Mercury – 162 (Defection and Affection)

Nicole has never seen a cock that pretty. She wants to suck it so bad; she just dives in and deep throats the mother fucker like she was starving.


Series Six-Three Prime is conducting the SSF combat aviator’s tutorial this morning. The 18 pilots that lost yesterday are wearing diapers, and it is a jovial atmosphere to begin with, as others make fun of them and laugh. Two of the diaper babies are female, and one of them is Major Malorry “BamBam” Biery-Deuché. S-3 begins:

“I will start with the upfits your D-Rays will be getting, which will help explain why you lost yesterday, hotdog, and are wearing a diaper…”

[S-3 is looking at 1st Lieutenant Jayden “G-Banger” Rodriquez, and everyone laughs. Captain Connor “Chaos” Olson is wearing a diaper too, and he whispers to Jayden]:

“What is the deal between you and these chicks? Did you bang them or something the other day when they kidnapped you?”

[Jayden whispers back]:

“No comment.”

“You two diaper babies need to pay attention and quit whispering. As I was saying, the first system you will be getting is the FSD-Net, which is the Filament Strand Detection Net. If you will look at the monitor, you can see it is deployed to detect cloaked vessels. It is not used at high speeds, but under thruster conditions, or it just becomes a tail you drag if you are going too fast.

The companion system is the P-Mist system. It is a fine powered powder synthetic with volumizers. When it is fired at a cloaked target, it will outline and adhere to what it contacts and allow it to be scanned using the P-Mist scanner. The best part is, that unlike neutrino sweeps, it is undetectable.

The Cadillac of this upfit will be the Z-Nav system. This is what dressed you babies in diapers today. It is the zeroth dimension fractional drive which basically amounts to a mechanized way to use unrestricted movement within visual range of the optical sensors. It is so easy to use, that you can kill yourself haphazardly by overusing it if other vessels are using it too.

You can literally jump into the same space as your wingman, and then destroy each other. The maneuver we used yesterday is called the Switchblade, after me. I invented it. It looked like we were turning, but what we were really doing is what I call Frac-skipping. It eliminates the turning radius, but more importantly, it eliminates G force stress on your body. Me and Freelancer can take out Scorpions in a dogfight using Z-Nav Frac-skipping.

You have heard of a three point turn. This is like an eight point turn in two dimensions using unbound movement. There is no G force involved because of dimensional travel. There are six D-Rays already complete with the upfit. We are going to spend a few days teaching you the system on the ground, and then teaching you again as we ride WASP with two of you diaper babies taking turns running the Z-Nav system and flying,” says S-3.

Meanwhile, at Nightfall Chateau (that is the name the Queen gave the Prime Minister’s mansion in Nabu’s capitol of Caloris), Pam tells Nicole:

“Goddess wants me to meet Her at Sombwe Castle. You are coming with me.”

Nicole jumps around Pam’s neck like her love just proposed, and she kisses Pam and says:

“Okay Puppy!”

Pam teleports squeezing Nicole up against her body and meets with the Queen. Pam asks the Queen:

“What do You want?”

“Ah! You brought your treat with you Puppy. I need you for your beast aura bitch. I have a couple of renegades and I want to cut through the shit to see what they are after. Just having you sit in the room is intimidating as fuck,” says Queen Dianne.

“Why don’t You just carry an NP assault rifle in with You and leave me alone,” says Pam.

“Let’s go Palatine, you are My queen piece in universal conquest,” says Queen Dianne.

They enter a conference room, and inside are Mercury Patriarchs Ti-Weh Naropa and Tam Lunar. They stand as the Queen makes Her way to the head of the table, Ti says:

“Your Majesty. Thank You for seeing us.”

The Queen sits, and Pam sits to Her right and Ti and Tam are on the left of the table. Nicole sits beside Pam. Pam hates shit like this, so she immediately starts reading on her mantas holographic display. She will study instead of wasting time listening to driveling.

