Mercury – 134 (As You Wish)

How I made a deal with a devil slut that is a thousand times hotter than any porn star or alien, and her favorite desert dispenses from my pussy…

Episode 134 – AS YOU WISH

Doctor Rebecca Voxel returned to her home world of Decussexia for business, and Queen Dianne is relieved. Queen Dianne hates obsessive infatuation directed toward Her. The 15 year old Aaden Atheon was the same way, and the Queen used Aaden’s school attendance as a way to distance from him.

The Queen gave Series Six-Three Prime Rebecca’s quarters on the HMS Goddess Queen Dianne-One to use. Six-Three loves watching old movies, and Queen Dianne began sleeping with Six-Three and watching movies with her. The Queen likes S-3’s soft young body and holding her as She sleeps.

Queen Dianne doesn’t really care that much for the movies, but She will rub and kiss on Six-Three, and usually when a movie ends, S-3 will allow the Queen to go down on her. Six-Three will kiss the Queen, and rub Her affectionately, but she never does anything else, like rub Her breasts, or even finger the Queen’s pussy. Sex was one sided, with the Queen always bringing S-3 to pleasure but receiving no pleasure in return.

Sleeping in Rebecca’s quarters with S-3 was relaxing. The Queen’s suite is not as private, but sexually more active. Several alien beings live in the Queen’s wing on the GQD-1, and most will cum and go in the Queen’s huge bedroom, often ending up in a sex pile on the Queen’s enormous bed.

After Impulse entered the Queen to live, the devils have had a hard time reading the Queen’s mind. Impulse is an energy nexus precept being who balances the time stream harmony of the universe, and Impulse loves living in the Queen’s body, and sharing Her sensations. Impulse predates the devils’ creation, and since the devils are wholly focused on Queen Dianne, Impulse’s proximity to Her helps his purposes. The devils are the biggest disruptors of the time stream in the universe.

It bothered Aries when she could no longer read the Queen’s mind freely after the dwarf bracelet blocked her. It only blocked the devil Aries because she was in flesh form. She does not mind as much now that Impulse blocks her, because the other devils are blocked too. Neither Aires nor the other devils know why they are blocked, or know about Impulse.

Impulse allows the Queen Her privacy to the point She forgets Impulse is even there until something reminds Her. The Queen is in Her suite with Aries, Zazuleah the succubus, and Praeffelia the cheetah girl, and She is horny for devil thighs. They are naked on the bed and Six-Three comes in and asks:

“My Queen, are You sleeping in here tonight?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you go ahead and watch one of your movies, and if I feel like it after I get My damn pussy ate too, I will come in and sleep with you.”

“As You wish, My Queen,” and S-3 leaves.

“What was that all about,” asks Aries because Impulse has blocked this relationship from her mind reading abilities?

“What? I like her, and I love sleeping with her and eating her sweet snatch and rubbing her soft body, but I need pleasure too. All she does when we go to bed is watch old movies, and she will not do anything to Me sexually,” says the Queen.

“What? You know I like watching old shows too,” snaps Aries!

“Yes, and you like listening to old music. I like the music, but I do not like watching your cartoons,” says the Queen.

“They are not called cartoons. I told You before it is anime. Maybe if You tried to understand them and get into it You would like it as much as the movies you watch with Your cyborg girlfriend, who only lets you suck her clit,” says Aries.

“Look devil, I don’t watch her movies any more than your damn cartoons. I rub her hot body just like I rub your hot body, and both of you imagine that I am watching TV with you, but I am not. I would rather suck the piss out of your cunts as watch a cartoon or movie,” says the Queen.

“Whatever bitch. I was actually asking why does she say, As You wish, so sweetly,” asks Aries?

“I don’t know you fucking slut snack! It is her thing. People I am close too eventually adopt some kind of way of addressing Me personally. Six-Three’s way is weird, and one of the reasons she turns Me on romantically,” says the Queen.

Aries pushes Queen Dianne down and kisses Her, as Zazuleah pets the pussy cat Praeffelia’s pussy with her tongue. Zazuleah’s clit is like catnip to Praeffelia as they end up in a 69. Aries continues to kiss Queen Dianne and says:

“As You wish, is a line out of an old movie, You anime and movie hating bitch.”

