my best friends girl

…it was that following Saturday when I was introduced to his daughter.

So I met my friend, we’ll call him Lee, in jail of all places. I was in for driving under the influence (D.U.I.L) he was in for some weed. We were cell mates. I liked him the first night he got there. He’s from the Philippines. He has long black hair big brown eyes he’s about 5’5
maybe 125lbs. soaking wet.

Anyway we got along very well in jail. We got to know one another really quick. When Lee arrived I had two months left of my sentance. He was sentanced to 45 days. He was released a little over a week before me.

He told me if I needed a job when I got out to get in touch with him. He was the head chef and kitchen manager where he worked. We exchanged our media outlets and numbers.

Well almost two weeks later I was released. I definitely needed a job. I also didn’t have any place to stay. It wasn’t a very good time in my life, but that’s another story.

Lucky for me my oldest sister is very well off. She doesn’t condone nor does she like my life style, but I’m pretty sure she loves me 🙂 so she footed the motel bill for a few weeks for me until I could get on my feet.

I had been out maybe 2 days and my phone rings. Its Lee. He said that their dishwasher walked out and if I needed a job they would hire me on the spot, if I was interested.
Absolutely. Yes just tell me where you’re located and I’ll be there.
That was 5 years ago. I no longer work there neither does he. But we are still best friends.

Now lets get to the reason you’all clicked on this story in the first place.

It was a Tuesday when I started at the restaurant and it was that following Saturday when I was introduced to his daughter. And for privacy and safety reasons we’ll call her Katrisha or Kat for short.
So , Kat was 8 when I met her. Beautiful petite american/filipino dark complected with long sandy blonde hair, She must have gotten from her mother, and beautiful emerald green eyes.
We liked each other right away.
. Fast forward:
I had been working there close to a year now and was in charge of any and all things related
to dish washing even hiring and firing other dish washers on other shifts. I got to pick when I worked. I picked the 2pm til close shift and I’ll tell you why.
On Saturdays and Sundays Kat had to come in with her dad because there is no school on Saturday or Sunday and her dad opened at 6:30am. So with him being the only staff there until 10:30 sometimes 11:00am, I volunteered to come in and act as babysitter to keep her ocupied and out of her dads hair.

A little bit about the restaurant so maybe you can get a mental picture of the layout.
So it was, and still is, a very old building. The former owner of the place had it turned into a bar and grill. It was called Rusty Rails.I liked it. I use to frequently go there.
It is a huge building. It had the main floor with tables, a dance floor, jukebox, pool table and of course the bar. There was an area for a stage for live bands and karoke night. That was down stairs. Up stairs was another pool table and a private area for gambling and more tables and bar stools.
There was a huge patio out back where live music could be enjoyed on cool summer nights.

When the current owners purchased it, they did some remodeling. Everything tavern or bar related was gutted and replaced with a very family friendly atmosphere. The new owners are church goers and proclaim to be ” christian ” Thats neither here nor there and doesn’t have any bearing on this story.

So up stairs still had what they called “the private room” for catering and what not. It held 50 to 70 people comfortably. Now off to one end of the room was another area, maybe 12×16 that connected directly with the private area. Which had its own restroom for the guest. And for what ever reason, there was a washer and dryer and a stall type shower. Which turned out to be great because when my sister stopped paying for my room after three weeks, I still was nowhere close to being on my feet so the owners let me stay there. (after hours of course)

It was perfect. On Saturday and Sundays I would be upstairs hiding and waiting for Lee and Kat to get there. Lee knew I was up there and would send his daughter up so I could scare her or whatever. And at first there were no ill intentions on my part. I really was there to just keep her company and so she’d have someone to play with and not bother her dad while he got the store ready to open. Which it was and still is lunch and dinner only.

Kat and I would play hide and go seek, she loved it when I would get on all fours and give her horse back rides. This went on for about three years. But I have to admit it would drive me absolutely nuts some days. Her dad would sometimes make us pancakes or something breakfasty and bring it up to us. And Kat would always insist on sitting in my lap. Every time we ate breakfast I would get a raging hard-on.
Kat knew there was something not quite right under her butt, but she never asked about it and when she would shift positions to look down, I would not look at her and act like nothing was going on. But she knew. She would stare down at my crotch and then train her gaze on my face.It was hard to stay composed and pretend that I wasn’t noticing her gawking at me with that, “wtf is that” look on her face.
“Fast forward”
I sometimes couldn’t hardly wait for those weekends to get there. It was about 3 days until Kat’s 11th birthday. I so remember it well. It was Sunday morning I was waiting upstairs looking out the private room window that overlooked the employee’s entrance and part of the front parking lot. At 6:30am Lee and Kat pulled in.
Before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you why this Sunday I was so more excited to “babysit” Kat.

