Mercury – 031 (Zephyr Twins)

Put your fucking arms back down or I will tie and whip you Zoey, and I will drive a spiked dildo in that sweet asshole of yours.

Episode 31 – ZEPHYR TWINS

Tildy Stargel Breeze didn’t want her quarters near the Queen’s chambers. The Queen has all the Occludes living near Her, and they block psychic powers. Tildy’s quarters were near Dr. Nayfel’s lab, and since the Queen was pregnant, Tildy spent more time in her quarters entertaining guests. Tonight, she was alone.

“My Queen wake up…you too Aries,” exclaims Mira!

“What is it baby,” asks the Queen?

“Tildy is in trouble, You need to possess Aries now and teleport us to launch bay five,” says Mira.

The Queen (in Aries body) teleports Herself and Mira to launch bay five. Tildy is buckled over on the floor as two girls, not much bigger than her, fly around in the air assaulting her. One girl is siphoning Tildy’s psychic power, and the other girl is receiving the extra power being siphoned, and she is bombarding Tildy with psionic blasts. Tildy is shielding herself, but she is about to pass out. The Queen yells:



“Wow, this is the first time I have seen someone kick Tildy’s ass. They busted through four walls before ending up in here,” remarks Mira.

“IT’S THE ICONOCLAST! BLAST HER TRINITY,” shouts the girl siphoning Tildy’s psychic power.

The girl referred to as Trinity, shoots a psionic blast at the Queen, but the Queen has Her psychic force field up. Trinity shouts:


“Oh no, you two can’t leave, I like you too much,” says the Queen, and She blocks their psychic powers and uses telekinesis to prevent them from falling too hard to the floor.

Tildy rolls to her back and lays on the floor respiring heavily. Mira walks over and sticks her hand out and says:

“You okay baby doll? Those girls were really kicking your ass.”

Tildy gets up and walks over to the girls and says:

“What the fuck! Why are you attacking me?”

“Grandpa sent us to get your traitorous ass. He says you are helping Earth attack Mercury,” accuses Destiny.

Tildy turns and falls into Mira, exhausted and sore. The Queen walks near and says:

“You know these girls Tildy?”

“Yes, they are my younger sisters. The god damn Zephyr Twins.”

“Dang, they really are twins,” remarks Mira.

“I guess you could scan them Mira for their full names for the Royal Decree to imprison them, or you could tell us Tildy,” asks the Queen?

“The one on the right is Destiny Aurorahaza Breeze, and the other one is Trinity Nebulamisty Breeze,” answers Tildy who is being held by Mira.

“Your parents really liked stellar symbols, didn’t they? Okay, let’s go to the prison office and get you girls squared away,” says the Queen as four Vipers take hold on the two intruders.

The twins are Caucasian and 16 years old, and both have blonde hair. Destiny is older by a few minutes. Destiny’s hair is long to the middle of her back, and Trinity’s hair is short and extends halfway down her neck. Destiny is 5’ 3” tall with measurements of 28B-22-33, and Trinity is 5’ 2” tall with measurements of 28A-22-32.

The Queen has them placed in the same cell, and Her and Mira go talk to them. Tildy did not want to talk about her family. Tildy was hurt by the way they abandoned her after she was arrested, and it was an old wound that was easily reopened. It is hard when family turns on you, and it is probably the reason for some of Tildy’s bitterness. Destiny asks:

“How did you take our powers away? Before You did, I could tell the body You were using was soul possessed. You are the Earth Queen?”

“I am Queen Dianne, and I am a transcendent being above your powers. I have the authority to take your powers away, or restore them,” answers the Queen, and the Queen asks:

“Will you two explain your family to Me, because Tildy does not want to talk about it?”

“What’s to talk about, Tildy killed an Elder, and other leaders, and she should be in a prison, not us,” answers Destiny.

“So, you two don’t know why Tildy killed the Elder,” asks the Queen?

“She lost her temper when they tried to assign her to another triumvirate. The Elders have the final say in the triumvirates. If they feel you can better serve in another configuration, then you have to obey them,” answers Destiny.

The Queen explains to the twins how Tildy was being separated from her girlfriend, whom she loved. She explained how one of the Patriarchs arresting Tildy, were doing so for ethics violations according to Mercury law, and they killed Tildy’s girlfriend when she shielded Tildy. The two sisters’ knew Tildy’s friend, and they were told Tildy killed her too. Their haughty attitude shifted to a more somber tone. The Queen asks:

“Who wound you two up with lies to attack your sister?”

