My First Time… With My Own Mum

I was quite a late baby… My mum was in her mid thirties when she had me… I think mum and dad had almost given up by the time I came along… But what should have been the start of a new era for us was indeed the beginning of the end for us as a family…. When I was about three my dad had had enough of family life and left us for his secretary…. A girl fifteen years his junior and… In his eyes…. Much prettier than mum… I only ever remember my mum as my mum…. Slightly overweight… You could say a bit frumpy…. But in my eyes she was always the most beautiful woman ever to walk on our planet… I don’t mean this in any sort of sexual way… I just loved her the way any son should love his mother.

Growing up… I never saw my mum in any state of undress… She was always fully dressed during the day and would only occasionally change in to pyjama’s and her dressing gown in the evening…. I don’t think she was ever to confident in how she looked and my dad leaving her for his bimbo of a secretary probably knocked her confidence even further.

I suppose it is fair to say that I was a bit of a late developer… I didn’t discover the joy’s of wanking for probably about two or even three years after the other boy’s at school and had little or no interest in girl’s my own age or younger…. Even then I was looking at older women… My teacher’s…. Neighbour’s…. Friend’s mum’s as object’s of my sexual desire’s but knew there was little or no chance of ever breaking my duck with any of them… To be honest…. At that time… Although I would loved to have had sex it wasn’t really on my to do list.

Thing’s began to change though…. One day I went to the bathroom just after mum had been for her shower… She must have forgotten to put her clothes in the laundry basket…. Right on top of the pile were here panties… I couldn’t take my eyes off of them… I had seen her panties plenty of times hanging up to dry and the likes but this was a first for me… To see them in a used state… I could clearly see a moist spot at the crotch…. My cock began to stiffen and I was quite horrified at this…. These are my own mum’s panties and I shouldn’t be feeling this way about them… As hard as I tried… My cock just wouldn’t go down… My heart was racing and curiosity was beginning to kick in…. I wondered what my mum’s most intimate place would smell like… I had heard all the tales of how it smelled like fish and now here was the chance for me to find out if this was true… My cock was now so hard that I thought it was going to burst… Part of me was telling me this was SO wrong but the devil in me took over and I lifted my mum’s panties and put the damp crotch right to my nose…. WOW…. The scent of my mum’s most special place was intoxicating… It certainly didn’t smell like fish…. That beautiful musky mix of sweat and pee and something else that I had never encountered before… Fanny… Was filling my nostril’s… This was just the most beautiful moment…. I began to rub my cock and a few short second’s later I was firing the most enormous load all over the bathroom… It was just uncontrolable… I began to feel a bit light headed… Never had I felt anything like this in my life.

At the time I just thought that mum had forgotten to put her clothes in the laundry basket but what was to happen over the next few weeks were surely no coincidence… More and more she “forgot” to put her clothes away and even when she did I found myself raking through the basket for that day’s panties for my daily fix of my mum’s fanny… I began to see her in a new way…. Still as my mum who I loved to the end of the world and back… But also as the woman who I wanted to go to bed with way more than any other… She was now in my thought’s every time I masturbated and I no longer felt any guilt about this.

And then… Mum would occasionally leave the bathroom door slightly ajar while having her shower… I so wanted to sneak up and see if I could get just the tiniest glimpse of her naked… On one such occasion I was standing outside the bathroom when I heard the water stop and I very quickly made for my room…. A close shave I thought to myself… What an embarrassment it would have been if mum had caught me.

Then…. One night after I had gone to bed and had my wank while thinking of my mum in the next room…. I heard her come to bed and waited a short while before going to the bathroom to clean myself up a bit… As I came out of the bathroom I noticed my mum’s bedroom door was slightly open… It was always closed… I could hear strange noises coming from in there… It was like moans… But not moans of pain but of extreme pleasure… I stood outside for a short while as the moans intensified and I could hear her breathing begin to change until she was almost panting uncontrolably…. What happened next shocked me from the top of my head to the tip’s of my toes… “Oh yes…. Give it to mummy”… And then… One last… Loud moan followed by a few shorter ones… At this time I was to naive to know what mum was doing but I certainly do now… She was having the most powerful orgasm…. But what did she mean about give it to mummy… Surely I misheard that.

I sneaked back to my room and in to bed… What exactly did mum mean… Give her what… Surely she didn’t want to have sex with me… She is my mum and mum’s and son’s don’t do that… Or do they… The thought’s swam round my head for ages and soon my cock was rock hard again at the thought of what I had just witnessed and even more so at the thought of what she wanted me to give her and soon after just a few strokes I was shooting another load while thinking about giving it to my mum.

