Mom Can’t Help It – Part 2

I stood in the kitchen, chopping vegetables on a cutting board. I was aiming to make fried rice for brunch for Daniel and I. I was wearing a pair of tight, black gym shorts, with a gray shirt on top. I had omitted my undergarments, since I was planning to take a shower soon after some yoga.

As I sliced up some carrots into tiny pieces, my mind drifted back to an hour earlier when I was in my son’s room.

I stopped for a second, my eyes glazing over slightly as my fingers wrapped around one of the large carrots. I thought back to when I sat on my son’s bed, slowly stroking his thick hard cock as he slept. The hot and smooth sensations from the members were burned onto the skin of my palm, causing my pussy to tingle. I had fingered myself while stroking his cock, and almost neared an orgasm before he erupted with cum.

I licked my lips, remembering the taste of his cum. It has been a long time since I had tasted anyone’s cum, and the memory of it made my mouth water.

Quick and heavy footsteps echoed from the stairs, causing me to snap out of my trance-like state. I blinked a couple of times and looked behind me to the entrance of the kitchen to see Daniel standing there.

He was wearing the same blue sports shirt and pair of boxer-briefs from when I found him sleeping. His eyes scanned the room before landing on me. He stared at my form for a few seconds, and I could almost feel his gaze locked on my ass. My heart suddenly hammered in my chest as my gaze made its way to the still dark spot on the crotch of his boxers.

“Good… Morning, Dan,” I called, tensing slightly. He looked up at me, his eyes widening for a few seconds as he realized that he was staring.

“Hey,” He replied, his voice partially quiet. He then turned and made his way to the dining table and sat at the far end of it. Now, he had the whole view of the kitchen, as well as my rear while I worked.

“Did dad leave already?” He looked around, blinking.

“Oh yes, he left not too long ago,” I replied, giving him a smile as he looked back at me with his bright eyes, “You can give him a call after dinner, when he arrives at his hotel.”

Daniel nodded slowly before breaking our eye contact to look me over. I tensed again slightly, feeling slightly uncomfortable in my current fit of clothing.

“How was your sleep?” I turned back to the carrots I was chopping and continued my work. The quicker I was done making brunch, the quicker I can head off to take a shower and change.

“It wasn’t… Bad,” He replied, staring at my ass, “I had a… Nice dream…”

I paused for a second, considering his words. I remembered his facial expressions while I watched him sleep. The sounds of his moans echoed through my mind as I flashbacked to stroking his cock.

“What sort of dreams?”

There was a silence as I continued to slice the carrots. I moved onto the green pees and began to pull out the pees. However, my hands shook slightly as I waited for an answer. My heart hammered heavily in my chest, and for a brief moment an image of my son’s erect cock flashed through my mind.

“One about you,” Daniel finally spoke, breaking the silence.

“Oh…” I paused, my eyes widening slightly as I considered his words, “Is that… So…?”

“Yeah, it was really weird at first,” He continued on, leaning forward and gazing deeply at my rear, “But, I kinda liked it eventually. Made me realize how much I love you.”

His words took me back a bit, and a warm smile slowly crept onto my face. My heart fluttered as I thought about his words in an innocent way. My son had just said he loved me, and I almost forgot the reason why I was feeling awkward around him.

“Aw, thank you,” I called to him, moving on to grabbing a bowl of eggs I had set aside and getting prepared to fry them.

“Hey, mom, did you come into my room while I was sleeping?”

I blinked, and then looked back at Daniel. He was still seated at the dining table, staring at my body. One hand sat on top of the table, while the other was hidden under it, out of my view. However, I noticed his shoulder and arm twitching.

“Yes… I was just picking up your laundry,” I turned back to look down at the eggs, reaching down to grab one of them.

“Was that all?” He called to me.

My jaw clenched as I thought back to what happened earlier in the day. The memory of my hand stroking his cock was alive in my thoughts, and my pussy tingled from it. I gulped and then took in a deep breath. As I did so, my son had stood up from his seat at the table and was slowly making his way over to me.

“I was just checking on you,” I spoke honestly and closed my eyes, “You seemed to be enjoying a really interesting dream, and I was just curious…”

There was silence as I held the egg in my hand. Unknowingly to me, my son was getting closer and closer.

“I saw… Something, but I won’t talk to you about it now,” I murmured, opening my eyes slightly and gazing down at the eggs in front of me, “Afterwards, I took up your dirty clothes and tossed them into the laundry basket.”

Suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I froze momentarily as I felt him lean in and press himself against me, his chin resting on my shoulder. His crotch pressed against my rear, and I could definitely feel the tent in his pants. The sensation caused my pussy to tingle, and I could feel myself becoming gradually wet.

I held in a breath, my jaw clenching tightly as I could almost feel my son press his hard-on harder against my ass.

