My first time trying cocaine and fucking on it

My name is Vicki and I’m 46 and 4ft 7 and a quite petite figure and blonde hair.. Last night I was invited out with my daughter and her friends and we ended up at some pub/social club and hotel where 1 their friends worked.

So after town we went back there and carried on drinking and partying till this morning and all daughter and friends were fast asleep and so I went down to the bar at 10am and their friend qas working again his name is Tom and he asked if was OK I said dying lol and asked him how are you still going and coping working?? . He smiled and winked then said come the office so I did and he pulled out bag of coke and said that’s how, then made up a couple of lines and sniffed 1 up then said to me go on it will totally sort tou out honestly and so I said don’t tell my daughter ok!! And then I sniffed it up and instantly felt the most amazing feeling rush and racing through my body and he said see told you and I said wow yeah!!!! … then he said fuck it let’s have another do again but 2 gigantic lines and we both sniffed them up and then, he said was going for a cigarette and I said I quit 3 years ago , but can I pinch a cigarette I’ve never wanted 1 so badly so we went outside and I light up took drag and blowing smoke out I, sighed and gasped and said phhh god thats heaven , and he laughed and we chatted for ages tjen 12 midday he said had to go take some coke upstairs to his mates and said come up with me and we can have a line if you want !! I said hell yeah .

So went in the room with him and introduced me to his 4 friends and tjen did the deal and they straight away made up lines and asked if I wanted one I nodded said please and so these were tiny so after me and Tom did ours , Tom said ffs have a proper one and made up 4 seriously enormous lines and I went first sniffed up 2 and then he did his and as I sniffed back again omg , it kicked in and 10x more intense and stronger than before etc..

And he took bag from bin covered smoke alarm and then offered me a cigarette and so I light up took drag and blowing smoke out and noticed they all starring at me!!! So I said what ?? Why you all starring??. They looked each other and then said sorry, just seeing you doing them lines and now smoking you look insanely hot!!! And I blushing a bit and smirked said stop being stupid!! And Tom said its true I agree and then he said that he was really turned on by me !! . I took another drag and said you joking ya can’t be serious!! So he said ill prove it and then walked over stood infront of me and then dropped his joggers down and his cock was rpck hard, and it was pretty big too!!.

Shocked me but then just couldn’t stop looking at it and then his 4 friends said told you and said were all same look, and all did same and seeing another 4 hard cocks knowing hard over me too really turned me on bad.

And so I said so what do we do now and excited look on my face and massive smile Tom said well dont know about you but the coke has made me really horny and I replied ohhh God yes massively and so he took bag of coke and then emptied all on his cock and looked at me and so I just took last drag and sniffed all up then he went to wipe rest off and I said no stop and took in mouth started sucking him off and then automatically and completely out of character I reached out and took 2 friends cocks in my hands wanking them . And felt 5 pairs of hands all over me and taking my clothes off and then playing with my pussy etc and so, tom lay me down and pulled to edge of bed and got between my legs and thrust in me fucking me and after few thrusts I was moaning really noisey … and then another leaned over my face cock in mouth and 1 each hand. This made me feel so dirty and like a whore and slut !! And qas a great feeling tbh. And then tom put 2 fingers in my mouth and rhen in bag of coke covered them and rhen he pushed them in my ass and after couple of minutes omfg I shouted out fuck me thats incredible and so he started finger blasting my ass made me groan and start screaming in pleasure. So then 1 his friends lay down and put some lotion on his cock and then told me get ontop of him I did and then felt cock touch my ass hole and then pushing me down it went fully inside and I let out a load groan and grunt , and then tom got ontop of me and I said what you doing he pushed his in pussy and then first feeling was so good but then both thrusting and fucking both my holes sent me insane it was mind blowing…. so they gangbanged me it was best best sex ever had …