Mother Shares her Husband’s Cock

Ashley understands her daughter’s needs.

Susan came running downstairs wearing her new dress that arrived just in time for her date tonight with her crush. “Mom! What am I going to do, look!” Susan pointed to her tummy that was showing through her form fitting dress. “Well sweetheart I told you when you ordered that dress it was going to be a little tight on you. You should’ve ordered a size larger.” “Mom stop! I need to wear it tonight, what am I going to do?”

Susan was hysterical. She was so looking forward to wearing her new sexy dress for her boyfriend. They had special plans for tonight that Susan hoped would include being intimate with Bob. She imagined that wearing a sexy dress might help her get laid. But now the dress was making her look terrible.

“Mom what am I going to do?” Susan kept begging her mom for a solution as she pushed her tummy inwards with her fingers. “Well honey, the only thing I can think of would be to wear a girdle.” “Oh mom that’s so old fashioned and I don’t even have a girdle.” “Susan just calm down and listen, I have a panty girdle you can use tonight, I think it’s really cute. You should try it on.”

“Ok mom I’ll try it but it’s going to be weird.” Susan followed her mom upstairs and watched her pull a pink long leg girdle from the dresser. Susan took the girdle from her mom and looked at it. “Mom this looks way to small.” “Oh sis it will stretch as you put it on, that’s what a girdle is supposed to do. Just put it on, you’ll see.”

Susan started to take off her dress with her mom’s help. “Take your panties off to sweetie, you don’t need panties with a girdle.” Susan took her underwear off and stood in front of her mom in just her bra. “Sweetheart when did you start shaving your bikini area, your completely smooth. Are you having oral sex with your boyfriend?” “No mom! I just like to be shaved.” Well if you are we better get you on birth control, because he’s going to expect more soon.” “Oh mom we haven’t done anything.” “Okay then put the girdle on.

Susan took her mom’s panty girdle from the bed and stepped into it. Gradually she worked it up her legs and into place. Susan looked surprised as she ran her hands over her tightly girdled body. “Mom this feels amazing, I love it.” “Susan look at your tummy.” Susan looked down and placed her hand on her perfectly flat stomach. “Look mom it’s holding me in.” “Yes I know sweetheart, now put your dress on and see how you look.”

Susan’s mom helped her back into her dress and they walked to her full length mirror. Looking over her daughter’s shoulder, Susan’s mom commented how fantastic Susan looked. “Sweetheart you look amazing, your boyfriend is going to be hard all night.” “Mom! Stop!” “You know, your dad gets all hard and horny whenever I wear that girdle.”

Susan knew that her parents had sex after going out, but she didn’t know her mom wearing a girdle was such a turn-on for her dad. As Susan felt the tightness of her mom’s girdle hugging her, she wondered what sex with her dad would be like.

Susan wanted to ask her mom more about sex with her dad but she wasn’t sure how her mom would react. Then after a few moments of silence she decided there would be no better time than now. After all, Susan’s mom had already bought up her dad and sex.

Susan just blurted out her question, “Mom, is dad big?” Susan couldn’t believe what she just asked her mom as she waited for her mom’s reaction. “Oh sweetheart, yes your dad is pretty big. He feels wonderful when he’s inside me. Susan, your really horny aren’t you?” “Well yes I really am mom, I just really need to know what it feels like.” Susan replied as she looked down at her feet. “Don’t be embarrassed sweetie, the way your feeling is completely normal. It’s every young girls desire to have a hard cock inside their pussy. Believe me, feeling a hard cock ejaculating inside you is the best feeling you’ll ever have. Just knowing you have sperm in you is so satisfying.”

“Mom you’re so lucky to have dad, wish my boyfriend would have sex with me, maybe tonight.” “I hope so sweetheart, you need to start enjoying intercourse. But if you’re boyfriend does penetrate you, be sure to tell me so we can get that morning after pill for you. Even if you don’t think he came in you.” “Okay mom I will.”

“Susan, what time is Bobby picking you up?” “Not till 7:30 he has to work till 7:00.” “Well it’s only 4:00 now, you better take your dress off so it doesn’t get all wrinkled.” “Okay mom, please unzip me.”

After taking her dress off Susan put on a robe and joined her mom downstairs. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she reached under her robe and adjusted the panty girdles legs down a little. “Oh sweetie did you leave your girdle on? That girdle does tend to ride up sometimes.” “Yeah I figured I might as well, it feels nice.”

