Mistress gets revenge

Straight sex, teasing, cheating, revenge

I was relaxing with my family, enjoying being a father chugging back a few beers ,watching every one waiting for the barbecue I was cooking ,when the phone went off I flipped it open and recognized the number immediately ,

My wife looked over “That better not be work ,you promised me a day off with no interruptions” she said with a stern look on her face ,even after 15 years of being married she could still turn me on with her dark hair and flashing eyes

I smiled “No Hun this is about your new car I’m trying to get the best deal for you I can “I told her as I kept working the steaks and burgers about on the grill, flipping them to stop them burning.

“So I’m a car dealer am I? Or just some monkey I the garage organizing your service for you” the slow warm sexy voice came down the line ,and headed straight for my ball sack ,instant tightening of the loins s if the warmth of her breath or her hot tongue where caressing them.

“No that won’t do, can we cut a deal here?” I spoke into the phone, my eyes smiling at my wife

“A deal?” said the voice “I thought we had a deal you where supposed to here, between my legs with your tongue buried in my ass” the rushed warmth came back again as her breathing caressed the phone.

“I am sorry sir but something came up a family thing, now can we meet up another time? And sort this little problem out I’m sure we can do this to our mutual satisfaction.”

“Satisfaction well I’m applying the art of self love now, laid here on this large soft king size bed all alone, well no humans, but I did remember to bring my toys, it’s a good job, as I did not realize I would be playing alone”

“Can you please explain to me what toys are included in the vehicle” I asked “and what level of service where you offering to me?”

“Well the trim level is pretty fantastic, along the bottom there is a color we like to call sheer black, the vehicle engine is all ready warm to take out and drive hard ,if you had called to the garage this morning as arranged ,we had already pealed back the covers on the lower parts so you could closely inspect the body work, obviously coming straight from a meeting as I was, and it being so warm I had to remove a few of the other sections of the upper body as well, I had hoped you would not have minded”

In my mind’s eye I could see her, all 6 foot of sex laid out on the king size bed, skirt up around her waist, the trimmed cunt would already be swallowing a large vibrator ,trying to concentrate on cooking , looking cool to my family and friends and horny as fuck was proving bloody difficult,

“May I ask what are your plans now will you save the vehicle for me so I can drive it another time?”
“hmmm” came the purring reply “I am not sure as this vibrator is making me very wet my engine is running at a high rpm” I could hear the low steady buzzing with the unmistakable slippery noise of her driving it in and out of her cunt ,

“Darling careful you are going to burn everything, watch here let me have a go” said my wife as she elbowed me out of the way; I turned away from her to hide my erection still chatting into the phone

“Look I’m very sorry about missing our appointment” all of a sudden I heard her gasp and the door to the hotel room open, and a rich foreign sounding voice said “sorry madam I do apologize!”

“No please come in I’m sure you have seen an almost naked woman before as of course you are French and used to such things?”

“Yes madam but not one as stunning as you or in such a compromising position” his oily charm oozed out of his mouth I could feel my cheeks reddening with anger.

“This not any position I’m just horny and was helping myself out, as my lover is cuck holed with his wife; will you please open the wine for me it is here by the bed”

From the other end of the phone I could hear him walk over and stand next to her bed, small murmuring then a pop as the bottle opened “Anything else madam” again that dammed accent ,

“I see you can appreciate what is before you is that all you inside that uniform?” my lover asked “Maybe I should take a look” this was followed by the sound of a zipper being pulled down then clothing being rearranged,

“Do you offer all services in this hotel” her voice becoming full of lust “With this size of equipment you could really carry out a full service”

“Madam we are told whatever our customers require it is our indulgence to help you”

At this point the phone was put down onto the bed with a click I was on speaker phone at her end,

“So if my lover cannot help me you will?”

“Why of course madam I’m sure it will be my pleasure to help in any way I can, I can see that your cunt is inflamed and may need help shall I check it for you?”

I missed the answer as my wife said “Come on your burger will get cold” the stark choice of grilled mince while some one was eating out the best tasting pussy I had ever tasted, was not the way I wanted to go,”

Be there in a moment darling nearly sorted now”
Even with the torment of my lover’s voice telling everything that was going on, as she allowed this strange man into her bed then him licking her hot cunt, I could not pull myself away from the phone, my anger building at the same time as my horniness.

I could hear my lover sighing as the “accent” began to really work on her ,I knew from prior adventures just how much she loved being eaten out how much she would really be getting turned on now

“Wow came the voice in my ear you are so good at this, I love the feel of your fingers with your tongue inside, oh wait what are you doing oh wow I’ve never oh wow please don’t stop please, wow that feels amazing where did you learn that, my ass oh wow, I, vet never ever been done there before your tongue up there ……..oh fuck, he has never done anything like ever”

My anger at these words “Bitch I thought you would never ever let me even touch you there it was always too dirty fuckin bitch.

Her voice was rising and falling my cock was almost bursting…”Darling please get off the phone you are being rude to our guests” my wife’s voice brought me back into the world

“Just a few more minutes I think he has gone to fetch a sales manager”

“But darlings it’s only a car there are other garages you now!”

“Jesus oh that is so good come here let me taste that wonder full cock” this was followed by more movement and giggles then the slow rasp of a tongue being drawn along tight veins, I could almost see her white glistening teeth as she would easily deep throat any cock near her.