“Our Grandpa sent us, and he does not lie. He is an Elder on the Mercury Council of Elders. He is Elder Trei Casanorin Breeze of the 1st Congregation,” answers Destiny.

“Just so you two know, everyone here loves Tildy very much, and there is no way we will let Mercury have her back. On a personal note, I will destroy Nabu and Mercury Myself if something happens to Tildy,” threatens the Queen.

The Queen orders the mantas prison jumpsuits the twins are wearing to activate the environmental suits. The Queen teleports the twins to a remote moon in a nearby galaxy, and She shakes the moon violently as the twins roll around in the soil and almost get buried. The Queen teleports them back and says:

“That is child’s play for Me, keep that in mind,” and the Queen and Mira leave.

“They are kind of cool, aren’t they? I know Tildy can take me in a fight. Maybe not kill me, but she could probably teleport me into the middle of nowhere if she wanted to. I do love Tildy, and respect her even more. I really hope her sisters come around to our way of thinking. I have never seen Tildy actually scared for her life like that,” remarks Mira.

The Queen embraces and kisses Mira and says:

“I like them too, but there is nowhere anyone can send you that I will not find you. I know where you are at all times. Ever since I figured out technokinesis, your node signal is the one technology that I always keep close to My heart,” says the Queen.

The Queen uses technokinesis and infiltrates Mercury’s database and finds out where the 1st Congregation is, and then She uses navigation sense to locate the Carrier Beth’lehem. They are not cloaked, and the Queen remote views and locates Elder Breeze in his quarters alone. The Queen soul possesses Aries (dressed in her sexy maid outfit), and She teleports into Elder Breeze’s quarters. The Elder is slightly startled, but very aware of teleportation. Elder Breeze says:

“I suppose since I don’t know any maids, that something has happened to my granddaughters?”

“Yes, I am Aries I’tuhot, Queen Dianne’s Chambermaid. Destiny and Trinity are in our custody, but they are unharmed. Why did you send them after Tildy,” asks the Queen/Aries?

“I didn’t really think they could pull it off, but I wanted them to see their sister anyway. Tildy is a disappointment to them because of what she did, and they needed to get that out of their system,” explains Elder Breeze.

“I told them the truth about why Tildy killed the Elder and the others,” says the Queen.

Elder Breeze was under the same assumption as the twins, that Tildy was arrested for murder. Aries explained the truth. The Queen asks:

“How come you don’t know this already; you are an Elder? Also, if you are so observant, why do you have grandchildren?”

“I am one of the Apollodorus Seven. We are selected from the academic ranks for outstanding service and faithfulness to join the Council of Elders. My wife died 10 years ago of a sickness. My son and daughter in law were laypeople working on the Carrier Bethab’ara, and they died five years ago when a faulty coil in the wormhole generator caused it to explode near Foxtrot Charlie Five [Mopac-5]. The girls were with me at the time.

They are all strong girls, and good girls, and I am very fond of them. I hope your Queen does not treat them like She did Chadd Reiser. I know the fundamentalist Elders have been lying to us. Just so You know, those of us who are not Ṛddhi oppose a war,” explains Elder Breeze.

“The Queen would never subject Tildy’s sisters to an exorcism, which is what happened to Mr. Reiser, but his reaction was partly his fault, not the Queen’s. I am going to keep your granddaughters; they are safer with Me than Mercury. Your Chief Elder has someone running secret operations against Earth. I have captured five Ṛddhi who were sent to commit espionage and guerilla warfare. The Chief Elder is hiding this from your Council. Elder Rees also knows this and has the names of My prisoners,” informs the Queen.

“Ha, I knew why some of the few moderate fundamentalists backed us to overturn the war vote, but for the life of me I could not figure out why a fundamentalist like Elder Rees voted with us. Our people need to voluntarily decide to follow the religion of The Three Ṛddhi, not have it shoved down their throat. I have Ṛddhi in this congregation that are secretly having sexual affairs. Unless the proof was blatant, I overlooked it. I would appreciate You keeping me updated on my granddaughters, and I will do what I can politically to avert a war,” requests Elder Breeze.