After a few minutes Susan’s dad comes walking in the front door. He had to work till 5:00 and was looking forward to a relaxing evening. “Hi daddy, did you have a good day?” “Yes Sue actually I did, why are you wearing a robe so early?” Oh I have a date and I didn’t want to get my dress all wrinkled.” “Oh really, with that Bobby guy again?” “Yes with Bobby, I really like him.”

Susan’s mom couldn’t keep quite, “Actually our little girl is hoping to get laid tonight.” “MOM!!! Omg Mom!!!” “What? Really! Is that true Sue?” “Daddy don’t freak out but maybe yes.” “Susan’s dad looked at his wife and asked, and your okay with this? Is she on birth control?” “No but if he penetrates her we’ll get Susan the morning after pill tomorrow morning. Don’t worry, it’s time Susan experiences sex. It might as well be Bobby, he seems to be a nice guy, he’ll be a great first time for Susan.” “Well Susan, if you really think you’re ready, and its okay with your mom, then I guess I have to say, I hope you enjoy your first time honey.”

“Thank you daddy, you’re the greatest.” Susan jumped up, hugged and kissed her dad on the cheek. “Susan you better get upstairs and get dressed, Bobby will be here in a little while. You don’t want to be late.” Susan’s mom said while smiling at her husband.

After watching his daughter disappear upstairs, Susan’s dad sat on the sofa next to his wife Ashley. “So you sure Susan should be doing this?” “Honey she’s going to have sex with or without our approval, so we might as well give her our blessing.” “Yeah your probably right but I can’t visualize her having sex.” “Me neither honey, me neither.”

In a few minutes Susan came downstairs looking very sexy and grown up. Susan’s dad looked her up and down and couldn’t believe how hot his daughter was. “Sweetheart you look amazing.” “Thanks daddy.” Susan walked to her mom to get her dress zipped up and just then the doorbell rang. “That’s Bobby, see you later.” was all she said as she scurried out the door.

Susan’s dad couldn’t help but comment how hot looking Susan was. “Oh fuck, Susan looked hot as hell, was that a new dress?” “Yes, actually it just came today. She’s very excited about wearing it tonight.” “Well I would say, Bobby is one lucky kid for the chance to screw Susan.” “Well maybe you’ll get the chance someday.” “WHAT! What do you mean?” “Well she was asking me earlier if you were big.” “Oh that’s just girl talk honey.” “Don’t be so sure Mr. stud, I know she’s attracted to you.

“You know, she’s wearing a girdle tonight.” “No she’s not, she doesn’t even have a girdle, your just trying to get me all worked up.” Well sweetheart, she’s wearing one of my girdles, the one you like so well.” “Oh are you serious? It fits her?” “Yes very nicely, she loves it.”

Susan’s dad could feel himself getting harder by the minute. “So you’d be okay with me fucking our daughter?” “Sure as long as I knew about before hand. I’m sure you’d both enjoy it, so why not.” Jim knew Ashley was safe saying that because it would never in a million years happen. She was just saying it to see his reaction.

Not much was said as the two sat on the sofa watching TV. They both were thinking the same thing, is Susan having sex at this moment? Is Bobby fucking our little girl full of his cum?

Suddenly they both heard a car outside in the driveway, and in a few moments Susan came in the front door obviously very upset about something. Susan’s mom went to her and asked what she was so upset about. “Mom Bobby broke up with me,” Susan said sobbing. “He said he was seeing someone else.”

The two of them went and sat on the sofa to give Susan a chance to calm down. “Daddy, Bobby doesn’t want me anymore.” Susan said, as she cuddled up to her dad. “What’s wrong with me daddy?” “Oh sweet girl, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. These things just happen sometimes. You know what, I had more than one girl break up with me before I met your mother.” “Really? I think they were fools daddy.” “And I think Bobby is a fool too sweetheart. He has no idea what he’s giving up.”

Susan and her parents sat and watched TV for a while, the whole time Susan cuddled close to her father. Little did she know her dad’s cock was stiff and oozing precum. He looked over at Susan’s mom and she motioned that he should pursue their daughter. He mouthed, “are you sure?” She responded with a definite YES.

So sweetie, I’m guessing you didn’t have sex tonight then, am I right?” “No daddy, Bobby broke up with me remember!” “Would you still like to have sex tonight?” “Daddy what are you saying?” “Well you’re mom tells me that you’re wearing a panty girdle under that sexy dress, is that true?” “Yes it’s mom’s girdle.” Susan’s dad slipped his hand up Susan’s dress till he felt the tight girdle his daughter was wearing. “Susan, I’m not Bobby but would you be interested in having sex with me?” Susan looked at her mother with surprise in her eyes. “It’s okay sweetheart, go be with your dad.” She said, running her fingers through her daughter’s long blonde hair. “Mom, are you sure it’s okay?” “I’m sure sweetie.”

