Mommy uses me to pay for her drugs,,,,,

How A 11 Year old girl Copes With A Drug Addled Mother, … And How Mommy Pays For Her Habit.

Baby….sugar…hon .. .hon…are you awake . What mom, I ask in a waking voice. Baby mommy needs your help, in a shaking voice … mommy’s sick baby..,, and the nice man is here with mommy’s medicine… but, well see … mommy’s out of money…It’s your worthless daddy’s fault, him being in jail and all. I sware baby girl, this is the last time… It’s just that mommy needs her medicine

Her medicine is crystal meth’ and “nice man” is a dealer. She has three, three dealers that is. One only wants cash, Two take cash.. or a acceptable trade, and as my mother ages and the fact she whores herself out, and is “Past her sell by date” as one dealer put it, she’s not what they will barter for . But I am,

She’s been doing this to me for as far back as I can remember. Id had to “help the nice man with his cock” as mommy scurried off to the public toilet to get herself “right”. I’d be left alone with some guy in a car, or an alley, a cock shoved in my little mouth, some white, some black, Id have to do what mommy taught me, to make the men feel good. I’d suck on there cock’s do whatever they told me. Sometimes I’d gag, but I did i what Mommy told me , from when I was real little…don’t use my teeth, and I never did. All the guys told me I was great little cock sucker.

When mommy was younger and her addiction wasn’t as bad, and she looked better, I’d help the men use Mommies slit. She would bend over a Trash can or a car trunk and I’d help the men with there big cocks.. I’d guide them in mommy. Mommy would shave baby smooth like me, so I could see what I was doing I guess. I liked doing it. Mommy had me play with there balls ,stroke there big man cocks, Sometimes my baby brother helped, that’s before the county took him from mommy. One night we left him at a party when he was very little, one of mommies friend’s that gave her the medicine she needed was going to baby set him for a few hours. But while my baby brother Bobbie was there, the police raided the party, and they took Bobbie away, we never seen him again.

So being awoke in the middle of the night in our trailer where we lived ,was not new to me. The guy was one of mommy’s regular “doctors”. He was kind’a older, but he was nice, I liked him. Some of mommy’s friends tried to put there cocks in me.. but he didn’t.

He would just give mommy her medicine , she would scurry off to the bathroom to get herself “right”. Id get on my knees and wait, mouth open. They always made a big production of taking there cocks out, like it was trophy.

This one was black, and big, I had to go at it slowly. This guy didn’t hold the back of my head and try to force it in ,like some of mommies friends did, and I didn’t like that. This cock was very fat. Mommy told me once it may have been the one that made by baby brother, but she didn’t really know, there had been so many. He would call me ..his white baby princess, I like being called princess, even as he used my white baby mouth to get his big black cock off.

I sucked his fat black cock. I tried to do my best, he seemed to like it. Like mommy showed me, I’d pay a lot of attention to the head…kissing it…nursing from its tip. When it spurted its goo I’d push the head back far in my mouth and use the muscles in my tongue to get all the milk out of the huge black cock, just like mommy taught me.

Like I said before, I’ve been been helping mommy like this for a long time, I don’t really remember when mommy didn’t need her special medicine. I don’t mind, the men are generally nice. Now that I’m 11 mommy told me that I could even be of more help. It seems that my cunny is ripe, I don’t know how she knows. she never squeezed it to see if it was ripe, but mommies male friends seem to think it is. Mommy said she could get quite a few “doses” of her special medication for it.

I know that they want to put there big man cock’s in my lil cunny. I know they help mommy out a lot and we need to be nice to them. And I like they attention.

Mommy says we are soon going to move to Florida soon. She says the weather is warmer , that some guy she knows whats to help us move, that he has a job for me, a real job. And that if I do good , we won’t need the food stamps from the county anymore. He owns a business there, a massage parlor. I think its where you take messages to people but I don’t really understand it all. Mommy says I’ll be working with truckdrivers a lot. I guess they have a lot of messages to send. Whatever it is I’ll do what mommy tells me. She calls me her “big girl” and mommies “Little helper”. I hope mommies friends like me in Florida. I cant wait to help the men there, there messages must be very important.

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