Molly and Me Molested

It’s all fun, and games, until your dirty minded friend gets you molested.

There was a pee-wee game after school, and my friend Molly wanted to go with me, even though we didn’t care about sports. She even told me ahead of time to bring my Chinese dress. It was tight, but stretchy, and it had dragons on it. It was her favorite, and I liked it too, but she didn’t tell me that it was really because of the bleachers.

I had heard that perverts liked to hide under there, and try to look up your skirts. Even though the word pervert was’t really defined, and I had no idea it had anything to do with sex, or molestation, but Molly knew all along.

She wore a cheerleader costume, not to school, but she brought it with her. Even though we didn’t have cheerleaders yet, we didn’t have any official sports teams, or even a mascot. We’re in 6th grade, and we had a dress code. So, she had to change into her skimpy outfit after school, but it didn’t have any sleeves, and the skirt was real short.

She said that she was going to be a Cheerleader for Halloween, but I didn’t get that. “There’s nothing scary about cheerleaders.”

“No, but you don’t have to dress up to scare anyone for Halloween. That’s why they have different kinds of Halloween costumes, so you can pretend to be a zombie clown, or a naughty nurse.”

“Oh,” I’d seen the naughty nurse ones, but I had no idea that ment Naughty, in a dirty way. Even thought Naughty ment skimpy, and showing a lot of skin. Tight clothes with short skirts, and low cut tops to show off your boobs, if you had any.

At 12, she wasn’t completely flat, and she wore training bras, but not this time. She took it off, and stuffed it in her bookbag, with her dress code clothes. Then she pulled on the blue, and yellow dress, with a big D on the front, and I asked her.

“What’s the D for?”

She said “Dragons,” but then she fussed with my hair, and said “Or dick.”

I said “Dork” right away, but then we went out, going back and forth saying wordy dirds, and giggling. “Prick, Peter,” and “Puppydog tail.”

I stopped, and said “Wait, you think that’s what they mean when they say that’s what little boys are made of?” She gave me the thumbs up, but then she held her fist down, in front of her crotch, and giggled.

I forget when I saw one before, a penis, and balls too. I must’ve been really young, but I remember clearly that her fingers curled up, underneath her thumb reminded me of the scrotum. Just the bare scrotum, wrinkled up, but without any hair on it, and a little wiener too. Circumcised, with a cute little red head, and a pink ring around it.

So, he must’ve been young too, but he had a stiffy so it stuck up, and I could see his ball bag. It’s weird how I can remember all that, but not where, or when I’d seen it. Which boy pulled his pants down to show me his stiffy, just exactly what it looked like. Down to the tiniest detail, like the glans looking like a cute little heart with a hole in it.

I sure knew that it was naughty, which gave me the giggles, nervous laughs to try and cover up doing anything dirty, like looking at a boy’s privates. “Oh, I need to stop off for a drink.” She pulled 5 whole bucks out of the side, of the cheerleader uniform. The arm hole, where she would have had a bra strap, if she hadn’t taken it off in the girl’s room.

My Chinese dress had blue dragons on it, the exact same blue as parts of her dress, but she also had bright yellow parts too, so we matched. She bleached her hair blonde too, to match me, but she couldn’t do anything about her light brown eyes, to make them blue like me too. The $5.00 bill was enough to get the great big soda pop though, an Extra-Large so we could share it.

Up on the bleachers, the boys were pretending to stretch, out on the field. Putting their helmets on, and getting ready for the game. Molly turned around, and shook her fist in the air. “WOOO! Go Dragons!”

I noticed that the other team had a big gold D on their uniform shoulders, and sides of their helmets, but white jerseys, with blue patches, and gold stripes. “Oh, you’re cheering for the other team.” We didn’t have even have a football team, let alone a mascot, but the Peewee league played at our school, because we had a multi-purpose field, and bleachers.

“This is far enough,” she turned, and walked down the tops of one of the seat, then hopped down. Flipping the back of her dress back so it hung down, and I don’t know how I got stuck carrying the cup, but I took a sip, and handed it over.

I thought she must be uncomfortable, sitting on the seat like that, with nothing but her underpants to keep her butt warm. They were aluminum, and also had these rough lines molded into the tops, which couldn’t be that comfortable to sit on neither.

“Watch this,” she pointed when the boys lined up, and then the referee man blew his whistle. “thbpT!” Right before the ball came out, and a boy tried to catch it, but it bounced around his hands, while the other boys pushed and shoved.

I laughed at the farty noise, but then I realized that she was pointing out the ball. Because it was brown, and pointy on either end. Like a turd, but the boy dropped the ball, and they had to line up for a do-over. So, then we tried to make a farty noise, every time the ball pooped out, with the boys bent over.