“I was not entirely expecting this from you, but it has been a real pleasure to talk to you. I want you to know that you are actually talking to Queen Dianne, I have soul possessed My Chambermaid to come here. I also don’t mind telling you that I am behind the smuggling that is occurring on Nabu. I did it to avoid a war. Your young people were already having sex, smoking drugs, and making moonshine. The stuff I am giving them is less deadly than what they were experimenting with.

We also have technology that is equal to, if not superior to Mercury, which is how I intercepted your bomb and sent it back. I personally possess the power to destroy Mercury, but that is the last thing I want to do. I do not want a war, but your fundamentalist Elders do, to save their failing religion. It is only a matter of time before it fails naturally, and they intend to go down fighting. I hope you prevent that,” explains the Queen.

“I will do what I can, and I thank You for being honest. I feel better about my granddaughters now. Tell them I said to be safe. I know the fundamentalist Elders will exploit my granddaughters’ strength and get them killed. I can see that now,” says Elder Breeze and the Queen departs.

It is late, or early, considering your perspective, but it is 4:10am. The Queen, still in Aries body, and listening to Aries telepathically prod Her about things, decides to enter Prince Allen’s room. The 18-year-old Prince Allen is asleep and holding the 17-year-old Zoey Giavalletto, and they are both naked. The Queen whispers:

“The little bitch has moved in here, hasn’t she?”

“~Why do You care Queen, it’s not like You would sleep with him? Your mad because Prince Allen is Your public husband, and he is holding this girl like they are in love. You do have reason to be concerned, they have also been seen out and about doing things together, and she is not Royalty. If someone snaps a picture, You could be the next viral gossip on the internet. Maybe she needs an adjustment, and the Prince Consort too~,” advises Aries telepathically.

The Queen remote teleports Prince Allen into Tam Lunar and Marion Parson’s cell, naked. The Queen uses telepathy and technokinesis to tell Mira to make sure the guards do not give Prince Allen any clothes until She says so. She also says that Prince Allen is to accompany the prisoners to showers and recreation time in the courtyard naked as well. Zoey is still asleep, and the Queen/Aries slides into the bed up against Zoey naked. Zoey wakes up and can tell there is no dick and there are boobs up against her and she turns and says:

“Aries, where is Allen?”

“Ha-ha-ha, it is Aries’s body Zoey,” states the Queen.

“My Queen, I am sorry I did not recognize You,” replies Aries.

The Queen rolls Zoey onto her back and mounts her mid-section and starts playing with her hair, and the Queen says:

“That is okay, but ‘Allen?’ So informal, you are way too familiar with My husband little girl. I don’t really care if you fuck him, because he was more of a passing fancy for Me. One that I was talked in to anyway. However, I do have an image to uphold, and these little public outings of yours could cause Me some embarrassment. I would hate to have to kill ‘Allen’ because he was stupid enough to think this is love you two have going on. Can you feel Me, little girl with the sweet, sweet asshole that thinks she has scored a Prince,” asks the Queen?

Zoey is shaking in fear, and the Queen feels it, and it is exciting the Queen. Zoey replies:

“I am sorry My Queen. Allen said… [the Queen slaps Zoey across the cheek hard, and Zoey pisses the bed and starts to cry, and she blubbers] …Prince Allen said You did not care… [the Queen slaps Zoey’s other cheek hard, and Zoey pulls her arms up for defense].”

“Put your fucking arms back down or I will tie and whip you Zoey, and I will drive a spiked dildo in that sweet asshole of yours. It will be months before you use it for anything but shitting, and trust me, to shit will only remind you of the pain,” orders the Queen!

Zoey lowers her arms but stays silent. The Queen bends down and places Her hands on Zoey’s cheeks, and She rubs Zoey’s tears with Her thumbs. The Queen kisses Zoey, and She sits back up. The Queen says:

“I don’t give a fuck what ‘Allen’ told you. I am the only person in the universe that can call him Allen or say if others can call him Allen. Even before he married Me, he was an Earl, and someone like you would still have to call him Lord Allen. Do you understand?”

“Yes, My Queen,” answers Zoey.

“I don’t want to hear about any more public dates with Prince Allen. I don’t care if you sleep in here, but remember, Prince Allen is a married man to the world, and not just any married man, but married to the Queen of the Universe. I will kill both of you before I suffer political embarrassment brought on by puppy love. It will be a spectacular accident the world will witness, and they will mourn for Prince Allen, and never even know who you were. Am I going to have this conversation again Zoey, or do you understand,” asks the Queen?

