My ex gone wild pt. 6 – close up gang bang party

A couple of weeks pass and during this time no fun, literally dead silence. One early evening the phone rings and I see my ex:

-Why haven’t you spoken to me?” She asks cheerfully, “Have you got a new girlfriend yet, or are you mad at me?

-I was busy and thought you had something against me after my last visit.

-Come on! -She laughed again- Sometimes I just need a shower, that’s all. All right, listen, Teresa has a question for you, so let’s talk for a while.

-Teresa?! -I asked surprised, but the question went up in the air.

-Hello, dear!- Sounded the rubbishy perverted friend of my ex.

-So hello, how are you?

-Listen, we have a question for you, a little intimate, I bet you won’t be embarrassed?

-Couldn’t Monica have asked it right away?

-You’re not ashamed to talk to me about something that’s piggy? -No.

-Surely not. -I answered, although I would rather not talk about such topics with her. -What do you want to know?

-What do you want to know? -So here’s the thing: like all of us, you also go to porn sites and look at more than just pictures of naked tits?

-You’re right…

-Don’t interrupt! -Teresa interrupted quickly. -So if you watch porn, what kind do you like?

-Well, I guess that’s more my own business, don’t you think?

-I guess I have to remind you that I’ve seen you without panties, with a full erection, and I’ve also run over your sphincter, so I guess we’re not keeping secrets from each other?

-Yeah, and I haven’t fucked you or looked at your pussy.

-She sighed and after a few seconds added: -Check your messenger, I’ll give you a moment.

I took the phone from my ear and looked at the messages. Teresa had sent me a new one, so I opened it and saw a picture of her wide open thighs, shaved pussy and ass. Everything was clearly visible, because she was spreading her groove with both hands

-Hello!- The loudspeaker of the headphone roared.

-Why did you send me this picture?

-To let you know that we have no secrets from each other. You have the photo still warm, so I guess you can show me some trust?

-OK, so what did you ask?

-Porn! -She almost shouted impatiently- -What do you like?

-Classic, in the ass, tits, face…

-And do you like to watch a group fuck?

-Like what?

-For example, two chicks and three or four stallions who fuck them?

-I like to watch that too.

-And you like close ups too? -Yeah.

-What do you mean?

-You know, when you can see the dicks in their holes up close, like from below or right next to them…

-I like that.

-So come to my place, you can watch with us, when you come, come in without ringing the bell, at my place the door – and not only – is open for you.

The conversation is over. In a moment I got a message from Monica: hurry up, because the pussy is also waiting hungry.

“Yours too?” I asked.

In reply I got a picture of two asses and pussy stretched out to the camera. It looked like it was Monica and Teresa, but I wasn’t a hundred percent sure.

The balls tingled a little. It seemed strange to go to someone’s house to watch porn, but it was the end of the week and I wanted to relax somehow, but not by going to a pub and listening to the gibberish of drunk Englishmen…

“Can I get a blowjob ;)?” I asked in Monica’s message.

“Oh sure!” She replied, but Teresa.

She was really perverted. I went to quickly wash my cock out, put on new underwear, got dressed and went to Teresa’s flat.

Just as she said, the door was unlocked with a key, so I walked in and locked it behind me. When I turned toward the flat, Teresa was already standing in the hallway. She was in just a see-through gown, so I could see her ample tits peeking through the material.

-Welcome, I thought you had changed your mind- she laughed out loud- OK, get undressed.

I took off my jacket and shoes

-And the rest of you?” Asked Teresa disappointedly. -You’re not going to sit there and wank through trousers, are you?

I took off my trousers and t-shirt. Teresa walked right up and pulled my boxers down to my ankles. She grabbed my cock and fondled it, and as it aroused, she pulled down the foreskin, licked the glans and said:

-Remove your socks and come, I invite you into my bedroom.

I took off my socks and Teresa moved towards the bedroom door and after a while I followed her. When I entered the room, I realised that she probably wanted to fuck me, but not only, because there were 3 other guys there, all without clothes, each sitting on a chair or armchair.

-Sit down, -she said to me and pointed to a vacant chair.

I sat down a little embarrassed and Teresa stood in the middle of the room.

-We are all here, my friend has arrived – she pointed at me – so let him have a look and we can start. Gentlemen, give me your equipment.