So the previous Saturday, she wanted to ride the horsey and of course I said yes. Throughout the past couple of years our playing together had gotten, how should I say, more physical. Meaning if I was the tickle monster, and would be tickling her torso area, I would linger around her chest for way longer and instead of really trying to make her laugh I found myself lightly probing around where her breast would one day form. There is a lot more of those tender moments but on this particular Saturday we were playing tag outside, Her birthday is in the summer. It just so happened that she was “it” and she was chasing me trying to tag me and not be “it”. She hated being it.

Out on the patio were some picnic tables. I could see she was exhausted so I purposefully
slowed down to a trot even just a fast walk and let her tag me. We were right in front of one of the tables that was hidden from the road. (I kinda had a little to do with that.) After I’d been tagged I called for a time out and plopped down on the picnic table. Kat followed my lead, but she hops on my lap. “Comfy are we” I jokingly asked. She just giggled and leaned back against me. We sat like that for a couple of minutes, in silence. All the while my cock is starting to stiffen. I believe that is what Kat was wanting. All the times in the past when I would get aroused from her sitting on my cock, nothing was ever said about it, from either of us.

This time when she felt my manhood growing under her little soon to be eleven year old butt, and she shifted her position to try and figure out what was in my pants, she didn’t stop midway through her turn to look at me, she continued to rotate until she was almost facing me and the butt-cheek that was prominently on top of my hard-on slid off so the outline of my cock was plainly visible through my sweats. Kat calmly but deliberately, reached her little hand down and gently placed it on my shaft. I almost exploded. After so many play dates with her, and me masterbating to the fantasy of her doing what she was now doing, OMG. I was rock hard and could hardly breath. My pulse was in over drive. I felt like I was going to pass out.
She then began squeezing my boner. She would squeeze then release, squeeze then release all the while moving towards the head.When she reached the head, she reversed and did the same back down until she was half on my balls and half on the very base of my cock.
Satisfied with feeling up my dick, she nonchalatly re-positioned herself and leaned back against my chest. “Why is that thing so hard” she asked.
“Well” I began,”because a very beautiful young lady has her very cute little ass rubbing all over it” “Watch the language” she instructed.
“Wait” she said, “you called me a beautiful young lady, the other day you said I had cuties”
” Well I told a fib” I admitted. My left arm was wrapped around her belly and I placed my right hand on her thigh. I didn’t move for a few seconds to gage her reaction and when she didn’t protest I began rotating my finger in a clockwise rotation while slowly inching my hand up her lovely thigh.

To my surprise, I felt her relax some and let her legs spread apart. Still Cautious, when I reached the intended target, yes her pre-teen pussy, I stopped rotating my finger and just rested there a sec.
Again to my surprise she said “Why’d you stop”
“Oh my bad, sorry” I said.
So the way my hand was now positioned, my thumb was right at her slit. I began rubbing the lenght of it slowly but firmly. I could feel that her pussy was very puffy. Later I nicknamed her “lil puffy puss”

After just a few minutes of thumb-bating her, I felt her shorts getting moist. “Must be enjoying the thumb” I said. “It’s not like I’ve never rubbed down there, but it feels a little weird but really, really good with you doing it” she answered.
I told you that she was wearing shorts, she was actually wearing skorts. For those of you who doesn’t know what those are, it’s shorts inside a skirt, skorts.
With the doubt gone and my premonition of a terrible scene unfolding for this exact event that was playing out, I became a little more brave. I slid my left hand down her belly and hooked the top of her skorts and pulled outward and down, bonus, I was also behind the waistband of her little mermaid panties.
When I had the clearance needed I took my right hand and slid my middle finger over her hardening
little clit.

Almost immediately she started to shake and moan.Which in turn set me off. She pushed back against me and grabbed between the slit in the picnic table with both hands and made a half squeel, half chirping noise, Idk how to explain it let alone spell the sound that escaped her lungs. But I can explain what happened to me. fuck I came and I came hard. We both did.
“What the” She started, “what just happened, that’s never…” Thats all she got out.
“We just came together” I said. We were both breathing like we were marathon runners.
My hand is dripping with her pubescent pussy juice and the front of my sweats are cum covered.
I pulled my hand out and brought my fingers to my lips. I started slurping off the sweet juice that I just squeezed from my lil puffy puss.
“Eeewww, why are you licking my pee off your hand” she beltched out. “That’s not pee silly, it’s the love juice you produce when you oragasm”
“Oh, whatever that means” she said. “Can we do that again” she asked. “oh you better believe it girl,we can and will do that again.

So now it’s a week later and I’m hoping that she, like myself, has been thinking about what we did last Saturday, and I hope she wants it to happen again.
I guess we will have to wait and see…

Stay tuned, the next two years, OMG, the next two years…😛🤤😷

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