Susan couldn’t believe what had just happened, her mom just gave her permission to have sex with her dad. She was going to have the same hard cock fucking her that fucked her mom. She would feel what her mom felt when Susan heard her parents screwing.

Susan kissed her dad the way she had always wanted to, passionately. After their kiss Susan whispered softly, “Daddy will you make love to me please?” Her dad took her hand and placed it on his hard cock through his pants. “Oh daddy is this because of me, did I make you get hard?” “Sweetheart you definitely made me hard.”

Susan’s dad raised the hem of her dress up to her waist as he laid down pulling his daughter on top of him. Susan’s mom watched as the two of them started making out. She saw her husband’s hands all over Susan’s tightly girdled bottom. The girdle that she wore many times in this same situation. Susan’s mom was feeling some serious jealousy at this moment, even if it was her daughter. She really didn’t think it would bother her but it was. Her husband was enjoying someone else while she watched. She wanted to stop everything but she knew she couldn’t. Her husband was going to inseminate her daughter and there was nothing she could do about it.

Finally Susan’s mom couldn’t stand it anymore, “If you guys are going to fuck then go upstairs to Susan’s room and do it!” Susan and her dad didn’t even hear her mom. They were both so horny and excited about fucking each other. Susan’s mom watched her daughter’s cute little butt as she dry humped her dad’s leg.

As she watched her daughter she started to overcome her jealousy. She was realizing how badly her daughter needed some cock. As her jealousy faded she started to enjoy watching the two people she loved enjoy some very passionate foreplay. Quickly she started looked forward to seeing her husband’s hard cock disappear inside her daughter. She hoped her husband would fit inside her tight young pussy.

As Susan continued to rub her pussy against her dad’s thigh she could feel herself quickly working up to an orgasm. She closed her eyes and let body be engulfed in the pleasure only an orgasm could give her. Her entire body shook as her orgasm took over. “Oh my god daddy I love you so much,” was all she could say between gasping for a breath and moans of extreme pleasure.

Soon Susan came back to reality and kissed her dad with all her soul. “Susan, do you want to see my cock? I need you to touch it.” Susan raised herself off her dad and started undoing his pants. Her fingers were trembling as she unbuttoned the waist band and slowly lowered his zipper. Susan couldn’t wait to get her dad’s pants off to feel the cock that would soon be fucking her. She reached her hand inside her dad’s boxers and felt a very hard cock for the first time.

“Oh…Oh…my god daddy it’s so big.” As Susan wrapped her hand part way around his rock hard cock she looked at her mom with her mouth open. “Mom you didn’t say it was this big, can you get all of this inside you?” Susan’s mom just winked and told her daughter to enjoy all of it.

Susan’s dad’s cock was dripping precum as Susan held it. “Mom, is that sperm?” “No sweetheart that’s just precum. It’ll make your dad’s cock really slippery so it’ll slide into you more easily.” Susan rubbed it all around the purple mushroom head at the top of her dad’s dick and then licked her finger. “Go ahead sweetie put it in your mouth and suck it.” Susan’s mom said encouragingly. “Really mom, put it in my mouth, that’s gross.” “Susan just do it. You didn’t think you’d like wearing a girdle either but you haven’t taken it off since you put it on hours ago.”

Susan lowered her mouth to her dad’s dick and put just the head in her mouth and sucked some precum out. Soon she was sucking on about three inches and swallowing all the precum she could get. This went on for a few moments until her dad stopped her.

Her dad was breathing heavily as he tried to speak. “Sweetheart I really need to feel my cock inside you before I cum in your mouth. Please take your mom’s girdle off.” Susan stood by the sofa, peeled her girdle down and stepped out of it. After picking it up she turned it right side out and handed it to her mom.

Susan straddled her dad and lined herself up with her dad’s cock. Then gradually lowered herself onto it, but only about half way then stopped to adjust to the feeling of being filled with something so large. Susan just starred at her dad with her mouth wide open as she felt his size stretching her pussy. “Oh my god daddy you feel good!” Susan let herself settle down a little further and stopped again. Susan reached down and felt her dad’s cock sticking up inside her. She still had about two inches to go till it was completely in her. She bit her lip and lowered herself again till she was sitting directly on her dad. She reached down again felt it was totally inside her.