Lined up to play football, but the ref didn’t blow his whistle after the first time. I guess I wondered why it was called a Kickoff if nobody kicked it, except for one time they fought their way halfway to the soccer goal. It’s supposed to be a net, but they had that taken out, and the boy that kicked it wasn’t even close, but then the other boys chased it bouncing around all over the place, until one of them caught it, and ran for the other goal.

They had goal posts, and soccer nets on either end of the field, which made it a multi-purpose field, but I wondered why they had boys, and girl’s soccer, but no girl’s football? It looked like a lot more fun, especially when they were all chasing the ball around, and they get to use there hands too.

I turned to ask Molly, but she wasn’t watching the game. She was squirming, and she had her hands up under her skirt. “What are you doing?” She stopped, with her underwear out to her knees, and leaned over. For no reason, because we were all alone out there, or so I thought.

“I have to pee.” She didn’t even giggle, but then I remembered something my mom said in the car.

“Well, you should have gone before we left the bathroom.” Now, it was a lot more serious, and I sure wasn’t laughing, but she wiggled her knees, so her undies slipped down, and scooted back so her butt hung off the back of the bleachers.

“I didn’t have to go then.” She smiled, and turned her head straight, but she didn’t even look at the boys, that sounded far away. “Hn.” Her eyes fluttered a little, so they almost closed, and she shivered a little.

They were far away, over at one end of the field, and lining up, but we sat in the middle. So they lined up right in front of us, and some of the D boys turned to talk to each other. I crossed my legs, when I heard the trickles, hitting the aluminum behind us.

Well, I thought. She did just drink a big soda pop, but because I got stuck holding it, I drank a lot too, and I giggled, nervously. “Huh!” She finished, and scooted back up, but her dress hung down behind her, and she left her panties down, around her ankles.

I didn’t say anything, but all a sudden, I had to go too. Then, I don’t know why I looked down, but I saw him under there. At least his eyes, and a little hair sticking out the sides, so I leaned over, and whispered. ‘don’t look now, but i think there’s a pervert under the bleachers.’

“I know.” She giggled real loud, but when I looked again. He still wasn’t looking down at her undies. Right in front of him, since she dropped them to take a pee, right out there in broad daylight. I must’ve gotten the wrong idea, maybe because I was taught to sit demurely, especially in a dress.

“Close your legs, your breath stinks.” She laughed, but I didn’t, because she wasn’t sitting very lady like. Instead of holding her legs together, or crossing them so nobody can see your underwear, she leaned back, and put her elbows up on the next bleacher. Scooted all the way up, with her legs wide open, so her skirt stretched flat across her lap, and the boys finished switching places on the bench.

The new boys turned around, to sit down, take off their helmets and talk. While the coach walked back and forth, right in front of us. So, all he had to do was look over, and see Molly didn’t have her underwear on. All the way up, to cover her privates, so he could tell she wasn’t a natural blonde, I thought.

She showed me, when she started getting hair in there, but it was just real quick. She pulled her underwear out, and let it go, so it snapped back to cover up her little brown curlies. Now, I was starting to squirm. Not just because I drank too much soda, but now I also felt my hair try to stick out in my undies. Not on the back of my neck, or even on my arms, like they usually do when I get a chill, and shiver.

“Huh, I’m so hot.” She said so loud, that the pervert could hear her under the bleachers, “And wet.”

Well, she did just go pee, and she couldn’t really wipe. The other people cheered, way way across the track, and field, but for the neighborhood team. Nobody showed up to cheer for the other team, which is why we had this side all to ourselves. Except the boys down there, on the bench, and their coach looked pissed.

“Get out there, and score a touchdown at least.” He yelled at them “Go on, get back in this,” and spanked them one by one, when it wasn’t even there fault. Okay, the one boy missed when he tried to kick a field goal? I think that’s what it’s called, we hadn’t taken football in P.E. yet, but I really had to pee now, and the pervert under the bleachers was grinning so big I could see it in his eyes.

Nothing else, just his eyes, but they smiled too, and little wrinkles in the corners, and everything. “Huh!” I got brave, and uncrossed my legs, but I looked up at the boys coming back to the bench. The coach chewing them out for not stopping them from getting a touchdown, but none of them looked up. They took their helmets off, and hung their heads looking so sad.

“WOO!” I had my panties halfway down, when Molly cheered, “GIMME A D!”

“Uh!” I had to pull my skirt out quick, and squeezed my knees together, but my underwear was right out in front of my lap, where everyone could see it.

