Mom sexts son

June is a 38 year old divorced mother. Her son, Jerome, called Jerry, is a 16 years old and lives with her in the house she got in the divorce settlement. It has been a year since the divorce and although June has gone on a couple dates, she hasn’t gone past dinner and maybe a movie and lately she’s given up on dating.

But that doesn’t mean she’s not interested in sex. To the contrary, she is in an almost constant state of arousal. And the one person who she wants to fuck is the very person who is living with her. She is conflicted due to societal taboos but the attraction to her very handsome son is irresistible.

So one day she decided to start a flirtation with him.

At first she started dressing more provocatively around him. She wore low cut tops or left her blouse unbuttoned past her cleavage. She would wear short skirts and bend over or spread her legs when she sat.

Then one day she got an idea on how to finally realize her fantasies.

She bought a prepay phone and went to her room and taking all her clothes off, she laid on the bed with just a white sheet so it was not identifiable. She spread her legs wide and took several pictures of her in bra and panties.

Then she sent them to her son’s phone with text saying, “I hope you like these shots of my body! From your secret admirer!” With a heart emoji.

She got a reply right away, “wow! You look awesome! Who are you?”

She didn’t reply.

The next day she took several more, this time with the bra removed, cupping her large boobs in her hands or tweaking her nipples. Never showing anything that would identify her.

She sent them to his phone and again, he replied quickly.

“Oh god! You’re beautiful! I have to know who you are!”

The next day she was completely naked. She laid on the bed and spread her cunt open for the camera. She took more pictures than before and posed in various positions, laying down, on all fours, on her stomach.

“I hope you’re masturbating to my pictures! Just imagine what it would feel like with your hard cock in my hot, wet cunt!”

He answered, “oh god yes! I’m jerking of right now! I have to know who you are! I have to fuck you! Please tell me!”

She responded, “I won’t tell you by text, but if you really want to know I’ll tell you in a little while where to meet me.”

She got dressed and went to her son’s room.

“Hi Jerry, I need to go to the store. I’ll be back later.”

“Okay mom, no problem.”

She drove to a local hotel and checked in. She went to the room and then texted. “I’m at the residence inn on Maple St. Room 45. If you really want to fuck me, come here now!”

Jerry threw some clothes on and was trying to think who it could be. He could tell by the body that it was an older woman but he couldn’t imagine any women he knew that would want to fuck him.

He drove to the hotel and found the room. His mom had parked near another room away from the entrance so he wouldn’t see her car. She wanted him to be surprised when he saw her.

She was naked already and her cunt was leaking juice onto her thighs she was so horny. When she heard the knock on the door, she looked out the peephole and there was her son, looking very nervous and excited.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.

His expression was priceless! She wished she had taken a picture.

He was like the deer in the headlights, just frozen in the doorway as he looked at his naked mother.

“Well, don’t just stand there, Jerry. Get in here before someone sees me standing here naked!”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room.

“It was you, mom? Holy shit! I can’t believe it!”

“I hope you’re not disgusted with me, but I just couldn’t resist. I’ve been so horny lately and you look so handsome. I just want to be loved in every way by you.”

She took him in her arms and they kissed. She took his hand and placed it on her boob.

“Oh yes, honey! Love me! Make me happy!”

She stepped back and pulled his t-shirt over his head. He helped her get his pants down and boxers.

“Oh honey! You have a beautiful cock! Just for me!”

She sank to her knees and took him into her mouth.

“Ohhhhhhhhh mom!” He moaned as she swallowed his cock. She was a great cocksucker and used all her tricks on him. He ran his fingers in her hair and pulled her head farther on his cock, looking down in disbelief as his mother worshiped his cock!

But she didn’t want his first cum in her mouth. She pulled off and stood, leading him to the bed.

“Come and fuck me darling! Make me yours!”

He fell on top of her on the bed as she spread her legs. She was already soaked down there so he slid right in.

“Ohhhhhhhhh honey! Ohhhhhhhhh god! Your cock is so hard and long! Fuck me! Oh god, I need you! Fuck me!”

“Oh god yes! I’m fucking you, mom! Oh god! It feels so good!”

They were frantic as they explored each other’s bodies, fucking all over the bed and changing positions constantly. It was the best fuck June had ever experienced and she was in a sexual frenzy as her beloved son fucked her until she was dizzy, almost passing out.

“Oh god, Jerry! I’m cumming! Oh god! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!”

“Oh god! Me too, mom! I’m cumming in you!”

“Yes, baby! Cum in meeeeee!”

He spurted several long ropes of cum, thinking he would never stop.

Finally his cock stopped spewing his cum and he rolled off. His mom cradled him in her arms, “oh Jerry! That was wonderful! I love you!”

They fucked all night long and continued as long as Jerry lived with her, which was until he married at 25, then he would visit frequently.