The two stood up from their chairs and, holding their dicks in their hands, approached Teresa, who had shed her transparent clothes and was now completely naked. She stood slightly apart with her back to me and bent over so that her mouth began to suck one cock, the next one she was shaking vigorously with her hand, while her shaved cunt and slightly parted ditch were directed centrally towards me. After less than a minute my cock was already standing, but I didn’t feel very confident here and preferred not to take my cock in my hand, although from the corner of my eye I could see that the third guy remaining in the chair was playing with his rod without any restraint, looking, as if bored, at the scene of Teresa working other types’ cocks.

She suddenly stopped sucking dicks, turned towards me, looked and after a while said:

-OK, Patrick, Matthew, get your friend ready, because I need lubrication too.

The guy from the armchair and the other one, who was just jerking off, moved towards me. I was scared, but the guy from the armchair turned out to be a big guy, when he stood up and said to me shortly:

-To the bed, head to us, feet to the wall.

I went to the bed, got on the mattress and lay down as I had been told.

-Hands to the sides wide!- Again the muscle man ordered.

As soon as I spread my arms in this way, I was caught at the wrists and after a while I was tied to the bed, although I had not seen any cord anywhere before.

Now I felt even greater fear, for I did not know what it was all about. Teresa stood over me and said:

-I hear you’re making Monica’s tongue wet in the ditches, I’d like to find out- she spread her legs over my head and squatted down so that her cunt touched my nose- Get on with the job, because I need to be wet. Well, and you’ll get some close-up action.

Just because Teresa had already fucked me in the ass once with a dildo and sucked my cock didn’t mean I wanted to fuck her. Although if she invited me over for a gang bang, I guess it shouldn’t be a problem to fuck her? It was good that her pussy was shaved, because it always seemed to me that she didn’t shave. She herself spread her pussy with her fingers, so that I had better access. After a few minutes of drilling my tongue into her pussy and licking her lips and clit, my face was wet with her juices and she began to gasp and purr. Teresa suddenly stood up, straightened her legs and walked away from my face and above me I saw Monica, completely naked at that. She leaned over and asked:

-Shall I suck your cock?

-Sure! -I answered enthusiastically- and the best thing is to suck it and I will fuck you in front of everyone!

Monica smiled crookedly, muttered something like “not anymore from today”, then got on the bed, leaned with her knees against my shoulders and her hands on my hips, then said a little louder towards the door:

-Boys! I’m ready, you can please yourselves and also me.

I was surprised again, I tilted my head towards my cock and saw that Monica had taken it in her mouth, and when I turned my head towards the door, I saw two other guys enter who I had not seen here before.

-What’s this?!- I asked surprised

-More dicks to play with, – replied Teresa leaning in to my face- You said you like to watch gang bang, so now you will see such fun. See how the cock enters the cunt- she stood sideways to me and one of those in the room from the beginning came up to her and slid his hard cock into Teresa’s cunt. After a couple of thrusts Teresa turned around, the cock slipped out of her with a thud and she brought her face close to mine again.

-And now you’re going to see very up close what it’s like to fuck a hole properly.

-I know how to fuck! -I snarled.

-But you said you like to watch up close- -she answered and slapped Monica’s ass- Stop blowing him! Do you want to show him your swollen hole?

Monica let my cock out of her mouth, looked down between her legs towards my face and looking at me said to Teresa:

-I’ve been waiting all this time and I’m starting to dry up, so you’d better get started because I need a fuck!

Teresa inserted both index fingers into Monica’s pussy and stretched it sideways. I saw her pink pussy meat shiny and slippery, and Teresa added:

-You’re slippery, like you’ve been drenched in cum, there’s no waiting, you need to be fucked. Patrick! Be useful, fuck Monica.

I saw this powerfully built guy come up, stand slightly apart and bring his cock close to my ex’s pussy. A ruddy cock and dangling slightly hairy balls over my face was hardly what I expected to see today. As it turned out later, it wasn’t the only thing I didn’t want to experience this evening…

Patrick’s cock drove without ceremony into Monica all the way in with a loud thud and a clack of skin against skin. He just drove into her and started to fuck her like a rabbit and finished very quickly too, because after maybe 2-3 minutes he was already bucking hard. The first two thrusts of his climax were in Monica’s cunt, and then his cock slid out and spat in her pussy with increasingly weak shots of cum. The strange thing was that as soon as he ejaculated, his cock immediately softened and sagged, making me see from below his hanging gear with the cum flowing out of it…. It fell on my cheek and forehead.

Teresa sprang up from underneath Monica’s asshole and put a spit in each hole in her pussy and anus.