The coach pointed out at the field, “Keep your head in the game, not on her.” He looked back, but she was back to sitting up. In fact, this time she crossed her legs, so the undies hung halfway up, still around her ankle, and she even held her hands in her lap. Demurely, until the coach shook his head, and went back to chewing out the boys for being behind.

Boys’ behinds, lined up on the bench, and once they went back to watching the game, Molly leaned over, and said, “Okay, I think you’re in the clear.” She took the cup back, and I had to pull my skirt up in back, but the bleachers were nice and warm from sitting on them. I couldn’t even feel the rough lines, but I had to hold it so long.

“MHN!” When I let go, it felt so good. “Huh!” My warm but exposed to the cool air, and i forgot all about the pervert, until I blinked, and looked down. Shook my head, wondering “Where’d he go?” The pervert, or at least his grinning eyes were gone, but I pulled the back of my dress down, before Molly told me.

“Behind you.”


“Don’t look.”

I shook my head, but I was already blushing so hard, and I tried to laugh it off. Hide my shame, or what’s worse is I didn’t have any shame to hide. I was so flushed, all over. My neck was burning, it felt really hot between my legs, and I could practically feel his eyes on my butt, now. Even though I didn’t when he was watching me piss, and I wiggled to get my skirt back down, under my legs.

He came back around, and popped back up. I jumped, and giggled sincerely from the surprise. “He’s back!” I looked around, and got brave. Feeling dirty, and naughty just peeing in front of him, but also getting away with it. “Now, I’m so hot.” Between my legs, so I stretched the dress out, “And wet.” Scooching out, so it rode up my lap, and feeling the wet puddle behind me when I put my hands down.

“Ew!” That ruined the whole effect.

“Hahaha! That’s why I put my arms up.” Of course it was wet behind us, with 2 bladders full of pee. So, I wiped my hands off, and pulled my underwear up. My dress back down, sat back up.

“I’ll come with you,” Molly kicked her panties off, so the fell under the bleachers. “Oh,” like she just remembered, “There’s somebody I want you to meet. A friend.”

“Oh yeah?” Yeah, at the bottom of the steps, we could run along in front, and climb down the side, where her friend could meet us.

Her adult grownup friend, “This is my boyfriend, Tom.” With the grinning eyes, and a cul-de-sac down the middle of his hair.

“Who’s your friend?”

“Brooke,” I lied. Okay, my dad is Brooks, because he’s in the Army, and everyone’s called by their last name, but he spent so long in the Army, and he’s an officer. He made Colonel, with a silver eagle, and he was so proud. Everyone called him Colonel Brooks, and saluted, so I was so proud of him, but if he only knew what I was doing, right now.

I don’t know why I thought about my dad, at a time like this. Maybe because Molly’s boyfriend looked like someone’s dad, only with clown hair. A little messed up from being under the bleachers, where only perverts hang out, to look up girl’s skirts, and see your underwear. He got to see a whole lot more then just underwear, and then it hit me.

“Oh,” she did this, for him. She did all of this for him to watch, and she got me to do it too.

“Nice to meet you, Brooke.” He shook my hand, and I giggled because I remembered that I’d just put it in a puddle of pee. He pulled her panties out of her pocket, and gave them back to her. To put on, holding onto the side of the post to hold the bleachers up, so she didn’t fall over. “I wonder if you know my son, he doesn’t go to school here, but he’s here often enough, and he sure would like to meet you. You look stunning in that dress, by the way.”

“Oh, hnhm!” I shook my head, “Thanks.”

“Mags!” Molly pushed me back.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t flirting,” yeah I was, “He just gave me a compliment, I was only being polite.” I looked up, and smiled. Nodding. Also, a little proud of myself for getting the part right, about him looking like somebody’s dad.


“How come you call Brooke that?” Because it’s really Magdalena, but that’s way too long, especially with a super short last name like Brooks, and I didn’t really know any for short way to say it, that I actually liked. Maggie, well there’s already like 3 Maggies, so that’s just confusing. Magda just sounds ugly, and Elaine?

Okay, I guess I hadn’t thought of Elaine, so nobody called me that yet, but mostly, I thought that it might not be a good idea to tell him my real name, because he just saw me with my panties down, peeing in public, and a whole lot more. So, he could get me in trouble if he wanted, but that was the part I was really worried about, because I had no idea what we’re doing.

I liked it, a lot. It was all laughs, before it got serious, and I got so horny, even though I had no idea what those feeling were, because I’d never been horny before, but Molly was a little jealous, even though she’s the one that talked me into coming out here in the first place, while she showed off to turn on her creepy old pervert boyfriend to molest her.

