My first time (rape?)

The first time I had sex. This is a real story.

When I was 7 years old a girl from my class named Allyson asked me to go to her house after school to play. We were in her room, secretly browsing MySpace using her older sister’s account.
Then she tells me she wants to play a game and I say okay. She says I need to take my pants off and I didn’t want to and I told her no, but then she said she wouldn’t be my friend anymore and she’d kick me out of her house, so I said yes.
She made me lay down in her bed and I was really embarrassed so I closed my eyes. She started touching my clit and pussy, and even tried to put a pen in. Then she asked me to turn around and she touched my ass. We were kids so I don’t know where she learnt this, probably from a family member who was also abusing her.
Ally and I kept being friends or a year or two afterwards, and I’m pretty sure we did this again a couple times. She would mostly ask me to stand naked in front of her.
After we stopped talking (she moved away) I went on with my life and didn’t really consider this abuse or trauma, but then when I was 12 Allyson transferred back to my school (her parents got together again, I think.) I didn’t want to be her friend for obvious reasons but the girls in my class all liked her so I had to pretend. The one day she invited me to her house to hangout and I said yes because I didn’t want to be mean. She showed me her father’s whiskey and we drank a bit and then we went to a children’s playground a few blocks away from her house. Then she started fingering me and fucking me with a brush. She took a video and used this as blackmail material to have sex with me a couple times, although she stopped doing it after a while, mostly because we changed friend groups and didn’t see each other much. I hope she doesn’t have the pictures she took of me, or if she does that she didn’t share them.
She was my first everything even anal. Nowadays I find this memory hot and I have a public exhibitionism, a blackmail, and a rape kink.