-A mountain of muscle, and not only is his dick still not very big, but he can’t really fuck, either,” grumbled Teresa, clearly dissatisfied, wiping the remains of Patrick’s cum from Monica’s labia with her finger. At least Matthew, come here, I hope that you will fuck Monica a little.

Above me stands another muscle man – Matthew. His cock is hanging soft and barely stimulated. This bastard starts swinging his cock over my face.

-We’ll fuck your bitch, and you can only look at it and lick it hehehe…

Teresa stands behind him, ruthlessly grabs his dick and starts banging him.

-I really have to replace you, you are completely useless.

When the cock is half hard, Teresa removes the plug from Monica’s cunt and directs the cock, which has to be held down because it can’t stand up as it should.

-Stop chewing those steroids, you’re completely unable to stand up!

-You have to suck it!

-Suck it yourself!

-You! Or are you gay?” Snarled Teresa. – Do you need it in the ass or do you like to be fucked?

-Come on, what do you mean?!

-Because a young cunt pushes her ass out at you, her vulva is shining and waiting to be fucked, and you don’t even want your dick to move, it just hangs there, a limp dick.

Normally I wouldn’t have considered it, but she was probably right that Monica’s cunt was very attractive, and here the guy wouldn’t stand up his cock, even though it was ready when I entered the room.

Teresa slammed a sharp smack on Monica’s ass

-Put on your asshole, maybe Matthew will be able to fuck your asshole!

Monica’s cunt, still blocked by the metal plug, came close to my face, and I saw Teresa suck Matthew’s cock, sucking it so hard that her cheeks were concave. Her hand pulled out another spit pressed into the sphincter in Monica’s ass, she let the growing cock out of her mouth, quickly turned her head and spit into the still slightly open asshole, and right after that she cupped the cock held in her right hand, and in the meantime she put her left hand on the guy’s asshole and pushed against it so that the cock just drove all the way up to her balls into Monica’s asshole.

Muscle number two began to ride Monica’s asshole, and as if navigating what was happening to him, Teresa plucked two fingers and inserted them into the guy’s asshole. The guy started moaning and groaning quickly, which made me guess that the perverted middle age busty woman started kneading his prostate, and he started coming very quickly. It probably only took him a maximum of 3 minutes, as I could see from underneath him as he began to wiggle in my ex’s ass. Teresa wriggled her fingers in his ass and when he started to cum, she already knew that he had finished cumming in Monica’s ass.

-Get out- she growled to him removing her fingers from his ass- the next in the queue are waiting.

The third guy, who was in the room as soon as I entered, went to the edge of the bed and pulled the plug out of Monica’s pussy, stuffed it in her just-fucked anal groove and drove his cock into her pussy. Unlike his predecessors this one had a hard cock, very veiny and bigger than his predecessors too. However, it was not as high as the predecessors, so he pressed Monica’s asshole down and she spread her legs. This put her pussy much lower above my face, and the big cock drove into her. Not only were pussy and cock very close, but the ball sack was scrubbing against my nose. I turned my head a little, but in a moment I felt a strong grip on my hair. One of those who had entered the bedroom with Monica held my hair and said:

-Cock in the cunt, it’s a natural thing, you have nothing to be disgusted by, well unless you are gay?

-His balls ride all over me- I growled through my teeth.

-And yours often rode on Monica’s nose, because she told me, so now feel the same.

-I haven’t fucked another cunt over her face like that- I growled again.

-Ricky- said Monica- when he was shoving his cock down my throat then I had his balls on my nose, and he’s not that short, so he was almost choking me.

The muscular guy who was already in Monica’s pussy took his stringy cock out of her moved away, stood with his back to Monica’s ass and straddled me. The second one grabbed me firmly by the head, pressed me somehow with his fingers on the side that forced me to open my mouth and said:

-So, lover, it’s time to get even – he came close to my ear and added in a whisper – don’t even try to bite my friend, because then you’ll end up in a ditch.

The drifter’s big penis entered my mouth with an impetus and started to penetrate all the way to my throat. I started to jerk slightly as the vomiting reflex started to kick in, and the other type who was holding my head only growled that I shouldn’t even try to vomit because I would still have a cock in my throat.

At the same moment as the big penis was attacking my mouth and then I felt something sticking in my butt sphincter. I didn’t know what, but in a moment it came out, and I felt my legs being lifted up and parted, so that after a moment something big started to appear in my ass. And that’s when I heard Teresa exclaim out loud, no can do:

-This is how you ride a bitch on two whips, a real split roast!