“Madam you are very skilled a wonderful cock sucker I must …oh yes jezz yes fuck suck it like that yes stroke my balls yes….god please fuck oh yes mada….m oh fuck,I must ..oh I must eat you more ..let me move we can soixante-neuf I need to taste you more before I fuck that wonderful pussy”

More clothes being lost “Can you really believe my sad little lover left me here alone to spend time with his wife!”

“No madam obv he is not French my cock is bigger I hope?”

Laughing she replied “Much and your tongue to borrow your own phrase is very talented now get it back in my pussy and ass!”

“Will be a pleasure madam”

The torture was almost complete no words just the dialogue of sex, my ear was glued to the phone, my knuckles where white, my hand was almost as painful as my cock.

“Stop I want that cock inside me now” I really was amazed my sweet little secretary butter would not melt in her mouth talking like slut

Then “Oh fuck yes that’s just your head …fuck oh fuck me wow that’s that is so fucking good, I finally feel like my cunt has been filled, honey my almost lover I hope you are enjoying the lesson” her voice rang in side my head,

I was stood listening to a real life porn film, here among my family my cheeks where burning was not sure if it was shame or lust mixed with the anger, as some man was really fucking my sweet innocent young girl, who I had wined and dined and took a year to convince into bed, with one look she had opened her legs to him.

My wife’s voice startled me “Honey are you ok you look sick I think the sun has got to you, shall I go and get you some cold water?”

“No its ok I’ll go inside for ten mins and get something cold and maybe a hat, sorry will be back soon”

Hurrying inside I headed straight for the toilet and freed my throbbing cock, with one hand on my phone I started to get a running commentary of her lust. As the “accent” was fucking the life out of her.

“ Oh this is new wow shiiiiiiiiiiit I,m cumming oh fuck that’s so f.u.ck.in good ohhhh yes shit oh fuck another one ….yes wow, you still have not cum,If this is great sex I want more lots more.”I heard her giggle as something was whispered by the “accent”

“Only if you go really slowly if it hurts at all you promise to stop?”

“Of course but your ass loved my tongue and two fingers I will go slow, we French are very fertile its gods natural way contraception”

Nooo, I cannot believe this your ass, you are going to let him fuck your fucking ass!!Noooooooooooooo, my hand was beating my cock even though my mind was in turmoil I loved the feel of her ass, just a little more time I’m sure she would have given it up for me.

Once more the accents “Pass me that pillow and turn over facing the bed I will prepare you more”

Bodies turning, warm sounds scorching my ears, my cock was leaking and fit to burst I held it back even now I wanted to share her as much as possible.

“Yes oh yes I love your tongue inside my ass its feel so dirty but so fucking good, oh are you sure that’s …Oh fuck two fingers inside me feels…Oh more fuck more”

The answer would not come to my ears just a muffled sounds then more clearly too clearly for my tortured mind

“Ready?” said the “accent”

“Try me” my sweet sexy lover replied “but go slow”

“God I can feel it are you sure …oh god that feels good shit very oh fuck, oh that hurts oh it hurts”

“Relax my Cherrie bring your ass to popa, that’s it easy yes I can feel you wanting this my dirty little girl”

I wanted to shout down the phone “leave her alone you bastard she is my fucking dirty girl leave the fuck alone” but my cock wanted relief he wanted to here her cherry being popped.

A guttural groan then “Oh yes that’s feel oh yes fuck easier ,go slow my ass is burning but I fucking love it ,every ridge of your cock is making me ready to cum, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit ,wow fuck stop jeez I can feel your balls on my ass”

“How does that feel my little one has daddy converted you?”

My hand was flying up and down my cock waiting for the answer, I was desperate to cum, I wanted to now just fucking tell me my mind screamed.

“I will tell you just wow oh shit don’t take it out let me get used to it ,please just pass me my phone ,now don’t slowly keep it there oh yes there yea just there oh fuck”

I heard the phone being clicked off speaker phone

“This is far too good for you to share, now my resignation will be on your desk Monday, oh and thank you without your little thing helping I’m not sure I would have ever taken this monster cock, I suggest you find some else to help with your little problem” her voice a smiling down the phone, my cock wilting in my hand the pain of stored cum, angrily complaining that there was no release.

A knock on the bathroom door “Darling the kids want to play, you feeling better?”

I rested my head on the cool tiles as the phone beeped as it was put down,

Taking my time letting my breathing return to normal, my mind now full of hate and loss,

“Yes darling I will be out right away the sales person got me all stressed led me on but apparently another buyer has just walked in and taken possession of the vehicle, so we have lost it”

“Never mind there are other new models out every year we will have to find one of those”

A rueful grin came over my face “Yes darling and this time when I find the one I like I will keep my appointment to see it”

Opening the door I let her lead me back out into the sunshine

“You sure you are ok?” she enquired

“Yes” I slid my hand down and goosed her big ass “A lot better maybe we can have some fun when all the kids are in bed?”

She turned to kiss me a peck on the cheek, “Only if you are very good”

“I promise daddy will look after you”

“Daddy?” she replied “Getting a bit kinky in our old age are we?”

“Got to keep the lust going somehow baby” with that we walked back into the garden

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