Pam will not make eye contact with others, and if you are the others, you don’t want her too. If you enter her eyesight radar and are not someone like the Queen or Nicole, you could be pissing your pants real soon. That is the best possible outcome because she may just rip your damn head off just because. The Queen asks:

“Well boys, why do you need to see Me?”

“Your Majesty, we want to take you up on Your job offer,” says Tam.

“What offer is that?”

“You said if we ever wanted to command a vessel in Your fleet, to let You know. We left the Mercurian service, and we want to work for You,” says Ti.

“That offer was almost three years ago. My next fleet launch is more than three months away, and it is not your lucky day because it will be the 13th Corps. What has caused your defection from Mercury,” asks the Queen?

Ti and Tam are bisexual but more homosexual and in love with each other since they were 14. When they joined a Mercury Temple before they turned 15, they ceased cock sucking and butt fucking for several years, while they advanced in the Observant disciplines of The Three Ṛddhi. They rekindled their bromance briefly after they became Ṛddhi, got busted by their triumvirate leader, repented, and went another six years without tasting dick or getting ass pricked. They rekindled their gay relationship again about the same time the Queen made them the offer they are calling in today.

They are handsome guys in their mid-30’s, and after Nicole’s little fuck with the almost 40 bisexual Bryn Ritchie Athens, she has found a white guy type whether she realizes it or not. She doesn’t know these guys are queer, but she knows she likes their white guy good-looks. Nicole will most definitely make eye contact because her white guy itch, is itching. She starts playing with her big afro hair and batting those pretty eyes on her adorable face. It is hard to ignore because it is so flagrant and cute, and Ti and Tam are noticing it.

Is Nicole a slut? No, a slut is more of a hussy, tramp, skank, or whore, that will fuck anyone for pleasure, profit, or their prestige absorption. A slut can use pussy for selfish gain. Nicole is more of a nympho with a strong desire for a particular kind of sexual white guy partner and kink. She just wants to get her fuck high from her favorite drink. Pam and is rolling her eyes as she reads, and the Queen is smiling at Nicole’s tease. Pam loves Nicole for Nicole, and the Queen loves Nicole for Nicole, but they are entirely two different reasons.

Ti explains the reason for their defection:

“You conquered our home world of Nabu, or from what we heard You had one of Your powerful AhṚddhi do it for You. Most of us that were born Mercurian grew up on Nabu, and now Mercury society is falling apart. The families on FC3, Mopac-4, Mopac-5, and FC6 are on those worlds for work and migrated from Nabu for the job. Our greatest population is on Nabu. The Chief Elder has lost face, and there are probably going to be many more defections.”

“So, you two are getting ahead of the curve by bugging out and calling in My marker. Fleet construction is not a top priority now. It hasn’t stopped, but planetary defense is taking precedence. Defense orbiters, fighter craft, weapons arrays, and other things geared to defending planets…” says Queen Dianne and Pam has maxed out her patience, and she barks.

“FUCK! I don’t want to sit and listen to You give Your company pitch. Bitch, hire the cock suckers or let me rip their fucking throats out!”

“Who are you,” asks Tam?

Pam’s eyes glow blood red, and she makes eye contact with Tam. Pam’s angry beast aura floods the conference room, and it is so heavy, Ti and Tam’s knees start knocking. Pam says:

“Shut your fucking mouth cum guzzler. I can smell his dick on your lips, and I will rip both your heads off if you utter another mother fucking word!”

Nicole jumps in Pam’s lap, and rubs her cute tight little ass into Pam’s crotch, and Nicole says:

“Don’t talk to her. You are powerless against her. My advice is to never even look at her. If you see her again, go the other way. How would you two like to work on Nabu, maybe in the government? You will be back on your home world.”

“Can we ask who you are,” asks Ti watching the spunky cute Nicole bounce around on the lap of the scariest person he has ever seen?

“I am Nicole Licia, I am the Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister of Nabu.”

“How about it boys. I can give you a job helping the Prime Minister of Nabu. If you do not like the job, in three months I can assign you to a vessel in My next fleet when it launches,” says Queen Dianne.