“I understand My Queen,” answers Zoey.

“Mira, clean the bed and clean Zoey,” orders the Queen.

Mira appears, and the Queen and Zoey get up. The castle nanites removes Zoey’s urine from the bed, and Mira cleans Zoey. The Queen pushes Zoey down on the bed and says:

“It is time to pay the Queen’s tax Zoey, the price for using Her Prince.”

The Queen mounts Zoey’s mouth with Aries’s hairy pussy. Looking at Zoey, She reaches down and pulls Zoey’s head into Her cunt. Zoey begins to eat Aries’s pussy. The Queen runs Her fingers deep into Zoey’s hair, and the Queen rolls to Her back dragging Zoey’s mouth pressed to Aries’s pussy. The Queen grinds Zoey’s mouth against Aries’s pussy until She orgasms. The Queen pulls Zoey by the hair as she squeals up to Her mouth and kisses her.

The Queen pulls Her knees up, so Her feet are flat on the bed with Zoey laying in between Her legs as She kisses Zoey. The Queen says:

“Mira, fuck both holes, and baby, make her feel it.”

Mira morphs into her perfect female form, and she configures two cocks, thick, and both 14” long. Mira drives them into Zoey’s asshole and pussy as Zoey screams. The Queen grabs around Zoey and holds her tight so that she can barely move. Mira pounds and Zoey has tears running down her face and onto Aries’s breasts. Mira envelopes both of them, and she penetrates Aries’s pussy as well with a third cock.

The Queen orgasms again, and Mira was still fucking Zoey hard with her huge cocks. It lasted for 30 minutes until Zoey was hoarse from screaming. Zoey had given up and was laying almost lifeless on the Queen, as Mira fucked her limp body. The Queen made Mira stop, and Zoey was bleeding from both holes. The Queen used regeneration to heal Zoey. When Zoey felt better, the Queen rolled Zoey over and laid on her, and kissed her and said:

“I love you Zoey. Normally if someone were to upset Me like this, I would just get rid of them. I do want you to fear Me, but I don’t want you to be terrorized. If this has made you bitter toward Me, I need to know now?”

“No, My Queen, I am not bitter. I love living here, and I did get over-friendly with Prince Allen. Please don’t kill me, and don’t send me back to Mercury. Thank you for correcting me, and I do love you My Queen,” answers Zoey.

The Queen kisses Zoey and curls up next to her, and they fall asleep. Mira returned to the Queen’s bed, and she curled up against the Queen’s body which was holding to Dr. Bethany Hylton. A few hours later the Queen transferred back to Her body, and Aries stayed with Zoey. The Queen kissed Mira, and She went back to sleep. Earlier:

“Mother fucker, that bitch,” exclaims Prince Allen!

He wakes Tam and Marion, who were asleep together naked in their prison cell. Surprised, Tam and Marion sit up, and Tam asks:

“What are you doing in here Allen?”

“I guess I made the Queen mad again.”

“She stuck your ass in here naked. You sure She does not have some weird obsession with you? You are the only person in this prison that is not from Mercury, and She does not strike me as the kind of person that would suffer fools,” remarks Tam.

Prince Allen’s first time in the prison was an undercover mission for the Queen to seduce Tam. Tam is under the impression that Prince Allen, is just Allen, some teen kid whose parents work in the castle. Allen’s first stint was because he was being punished for looking at the Queen swimming naked (his cover story). Tam has no idea he is the Queen’s Prince Consort.

“Fuck it, I did miss you Tam, and that sexy trim beard of yours,” says Allen.

Allen grabs the lube on a shelf, and he pushes Tam back on the bed and lays in between his legs kissing him. Tam grabs around Allen and they kiss passionately. Tam likes it very much. Marion has been okay, but Allen is much more sensual in the arms of Tam. Allen continues to kiss Tam, and he gets some lube on his fingers. As Tam holds around Allen, Allen reaches down and fingers Tam’s asshole.

Allen grabs his thick 8.5” cock, and he guides it into Tam’s ass. Tam raises his legs and rolls his hips and wraps his legs around Allen, and they continue to kiss. It is such an erotic scene, that Marion is jacking off in excitement. Marion and Tam’s sexual encounters have been nothing like this. Tam grabs around the back of Allen with both hands with his head to side of Allen’s, and he breathes heavy and grunts. Allen has one hand behind Tam’s shoulders, and the other hand under Tam’s ass. Allen cums, and pushes his cock deep in Tam’s ass as they both grunt and sigh in pleasure. Allen holds his cock in Tam’s ass, and they kiss. Allen says:

“I missed you,” as Allen rubs Tam’s bearded face.

