molested by a transgender male at 13

True story of me being molested by my “friend” in middle school.

I am 15 now, brown hair and eyes, virgin, not exactly skinny but not fat either. When I was 13 I didn’t have many friends, I stuck with one girl I’ll call Sarah who was my best friend and we would hang out all the time. Sarah had a friend I’ll call Tory. Tory was trans female to male and was extremely perverse. They would grope me, make sexual comments and more. I put up with it due to not having many friends even though it made me uncomfortable. Tory kept asking to come to my house and I kept running out of excuses so eventually they were over. I was on my back on my bed when Tory went on top of me and kept grinding against me, I tried to stop them but they just grabbed my arms and pinned me on the bed for a bit. When I was finally able to get free they just said it was a joke. I sat on my bed and they kept talking weirdly. I used to wear sweaters all the time so Tory asked if I had tits in which I didn’t respond so they pinned me to the floor and lifted up my shirt and looked for themselves and after gave me a hickey on the back of my neck. They tried to grind on top of me many other times and I constantly tried to ignore it or avoid it until eventually they were able to again this time they stuck a hand down my pants and said I was wet and enjoying this and to stop struggling with it. I was scared and unable to prevent it and didn’t know what was going on. At that time I only tried touching my clit a few times nothing more, I thought I was going to be forced to do other things but luckily my mom came home and Tory got up and acted like nothing happened. I was too scared to say anything and just kept quiet. The next day my mom saw the hickey and I had to tell her everything. She didn’t do anything about it nor did she show much interest afterwards I guess because they didn’t have a dick. I went to school that day and Tory acted like nothing happened. I tried to stay away from them as much as possible and a few months later I told Sarah what happened, she didn’t believe it or seem to care and even ended up asking Tory. Tory said nothing happened and I was lying, I continue to have many people not care the only one caring being my boyfriend when I told him. I flinch when touched by anyone near my waste and I hope to get what happened to happen again by my boyfriend someday to rid the thought of Tory being the only person to do that in hopes that will help. I’m not as damaged by this encounter but I used to see Tory in the halls which scared me that one day they will continue what they wanted to do.