can form cocks of any size. Would you like to fuck them?”

“Yes, My Queen, if You will be there, I cannot quit thinking about You.”

“I need to finish with My Council, then I will join you, this Viper will escort you to My chambers,” instructs the Queen as Kassia leaves the room.

The Queen asks Her Council:

“What do you think about what Kassia told us?”

“I think all Your lies are going to come back on You when they find out Dr. Nayfel is here, and who Tildy, the Occludes, Bryn, Britni, Eryn, and Tam Lunar are,” responds Harold.

“Shit Harold, you don’t understand subversive politics either. By the time the Mercurians press the issue with any kind of proof, I can have the UGK provide sanctuary to Dr. Nayfel and the others. All we have to do is offer the government the plans to the wormhole generator as an incentive. They will grant Dr. Nayfel immunity from extradition, and since there is no direct proof of his involvement, we can blame it on the Mercurians. We make the rules Harold, not the Mercurians. Damn, the Mercurians admitted that the Scorpions were and early prototype of their equipment.

I wasn’t talking about that anyway, these weird break-ins in Tennessee interest Me. What if it is a Higher Ability user? Mira, you, Tildy, and Bayesian low orbit over Tennessee and plug into the SSF. The next time they get a call, tell them the UGK will respond. Let’s catch this person,” orders the Queen.

Mira, Tildy, and Bayesian low orbit Tennessee monitoring the SSF for any criminal activity. Crime is very rare in Tennessee, to the point of unheard of on the scale of break-ins. Mira has 12 of her doppelgangers/Telcom Nighthawks formed into one transport. Tildy is having her first sex with a black woman, as she and Bayesian are in a 69 with Tildy on top. Mira comes up behind Tildy and says:

“How big do you want it?”

“I don’t know, I have never fucked a cock before, I have only been with girls,” answers Tildy.

“I will start with average thickness and 8” length, and you can see how much of it you can take,” says Mira.

Mira begins to fuck Tildy’s pussy from behind as Bayesian licks Tildy’s clit underneath in a 69. Tildy gets verbal:

“Uhhh, uhhh, does it always hurt like this?”

“How would I know, neither one of you has ever fucked a dick, and my pussy can take anything. Shit, I could take an elephant cock. Do you want me to stop – ‘baby doll,’” asks Mira sarcastically?

“No cunt, uh, uh, go faster, uh, uh, it’s starting to feel good, mm, mm, mm, smart ass, ahh, bitch,” says Tildy.

Tildy has her head resting sideways on Bayesian’s pussy holding around her thighs from the pressure. Mira pushes the last 2 inches of the 8-inch cock she has formed into Tildy’s pussy, and Tildy squeals. Mira is excited by Tildy’s noises, and then Mira withdraws and says:

“Shit, they have a break-in. Get your mantas gear back on,” and Mira’s craft separates, and each of the twelve Nighthawks head to the area of disturbance. Mira notifies the SSF to stay back, and Mira tells Bayesian over the comms:

“That Nighthawk and one other will take you nearby, but back far enough for Tildy to use her abilities. If we need you, my clones will bring you in.”

“Okay Mira,” responds Bayesian.

The break-in is at a grocery store. Mira and nine of her clones and Tildy enter. There is a loud commotion, and Bayesian hears Tildy scream. One of the two clones with Bayesian says:

“Come this way,” and they head up an alley.

Bayesian sees several rats, and they merge into a naked girl. The two clones apprehend the girl. The girl says:

“Why did my powers stop working?”

“They have been neutralized by me,” answers Bayesian.

Mira and the rest of her clones and Tildy show up, and Mira is laughing her ass off. Tildy says:

“It’s not funny bitch. I hate rats.”

“It was funny as hell, that was the first time I saw a human take off flying. Did you piss your gear, baby doll,” asks Mira?

“Shut the fuck up,” says Tildy, as she walks up to the suspect, and Tildy twists the girl’s nipple hard, and the girl squeals, and Tildy says:

“That’s for scaring me rat girl.”

“Let’s get out of here before the SSF arrive and they want to take her,” says Mira, and they return to the castle in high Earth orbit.