“Oh,” Molly caught on, and thought up a likely story, quick. “That’s her nickname, because when we’re little, she found these old magazines, and she brought them to school, but she didn’t get caught with them, and she showed them to us in the girl’s room. All the girls, so we could read the stories, and act like the girls in the pictures, so we started calling her Mags, I guess.”

“What kinds of magazines?” He guessed, but I didn’t.

“You know,” Molly grinned, and even giggled. That dirty little giggle she got, when we told dirty jokes, or made farty noises every time they snapped the football, bent over like they’re taking a dump. So I could imagine them pulling their pants down, to moon everyone, and to trick me into pissing in public to flash my bare privates, and pubes at the pervert, who’d been molesting her.

“Dirty magazines,” he guessed.

“Yeah, porno mags, with naked ladies, and men having sex with them.”

She had to say that, to tell me that’s what this was all about. I didn’t like to think that I was that ignorant, and clueless. I really wasn’t for my age, because I was only 11. Even the 6 grade boys didn’t really pay attention to girls, we hadn’t started giggling, and talking about which ones we’d fuck, marry and kill, because that was at least a middle school girl game.

I wasn’t molested yet, but he was married. Of course, he took his ring off to meet her, and he brought his son. Here to look at 6 graders, since he molested her too, but he didn’t even go to school here. Even before he went to middle school, and high school, he went to another one, but his name was Jakob, or “Jack,” I shook his hand, and looked up.

Expecting a boy at least a little closer to our own age, and a football uniform, but nope. He just had on jeans, and a teeshirt he didn’t tuck in. Molly giggled, “I think he likes you,” and I realized he didn’t let go my hand. He held it, and I remembered putting it down in the puddle of pee, but I couldn’t force out a giggle.

I tried, but it came out more like a grunt. Then, he leaned down, and i closed my eyes expecting him to kiss me, but he just picked up my other hand, and held them out to look me over. “You look nice, in that dress.”

Yeah, well I’d had it for a few years, but it stretched so I could grow into it, and it was so tight that it didn’t leave much to the imagination, but I didn’t have anything to show for it. Maybe pantie lines in back, and a little peach fuzz up front, but I started pubarche, and that’s it. Molly started with Thelarche, and then got pubes, which made me a little jealous, because she got breast bumps before me, and pubic hairs, but I hadn’t seen yet that she shaved them, just for this occasion.

“Thanks.” So you couldn’t tell she wasn’t a natural blonde, but then Tom. Peeping Tom bye the way, and yeah, it was totally intentional. He offered us a ride home, and Molly called “Shotgun” so she could be up front with her man friend. That left me, and Jack in the back, but that wasn’t his real name, neither.

His dad wasn’t named Tom, I just wasn’t clever enough to come up with an alias that was also a hint. A little joke, and a dirty one. Tom didn’t take us home, of course. He barely left the school, and took the very next turn to the park. Next to the school, they had another playground, so it was like having one on either side, but the multi-purpose field, and stands were on the other side, so all you could see were the lights.

“Uh” Jack was nervous, so he didn’t know what to say. He never really talked to a girl on his own, only Molly when his dad put him up to it, but of course the grownup did all the talking. Then, they came by the school, to pick Molly up, and also ask him which girl he might like.

Me in my Chinese dress, my favorite dress, not because I look Chinese, at all, but because the blue dragons match my eyes, and somehow make my hair look even blonder. So then Molly came up to talk to me, make friends with me, and hang out after school. All summer, and then next year, they hatched a plan, but it had to wait until we had a pee-wee game, at our school.

“So,” he thought of something, “You like football?”

“I never played it, but it looks fun, and how come they have girl’s basketball, soccer, and no football?”

“You want to play football?” He distracted me, so when his father pulled up to park, I totally missed what happened to Molly.

“Uh, where’d she go?”

“Oh,” she say up, “I’m right here,” and wiped her mouth. Tom had his arm across the back of the seat, and patted her head, then she leaned over again, where I couldn’t see her, behind the front seat.

“Huh?” Finally, Jack touched my led, and rubbed it through the skirt. “You want to try that?” He had his pants open, and his dick sticking out, but then he put his hand down, and felt the back of my neck. It felt hot, and even hotter between my legs, so I spread them, and let him slide the skirt up.

It kinda helped how stretchy, and tight it is, so it rode up all by itself, but I shook my head. “You want to kiss me instead?”