The Queen sits up and asks:

“What movie?”

“Fuck You! You don’t like TV unless You make the damn shit. I will suck start your cunt Queen, since your movie buddy is not a good fuck buddy like me. I will tell you the movie the line is from, if you watch six episodes of one of my anime shows. That is as long as a movie,” says Aries.

“Fuck you back, bitch! Suck My clit, and I will just ask S-3 what movie the line is from or do a net search and save myself the torment of your cartoon,” says the Queen.

“Okay, but I can read her mind twat pop even If You cannot. You may have found a way to partially block me from reading Yours, but she is easy. That movie means a lot to her, and she is not going to tell you unless You brain break her telepathic nullification skill,” says Aries as she turns and rolls the Queen up on Her shoulders and pins the Queen’s arms behind her folded knees.

Aries wrenches the Queen’s thighs apart wrapping her arms around the Queen’s legs, and spreads Her pussy and asshole open, as Aries sits on the Queen’s face. Aries washes the Queen’s lips in her pussy juice, and she licks the Queen’s pussy and asshole until She screams in ecstasy.

The Queen tongues, and lip fucks Aries’s pussy, and drives Her thumb in Aries’s asshole until she cums too. The Queen lays on Her back with Aries on top as they kiss, and the Queen strokes and squeezes Aries’s ass. The Queen caresses both sides of Aries with Her feet and toes and says:

“Mm, I needed that, hot thighs. For all your sassy lip service to Me, that kind is the best.”

“I do like my blonde brownie pie. Besides, You stay gone so much that this is practically my suite and ship now. I am fucking more of Your aliens than You,” says Aries.

“Maybe I will expose you on Janis’s Randy X-Files. How I made a deal with a devil slut that is a thousand times hotter than any porn star or alien, and her favorite desert dispenses from my pussy and asshole,” says the Queen as She gets up to leave.

“Where are You going? I don’t get any snuggle time,” asks Aries?

“I am going to find out the name of that movie since you won’t tell Me. So, no, you do not get snuggle time, unless you want to tell Me the movie…”

[Says the Queen as She looks at Her holographic display and types in the phrase and does a net search. The Queen asks Aries]:

“Is it, The Princess Bride, honey thighs?”

“Careful Queen, some of us media fans can get emotional over our favorite things. That little cyborg of Yours is still just a teenager. Maybe You should understand why she is saying, As You wish before denying her wish,” says Aries.

The Queen crawls back into the bed on top of Aries and kisses her and says:

“No devil double talk. Why do you think she is saying that to Me?

Aries rubs the Queen’s ass and says:

“Because she is in love with You.”

“Bullshit! She will not even do anything to Me when we are together, and I am mouth fucking her cunt into orbit,” says the Queen.

Aries kisses and nibbles the Queen’s lip and replies:

“Maybe she knows if she does, You will lose interest in her. Or, she knows how much You hate obsessive infatuation; or, maybe she thinks she will not be as good as a 10” tongued Cerulean, or iron cock Myrmidon, or a semi-transcendent Decussexian that can chemically stir Your whole body into an orgasm, and don’t get me started on Mira’s abilities.”

“What is so great about this fucking movie to her then? And why would she be quoting that line to Me as a response,” asks the Queen?

“Maybe You should watch it. I will watch it with you if You sleep with me tonight. I can walk You through it. I will even get some popcorn,” says Aries.

“Fuck! Why are you all addicted to media? What I have out here in the universe is far more exciting and better than anything Hollywood can make.”

“Your little cyborg girl likes poetry and romance novels. Long walks on the beach and holding hands. She loves for You to lay beside her and watch her movies, even though she knows You could not care less but just want to molest her. Mercury and Your doctors took everything from her mind and then gave her a world of knowledge to replace it.

She knows You hated her when You met her, but it was the first genuine feelings she encountered after You erased her mind away again. Your little overnight in her magic ship aroused even more feelings. You are her first love after rebirth, and all her reference material indicates it does not last with few exceptions. Her little movie quote is from one of those exceptions. She is clinging to it in hope that You are her true love. You dumb self-centered bitch,” says Aries.

