Mommy’s Little Whore

A twist on the eponymous fantasy, of a mother turning her daughter into a prostitot.

I finally gave up, and called, “Mom?”

“Oh my god, are you all right?”

“I’m fine, mom, but I need you to pick me up.”


So, I took a deep breath, and told her, “The Joyce, Hotel.”

I waited, and she didn’t hang up for a while. I could hear her breathing through her nose, the way she does when she’s upset, but she didn’t say anything. Then, she hung up, and I sat down. Underneath the pay phone, and just let it hang until it started making that “Eet eet eet eet!” noise.

So, I pulled myself up, and held down the little lever, to make it stop. Hung the receiver on the cradle, and went in the doors to wait, until she pulled up.

I tried to hide it, in the folds of my dress, and covered up the rest with my hands, but I pretended to be cold, until I got in the car.

“So, finally went through with it.” She snapped, sarcastically.

“No, well. I didn’t know what else to do. Let me explain, I. I went out with Joe the other night.”

“I know that.”

“Well, you want to hear it? Let me tell it my way, just take me home.” I wanted to go home, and take a hot bath, someplace that a tweeker hadn’t taken a dump in the shower next door. Why did she have to use the middle one, and she couldn’t even wash it down the drain?

“Well, buckle up.” Which ment letting go of my dress. She picked it up, to hold it out, where the stain was plainly visible, in the lights from the Marquee. You’d think that it used to be a more, swank place. Back in the day, since it had a marquee, but now it was faded, and there was a gay bar on the ground floor in front of it.

She just threw it down, didn’t even ask if that was what she thought it was, but I didn’t have anything else to wear. What was I going to do, wash it in the laundromat, then go back up to our room, in my underwear?

“He took my purse, and my jacket. When he dropped me off. Well, first we went down to the waterfront, and then, I read him a story, to get him in the mood.”

“One of your stories?”

“Yeah, I hoped it would turn him on, but he got mad instead. We had this big fight, and instead of taking me home, he drove me to a bad part of town, and said.” I took a ragged breath.

“If you want to be a. A Whore so much.”

“So, I just got out, and he followed me for a while, but I was just so mad at him. He rolled the window down, and told me to get in the car, until I finally found a place that was open. A diner, and the only people that were there, other than the staff were. Taking a break, from work. Warming up with a few pots of coffee, and packing on some carbs.

So, I went and talked to them, they were really nice, and said “Oh, well if he’s gonna to be like that,” when I told them what happened, but they were really understanding. Then, we talked about work, and they let me finish some of the food, that they didn’t want, and then their boss came to pick us up, in a van.

He offered to take me home, after he dropped them off, but. He was kinda scary. Like Lenny Kravitz, or no. More like Dennis Rodman, he had a nose ring, and a bunch of gold in his teeth.” Chains on his neck, and another one hanging from his wallet, rings, tattoos…

“Like a.” She just stopped, and breathed through her nose, trying to find the right word.

“A pimp.” I nodded. “He dropped them off on the corner, and I decided to hang out with them, because I didn’t want to ride with him, in the van. He drove a white van, but not like a work van, or a minivan. More like the extra long limo ones with a bunch of seats, or almost like a bus. Really.”

She nodded, so I took another breath.

“Huh, so the girls let me borrow their coats, and took turns, doing the walk. To attract customers, but you know. It was cold, and rainy the other night, and the past few nights, so they had to come back for their coat, and they took turns. They told me he wasn’t really a pimp, or they called him their driver. He liked to act all gangster, and they let him think he was a pimp, so he could brag about it, but they said they didn’t have one, really. They worked together, and watched out for each other, but then a guy showed up, and he wanted to talk to me.”

“So, you finally went through with it.”

“Huh, yeah, and it was. Well, not exactly like I imagined it, the smells were mostly what I. Didn’t expect. He was clean, and.” Uncircumcised “I really think that the new one I wrote is the best yet, because I finally wrote about the smells, but he tasted soapy.”

“Well, hopefully you got it out of your system, and finally realized how.”

“No, mom. I’m not going to stop, having sex for money. Honestly, I loved it, and I’m not going to say that I can’t wait to do it again, but I knew you would get like this, and if you want to pull over right here, I can thumb a ride back to where I belong.”

“No, of course I wouldn’t do that to you, especially after that son of a bitch did it to you, but how could you, enjoy. That?”

“Because I’m a whore. Mom, a big fat whore, and I know you don’t want to hear this, but I think I might have even been born to do it. Like, you know, homosexuals, pedophiles, sadomasochists, or even. Probably some serial sex offenders, I don’t know.”