Now I knew that while those two guys were getting at my throat, Teresa had mounted an artificial penis and started fucking me in the ass. The only real pleasure was that Monica being above me the whole time was sucking my cock, taking it deep into her mouth and massaging my ball sack at the same time.

After several thrusts of hard cock into my throat the guy pulled it out, the other let go of my head, and the former turned around again and ruthlessly slid his cock into Monica’s pussy dripping with juices. Now he just started to fuck her hard very, deep and fast. As soon as he started to fuck her very hard, Monica stopped sucking me and playing with my balls. The guy who was raking her pussy came very quickly and pulled his cock out while he was finishing his climax, causing his cum to leak out of both Monica’s pussy and the tip of his cock. Another time cum fell on my face that day.

Teresa called out to the next guy to relieve himself, so the one who had been holding my head not so long ago came up and stood by Monica’s pussy, and once again I watched from underneath as his cock slid in and out at a dizzying pace, while Monica was howling with pleasure, which showed that she was probably reaching her peak.

He also did not need much time, after only a few minutes he was gasping and panting loudly. Suddenly he briefly chuckled “I’m coming!”, Popped out of her pussy, grabbed his cock in his hand, pulled the plug out of Mini’s anus and pushed his cock in ending with a shot of semen in my ex-girlfriend’s ass.

The guy walked away and Teresa appeared above me standing up and just banging her artificial penis the whole time hanging from the straps attaching it to her. She smiled lewdly while doing so.

-Do you like this close up?

-I prefer not to see it,- I answered.

-So here’s another surprise and that’s enough for today, because you’ll still like the dicks.

-You have already fucked me again today, so I guess everything is settled, let Monica finish, then we will all be together – I answered Teresa.

-Not so fast, – she said, and then she left and went out of the bedroom.

She came back after several seconds and someone I had never seen before came in behind her and it was a terrifying sight for me. He was a large, very well muscled guy, on top of which he was black. Like the previous guys, he was completely naked. Monica didn’t see him because she was again working on my erect cock. She turned around and almost jumped up when she heard this guy:

-How can I play, Taz?

-Fuck any hole as you want, Jerome- replied the perverted friend.

-What about that bitch?- Jerome asked pointing his finger at my face

-He’s just close up watcher- replied Teresa- don’t worry, he likes to watch.

-That’s shame- Jerome sighed, walked over to us, grabbed his cock in his hand and started to masturbate until he had a big cock.

The black player went to the edge of the bed, rested his left hand on Monica’s buttock and without any problem slid his index and middle finger into her anus. Monica jumped up and screamed in surprise, but she was unable to free herself from his grip. The right hand holding the cock pulled down the foreskin and with an impetus the huge, stringy black cock slid into the already slightly swollen pussy of my ex-girlfriend, who must have spent more than an hour bending over to the other guys while on all fours above me. The black cock without any preparation was entering with full impetus and was sliding out almost to the very end. Even though the smell coming to me was so intoxicating and the sight of yet another cock ripping holes in my ex didn’t fill me with any more excitement, I gave him credit in my spirit, because he had an incredible strength and without any slowing down he fucked her pussy for a very long time. During this time Monica was alternately howling and moaning, which gave me the impression that these were probably feelings of pleasure and pain at the same time. I don’t know if she had ever before impaled herself on such a large piece of equipment, be it an artificial toy or a real penis, but this one must have filled her deep pussy to its full length and width, such a powerful cock I had never seen before in person and I had to admit to myself that a black cock can be really powerful and must fill women really hard, stretching them and at the same time to the very bottom.

Unlike his predecessors, the black stallion was unstoppable, but Monica was already really exhausted and I could feel that she was not resisting too much. Her thighs were no longer very tight, I could tell that her pussy and ass were simply hanging on the fingers inserted all the time in her anus and the penis, which worked tirelessly like a piston in an engine. By the time Monica was lying between my thighs, I could feel her heavy breath on my balls. Without knowing why, I lifted my knees up a little and grabbed her head in a hug with my thighs, which also made her more immobile and more available to be fucked by the last mover of the day.

Teresa was standing somewhere to the side and I could hear her strange grunts, sighs, gasps and bawdy and even vulgar and perverse comments: “snatch her here but fuck her… Stuff her and load her like a whore”. “He fucks her hole like she’s a real whore…” “It’s been a long time since I’ve been so fucked for a month as that young bitch has been tonight.” “I’m not going to let her go… So much cum is going to waste because of that unfucked cunt of hers.” “I’d like to lick it all off myself.” “I shouldn’t have to agree to him underneath, I would at least get pleasure out of it…”

The owner of the black cock began after quite a while to gasp terribly loudly and almost growl.