The Queen rolls over onto Her back and says:

“Fuck you! There is no such thing as true everlasting love and you know it, devil! Every being that has crushed on Me eventually levels out and seeks their own thrill irrespectively. She will grow out of her crush soon enough.”

“Maybe, but she is different. She is twisted metal and flesh, and as smart as Mira. Smart enough not to lose the thrill she is gaining from Your presence by not reciprocating Your carnal desires. I give her mad props for being so clever. She is trying to win a war that has forever been lost by selfishness and time, and she has calculated the best way to carry out her campaign.

She will never give You what You want, until You give her what she wants. I know You will never do that, and her cyborg data core analysis says the same thing, but her little young heart holds out hope based on the fiction knowledge she has. Where is this hope coming from? The movie tale that contradicts real life. Where the story ends with a happily ever after, but in real life the story goes on to reveal there is no, happily ever after,” says Aries.

The Queen ponders Aries’s analysis, and She gets up, attires, and teleports to the HMS Epic Space Studio. She enters a screening room, and She plays The Princess Bride and watches it alone. The Queen is not so soft hearted, but She is touched. She goes to the castle and wakes TG3 and has her walk her through what happened after Six-Three’s mind was wiped.

After the AhṚddhi Sienna Autumn Dupré wiped Six-Three’s mind, she was basically an automaton that went through a speed learning process, as her positronic data core was reloaded with data. Halfway in the upload, she processed literature, and among them a curious novel, and there was an upload pause event recorded briefly.

After the completion of the upload, the next evening S-3 watched her first movie, and it was associated with that novel, and it was The Princess Bride. The Queen is puzzled with the connotation. If S-3 is using the line, As You wish, on Her, that would mean S-3 is identifying with the farm boy. The Queen asks TG3 for an opinion, and TG3 says:

“My Queen, there is a bazillion gazillion things Six-Three could be thinking. If I were to pick which one, I would say she is holding to a love that transcends death, which is the rarest love of all. A human will forsake everything to save their life, even Six-Three’s mother did this by abandoning her. Maybe one in a thousand will give their life for the love of another. We teenies live forever unless someone kills us, so, we are used to long relationships. Maybe you should ask Dr. Nayfel or Dr. Bethany.”

“No, do not tell anyone about this. I think I understand her weakness now,” says the Queen.

The Queen returns to the GQD-1. She enters Six-Three’s bedroom naked, and She slides into the bed next to her. Six-Three slides her naked body back against the Queen’s embrace, and they go to sleep. In all the effort to understand S-3’s biological emotions, the Queen forgot about S-3’s cybernetic enhancements.

In the morning, the intercom goes off and Mira tells the Queen:

“You need to come to the C2 Intelligence center in the castle. We could have a problem with the FST.”

The Queen gets up and attires as an android fixes Her hair, and She tells S-3:

“I am teleporting to the castle, bring the Concord back there, and then find Me.”

“Yes, My Queen,” answers S-3, and the Queen senses the difference without her catch phrase, As You wish, which she used before.

In the Intelligence center, Mira tells the Queen:

“Wasp Hunter uncovered a plot to assassinate President Perry from his own cabinet. The source is the Director of National Intelligence, but there is some coded shit going on between him and the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, the Senate Majority Leader, and Senate Minority Leader.

They are all convinced President Perry is setting the FST up to be the next conquest of Your kingdom, and it does not matter which party you are in, they are working to preserve their offices. They have a lot of support in the military, and it looks like they want to carry out an assassination, a real Kennedy duck shoot,” informs Mira.

“Is there hard evidence of their plot,” asks the Queen, as Six-Three enters the room?

“No, just Wasp Hunter,” says Mira.

“Who the fuck is Wasp Hunter? You love this shit don’t you baby? Code names, secret plots, special forces missions; god damn, I can’t read your mind,” says the Queen.

“Sorry baby, I do like it. Wasp Hunter is Olívia Delgado.”

“Oh fuck! I remember her. She is one of the Ṛddhi recruits, and she is a shapeshifter and master level telepath. She is hot too. Damn, I wanted to fuck her after class when she went through the training school, but I never did. Mm, she is stacked.”

“Yes, she is. I had me some, and she is butter and cream baby. You missed out on that tail. She is one of my top ORG spies now. There is no politician that can resist her in a pair of glasses and skirt with garters, even the female politicians. She fucked her way into the Director of National Intelligence’s bedroom,” says Mira.