Allen withdraws his cock, and kisses down Tam’s chest and stomach, and grabs Tam’s 8.5” cock, and starts sucking until he milks it dry and swallows. They clean up, and Allen lays beside Tam and holds him, and they fall asleep. Marion stares not knowing what to do, and finally he lays down and goes back to sleep too.

The next day the Queen and Mira visit the twins Destiny and Trinity in the prison. The Queen tells them She visited their grandfather and let him know they were okay. She also tells them that She told him the truth about Tildy, and he didn’t know either. The Queen told the twins that She was going to keep them and take care of them as requested by their grandfather. The Queen said:

“Your grandfather knows the Council of Elders is lying, and he is going to try and stop what they are doing. He knows it is too dangerous for you two to be there. I will let you think about this, and hope you choose to serve Me willfully. If you do, I will let you out of prison. If not, then you can just stay in here. My obligation to your grandfather is to keep you safe.”


Tildy Stargel Breeze (INTRO) 19 yrs. old, 30-23-30, Caucasian Human, 4 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 30A Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Petite Hourglass, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Jasmine Grey, (COMMENTS) Tildy is Real Cute Just Tiny, Little Titties Somewhat Smaller than a Tennis Ball (They are so Cute), Darling Little Shape and Almost a Peach Fuzz Black Hairy Area on Her Pussy, Sweet Curve to Hips and Round, Small Feet, Toes, Nice Legs, Precious Thighs, Bi-sexual Dynamo, Just Watching Her Eat Pussy Enhances Arousal

Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Aries I’tuhot (AKA Authorities), (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 36-24-36, Devil in Caucasian Human Flesh, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Hairy Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Hourglass Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lena Paul, (COMMENTS) A True Babe, Aries’ Thighs Curve into Her Sexy Hips Nicely and They are Ample and Soft, Plush Calves, Lovely Legs, Feet and Toes, Busty Breasts, Beautiful Nipples and Areola, Built to Fuck, Nice Creases, Defining Attraction is Her Hairy Pussy (a Work of Art) She Trims but Does Not Shave It, She has that Gap between Her Ample Thighs which Makes Her Pussy Totally Visible and Gives Her a Perky Ass

Destiny Aurorahaza Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Oldest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-33, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 28B Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Destiny is Trinity’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Destiny has nicer hip definition than Trinity, but both are sexy cute.

Trinity Nebulamisty Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Youngest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-32, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Blonde Short to Middle of Neck, (CUP) 28A Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Trinity is Destiny’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Trinity’s inner pussy lips extend to the outside of her outer pussy lips. They are not big pussy lips, and are elongated, and they are actually very sexy. Despite her slim body type, she has a sexy ass and cute hips, just small breasts.

Allen Chance Valentini (AKA) Prince Allen, First Duke of Sombwe, Earl of Salisbury, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Bushy Curly, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Above Average Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Weight Athletic, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Calvin Banks (COMMENTS) Real Cute Heartthrob, A Bareback Twink

Zoey Giavalletto (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-25-38, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 34D Natural – Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Distinctive Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Hot Body Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Gia Derza, (COMMENTS) Zoey is a gorgeous brunette with long hair, hot hips, and thighs and nice big ass, She can do a split like you wave your hand, Her tits are supple and round at the base, but do not stick out a lot, but enough to know she has nice tits, Her ass and thighs shake when she moves and they are so supple and soft to touch, Her asshole looks so pretty, you wish you had a cock to fuck it, and she loves anal, Guys say fucking her ass is like fucking a hot pussy

Tam Lunar (AKA) Prelate/Patriarch Tam Lunar, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Parted Trimmed Beard, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Marion Parson (AKA) Prelate Marion Parson, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Above Avg. Thickness 10 in Length Uncircumcised, (BODY) Skinny, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Top Only, (COMMENTS) Decent Looking, Skinny White Dude with a Big Cock

Dr. Bethany Hylton (AKA) (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-26-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Complexion Fit Soft Milf, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Cherie DeVille, (COMMENTS) Very Hot Attractive Milf, Very Nice Body and Curves Just Right, Soft Round Ass, Nice Thighs, Legs, Sexy Feet and Toes

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