“Huh!” Tom sighed, and smiled over the back seat. Then, his eyes started drooping, and the smile went out of them, so I thought he was taking a pee. “HhuhHhuh!” He shivered, and then I heard Molly gulping. I knew she had a dirty mind, and she liked to tell lots of dirty jokes. Then, she peed on the bleachers, right out in broad daylight, but I didn’t think she was a pee drinker.

“Go on.” Jack put his hand up, and pushed my head down. “It won’t bite.”

“I might. So, why don’t you kiss me first, huh? Here.” I touched him, and tried to figure out how to play with it, but he touched me too, and started kissing me. Making out with me, with tongues and everything. Which was neat. “Huh?” Then, the door opened, and they left us alone, in the back seat.

Tom pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and lit one up, than passed it to Molly, to take a puff. I didn’t even know she smoked, but then again, she did just smoke Tom’s pole, right in front of us, so maybe that helped her get the taste of dick off her breath.

Dick, prick, pecker, and wang. I guess I was deciding what to call it in my head, when I had one in my hand. It was so warm, and hard of course. Then, he pinched my panties to pull them out, the crotch out of the way, and touch me, bare handed. He felt the outside, and then his middle finger slipped inside, but the other 2 were the exact same length, and kept rubbing the outside. So the little curls around rolled out of the way, but he didn’t stop there, of course.

He stuck them deeper, underneath me, and felt for the hole, I didn’t even know I had. I hadn’t gotten my period yet, so I couldn’t get pregnant, which means I didn’t get The Talk that goes along with it, and I had a mouthful of tongues so I couldn’t say anything, but then it just felt uncomfortable.

That’s one of the vocabulary words they use, instead of coming right out, and saying it. Dirty, it didn’t even feel naughty any more, because as soon as I thought of that word: Uncomfortable, it reminded me of another word that I didn’t know the meaning of, until right then.

So, I pulled back, “Oh,” I crossed my legs, “You’re Molesting me.” The definition I got was touching you in between your legs, inside or outside your clothes, or in any other way that you’re uncomfortable with.

“Huh!” He leaned back in the corner, “Yeah,” and closed his eyes, but I let go of his prick when I crossed my legs, he pulled his hand out, and started whacking it. Right there in front of me, and my jaw dropped. There was another Oh moment, only this time it reminded me of that fist pump, mostly guys did, without any context to put together with their boners.

“HhuhH!” He didn’t take long to finish, but I watched his face, mostly to see if he made that same face his dad did, when Molly sucked him off. “Huh, yeah.” He moaned, “Ohhh, yeah.”

Breathlessly panting, then he leaned over, and kissed me. Touched me, and his fingers were slimy. Wet, and he went right for the baby hole, but this time I let him. It wasn’t as uncomfortable, because I wasn’t as dry, I wasn’t sitting on it, but scooted up with my panties pulled to the side, so it could slip in as soon as he found the right spot.

The soft spot. “SNH!” He held my head, in the other hand, and just kept my mouth tight against his. “UH?” I tried shaking my head, so I could say “Ow, stop, that hurt,” but I felt it break. I didn’t want to do this any more, I just wanted him to let me go, so I could get out of there, run away, and probably sit on a fire hose to flush all the gross stuff he put in there out, but I had no idea what that gross stuff he put in there was, either.

Finally, Molly came around, and pulled open the door. “All right,’ she clapped, “Let her go, you’re done.” She shook her finger, and her head, but before she could think of anything else to say, she slammed the door so he could finish fixing up his pants. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head, and turned away to wipe my eyes, and sniff. “Fine?”

“Oh, it’s okay. I know it hurts the first time, but now that you’re past that, it’ll feel better the next time.” She walked me off, and I didn’t even look back when the door closed. The car started up, and drove off. Leaving us alone in the park.

“Oh, kay?” I didn’t know what to think, but I believed her, because I wanted to. I trusted her, and I thought she was my friend, because I had no idea that she only pretended to be, to lure me in with dirty jokes, and adult language, and get me molested by Jack, because Tom got jealous of his own son in a threesome, even though he put them both up to it in the first place.

“Huh, you know what, will make you feel better?” I shook my head. “Well, I know it sounds childish, but it’s actually true.”


“In here.” We cut between the baseball, and the softball diamonds, so she could take me in the baseball dugout. Because that actually had a long narrow shelter over the benches, instead of just chain link fences around it, like the softball ones.

“Well, believe it or not, but I can actually kiss it, and make it feel better.”

“Oh,” I pulled my dress up. “Okay,” and my bloody panties down, but she didn’t seem to mind that, or the fact that I didn’t wipe the last time I peed either.

You know what though? She was right, it did start to feel a whole lot better…

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