“Oh my god mom, daddy is inside me all the way, I feel so fricking full.” “That’s wonderful Susan, it feels great doesn’t it.” “Yes it’s amazing, it feels incredible. Your so lucky to have this when ever you want.” “Oh baby you can have it again sometime.”

Susan leaned forward onto her dad’s chest and started to slowly pump her dad in and out of herself. Her mom could see her husband’s cock stretching Susan’s pussy to the limit as it pumped in and out. Both Susan and her dad were moaning and talking dirty as the fucked.

Susan’s mom thought it was so sweet to see her husband and daughter connected as one. How could a daughter possibly connect any closer with her dad than taking his dick inside her and receiving his sperm. How could a father connect any closer to his daughter than having her give her sexy young body to him for his sexual pleasure.

Ashley found herself wishing she would’ve had intercourse with her dad years ago. She fantasized about fucking her dad years ago but it never happened. Maybe the next time he came to visit she could make it a reality. Suddenly while watching her daughter and husband having sex she craved her dad’s sperm. She wanted from her dad what Susan was about to receive from hers.

Just as Susan’s mom snapped back to the present, she watched her husband pumping sperm into Susan. Her husband’s orgasm was powerful, much more than when fucking her. Both Susan and her dad had intense orgasms together. They both bucked and thrashed for a few seconds before calming down. Susan looked towards her mom again and said nearly out of breath, “Mom I could actually feel dad’s sperm shooting into me.” “That’s wonderful sweetheart, now you know what it feels like to be inseminated.”

Susan and her dad stayed connected till her dad finally went limp and slipped out. Susan felt a trickle of her dad’s cum dripping from her freshly fucked pussy. Her dad’s fat cock really stretched her open and she was still open some. She reached down and cupped her pussy with her hand and dashed to the bathroom.

Susan’s mom looked at her husband and smiled, “Well honey, how did it feel to fuck your daughter?” “She felt amazing, absolutely amazing. She’s so fricking tight, and I couldn’t believe I got my entire dick inside her. “I know, did you see the look on her face when you were all the way in her at first? She feel in love with your dick at that moment. You know, she’s going to be obsessed with you fucking her from now on. “So Mr. Stud, are you going to be able to keep both your girls happy from now on?” “Oh I’m pretty sure I can, maybe you should join us the next time Susan and I hookup.” “Really? Okay, that sounds like it might be fun.

“I suppose I should buy Susan her own girdle this week.” Ashley said smiling at her husband. “Really? can’t she just wear yours?” “Why, did you enjoy her wearing it because it’s my girdle?” “Oh my god yes, you two sharing it is so hot.” “Okay sweetheart, she can still wear it but she’s going to need her own. We’ll go shopping and find something you’ll both like.”

Ashley saw that her husband was starting to get hard again. “Oh I see your thinking about fucking your daughter’s tight little pussy again.” “No, actually I’m thinking you should take your shorts and panties off and cuddle with me.” Ashley stood and removed her shorts and panties together. Then took her girdle from the sofa and laid next to her husband. She wrapped her girdle around Jim’s semi hard cock and stroked it. “There this should hurry things along.” Ashley said while giving Jim a sadistic look. While stroking her silky girdle along Jim’s cock, Ashley teased her husband about fucking their daughter.

So Jim, did you enjoy screwing your teenage daughter?” Jim nodded yes while looking down at Ashley’s girdle rubbing his engorged dick. “Did you feel naughty putting your cock inside your daughter?” “Yeah but you said I could and Susan wanted me to, right?” “Yes sweetheart she did, the look on her face when you were completely inside her was so sweet. She’ll never forget the first time she felt you squeezing inside her.”

” It was a beautiful thing as I watched your cock disappear inside Susan. Ashley kept stroking Jim’s cock with her girdle. “You know honey, when Susan goes to school on Monday she’ll still have your sperm in her. That’s going to make her feel very special.”

Ashley saw Susan coming down the stairway wearing some cute panties and a bra. “Hello sweetie, why don’t you come over and join your dad and me.” “Oh hi mom, I didn’t know you guys were still down here. I don’t want to intrude.”

Susan saw both her parents completely naked and and apparently having some before sex foreplay. She couldn’t believe her dad was hard again as she saw her mom stroking him with her girdle.

“Oh baby girl, your not intruding at all, come on over.” Seeing her parents naked about to have sex was exciting and making her pussy damp. “Mom, can I do that?” Susan said while pointing at her dad’s cock. Of course you can, I’m pretty sure you’re dad won’t mind.”

