My dad rapes everyone in the family – 2

My dad’s still just as brutal, but now, he’s trusting me to punish his wife.

A recap. Dad used to berate, beat, and rape mom in front of me. After my brother Jaidev was born, Dad began raping me too. Mom was never spared. Why would she be?

The last story ended with when i was almost 11 and getting raped almost daily. I was primarily taking care of the house and Jai while my dad was fucking the shit out of mom, in hopes of producing more babies. Why he wanted any more was beyond me, but I guess he always had a plan in his mind.
My sister Ria was born when I was 14 and Jai was 6. By now, Jai completely adored me. He followed me around like a little puppy. I did everything for me, and that meant we were physically very close. We were both very comfortable with each other’s nudity. He was especially fond of my dick. I was fond of his butt. We won’t do anything for real, just kisses and cuddles, but we were exceptionally close.

Around this time, dad’s work picked up. He started getting busy. Some nights he won’t even come home. The reign of terror seemed to be subsiding. Mom would be breast feeding Ria in her room. I would be watching movies in my room naked with Jai on my lap. It was quiet, calm. Many nights.

Of course if dad was home, he’d either be raping mom or me. And now that Jai had grown, he also got curious. Not that he’d ever willingly leave me and dad alone, but the poor chap had to, because Dad would shove him out of the room. Dad didn’t like the questions. And he wanted to torture me nicely. But Jai would hear us. And he’d ask me later. I just distracted him with tickles.

I feel this situation was an improvement from our life before, but my mom ruined it again. Because dad’s abuse reduced a bit owing to his busy life, she became boisterous again. Earlier, she never thought of being rebellious because she knew what would come her way. “Get me a glass of water” was always followed by a yes. But when dad didn’t come for a couple days, my mom perhaps forgot his monstrosity. Because when he came back the third day and demanded it, she didn’t get it for him. In fact, she said, “Do it yourself”.

That’s when my dad lost it. He pulled off Ria from mom’s tit and tossed her on the crib. He dragged mom by the hair into the living room and yelled for both us brothers to come.

“This bitch said no to me today. I think because I’m too busy at work, she’s getting spoilt.”

Smack. Smack. Smack.

“I’m not letting this happen again. Women of my house will not misbehave.”


“I know I’m not giving up the money at work to babysit this bitch at home, and remind her,” he says, while unzipping and pushing her head down, “of her place in this house.”

He thrusts his cock in her mouth.

“So you’ll do it for me,” he points to me.

Me? I’m going to have to rape my mom to remind her of “her place”, whatever the hell that means?

I was nervous. Mostly because after a chaotic childhood, I liked the slow, almost romantic time I spent with Jai. I didn’t want to restart the whole domestic violence environment my dad had pioneered, especially now that Jai was growing up. I worried he’d form a bad impression about me, just as I had about my dad.

But I remembered. He liked it too. As a toddler, he’d clap when dad would rape me. I’m sure he didn’t understand what was going on, but he did appreciate the violence.

So I didn’t have to worry about disappointing Jai.
Ria clearly had no idea what the fuck was going on.
Dad wanted me to do it.
And mom? Well who cares what she wants.
I’d get free pussy and a chance to take out all my piled up anger.

I’ll do it.

“Now don’t waste time. Get over here and show her what it means to disrespect a man, especially her family,” my dad yelled.

Do you want a part 3? Because I’m happy with the ratings. I’ll write more happily!

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