After a night with not much sleep… My mind constantly thinking about the events of last night I got up, had a shower, went downstairs where mum was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast… She greeted me with a “good morning… What a lovely day”… I answered her back with a “yes mum… Lovely”…. The first thing I noticed was how cheery she looked and secondly that she was wearing her dressing gown which was quite unusual for mum… She usually got up and after her shower would dress before going down and preparing breakfast… I also noticed that she didn’t seem to be wearing anything under her gown which was very unusual… Even unheard of… Just a bit of cleavage visible but the outline of her tit’s clearly visible through the thin material of her gown… My eyes were drawn instantly to nipples trying to poke through… I think she caught me staring but didn’t seem bothered…. Indeed a smile told me she was enjoying the attention her son was giving her… I could feel my cock beginning to stir and my mind was now on what mum might have been wearing in the panty department… Indeed…. Was she even wearing any…. Was she shaved or hairy… How wet was she… My mind was in turmoil about my own mum’s sexuality.

All I could think about during breakfast was my mum…. I could see the outline of her tit’s through her gown and this already had my cock hard… But just the thought that she might have been minus her panties made the feeling down there so uncomfortable… I just wanted to go to my room and relieve the pressure… I was beginning to feel as though mum was taunting me…. “Give it to mummy” kept running through my mind… Oh mummy… If only you knew how hard I was right now.

Just as I was getting up to leave after breakfast mum said in a shy sort of way…. “Why don’t we go to the cinema later…. We might go for a pizza before”….. “Oh yes mum…. That would be lovely”….. “Well you go and get your shower and I’ll clear up here”

I went straight upstairs to the bathroom.. My cock still as hard as steel and wasted no time at all… After only a few strokes I had what was up until then the most powerful orgasm ever… The most intense feelings shot through my body as I shot wave after wave of spunk skywards… Luckily most of it landed in the shower so I didn’t have to clean it up… All I could think about was my mum and how we were actually going on a date later on in the day.

I had my shower but because I had went straight there I didn’t have my bathrobe with me so after I had dried myself I opened the door to walk the two or three steps to my room…. “MUM”… I was both shocked and surprised to see my mum standing outside her room at the end of the hallway… I was frozen to the spot for a few seconds well aware that mum was staring right at my groin area… She licked her lips… This was so sexy.. “I’ll just go and get my shower now”… At that I opened my room door and disappeared inside…. That one moment was just so erotic… My own mum staring at my cock and making it very clear that she was liking what she was seeing.

A few moments later I heard the water start to flow… The thought of my mum naked in the shower had me rock hard again…. I wanted to walk right in and look at her… My heart was racing but sadly my courage ran out… I just thought how nice it would be if we could shower together… I could wash her body with my soapy hands… Taking extra care when I got to her most special place…. Her fanny… I was now obsessed with what sat at the top of and in between my mum’s legs.

I heard the water stop and mum moving around drying herself off…. I wanted to do to her what she had just done to me… Catch her naked…. Stare at her fanny…. Lick my lip’s at the sight of her most intimate and special place…. Go on… Do it I just kept telling myself… After a while the bathroom door opened and I heard mu walk the few strides to her room… The moment had gone.

I dressed and went down stairs… The film we were going to see started at two so we were going to leave about half past eleven… It was only a ten minute drive to the cinema and the Pizza Place was only a short walk from there.

I didn’t have long to wait before mum came downstairs…. WOW…. I had never seen her dress like this before…. Gone were the frumpy clothes I was used to seeing her in… She had a nice almost see through blouse which I could just about make out her bra through… A tight skirt just two or three inches above the knee and black tight’s or stocking’s…. Not sure which…. And a pair of shoes with just a bit of a heel on them…. I had never seen any of these clothes or shoes before… She was also wearing a lovely perfume… Again… This must have been new…. I couldn’t get over how stunning she looked and how much effort she had put in for our “date”….. “Well…. Will mummy do”….. I was dumbfounded for a few second’s before telling her that she looked stunning… Beautiful and I couldn’t wait to get to the Pizza Place to show her off… Mum smiled…. “Thank you”

Mum took a jacket which matched her skirt from the cupboard…. Again this must have been new… Lifted her car key’s and said with a big sort of nervous smile on her face “come on then… Mummy’s looking forward to this”…. Not as much as I am I said to myself.