Olívia Delgado (code name Wasp Hunter) is 20 years old, 5’ 3” tall, and her measurements are 32G-24-35. She has long black/brown hair and she is Latina with a light tan complexion. She has a full triangular black hairy pussy that is shaved below and so inviting as a visual stimulation from across a room when she is not wearing panties. Her luscious G cups are to die for, and her hot body is irresistible. She has a beautiful face and perfect lips, legs, and hips; shit, there is nothing that is not perfect on this chick.

“Baby, have You assigned us code names in The Order of the Ruthless Goddess too,” asks the Queen?

“Your code name is still Durga, even in ORG, and I am not telling You mine baby,” says Mira.

“S-3, do you know Mira’s code name, if so tell Me, or I will hack Mira’s system and find out by technokinesis,” says the Queen.

“Yes, My Queen. Her code name is Gal Friday, because she is Your right hand gal,” says S-3.

“To quote TG3, whatever! It wasn’t a secret from You baby. I was just teasing You,” says Mira.

“What is S-3’s code name in your spy game baby,” asks the Queen?

“Her name is already a code name, her real name is Adelaide Remr,” says Mira.

“I want her to have a secret code name in your game too, Series Six-Three Prime is too public. Her code name will be Switchblade, because she is My knife… My Swiss army knife,” says the Queen hugging the back of S-3 and kissing her sweet neck as she moves her hair.

“Okay baby, I will take care of it,” says Mira.

“We need to move and protect President Perry. He is our ticket to conquering the FST,” says the Queen.

“That is why I wanted You to come here. I don’t want to tell President Perry about the assassination plan. I want to use him as bait. I have already planted Reveeki ORG spies into the network of the assassination planners, even in the military. We are probably not going to take the FST without some kind of fight with the SSF.

The Philippines was easy because they were so destabilized by other federations who wanted it, that it was primed when You snatched it away. The Dutch were easy because of their own lies merging democracy with the monarchy, and You used Queen Marciana, and the Dutch military was a joke.

The FST is a top five world superpower, and President Perry holds the nuclear football. I have already begun deployment of the Special Reconnaissance Corps and Rapid Deployment Corps. Using stealth and invisibility, they have surrounded the Government House of President Perry, and the Senate, Congress, and Judiciary buildings.

ORG Reveeki are removing and replacing security personnel in these buildings using their shapeshifting abilities. Autokinesis shapeshifting AhṚddhi have replaced the Secret Security Guards closest to the President. The people replaced have been teleported away and isolated for now.

We will let them take their shot at the President, and then arrest the lot of them. We will invade the Capital securing the federal government infrastructure. I will also have their fallback government sites infiltrated shortly as well.

The elected government will be isolated and detained, and the Commander in Chief will be free to direct their military to stand down. If they rebel, and there are indications they will, we mop up the resistance,” explains Mira.

“Baby, their fleet ships, and now their fighter craft can cloak, even if it is the synthetic alloy system,” says the Queen.

“We have tagged their fleet ships during their dust and particle removals during anti-phase current generator brushoffs. So, I know where they are at, and our fleet is tracking and ghosting them. I can also change codes and lock them out of the Event Ricochet System net access to enter Earth space. The fighters launching from the ground stations will be a concern, and I can use blackout pulse cannons on their orbiters and disable power systems.

The underground launch facilities are too deep for blackout pulse cannons. I am planning on collapsing the launch tubes. However, there will be fighters airborne no matter when we start, which is why we have this,” says Mira showing the Queen another red crystal like the one S-3 placed in Her dwarf bracelet.

“FUCK NO! You are not burning My wrist again with a dwarf enchanted crystal,” exclaims the Queen!

“I’m not. This crystal reflects what You see when Your enchanted crystal allows You to see through cloaked or invisible fields. The Concord will be flying cap over the Federated State of Tennessee when this mission goes live. The Weapons bay will be loaded with Dr. Nayfel’s new SRPPM-VCG missiles. They are Short Range PAC Propelled missiles that have Visual Crystal Guidance. This new missile is smaller than the LRPPM fleet destroyers. When it fires it will neutrino encase, and with the departicalization bomb munition for the final bang, take out fighters.