-What’s up Jerome? -Teresa asked.

-I’m cummin’! -He roared in response. He pulled his cock out of her swollen pussy, removed the two fingers that were still in Monica’s anus, then grabbed the stringy and throbbing cock and pushed its head into the stretched anus. Moments after he had corked Monica’s asshole, he began to wiggle and loudly shout something very unintelligible. After several seconds he withdrew, his cock slipped out of Monica’s ass and began to dangle almost touching my face. I had hoped that I would miss the sight of the black stallion’s cock dripping with cum, but as if on cue they all fucked Monica’s holes and removed their equipment before they finished cumming. Jerome, on the other hand, was looking at me from above his cock and grinning stupidly.

-Good bitches- he muttered, grabbed his cock and wiped the tip on my ex’s upturned ass. He immediately just walked out of the room.

I opened my thighs and stopped to jam Monica’s head in. She pulled herself up and stood on all fours. For a while she stood doggy style like that and caught air, almost like a fish. Finally she swung her legs away from me and crouched over me as if she wanted to pee in the woods. She grabbed her buttocks and pussy with her hands, spread both holes apart and started pushing from the inside. She also started to lift herself up on her feet and from a squatting position she slowly moved to straightened legs spread over me, and from her anus and pussy flowed streams of the cum of all the fuckers who had fucked her today. It was all leaking out onto my torso and face. After a long while, when nothing was flowing out of her holes anymore, she put one leg over the other and got on all fours again. Teresa approached her and lewdly ran her tongue from the very bottom of her pussy to the top of the groove on my ex’s ass. Monica muttered something but I didn’t understand a word she said and Teresa replied to that:

– The pleasure is all mine, you’ve finally had your fun and you know what it means to be at a proper gang bang party.

Monica got out of bed and went to another room, but I don’t know where. Teresa followed her and after a few minutes I heard a door slam.

Teresa walked into the bedroom where I was lying tied to the bed the whole time. She came up to me and stood over my head once again.

-Look what a selfish woman she is: she’s done so much for herself, you’re filthy and she hasn’t even given you a full blowjob. I’ll be happy to give you a blowjob.

-Thanks, but I’ve had enough of such sick sensations for today, untie me and I’m going home.

-You need to be cleaned – replied the perverted friend. She leaned over me, put her tongue out through her lips and ran it over my face where the cum fell on me. She began to purr lewdly and licked my face. I turned my head so that sometimes she wouldn’t try to kiss me, I preferred not to meet her that way, she would still be ready to think that maybe I felt something for her.

After licking my face Teresa started to move with her tongue to my torso and her big tits started to fall on my face and no matter which way I turned my head I was still overwhelmed by her balloons. Eventually Teresa got on the bed and we were in a 6 by 9 position except that I couldn’t do anything with my hands because I was still tied to the bed and she was acting like she was running amok. She rode my skin all over her face and tits and wiped herself against me, which made her spread cum all over my body and her face and tits. Once we started sticking to each other, she just took care of my cock. Like a madwoman she started pounding it, putting it deep in her mouth and sucking it, at the same time with her other hand she massaged my balls kneading them and even slightly twisting my sack. When I felt the pain and lifted my legs up, she momentarily pushed two fingers into my ass. I whined and almost jumped up, causing my cock to push all the way down Teresa’s throat. The lewd friend leaned over and bent over so much that her pussy was directly over my face. I’d had enough that day, but I had no way to get out. Teresa pulled my cock out of her mouth and almost shouted to me:

-Be a guy with balls at last and lick my cunt! You’ve already seen them fuck a few times today, so show me you’ve got balls and them satisfy your friend!