“Thanks for the help mom,” He said, before kissing me softly on the cheek. After a few seconds, he pulled away and walked back to the dining table. I was left standing against the counter, eyes wide and my pussy dripping wet.

After a couple of seconds, I came back to life and returned to fixing up brunch for my son. I stayed silent as I worked, my mind going over thoughts one after another. I knew he was staring at my ass from the dining table, and the very thought of it made me feel hotter.

I sat in the living room on a blue yoga mat, staring up at the Tv as a young woman in a very attractive yoga fit demonstrated different stretches and positions. I was still in my pair of short black shorts, but had switched out my gray shirt for a purple sports bra. This left my smooth back and tight, flat stomach out in the open, giving me a relaxing comfort as I performed my stretches. Thoughts of the handjob that I gave Daniel this morning, as well as the tiny moment of awkwardness between us in the kitchen, were still alive in the back of my head. However, I did my best to not dwell on them, seeking comfort in my yoga practices to bring my spirits up.

Still, the crotch of my shorts were a little damp from earlier, and I did not pay any attention to my still sensitive pussy since the hug from Daniel.

Sounds of dishes clattering echoed from the kitchen, which was soon followed by the noise of the sink tap running. My son must have finished the fried rice I had made for him for brunch, and was now washing his dishes.

I sat in a diamond-shaped pose, where the bottom of my feet were pressed up against each other and brought in close against my crotch. My knees were fanned out wide, and I could feel the muscles in my inner sides of my thigh begin to strain. The leggings of my shorts in this position were sliding back bit by bit, revealing more and more of the soft, smooth skin of my far upper thighs, until all that was covered were my ass cheeks and crotch.

I could hear the kitchen sink stop, and my son’s footsteps leaving the room. He must be heading back up to his room, but I wasn’t too sure.

I leaned my upper body forward, reaching far out as I can in front of me with my hands, causing my back muscles and gluteal muscles to stretch. I could feel my large, bra-covered breasts jiggle as they hung close to the yoga mat. Sweat beaded my forehead as I tried to reach out farther with my hands, and the sounds of the woman on the Tv encouraging me to stretch more echoed out.

I let out a surprised gasp as I felt the crotch of my shorts press tightly against my sensitive lower lips. The fabric grazed across my sensitive, wet skin, causing tingles to run throughout my body. I stayed in this position, slightly shifting my lower half every once in a while to continue stimulating my pussy. I enjoyed the sensations rippling through my body from my pussy, gradually becoming more and more eager to touch myself down there.

I blinked as I suddenly felt like someone was watching me. I slowly looked over to my left, and my eyes widened as I saw Daniel standing there. My son was watching me stretch, his expression that of wonder and slight excitement. I noticed the tenting in his shorts and the dark stain gradually growing in size on the very tip of it.

“Oh, Daniel,” I greeted him, smiling awkwardly as I began to straighten up, “I didn’t see you were there. Do you need something, baby?”

“Oh, no, it’s alright mom,” He responded, smiling at me and waving slightly with a hand, “I was just gonna sit and read on the couch.” He held up one of his comic books, making sure I took notice of it, before making his way to the couch behind me.

“Don’t mind me,” He said, and I heard the leather of the couch creak as he sat down, “You can continue doing whatever.”

I nodded slowly and looked back up at the Tv. The woman on the screen was performing a variation of Anahatasana. I followed along with her, beginning in a table pose on my hands and knees. The leggings of my shorts were still rolled up, giving Daniel a view of the entirety of the back of my thighs, as well as a bit of my ass cheeks.

I slowly walked my hands forward, making sure my hips stayed right above my knees, before gently sinking my chest towards the mat. My large breasts pressed against the mat, and I could feel my shorts riding up and rubbing against my dripping wet pussy.

I could hear the woman on the Tv encourage me to push my chest down more, as well as lift my rear up higher. I suddenly felt self-conscious of my actions, now that my own son was sitting on the couch behind me.

“Hey, mom, I think you’re close,” Daniel suddenly spoke up, “You just need to do a little more.”

“What?” I glanced back at him, arching an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“Here, I’ll help,” He stood up from the couch, and I could see the large tent in his pants bob up and down. He quickly got down onto his knees and crawled over behind me.

“Wait, Daniel,” I called to my son, my eyes widening slightly, “You don’t need to-”

I was cut off as my body shuddered from the sensation of my son’s hands pressing down on my bare, lower back. My back arched, causing me to press my chest harder against the mat, and slowly bring my bare stomach closer to the floor. I winced slightly as I felt the muscles in my sides and stomach stretch.

“See?” Daniel called, leaning over behind me and smiling, “Just like the woman in the Tv is doing.”

“R-right…” I murmured, glancing at him momentarily before looking back down at the yoga mat. I let out a breath, and closed my eyes as I felt the targeted muscles stretch and strain, indicating that I was indeed doing things correctly.

