My first time with Laura – Part 1

I went to my girlfriends house for lunch and to meet her mom. Her mom was very friendly, very-very friendly.

I had my first ever blowjob when I was 12, but it wasn’t with who I expended it would be with.

I had been invited to lunch at my girlfriend’s house, her name was Laura, we were sitting at the kitchen table, I was next to Laura and her mom was sitting at the opposite side, I was enjoying my burger and fries when I felt my leg itch and something touched my leg, they had a cat so at first I thought it was the cat that just grazed my leg.

But a few minutes later, I saw the cat on the windowsill outside, yet something was still touching my leg, I leaned down to see what it was and saw Laura’s mom was rubbing her foot up and down my leg, I was only wearing shorts as well because it was summer.

I looked at her mom and she was smiling back at me in an odd way, and I thought okay, she’s probably just being friendly, so I didn’t say anything and just let her keep on doing it, I wasn’t experienced in sex and flirtation back then.

After lunch she asked Laura to go to the shop for milk, I was following her out ready to go with her but then her mom stopped me, “Carl, would you be a dear and help me with the washing up?” she asked.

“It’s okay. You stay, help my mom, I’ll be as quick as I can.” Laura said to me, and I didn’t want to be rude, so I stayed behind.

Once her mom and I had finished the washing up we went in to the front room and sat on the sofa, side-by-side, “So, you and Laura have been seeing a lot of each other lately.” She said.

“Yes, Ma’am.” I replied.

“Oh no, please don’t call me Ma’am. I hate that.” She said, politely.

“Sorry. Miss Green.” I replied.

She chuckled, “You can call me Susan.” She said.

She kept shuffling closer and closer to me, until there was no space left on the sofa for me to shuffle away, and she was giving me the odd look again, and she was looking me up and down, I just sat with my hands clasped together on my lap.

“I can see what Laura see’s in you. You’re a very handsome young man.” She said.

“—Thanks.” I replied.

She started rubbing my leg and it made me a bit uncomfortable, “Uhm – Shouldn’t Laura be back in a minute?” I asked.

“Oh, she’ll be gone for a while. The shops closed, she’ll have to go to the market.” She replied, her mom had sent her out for milk to get rid of her, so she could be alone with me.

Then she started to rub my crotch, which gave me a buzzing-tingly feeling in my balls, “Uhm – Miss Green, what are you doing?” I asked, nervously, no one had ever touched me there before.

“Just getting to know you better. Does this feel good?” She replied.

“Yes.” I replied, watching her rub her hand all over my front.

I quickly became fully erect, and when my cock had swelled and lifted, it made a bulge in my shorts, “Ooh, there it is. It looks big.” She said, playfully, then she just put her hand down the front of my shorts, pulled my cock out and started stroking it, “It is big. Wow. That’s a good size for a boy your age.” She said.

I just smiled while blushing.

She tugged on my cock for a minute or two, she had a tight grip and was rolling my foreskin back and forth, and I could feel my cock throbbing hard in her hand.

Then she leaned down and started sucking on it, I just remember feeling her soft wet lips rolling up and down my shaft, with her tongue swirling around my tip, all I could do was lean my head back, close my eyes and enjoy her sucking on my highly sensitive virgin cock, and the things she was doing with her tongue felt amazing, it felt like my cock was in Disney Land.

As she continued to suck and slurp on my cock, while making moaning sounds, “Mmm – Mmm” sounding like she was eating something that tasted real nice, “Mmmm.”, I felt it start to happen, I had only recently started masturbating and I knew what the feeling was that I was experiencing, and what was about to happen.

I felt an ache, kind of like a stomach ache, but nicer, my cock restricted as I tried to hold it back, but I couldn’t, her tongue games were just too good, and I ejaculated in to her mouth and groaned out with joy, “Ooooah – Oooah – Ooah – Oah – Oh – O!” I groaned.

She swallowed my white stuff, then she licked my cock clean of every drop before giving my tip a gentle kiss, then she tucked my cock back inside my shorts and sat herself up.

“How was that? – Good right.” She asked, smiling at me.

I just nodded, I was in a bit of a daze, a happy daze.

“At least we know it works. Have you had sex with her yet?” she asked.

“Huh?” I uttered.

“Laura – have you fucked her yet?” she asked.

“No.” I replied, I hadn’t, we hadn’t, sex wasn’t really on our radar to be honest, I had only just started puberty, my balls had barely dropped, I was thinking about sex stuff, unless you include jerking off.

“You should. With a big cock like yours, she will definitely enjoy it.” She said, in a teasing sort of way and she made me blush.

Just then Laura walked through the door, “I’m back.” She announced, walking in to the front room carrying a carton of milk.

I quickly sat up trying to look like absolutely nothing had happened, nothing what-so-ever, “Hi.” I said.

She gave her mom the carton of milk and she took it in to the kitchen, Laura sat on the sofa beside me, I didn’t know what to say to her, I was just sucked off by her mom but I couldn’t tell her that, so we kind of just sat in silence and smiling at each other for a minute, then she suggested we play video games, so we turned it on, picked up the controllers and started playing.

Part 2 later.

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