My Favorite Day of the Year

Catching my Mother being unfaithful to my Father, made April 22nd a day to remember.

It was on this day, Friday 22nd April 2011 that I came home early from High School after the fire sprinkler system blew a gasket and tried to flood the building. The seniors were sent home ,the others were taken to the gym in the next building until the last period of the day ended.

I was looking at this Corvette parked around the corner from our house, wondering who’s it was, but I found out pretty soon, after walking in the front door. There was Mommy Dearest laying on the front room floor , legs open wide as Mr Corvette plowed her furry furrow. How did I know it was his car, well I didn’t at first ,but he dropped the car keys with the Corvette fob at my feet as as he tried to do his pants up while running out the front door, so that didn’t help him disguise who he was. Actually turned out he had ” borrowed ” the car, he worked at the local gas station on the repair side, and was “test driving it”, after doing an oil change or whatever , it would seem he was test driving my Mother as well.

It was partly my Father’s fault, she was on her back getting fucked, he always wanted her to keep her ” young looks” even though she was in her late thirties , she dyed her slightly greying light brown hair blond, keep her figure , dressed a bit slutty when they went to the bar on a Friday and Saturday night, and the couple of times I was there when they had a Superbowl Party and the Christmas Party he seemed to love it when she flirted with other guys, who after a few drinks told him what a lucky guy he was for having such a ” sexy wife” .

I would hear their half drunk asses when they got home talking about which guy had the hots for her before they fucked, and although I was sixteen and I had never had sex , well I mean apart from with myself , it had just never happened . I had been blown a few times by the schools sluts under the
grandstand at baseball or football games, but never had actual intercourse. I always had the feeling listening to my Mother and Father copulating that it was over way too quickly and the old man was snoring way, way to soon .

One Saturday morning when the old man went to play golf at the local municipal course I went past their bedroom on the way to the bathroom and my Mother was in the middle of having an orgasm.
How do I know, I saw her it’s that simple. Their bedroom door was partially open, and I looked in because I honestly, did NOT realise what she was doing, it sounded like she was .trying to get something off a top shelf or from under the bed, almost like she was huffing and puffing , but there she was just like today, laying on the top of the covers, legs wide apart ,bent at the knees, rubbing her pussy like it was going out of fashion.

I will be honest with you, I watched for maybe thirty seconds as she lifted her butt off the bed and her whole body shook , then I went to the bathroom and jacked off, quickest cum I think I had ever had in my life, and from that day forth had the hots for my Mother like no ones business. I am not ashamed to say it, I would try and catch her getting dressed , accidently walking into the bedroom with some stupid excuse trying to catch her in her bra and panties or better still topless, but it failed ninety-nine point nine,nine,nine percent of the time although she never seemed to realise what I was doing.

I did see her dropping her bath towel one time when she left the bathroom after having a shower, she caught it as it got to her waist but I had a great view along the landing of her bending over and her big tis swinging as she tried to gather the thing back around her.

So now here she was trying to push Mr.Corvette off her and cover her tits and pussy at the same time as she tried to get up, then didn’t know which hand to use to grab her clothes as she ran showing me her butt into the dinning room screaming like a banshee, that female spirit whose mournful wails warn of impending death. The only death in this house was going to be hers if the old man found out.

I guess it was an hour later when she finally came creeping into my bedroom, a large class of something alcoholic in her coffee mug, but as soon as she opened her mouth I could smell she wasn’t drinking coffee. She sat on my bed and said something like , ” I don’t know what you must think of me “, I smiled , and said ” it doesn’t matter what I think, it’s what Dad thinks that matters”. She stood up and came over to where I was sitting at my desk and held out a hundred dollar bill. I asked
” what’s that for ” and she said ” you , I want you to know I have never done anything like that before and I never will again “.

I looked at her without taking the hundred and said, ” do you think I could buy a whore for a hundred bucks ? “. She looked at me confused and said ” how would I know “, and I said without really thinking, ” what do you charge ” ? It took her a second or two before she shouted out ” you ass hole “, and threw the hundred dollar bill onto my desk and stormed out slamming the door.

I sat there doing some homework on the computer keeping one eye on the clock , it kind of crossed my mind a couple of times that maybe she was going to confess to my Father, or maybe it was some stupid game they played and then she would tell him what I said and my chances of getting the used jeep that was being sold by the guy down the road for my birthday the next month would go out the window.

I was sitting looking at the clock, it was already 4 .45 and the old man always got home on a Friday evening from work around 5.30. I heard the door open and my Mother came in. I guess she though attack was the best form of defence, as soon as she stood by the side of me she started doing the ” how dare you talk to me like that, “, but I guess she figured it out it was all falling on deaf ears, so she changed to plan B which included tears ,some ” please ,please, please don’t say anything to your Father” , and when that attack didn’t produce any response she moved on to what was plan C ,which was ” well what do you want me to do , WHAT DO YOU WANT ” ?