“You should… Uh… Lift your butt up…” Daniel murmured, still pressing his hands down against my back.

“What? Why is that?” I murmured.

“It’s what the woman is doing,” He explained, slowly sliding his hand down my body and stopping it at the waistband of my shorts. My body froze for a split second before I instinctively raised my ass up.

Daniel let out a soft groan as I felt my ass press up against the tent in his pants. I could feel his cock throbbing underneath his shorts, through my now damp shorts. My pussy tingled again, and I held back a moan.

“Is… Is this good…?” I called to him, opening my eyes and glancing back at him. My son was now staring down hungrily at my ass, his hands now sitting on my lower back and threatening to peel back my shorts.

“Yeah…” Daniel whispered a few seconds later, and I felt him slowly pressing up against my rear. The tip of his covered cock slid between my asscheeks, causing my shorts to press harder against my pussy.

“Okay… I think that’s enough, now,” I suddenly began to push myself up into a sitting position, “Thank you for your help, dear.”

Daniel stumbled back into a seated position, his back against the couch and his legs spread apart. I glanced down at his crotch, seeing his cock pressing hard against the fly of his shorts, with precum oozing out and staining the cloth. The sight of it made my pussy ache to be touched, and I subconsciously reached down with a hand to clamp it over my soaked crotch.

“I think that’s enough yoga for today,” I gave Daniel a warm smile, reaching out to ruffle his hair gently, “Thank you again for your help.”

He stared at me with bright, wide eyes as I pushed myself up to my feet. Rolling up my yoga mat and turning the Tv off, I smiled at him one more time.

“I’m heading up to go take a shower,” I told him, making my way around his legs and heading towards the stairs.

I stood in the standing shower, naked from head to toe. Hot, steamy water rained down from the shower head onto me as I ran my fingers through my soaking wet hair. My mind went over what happened during my yoga experience today. My pussy tingled as I thought about how my son’s tented cock had pressed against my dripping wet pussy through my shorts.

This is wrong… I tried to tell myself, moving my hands down to rub my chest, He’s your own son, Katherine.

However, some sort of feeling deep within me felt pleasure and excitement about the recent events that have been occurring since my husband left for his business trip. My nipples were now fully erect as I massaged my breasts under the shower of hot water, and I couldn’t resist pinching them occasionally.

I wonder… How Daniel feels about me… I moved my hands down to rub my smooth stomach, and the tingling sensations within my pussy grew stronger, I think he may like my body a little too much…

I moved my hands down lower, now rubbing my womb. The lips of my pussy were just inches away from my curious fingertips. I could feel my inner walls stretch and tingle as I became horny again. In fact, I think I was horny since this morning after giving my son a handjob, and the feeling kept building up.

Is it bad if he likes my body that much…? I opened my eyes slightly, seeing only steam and dripping water in front of me, It’s a natural reaction of men. Being attracted to the body of a female is normal… But is it alright with the way he’s acting upon his feelings?

Suddenly, my fingers brushed over my sensitive lower lips. A shudder ran through my body from my bare lips, and I let out a soft moan. The thoughts of my son’s hard cock ran through my mind, and in my moment of heat I could no longer help myself.

I slowly rubbed my middle finger over my bare lower lips, causing more ripples of pleasure to course through my body. I stroked my fingers over my pussy, feeling my inner juices flow out and mix with the warm water running down my smooth skin. I let out soft moans of pleasure as I reached up with my other hands to massage my breasts that were aching to be touched.

It had been a long time since I had the time to masturbate. Now, after teasing my son and giving him a handjob, I could no longer wait. I needed to relieve myself.

Slipping my middle finger into my pussy, I began to stir it around inside, stretching my walls apart. I pinched one of my nipples tightly, letting out a moan as I stroked my long finger in and out of me. I leaned back against the shower wall, pushing my hips out as I fingered myself. My mind continued to fly through the interactions I’ve had with my son, and the excitement that I’ve been trying to keep down about him jerking off to me bubbled up.

“Daniel…” *I whispered, gasping in pleasure as I pushed another finger into my pussy, “Ohhh…”

Suddenly, I heard the doorknob of the bathroom door click, and the door slowly swung open. I froze, my eyes widening as I stared through the steamy glass door of the standing shower, seeing a figure slowly walk up to it. I was still pinching my nipple while having two of my fingers burrowed deep within me, feeling both fear and excitement at the prospect of being caught.

The figure got closer to the glass door, and from what I was able to see through the fog, they were completely naked. I could tell it was a boy from their lean musculature and body shape, as well as the erection bouncing up and down between their legs.

As I realized who it was, the glass door suddenly slid open to reveal my son, Daniel, standing there and gazing at me with hunger in his eyes.