Nicole has returned Pam to normal (for Pam), and Ti and Tam agree among themselves, and Ti says:

“Alright Your Majesty, we will accept a job with a vague description because we have already resigned. We need a place to live.”

“I know, I viewed the Corsair you flew here in with your stuff. I guess you could not leave the solar system in a Corsair. Nicole, why don’t you take them outside and contact PM Ruslon and have her assign them living quarters in Nightfall Chateau in the farthest wing from your room,” says Queen Dianne.

Nicole gets flirtatious for the boys and asks the Queen:

“Why do they have to be so far from my room My Queen?”

“For their safety from the Palatine.”

“Oh! Yeah, that is a good idea an all,” says Nicole who bounds to her feet and the boys follow her out.

The Queen stands and Pam stands to leave, and the Queen says:

“Do you hate gays bitch, because you are a mother fucking dyke bisexual yourself.”

“No. I don’t hate them for their orientation but when you throw it in a faggot’s face it causes them to get weak and go on the defensive. I hate the weak part. When I called that cum guzzler a name his guilty conscience kicked in and he faced another battle. Art of war bitch, strategic opportunities and shit. The same mother fucking reason You were employing my aura to begin with. You will conquer the universe, but only because I do it for You,” says Pam.

Queen Dianne grabs Pam and kisses her and says:

“Let’s go dog of war, I need to apport their shit to the chateau and figure out what they can do besides harvest grapes. Dumbass Mercurians were growing the best grapes in the universe around the mansion I built just so they could eat them. Plump sweet water gorged grapes like your pussy is alive, hungry wolf girl, with juices like wine.”

The Queen talks to Kassia and apports Ti and Tam’s belongings, and Pam reluctantly teleport transport links with Nicole and the boys back to Nightfall Chateau. The Queen’s new Nabu winery associated with the chateau is no joke. Queen Dianne is eagerly awaiting Her first three wines: Nabu Malbec, Nabu Nightfall (a Cabernet Sauvignon), and Nabu Syrah. She has hired the best wine makers and they were jacked about the grapes grown on Nabu.

Nicole is sweeten on Ti, and he is the hottest looking of the two guys, as she takes his hand and scurries off in the mansion with Tam following to find their rooms. Nicole finds one with stuff in it, and it is a big room, and she asks:

“Which one of you does this stuff belong to?”

“It is all our stuff, mine and Tam’s,” says Ti.

“Oh. Do you want me to see if the room next door is ready for one of you,” asks Nicole?

“No, this is fine. We like sharing a room,” says Ti.

With a confuse look, because Nicole does not know these guys are bi, she says:

“Oh? Are you two gay?”

“More bisexual,” says Tam.

“Oh! Well, this is a big room, and a big bed, he-he. Anyway, in here is the bathroom and it is large too. I love the huge showers with the three shower heads,” says Nicole giving them the bathroom tour.

Nicole has had lesbian sex in a threesome or two girls with a guy like on the beach the other day. Nicole has never had a threesome with two straight or bisexual guys. She has never seen two guys make out. She knows it happens, and it happens here in this mansion, but she has not actually witnessed it.

Nabu was a strict society until now, and Kassia knows that Nicole is off limits, that is, if you want to live. Kassia has not included Nicole in any of her sexcapades for fear of Pam. Nicole must desire and initiate anything she wants sexually, and it is whatever she wants, or Pam will eat you. Pam will allow Nicole to do whatever she wants, and she would flat drag a white guy out of his house in front of his wife and kids if Nicole wanted to fuck him.

Nicole’s white guy kink is in overdrive fantasizing about fucking two hot white guys at the same time. She is a little apprehensive of what she may encounter if the two white guys love on each other more than on her. Her white guy fetish demands they give full attention to lovin’, touchin’, and squeezin’ her. She does not want to be sitting on the sideline while they give each other head.