We got in the car and drove off… It was only about a ten minute drive to the shopping park where the cinema and Pizza Place were… After not very long I noticed that mum’s skirt was begining to ride up her thigh’s… I couldn’t help myself but stare down at her black nylon clad legs… Mum caught me looking and I quickly looked away…. A naughty smile came over her face… Was she teasing me… She was certainly getting me hard…. The journey didn’t last long enough for me.

Soon we were at the shopping park and parked near to the Pizza Place… Mum looked at her watch and said we were just a bit early so she said she needed a few things from a ladies clothes shop…. I hated shopping but went along with her as I didn’t think she would be long…. Once inside she went straight for the lingerie department… Mum was shopping for underwear…. She could clearly see that I was uncomfortable about this and smiled at me and said “well you have seen all mummy’s underwear before so it will be nice for you to see my new ones BEFORE I wear them”… I could feel my face turn scarlet as mum walked away to the display….. Soon she had lifted a few pair’s of panties and a bra and she went to pay for them… After she paid she told me to carry them to the car.

After I had put her shopping in to the car I walked the few yards to the Pizza place where mum was waiting for me with a really naughty smile on her face… “Come on then…. I’m hungry” she said… We went inside to be greeted by a waitress…. Mum told her that we had a table booked which I found a little surprising as she had only this morning suggested that we go to the cinema…. Once again my mind was in overdrive… Was all this pre planned… I would soon find out the answer to this one.

We got to our table and mum instantly ordered a small glass of white wine… Once again I was surprised…. One…. Mum didn’t really drink… And two…. She had to drive us home after the film as I was to young to drive… We ordered our pizza’s and a soft drink for me… Mum was getting in to her wine and it was soon finished… She said that it was a shame she had to drive as she would really have liked another…. “I’ll just have wait until we get home for that” she said.

I felt very proud to be sitting with my mum…. It was after all my first ever “date” and I REALLY wanted to be seen with her…. She looked so sexy sitting there…. The happiest I had seen her in months but right now all I was thinking about was getting home and mum having more wine… Just maybe…. Just maybe I was thinking to myself.

We had our pizza and left for the cinema… Mum looked at her watch… “Good timing” she said… “Almost time for the show”…. We walked the few yards to the cinema and mum went to the pay desk…. Again to my surprise she told the girl that we had ticket’s booked… This was all pre planned by my mum.

We went in to the auditorium and took our seat’s… It was only minute’s from the show time and mum looked around with what I suspected was a look of fear in her eye’s which soon turned to relief…. I noticed that we had the whole row to ourselves which at the time I never really thought much of but mum seemed quite glad of…. Soon the light’s went down and the film started.

After not very long I felt my mum take my hand and a few more minute’s later I was shocked to my core when she placed my hand on her thigh just above the knee and almost immediately let go of me…. This was completely unchartered territory I was in now and had no idea how to respond… This is what I had been dreaming of… Wishing for…. For week’s and month’s now but now I felt so afraid and had really no idea how to proceed… The film was rolling on but I had no interest what was happening on the screen…. My hand was only a few inches from the holy grail… My mum’s fanny.

After a few more minute’s I felt my mum put her hand on mine and begin to move it up and down her thigh a few times before releasing me just a little higher up her thigh…. I was now only a few short inches from her cunt…. I could now feel her heat radiating towards my hand…. My cock was now bursting at the seams with excitement…. The one thing I had hoped and wished for for the last few week’s… My mum’s fanny… Was now within touching distance… All I had to do was move my hand about an inch and I would be there…. I was petrified.

I took all my courage in both hand’s and very slowly began to move my hand towards my mum’s fanny…. Soon I was there…. I was touching her albeit through her tights and panties… The feeling was just out of this world… The heat that I felt from her most special place was just way hotter than I imagined it would be…. Mum glanced at me and smiled and then looked away again… She parted her leg’s slightly to allow me to have a better feel… This was the best moment of my life… Bar none.

The film ended and before the lights went on my mum had removed my hand from up her skirt and once again looked at me and smiled…. “I REALLY enjoyed that” she said…. “Come on… Lets get home” she went on.

As we left the cinema mum locked her arm with mine…. Just as you would see couples walking together…. My mind was now in overdrive… I thought that this must be a dream…. A few minutes ago I had my hand my own mum’s most intimate and special place…. She had put it there… When she said she had enjoyed it did she mean the film or her son with his hand up her skirt?