All in all, I had already been alone for a long time anyway and with Monica, I was no longer having normal sex. Now I wouldn’t be free anyway, so I started licking the pussy that was above me, it was nothing that Monica’s perverted friend owned it. In fact I didn’t even have to lick much, or rather I had to lick, because Teresa had probably been incredibly turned on all evening and there was just thick mucus coming out of her pussy, and I was probably just there to clean up her horny hole. Teresa broke away suddenly turned around and without the slightest resistance put my cock in her pussy squatting perched on top of me. I began to be ridden by my perverted friend, who had already penetrated my ass more than once with an artificial penis or her fingers. After stuffing herself on my cock for maybe 3 or 4 minutes, Teresa broke away again and got off me. She sat behind my cock, grabbed my legs from underneath and lifted them up. She was a very strong woman, and I was already tired enough with all of tonight, so she raised my legs high above me, at the same time by doing so she also raised my ass. As soon as I was in this position, she momentarily began to drill into my ass with her tongue. My sphincter was being intensely licked, which was however quite pleasurable. Teresa suddenly took one hand behind her and returned with it to my ass with one of her toys. Once again the large dildo was pushed into my anus that evening and once again it was by Teresa. As soon as the artificial cock landed deep in my anus, Teresa let go of my legs and I sank heavily onto the bed. The perverted tit girl began to jerk me off again, thrashing the dildo in my asshole, her mouth sucking intensely on the head of my penis the whole time. After maybe two or four minutes I ejaculated into her mouth, and she was hitting my prostate harder and harder with her artificial cock. Just as I usually felt my anus spasming when I lowered myself, I couldn’t feel it now, so effectively had Teresa stretched it and plugged it with a toy thicker than my cock.

Teresa grabbed me from underneath at the knees and once again lifted my legs up. Once again I was twisted head down, cock up, only this time milked and hanging over my face. I felt the sudden and rapid movement of the dildo in my arse, it was pulled out of me and after that momentarily my sphincter began to be attacked with her tongue, the tit girl knew how to give pleasure.

After a long moment she stopped drilling me in the ditch, slipped something into my anus, moved away and got off the bed. I sank heavily onto the bed. It was exhausting, but at the very end of this degenerate evening, even though I had my cock worked, I lowered myself and just waited to be untied.

-Okay, that was strange to say the least, what happened tonight, you can untie me and I’m going home.

Teresa stood over my head again, squatted down and once again her pussy was over my face

-You know what to do, -she said coldly- you’re going to satisfy me and you’re going home.

Her pussy moved closer to my mouth and started to cover it. I started working with my tongue to get free as quickly as possible. Once again I heard grunts of pleasure and felt the juices from my pussy leaking into my mouth,

And when the loud moans started, I knew that in a few moments she would be satisfied.

The owner of the pussy, apart from her big tits, also had quite a big ass. If she wanted to, she could throttle it. Now she didn’t want to, she simply lost her strength, but while she was squeezing me all the time and cutting off my air supply, she tried to unfasten one of the bands on my arm. After unfastening it, she got off me and disappeared from my sight.

I momentarily grabbed the brace on the other with my free hand, unfastened it and got out of bed.

I walked towards the door where my things lay and began to dress quickly.

When I had finished, I looked towards the door. It was locked by the owner. She was standing all naked with a large dildo in her hand. She handed it to me.

-Take it with you- she turned and puffed out in my direction, then added- or put it wherever you like.

Some strange attack of anger came over me, I grabbed the dildo firmly by the base that had the balls, with my other hand I grabbed my perverted friend by the hair and ruthlessly slid the toy out into her pussy. I didn’t care if she was lubricated or if the dildo was too dry, I just inserted and pressed all the way in. I heard a moan, then I started to fuck her intensely with the toy. When my hand got tired after dozens of hard strokes, I let go of the toy, leaving it deep in her pussy, let go of Teresa’s hair and without a word left.

I had a storm of different feelings inside me. From being completely pumped up, through disgust, to being fulfilled and feeling like I was about to vomit.

At home I took off my clothes as soon as I closed the door behind me. My skin was covered with dried patches of cum from Monica’s holes and from the cocks that were making love to her, from Teresa’s saliva that was lewdly licking off the cum and from my sweat and Teresa’s sweat, who was lying on top of me and sweating profusely during the game.

I heard the sound of the communicator

Teresa: “Remember your cream. I’ll give you a plug as a souvenir.”

What cream? And the cork is definitely the one she shoved up my ass at the very end. I went to the bathroom, stood in the shower stall and grabbed the base of the cork in my groove. I got it out with no problem, but it wasn’t too big either. Well Teresa fucked my ass solidly today. Immediately after removing the plug I felt something coming out of me.

I wrote to Teresa after a while: what did you pour into me and when?

She wrote back: “your sperm. It was wonderful how you had your asshole open at the very end, I couldn’t help it. Now have fun and I am tired, I am going to bed”.

I took a shower and went to bed. I set the alarm clock for the next day. As I was about to put the phone down, a message came through on the messenger. A picture of Teresa’s pussy impaled on a dildo. I think it was still the same one I had used on her at the very end…