Nicole twists her hair and cutely looks mostly at Ti, but Tam too. Her big curly afro, caramel color complexion, and pretty face and petite features are irresistible. She is wearing an adorable flower pattern yellow sundress and white keds. Nicole continues her bathroom shower description as she cutely postures moving her feet and sexy legs around as if to say, look at the whole cute package boys. She knows she is irresistible, and Nicole says:

“If you want, I can show you how to work the shower.”

Pause! Did we hear what we thought we heard, and does it mean what we think it means thinks Ti and Tam? Is this airhead of the impression we do not know how to operate a shower? Or is this cute piece of sweet sweet treat making a pass at us? She has been body flirting and batting her eyes like crazy. How do we answer, and has it been too long to answer now that we have thought about it? Ti stutters:

“Ye… Yeah… Sure. You can show us how it works.”

Nicole turns her cute tight ass to the boys, and inside the shower she punches on a key panel and says:

“I like to turn all three heads on like this. It gets hot quick. I like to set the temperature on 44, but I will set it to 38 and you can adjust it from there. You don’t have to use the three heads if you don’t want to. Next, I just say, robe sequence remove all…”

[All of Nicole’s clothes remove and dissolve into the mantas bracelet and she is naked. Her 5’ tall, 32D-28-30 figure, light beautiful Brazil brown complexion, hot D’s, pinkish brown nipples and areola, broad black hairy pussy tight trimmed, and her petite adorable figure were on full display. Nicole removes her mantas bracelet and sits it on the counter and continues]:

“I don’t like to wear my mantas bracelet when I shower, but you can decide. The floor in the shower is soft and non-slip. I love it…”

[Nicole steps in and wets her bushy afro and it lays flat and to the back, and she just got sexier. Water is running down her sweet petite curves and the boys’ dicks are getting hard watching. Nicole wipes the water off her face and sensually moves her mouth from open to closed and looks over at the boys and continues]:

“That is pretty much it. I can show you how to use the soap and shampoo dispensers too. Do you want to try it?”

Ti and Tam have never been this turned on visually with the exception of the time Ti witnessed Aries laying naked on his bed mat for the first time. Is this illegally cute girl for real. Tam asks:

“So, you want us to try it now?”

“Sure! Just remove your clothes and get in,” says Nicole.

I am going in coach, thinks Tam as he gets his shit off and steps in. Nicole likes his trim beard and handsome looks, and his hard 8.5” circumcised cock. Jackpot, thinks Nicole, but she really wants to see the good-looking surfer guy Ti. He removes his clothes, and she eyes his very pretty 9” circumcised cock as he steps into the shower too.

Nicole has never seen a cock that pretty. She wants to suck it so bad; she just dives in and deep throats the mother fucker like she was starving. She pushes him down on a bench in the shower as she kneels and sucks. The floors in the showers are specially designed to be very comfortable for fucking so your knees do not hurt.

The shower is big, and Tam lays down and Nicole presses her sweet pussy into his mouth. Nicole sucks, licks, strokes, and laps balls and gooch and in less than four minutes, Ti gives her a load and she drinks it up and wants more. She orgasms as Tam gets professional on pussy eating, and she holds Ti’s pretty cock in her mouth feeling it go limp and moaning out her thrill.

Nicole stands and bends over, and kisses Ti and he rubs her awesome tits. She looks back at Tam and says:

“Stick it in.”

Tam fucks Nicole from behind and she bends over kissing Ti. She grabs around his neck and moans, sighs, and squeals so cute with her head on his shoulder. He rubs her tits and Tam bams her pussy until he cums deep and pulls her tight hips back shuttering out his ejaculation vibrations.

Meanwhile, in Nicole’s room. Pam is alone all by herself remote viewing Nicole who is out with someone else, lovin’, touchin’, and squeezin’ each other…


Series Six-Three Prime (AKA) Adelaide Remr, ‘Codename’ Switchblade, Jaime Sommers, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-28-34, Caucasian Human Cyborg, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brunette/Red Long, (CUP) 34B Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Narrow Triangular Hairy Brushfire Brown/Red Bush Shaved Below, (BODY) Sweet Curvy Soft She has a Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Arietta Adams, (COMMENTS) Series Six-Three Prime, Adelaide Remr is the daughter of the Royal Stellar Force Commander Denyse Remr. She is cute and sexy, and she has the soft body and hot ass of a milf, but she is a teen.