We were soon at the car and mum unlocked and we got in…. As mum sat down her skirt instantly rode up and once again I couldn’t take my eyes away from her nylon clad thigh’s…. Once we were underway mum turned and smiled and then took my hand and placed it on her leg and said “I really enjoyed what you did in the cinema… Maybe you could do the same again…. But only if you want to”…. Want to…. Instantly my hand found it’s way right to the top of her legs and once again was right on her fanny… Mum was moving quite a bit while driving which was forcing me to move my hand slightly…. Every time this happened my hand was rubbing her…. She would squirm and smile and did seem to be getting so much pleasure from her son’s hand so close to her cunt.

We were home in a flash… I wished the journey could have lasted longer but as soon as we parked mum was out of the car handing me the key’s to lock up and was inside the house in no time… When I entered mum had poured herself a very large glass of gin and was wasting no time in emptying it…. She poured another and headed upstairs…. “I won’t be long” she said “just going to change”

By now I was feeling a bit confused and slightly nervous about what was going on… Apart from having my hand on my mum’s fanny on two different occasion’s…. My mum never touched alcohol… All I could think now was that she was trying to get a bit of Dutch courage and I didn’t have to wait long to find out…. I heard her come down the stairs and then she entered the room… WOW…. I was shocked…. Mum was wearing a bath robe that I had never seen her in before…. It was sheer… Almost see through and it was clear that she wasn’t wearing anything under it…. I could make out the shape of her body through the thin material… Her heavy tit’s with erect nipples poking through… I could also just about make out the shape of her fanny… She was also carrying an empty glass but it wasn’t empty long as she went over and poured another… She then told me to go to my room where she had left a little present for me…. I wasn’t thinking straight now… A present…. I wonder what it is.

I rushed up stairs and in to my room and got the most beautiful surprise… There in the middle of my bed were a pair of mum’s panties and as I got nearer I could see they were worn… Were these the same ones she had just removed…. The answer was yes… They were still warm and the crotch area was very wet…. I wasted no time and soon had my face buried in them… The scent was intoxicating… I breathed in as much as my nostril’s would allow me to and after what seemed like hours I took them away…. SHOCK…. HORROR… There in the doorway with a sexy smile on her face…. My mum!

I didn’t know where to look…. What to say… I was caught hook line and sinker…. Mum broke the tension… “So do you like your mummy’s panties then?”…. I nodded my head… “It’s all right” she said… “I’m flattered….. Are you ready for your present?”…. “I…. I thought this was my present” I nervously answered…. “No…. This is your present”…. At that mum undid the belt of her bath robe and it fell open revealing her naked body to me…. My eyes almost popped out of my head at the beautiful sight that stood in front of me…. Mum pulled the robe back from her shoulder’s and let it fall to the floor…. She was now completely naked…. Her tit’s looked heavy as they sagged down to just above her waist…. Nipples erect and pointing straight at me but it was her fanny that my eye’s were drawn to… This was my holy grail…. I was surprised at how little hair she had… Just a light covering so her slit was clearly visible… This was the first time in my life that I had seen a real live fanny and I was far from disappointed…. My cock was by now feeling as though it was going to burst…. It felt so hard and bigger than it had ever been.

“Now I think you should strip off and let mummy see what you’ve got”…. I wasted no time and soon I was as naked as the day I was born… My cock pointing straight at the ceiling… “Mmmm…. Nice” my mum said…. “Now you just lay on your bed and let mummy have what she has wanted for years”…. I lay down and in no time mum had straddled me and lowered herself down on to my throbbing cock placing the head at the entrance to her cunt hole before thrusting down and swallowing my entire length in to her…. Oh this was so beautiful…. Within seconds I could feel my legs turn to jelly…. My body felt like electricity was running through me and a red hot poker was inside my cock….. And then…. I erupted…. I could feel shot after shot after shot of spunk explode in to my mum….. She pushed herself right down on me to bury my cock as deep inside her as she could get…. Her head arched back…. “YES YES YES… Give it to mummy…. Give mummy all your lovely hot spunk”

After a few second’s mum leant towards me and began kissing me passionately… Her tongue deep in my mouth… All the while I could feel even more spunk oozing out of my cock…. The head was now on fire… Almost in pain but it was a pain of pleasure… Never in my short life and in the time I had been masturbating had I felt anything so good.

When my mum finally broke off our kiss she began to tell me that she was a virgin when she met my dad and had never been with anyone else…. When my dad left she was so lonely and wanted sex so bad on many occasion’s but decided years ago to wait for her little boy to become ready for her and now she hoped that I would take over from my dad and be her lover.

That was seven years ago now…. To the outside world we are a mother and her son… But when the front door is shut and locked we are husband and wife.