Mira notifies the SSF that the UGK is taking custody of the suspect because she was using stolen proprietary property of the UGK. Mira and Tildy escort the suspect to the castle prison. Mira scanned and learned her name is Lisa Elizabeth Charles. Mira notified the Queen, and She published a Royal Decree incarcerating Lisa to the prison, and she is placed in one of the female wings. The female android guards clothe Lisa in a mantas jumpsuit. After dropping Lisa off, Mira asks Tildy and Bayesian:

“How about it, baby doll, do you want to go and finish what we started on the transport? Maybe I can transform into an 8” rat, and we can do some gerbilling in your little pussy?”

“Yuck! Stop reminding me of the rats Mira, it wasn’t funny you Nodiot. I do want to fuck some more; your cock was just starting to feel good when we had to stop. If I fuck your cock, and you are not human, am I still a virgin to cock,” asks Tildy?

“I hadn’t thought about that, I was wanting to try Mira’s cock too. I am still going to try it; Mira can make her cock any size. I would rather lose my virginity to Mira anyway,” says Bayesian.

With that, they end up in Tildy’s quarters, and Lisa is under lock and the spiritual key of the kingdom.

EPISODE CHARACTERS (Reoccurring Sexually):

Tildy Stargel Breeze (INTRO) 19 yrs. old, 30-23-30, Caucasian Human, 4 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 30A Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Petite Hourglass, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Jasmine Grey, (COMMENTS) Tildy is Real Cute Just Tiny, Little Titties Somewhat Smaller than a Tennis Ball (They are so Cute), Darling Little Shape and Almost a Peach Fuzz Black Hairy Area on Her Pussy, Sweet Curve to Hips and Round, Small Feet, Toes, Nice Legs, Precious Thighs, Bi-sexual Dynamo, Just Watching Her Eat Pussy Enhances Arousal

Tam Lunar (AKA) Prelate/Patriarch Tam Lunar, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Parted Trimmed Beard, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Ti-Weh Naropa (AKA) Patriarch Ti-Weh Naropa, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long Length to Shoulders, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 9 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Weight Athletic, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Good-Looking Surfer Type, Probably the Prettiest Cock Compelling You to Suck It

Allen Chance Valentini (AKA) Prince Allen, First Duke of Sombwe, Earl of Salisbury, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Bushy Curly, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Above Average Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Weight Athletic, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Calvin Banks (COMMENTS) Real Cute Heartthrob, A Bareback Twink

Kassia Ruslon (AKA) MP/PM Kassia Ruslon, (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-27-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Brunette Medium Length, (CUP) 34DDD Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Christy Canyon, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive Hot Milf, Soft White Skin, Busty Breasts, Ample Thighs, Nice Calves, and Sexy Feet and Toes

Harold Shirandicol (INTRO) 70 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Gray Balding Gray Goatee, (PUBIC) Gray Trimmed, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 7” Length Uncircumcised, (BODY) Average for Age, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Has an old Sean Connery Look

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Bryn Ritchie Athens (INTRO) 36 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Brown Short Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 7.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Good-Looking, has a Chris Hemsworth Look

Britni Chery Athens (INTRO) 34 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Complexion Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Teagan Presley, (COMMENTS) Looks a lot like Britney Spears, Sexy Legs, Feet, and Toes, Very Attractive and Hot Body

Eryn Tibetan Hirsch (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, Black Human, 6 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Black Cropped, (PUBIC) Hair None, (PENIS) Above Avg. Thickness 12 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Avg. Weight Tall Muscular, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Top Only, (COMMENTS) Good-Looking Hunk, Smooth Silky Skin

Bayesian Taylor (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, 34-25-36, Black Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Permed Loose, (CUP) 34D Natural Dark Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Medium Complexion Hourglass Slim Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Jenna J Foxx, (COMMENTS) Breasts are so Supple and Soft you can Squeeze a Boob Together and give Her a Tit Blowjob, Hair on Her Pussy is Very Soft Too, Tastes Sweet, Gets Abundantly Wet, Fucking Sexy Hot from Head to the Tip of Her Lovely Toes

Lisa Elizabeth Charles (AKA) Rat Girl, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 32-24-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 32B Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Slim Soft, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Danni Rivers, (COMMENTS) Small Breasts, Pale White Skin that Feels like Baby Skin, Hairless Pussy is Soft and Squishy, Great Kisser, Very Cute and Clever, Introverted and Passive Aggressive

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