Susan took over stroking her dad with the her mom’s girdle. At this point it was unclear who’d be getting Jim’s cock. Ashley really wanted it but the way Susan and her dad were looking at one another she wasn’t sure she’d get the chance. Since their sexual relationship had just begun, Ashley wasn’t going to interfere.

In a few moments Ashley’s suspicions started to play out. Susan looked at her mom, smiled, and stepped out of her silky pink panties. Then to Ashley’s surprise, Susan kissed her mom and whispered, I really want to watch the two of you having sex mom. Is that okay?”
“Oh sweetie of course it’s okay, in fact I’d like that. Your dad and me have never had sex in front of anyone before. Having you near would be very special for us.” Susan kissed her mom again and held up her mom’s girdle, and asked, “Can I wear it while I watch?” “Yes Susan, you can wear it whenever you want.” Susan smiled as she stepped into the girdle and worked it up her young firm body. Susan loved the way it’s firmness made her feel.

Susan sat on the floor by her dad and watched as her mom started sucking on her husband’s cock. Jim reached for Susan and pulled her closer to himself. “Sweetheart, I love seeing you wearing your mom’s girdle.” They kissed and hugged passionately while Ashley sucked precum from her husband’s excited cock.

“Susan come here and suck your dad’s cock before I mount him.” Susan kissed her mom before sucking her dad’s cock into her mouth till she gagged. She could only swallow about 3 inches of her dad at first but after a few more tries she felt his cock going down her throat. “Mom that feels really weird but I like it.” “Your doing great honey, I’m glad you like it.” Susan went back to running her dad’s cock down her throat a few more times, then sat back to catch her breath. “Sweetheart can I have your dad’s cock now?” Susan was still catching her breath so she simply nodded yes.

Ashley crawled up over Jim and positioned herself over her husband’s precum dripping cock. Susan leaned behind her mom. She wanted to see her dad’s cock as it penetrate Ashley’s pussy. Ashley reached down and guided Jim’s cock to her pussy opening. Rubbed it up and down her slit, then slowly lowered herself onto it. Ashley and Jim both gasped and moaned loudly as they joined together. It was a sound familiar to Susan. She heard it every night that her parents made love.

Susan gazed at her dad’s cock completely buried inside her mother. She imagined she looked the same when her dad’s cock was inside her. Suddenly it was her turn to get a little jealous. Seeing her parents joined together reminded Susan how wonderful she felt having it earlier. She wanted it again. She wanted to feel her dad’s cock inside her, filling her with sperm.

Susan’s parent’s started fucking aggressively. The sounds of two people totally overwhelmed with sexual pleasure filled the room. Susan was getting more and more sexually excited by the minute. She started masturbating her wet pussy through her tight girdle. Wearing a girdle only intensified her pleasure.

Suddenly Ashley and her husband rolled off the sofa and onto the floor. Ashley was now on her back with her legs spread. Jim quickly positioned himself between Ashley’s legs and continued to fuck his sexy wife. Susan knew she wanted her dad to penetrate her like this too, his body pinning her to the floor while thrusting himself inside her sperm hungry pussy. Ashley was barely visible under her husband. All Susan could see was Ashley’s legs and arms wrapped around her dad and his hard cock wildly plunging into her mom’s pussy. Susan wished it was her under her dad getting bred, but she knew her mom needed it as well. Susan loved her mom and she loved seeing her mom getting so much pleasure.

Susan kept watching and waiting for her dad to ejaculate into Ashley. Her mom had her second body shaking orgasm as she continued to cry out her pleasure. Then Susan saw her dad thrust deep and hold himself there as he grunted loudly, just as he had done while fucking her. Susan focused on her dad’s balls contracting with every squirt of sperm. Sperm that was being forcefully deposited inside her mother.

After a few minutes of recovery Ashley and her husband separated and laid next to on another. Susan laid next to her mother and whispered “Mom, we both have dad’s sperm inside us.” Ashley patted her daughter’s firmly girdled bottom and replied, “Yes sweetie, we certainly do.”

Soon after cuddling on the living room floor, all three went to bed. Ashley and her husband in their bedroom and Susan in hers. Soon all were asleep.

Ashley woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock. It was 3:30 AM. As she rolled over to go back asleep she heard a very soft moan. She recognized the moaning, it was Susan. Without even looking she new her daughter was getting laid again. Ashley smiled, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

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