“It’s not natural.”

“Of course it’s natural, why do you think it’s the oldest profession? As soon as they invented money, and numbers to keep track of their profits, the first commodity that was really worth anything was a dowry. What do you call that, because it sounds like selling your daughter to a wealthy man for favors, and damned near slavery.”

“Huh! Well, I’m just trying to understand. What’s the attraction?”

“Well, most of them aren’t, very attractive men, but I don’t want to work out of the Joyce. You’re right, that place is literally a shithole, so I want to work from home. That way, I can pick and chose the guys online a little more carefully, but honestly, it’s not about the Johns.”

“Then what’s it about.”

“It’s about being worth something. I know, how people talk about prostitutes, and what kind of women, gets into prostitution, but at the end of the day, what do you have to point at, a clean house? Look what I did, my husband and children are well fed, the dishes are clean, and there’s no laundry piled up.”

“Well, I’m a housewife, and I’m very happy being a housewife.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with that. Just like dad is an accountant, and at the end of the day, he can point at. A bunch of numbers, in a spread sheet, and feel proud of how much money he made for his clients, or saved, or. I don’t know, shuffled around for a better interest rate, but for me. When I get that money. In my hand, when I hold up 10 twenty dollar bills rolled up in a rubber band. Huh!”

I got it out, and just held it, in my lap. It was warm, from being tucked into my bra, so close to my heart. “This, this right here, is exactly what I’m worth. A man, a complete stranger is willing to pay me, two hundred dollars just to spend the night with me, and he treats me like a queen. The most beautiful, and sexy woman on earth, and then.”

I shrugged. “Maybe I have to suck him off, in the back of a cab. It’s worth it. It’s so worth it to me, and sure it’s the only thing I’m good at, but damnit. I’m so good at it!” Like I always knew I would be.

“Huh, all right. All right, but before your father gets home, have you thought about what you’re going to tell him?”

“No, you know he wouldn’t understand.”

“Well, take off that filthy dress so I can wash it, and you better run the bath first.”

“Okay mom!’ I hugged her. “Uh, I love you, and it’s just great to be back!” I felt so, relieved? I mean, I knew she would judge me again, when she found my “Fantasies.”

Yeah, right. They were all fantasies. You bet! Then, I got in the water, and I was just. “Ahhhhhh!”

So good. Sure enough, as soon as I turned the water off, she started up the washer, and came up. She went right past the bathroom, to her room, and then I heard her. Heels in the hall. She stopped at the door, and knocked.


“Yeah mom.” She turned the knob, and looked in, but her perfume followed her.

“Huh, well, I made a few calls, but.” She let go, and reached up, to stick an ear-ring in her ear. “There’s somebody I worked with. Before, and he expressed an interest in you coming to work with me.”

I sat up. “What kind of work?”

“Well,” she stood up, and let the door swing open. “I believe that in the business, it’s called a threesome?”

“Mom? What are you wearing?” I’d never seen that dress before, but if she hid it from me, and dad. Well, let’s just say that, it was small enough to hide, easily.

“Huh!” She leaned back against the sink, and put her heel up, under it. So, the side slit split open, I could see the top of her fishnet stocking, and the garter belt clipped to it. She finished putting the other ear ring in. “Well, I didn’t want you to come to work with me, unless I was sure that you really wanted to.”

“Oh my god. Mom, you’re a whore?”

“No, I hate that word.” She practically hissed through her teeth. “You know that.”

“Then what, a call girl?”

“Huh, no. I just have this, boyfriend, I suppose, but. He’s got a lot of money, and. Let’s just say that, I understand your fantasies, a little better, now.”

“So, you’ve been playing, prostitute with him?”

“No, I told him, that I wouldn’t. He’s been, trying to get into my pants for years, until finally, I joked. “You’d have to pay me, a million bucks.” And then, he said, “Well, I don’t have a million bucks,” we haggled, a little until finally, we settled on a price.”

“How much.”

“Five hundred.” She grinned, then winked. “Each.”

“Well, huh!” I tried to laugh, and rub the goose bumps out of my shoulders. Even half out of the hot bath water. “I only do oral.” The last one wanted me to swallow, but I spit it out.

“Of course, I better call him, and renegotiate.” She got up, and started out. Looking amazing in that skimpy little dress, and high heeled boots. “But just so you know.” She started pulling the door, “He’ll probably expect you to perform it on me.”

Then she pulled the door shut, and I just sank down into the water, to think about that. Until I had to stick my nose, and mouth out, to breathe.

Then, I decided that I better shave.


^I can go on…

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