Malorry Biery Deuché (AKA) Captain/Major/Lt. Col Malorry “BamBam” Biery Deuché, (INTRO) 27 yrs. old, 30-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 1 in, (HAIR) Red Long Straight, (CUP) 30G Natural, Pink Nipples and Large Areola, (PUBIC) Red, Landing Strip Bushy Trimmed Shaved Below, (BODY) Hourglass Fit Soft Red Tan Glow Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) ‘BamBam is a Fine Art Nude Model’, (COMMENTS) Malorry has humongous titties that are firm, and do not really sag because the base diameter is so large. She has big beautiful areola, and when her areola bump up, she has the sexiest areola bumps ever seen. An artist could spend days capturing the peaks and valleys in her areola. She has ample thighs that curve beyond her big hips which creates a lovely crease between her thighs and hips and gives her that gap between her thighs at her pussy, and she has a nice ass. Her stomach is tight so that there is a saddle from top to bottom with creases on both sides of the saddle with her deep “innie” belly button in the middle. It is sexy hot, and her skin has a soft red tan glow that compliments her auburn overall appearance. Again, ample thighs and calves, with sexy feet and toes. She is a short hot firecracker, with huge firm larger than cantaloupe melons, big hips, and thighs a little wider than her hips.

1st Lieutenant Jayden “G-Banger” Rodriquez (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 1 in, (HAIR) Brown Short Length, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Thick 8 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Fit Build, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (PORN PERSONA) Alberto Blanco, (COMMENTS) 1st Lieutenant Jayden “G-Banger” Rodriquez is a cute white guy.

Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Pam (TYPE) Werewolf, a Purebred Alpha Bitch, (AKA) Patrícia Annamária Miksa, Pam is more of an Acronym, She is Royalty Among the Werewolves, Also the Names: Palatine and Crimson Sentinel, (INTRO) Age Appearance 30s, Biologic Immortal, Caucasian Humanoid Form Appearance 36-26-36, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Long Black/Brown, (CUP) 36D Firm Pale Pink Large Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Tight Trim Triangular Black Hair Shaved Below, (BODY) Stout Fullness Fit Curvy not Slim, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Liza Del Sierra, (COMMENTS) Pam is a seductive beauty, a real deceitful looking bad ass that will crush your world with dark sexiness. She has a big hot ass and luscious ample thighs. The bitch was made to destroy lives (physically and emotionally); but don’t fall in love, because if you do you find out she don’t love you.

Nicole Licia (INTRO) 26 yrs. old, 32-28-30, Black Human, 5 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Shoulder Length Brown/Red Highlight Afro Soft Curly, (CUP) 32D Magnificent Pink/Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Broad Bush Black Hairy Waxed Below, (BODY) Light Brazil Brown Complexion Very Petite Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Cecilia Lion, (COMMENTS) Nicole is a very pretty black girl. Nicole has a cute ass, but small hips and is sexy from head to toe, and those toes are hot. She is a caramel dream, the sweetest brown sugar you have ever seen. Nicole prefers fucking white guys, and white guys find her hot. Her favorite cock sizes are between 7.5 to 9 inches.

Ti-Weh Naropa (AKA) Patriarch Ti-Weh Naropa, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long Length to Shoulders, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 9 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Weight Athletic, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Good-Looking Surfer Type, Probably the Prettiest Cock Compelling You to Suck It

Tam Lunar (AKA) Prelate/Patriarch Tam Lunar, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Parted Trimmed Beard, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Kassia Ruslon (AKA) MP/PM Kassia Ruslon, (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-27-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Brunette Medium Length, (CUP) 34DD Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Christy Canyon, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive Hot Milf, Soft White Skin, Busty Breasts, Ample Thighs, Nice Calves, and Sexy Feet and Toes

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