When You see a cloaked craft, the crystals will lock on and track it when fired. The small particle accelerator propulsion system will make evasion pointless. A missile traveling at near light speed will hardly even register before their fighter craft explodes. It is like a magic bullet.”


Dr. Rebecca Voxel (TYPE) Decussexian, (INTRO) mid-20s yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, 32-26-36, Caucasian Humanoid Form, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long Straight, (CUP) 32DDD Natural, Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Trimmed Shaved Below, (BODY) Fit Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Michele James, (COMMENTS) Dr. Rebecca Voxel is very pretty in her human female, and she also wears glasses that are a sexy prop. (DECUSSEXIAN FORM) In her natural form she is a trans-humanoid being that can travel between the material and aether and has a translucent body. She is female in form, and has a pretty face, but from the sides of her face back, her skull is like glass, but not substance, just semi-transparent. Her body is this way as well. She has no exterior feature like skin or hair, just a human female face and figure. You can see into her body, and it looks mechanical and organic, or mechanical encased organs, and it is wrong to call it wiring, but light streams of vessels. She looks like a cyberpunk cyborg with a transparent body.

Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Series Six-Three Prime (AKA) Adelaide Remr, ‘Codename’ Switchblade, Jaime Sommers, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-28-34, Caucasian Human Cyborg, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brunette/Red Long, (CUP) 34B Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Narrow Triangular Hairy Brushfire Brown/Red Bush Shaved Below, (BODY) Sweet Curvy Soft She has a Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Arietta Adams, (COMMENTS) Series Six-Three Prime, Adelaide Remr is the daughter of the Royal Stellar Force Commander Denyse Remr. She is cute and sexy, and she has the soft body and hot ass of a milf, but she is a teen.

Aaden Atheon (INTRO) 14 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Black Buzz Cut, (PUBIC) Puberty, (PENIS) Thick 7 in Length ‘At First’ but Formula Enhanced to Grow to 10 in, (BODY) Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (PORN PERSONA) Really Young Ian Somerhalder, (COMMENTS) Aaden is really cute and everyone wants to sleep with him. He is just so cute and irresistible.

Aries I’tuhot (AKA Authorities), (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 36-24-36, Devil in Caucasian Human Flesh, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Hairy Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Hourglass Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lena Paul, (COMMENTS) A True Babe, Aries’ Thighs Curve into Her Sexy Hips Nicely and They are Ample and Soft, Plush Calves, Lovely Legs, Feet and Toes, Busty Breasts, Beautiful Nipples and Areola, Built to Fuck, Nice Creases, Defining Attraction is Her Hairy Pussy (a Work of Art) She Trims but Does Not Shave It, She has that Gap between Her Ample Thighs which Makes Her Pussy Totally Visible and Gives Her a Perky Ass

Zazuleah (AKA) Sharon Peters, (TYPE) Reveeka or Succubus, (INTRO) Mid-20’s Biologic Immortal, White Humanoid, 32-23-34, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Platinum Blonde Straight Layered Shoulder Length, (CUP) 32B Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Landing Strip, (BODY) Slim Fit, Small Dainty Features, Red Horns, Tail, and Wings, Soft White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Zazie Skymm, (COMMENTS) Zazuleah is a fucking baby doll. All the Reveeki prefer to be nude. They can form armor clothing if needed. They have bat wings on their backs, a long tail with a rounded arrow point with no edges, and two vector “S” shaped horns coming out of the sides of their head that extend 6-8” curving in over the top of their heads. The wings, tail, and horns vary in color among the Reveeki, but usually match their hair. They have ears that are not much bigger than human, and they are sexy but sweep back into a point, and kind of look like bat ears. They live off sexual and lifeforce energy they drain from other species. Their age appearance varies even though they are biologic immortals. It is more like they reach a prime seductive state for their individual being, so it is a perfect state. No two are alike, and some could even be called milfs in their 40’s-60’s, down to tweens that look 10-12 (and younger). All manner of ages and body types to fit every seduction or fantasy need.