I said, ” you should not ask me that ” and smiled, she looked quizzically at me and said ” what do you mean, it’s getting late and your Father will be home soon ” . She slowly got onto her knees and put her hands together as if in prayer, ” Steven, Steven she said again what do you want me to do “?

I looked at her and said to myself this is the moment you have waited for ,and I said , ” I want to see you like Mr Corvette saw you “. She looked up at me and said ” what do you mean ” , and I said ” well I didn’t get to see you like he did, and I want to ” . She looked at me in amazement, and said very softly ” you mean with no clothes on “, and I said ” yes” . ” But I am your Mother you can’t possibly find me attractive,I am your Mother ” she repeated once again. ” Oh contraire Momma ” I said, ” I find you very attractive ,you turn me on big time “. She stood there looking at me ,” You want me to take all my clothes off ” she said with disbelief written all over her face and in her voice and I said very cockaliey “YUP, that’s what I want “. It took her several seconds and a look at the alarm clock by my bed for her to say ” and then you won’t say anything to your Father ” ?

She slowly got up and took a couple of steps back from where she had been kneeling, I watched as her hands went to her waist and she pulled her tee shirt over her head, her big boobs came into view trying to spill out of her bra. She couldn’t look at me as she unzipped the back of her skirt and let it fall to the carpet. Oh God was my dick hard, I wanted to get it out so bad, and I know this sounds stupid but even though I was about to see my Mother naked and I felt embarrassed about taking it out infront of her .

She looked at me and said ” I don’t know why you’re making me do this, but you swear you won’t tell your Father ” , to which I answered , ” tell him what, what have I got to tell him ” , and she gave a very week smile, reached behind her back and undid her bra. and then she turned her head away from me as the bra straps slid down her arms and she released those magnificent thirty eight specials for me to see. Oh God they were better than I ever imagined they would be and to think for two years I had sucked on those things morning, noon and night , oh how I wish I could do that now, forget the milk bit,just let me suck them.

I remember when I was probably about thirteen or fourteen, we were somewhere at a friends house who had just had a baby and I remember when the woman went to feed the baby my Mother said something along the lines of my advice to you Suzie or whatever her name was , is get that baby off of breastfeeding before it gets teeth, Steven used to bite me so hard when he got teeth,it was agony to feed him some days. Oh Mother if only I could put that big hard rubbery nipple in my mouth now and bite it, I would happily forget the jeep for my birthday, and buy a bike.

I watched as my Mother closed her eyes as she put her fingers in the elastic of her panties and began to push them down her legs, and as she stepped out of panties she kicked them and her dress to the side before slightly opening her legs and putting her hands on her hips. ” Is that it” she said quietly ,can I get dressed now, ” , but I was already on my feet, unzipping my jeans and as I walked the few steps towards her I got my dick out. She looked at it and said ” oh my God “, and reached out to take hold of it. I gently pushed her backwards until the back of her knees touched my bed then she sat down , I bent down taking hold of her ankles and lifted them in the air forcing her to lay on my bed on her back.

I held her ankles together with one hand while I let my jeans and underwear go to my ankles, taking an ankle in each hand I spread her legs wide apart, her hair pussy was right there looking at me and there were those gorgeous tits there right there in front of me . As I kicked my clothes from my feet I could feel the tip of my cock touching her pussy lips. She laid there with her eyes closed, she did not utter a word, the only sound to leave her mouth at that time was a small scream as I fell forward burying my cock deep into her hot pussy .

The second scream she made was much louder, and it was a cry associated with pain I didn’t know it at the time but having a cock my sizes meant I had hit her cervix , with one hell of a big push she screamed again grabbed my hair and begged me to be careful, too late, I was by then trying to make my cock come out of my Mothers mouth ,I was pushing so hard and in full flight , flaps up ,engine going full bore. Maybe I lasted almost 30 seconds before I shot my load into her hairy pussy, and collapsed on her sucking hard on her nipples and between sucks swearing I would love her forever.

She rolled me off her, collected her clothes and headed for the bathroom, I looked at the clock, my first real sexual experience that didn’t include my hand and something on the laptop screen was all over in about eight minutes including my Mothers striptease, but it is still the most memorable eight minutes of my life. Problem was when my wife asked me who I had lost my virginity to I could hardly say my Mother, so I had to make up a name ,thank you Jenny Johnson my date to the prom,who left with a bunch of girls as soon as we excited the dance.

The event was never mentioned again, we all moved on, and all though I still to this day think my Mother although nearer 50 than 40,is still quiet attractive,when I leave work tonight it will be my wife who I am going to tell I want her to dress up in a tee shirt and skirt and come to my little home office in what is really the guest bedroom ,I just hope I don’t call her Mommy.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