Praeffelia (TYPE) Cheetah Girl Humanoid, (INTRO) mid-20’s yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, 34-21-38, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Long Orange Like the Color of Her Fur, (CUP) 34B Natural – Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) White Hair Thin on Pubic Areas, but Her Pussy Lips are Bare Skin, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Kelsi Monroe, (COMMENTS) Praeffelia is a humanoid cheetah girl and walks in upright. She is covered in fur, and the orange fur and black spots is mainly on her arms, back, and legs. She has sexy fit legs, and muscular ass and thigh motors, and paw feet with black fur on the bottom with a short dogleg joint. She has long arms and sort has paw hands, but claw like fingernails and fingers. She has white fur on her belly, ass, and inner thighs, and she has a lovely long tail that is orange with black spots, but the last 12″” of it is white fur that is black ringstraked. She has long orange hair like the color of her fur, and the cutest cat white fur face with kitty ears and whiskers. She is beautifully adorable. Her pussy has white hair, but thins at her pussy lips which is bare skin. You could watch her bend over for hours with that cute white fur ass and that bare pussy pooch and tight asshole pink star chamber deep within those firm haunches of hers.

Janis Randy (INTRO) 30 yrs. old, 34-26-39, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34G Natural, Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Waxed, (BODY) Curvy Hot, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Savannah Bond, (COMMENTS) Janis is a very attractive blonde with long hair. She has huge tits and a large vulva and a meaty pussy that is totally shaved. Her big tits and ass, and thick thighs are an awesome attraction.

Minisculians (General) (AKA) Teenies, Fairies, (General) All of the teeny females have slim waists and exaggerated hourglass figures, with ample thighs for their size, and the cutest legs, feet, and toes. They are all 4 inches or less tall. Whatever length their head hair is on their 16.5 birthday cycle (33rd year) remains their length, and the females do not grow hair anywhere else except their pubic area, and it also stops at that age. If they cut it, it will not grow back, which is why their pubic hair is so neatly trimmed and stays that way. They have ornate bows, barrettes, clasps, ties, and pins to hold their hair.

TG3 (Jingleheimer) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Shoulder Length, (CUP) DD Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) TG3 is so cute with her exaggerated hourglass figure and double D boobs, ample luscious thighs, and she is so seductive too. TG3 likes to use the catchphrases, Anyway, Whatever, and bazillion gazillion.

Sienna Autumn Dupré (INTRO) 20 yrs. old, 36-25-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Strawberry Blonde Long Soft Curls, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Bright Red Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Trimmed Shaved Below, (BODY) Hourglass Curvy Soft White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) No Equivalent, Still Looking, (COMMENTS) Sienna is so cute it hurts. She has the prettiest strawberry blond hair that is a little curly and hangs down past her shoulders. She has soft white skin. What makes Sienna’s breasts look so good is her white skin, strawberry blonde hair, and her bright red nipples and areola. Sienna’s breasts just jump out at you in beauty. Sienna has ample hips and nice thighs with lovely creases, attractive calves, and pretty feet and toes. Sienna is a curvy perfection naked with her strawberry blonde hair, big tits, red nipples, and brown hairy pussy against her white skin tone.

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Dr. Bethany Hylton (AKA) (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-26-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Complexion Fit Soft Milf, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Cherie DeVille, (COMMENTS) Very Hot Attractive Milf, Very Nice Body and Curves Just Right, Soft Round Ass, Nice Thighs, Legs, Sexy Feet and Toes

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Olívia Delgado (AKA) Wasp Hunter, (INTRO) 20 yrs. old, 32-24-35, Latina Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Black/Brown Long, (CUP) 32G Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Triangular Black Hairy Shaved Below and so Inviting, (BODY) Fit Hot Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Autumn Falls, (COMMENTS) Olívia Delgado’s luscious G cups are to die for, and her hot body is irresistible. She has a beautiful face and perfect lips, shit, there is nothing that is not perfect on this chick.

Chance Perry (AKA) President Chance Perry (INTRO) 50 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 9 in, (HAIR) Brown Short Trim Salt and Pepper Beard, (PUBIC) Trimmed, (PENIS) Thick 6.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Very Fit and Muscular but not Bulky, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dirk Caber, (COMMENTS) President Chance Perry probably weighs about 200lbs but is fit. He is handsome and has brown real short hair, and he is kind of a hairy guy with a trimmed salt and pepper beard.

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