My Gran

My gran had been on her own for as long as I can remember… her husband had left round about the time I was born and has never been seen or heard of since… in all the time since then I don’t think she has had any boyfriend’s… at least not as far as I know.

She had two daughter’s… my mum and my aunt Sylvia who is about three years older than mum.

A bit about me…. I was a late baby… a mistake I suppose… I have two older sister’s… Laura is twenty three and about to be married and Jenny who is twenty one… so when I came along it caused a bit of an upheaval…. we only had two bedrooms… mum and dad’s and the girl’s so in infancy I slept in mum’s room firstly in my cot and then in a small bed… it must all have been a bit crowded… from about three I would go to gran’s at the weekend… at first I slept with her and as I got a bit older dad converted an airing cupboard at gran’s with a very small bed and I slept there… it was all a bit of an adventure sleeping in a cupboard…. I loved those weekends I spent at gran’s… she was always very good to me and told me in secret many times that I was her favourite grandchild.

A few years later we moved to a bigger house where I had my own room so my weekends at gran’s came to an end.

So on to Laura’s wedding…. Aunt Sylvia and her family were coming to stay with us for the weekend of the wedding so it was going to be a bit of a squeeze… my cousin’s… who I hated… Jon and Marcus who were a few years older than me were to have my room so I was to go to gran’s for the weekend and sleep in the cupboard… I really didn’t mind as it would get me away from my horrible cousin’s.

A few week’s before, I went shopping with gran to get her outfit… we were away all day Saturday and had a great day… in between the shop’s gran took me for a burger… we started the day looking at dresses and soon she had settled on a nice pink one which she showed off to me… it was quite figure hugging for gran but she was quite slight so it showed off what curves she had very nicely…. next came the shoes and handbag followed by her hat at which point I thought we were finished but to my surprise she took me to shop which sold really expensive lingerie… I had spent time before trying to get a sneaky look in the window at all the lacy bra’s and panties so this was a bit of a treat for me to actually get through the door where we were greeted by a middle aged woman…. about the same age as my mum who took my gran in to a room while I waited in the shop…. they seemed to be away ages before they finally emerged with gran holding a bag and with a huge smile on her face…. so that was the end of the shopping trip…. I got to carry half of the bags to the taxi rank but the one I wanted to see…. the lingerie…. was held on to by gran… I found myself wondering what sort of secret’s were hiding in there…. I would probably never find out.

A month before the wedding and once the school holiday’s had started I began to spend a lot of time with my gran… I would go round to hers most morning’s and would normally spend all day with her… doing little jobs around the house…. running errand’s…. and sometimes gran would give me a little treat and we would walk in to town and have a burger or pizza for lunch…. I loved being out with gran… she would hold on to my arm like a girl would do with her boyfriend… at this point in my life I had never had a girlfriend so this was all a bit of a novelty for me and it boosted my ego and self confidence no end…. even if it was my gran who was my “first girlfriend”.

A few days before the wedding things were really hotting up at home so I was spending even more time with gran…. one afternoon she was putting washing away and asked me to take some of her clothes and lay them on her bed… as I walked in to the room I got a very pleasant surprise… there on the bed was the bag that gran had got from the lingerie shop…. the devil in me wanted to have a look to see what gran would be wearing to the wedding…. my heart was pumping and I felt my breathing change with the excitement of it all…. I carefully opened the bag just enough to see what was inside…. on top was a pink lacy bra which looked almost see through and as I felt underneath I came up with a pair of matching panties…. again see through… there was also stocking’s…. at this point I felt a little tingle down below and felt so guilty about this…. firstly about raking through gran’s things but more so because I was getting a hard on over my gran’s underwear…. I went back to the kitchen where gran was working… she asked if I was alright… she said I looked a bit flushed…. “I’m fine gran… what do you want me to do next”.

The day before the wedding Aunt Sylvia and her family arrived so that was time for me to move to gran’s and sleep in the cupboard… I was quite small for my age so I suppose I would still fit in there…. so later that day we were all at home catching up…. I was trying to be nice to my horrible cousin’s but they weren’t being very nice to me…. my mum asked me to show them to my room… when we were alone it didn’t take them long to be really nasty to me… after not very long Marcus asked me if I had had a fuck yet…. I looked at the floor…. to ashamed to admit that I hadn’t…. “that’ll be a no then” Jon said…. they both started laughing and saying things like his balls probably haven’t dropped yet and nobody would want his little cock anyway…. I was close to tears by now and couldn’t get away quick enough… I went back downstairs and sat next to gran…. “everything alright” gran said to me…. “when can we go back to yours” I replied…. soon we were on our way back to gran’s…. on the way home gran said that Jon and Marcus… although her grandson’s…. were a pair of horrible little shit’s and needed to be taught a lesson or two and that I was 100 times better than they will ever be… she also told me that to morrow we would stay well away from them and not let them spoil our day…. when we got to gran smiled and she said that we better see if I was still going to fit in that little bed.

The night before the wedding wasn’t the most comfortable night I had ever had… the bed was just a bit on the small side but it was alright….. in the morning I was up first closely followed by gran who looked only to be wearing her bathrobe… I could clearly see the shape of her tit’s with her nipples poking through the thin material… I think gran caught me staring and just gave me a nice cheeky smile… “did you sleep alright” gran asked…. “yes ok” I replied… gran went on to say that I would probably sleep a little better to night.

Everything was a bit of a tight schedule…. Elaine…. a family friend was coming at eleven to do gran’s hair and do a bit of make up and the the car was coming at twelve to take us to the hotel where the wedding was to take place so we had to get on….. gran made breakfast and while I cleared up she went for a shower… she seemed to be an unusually long time in the shower but I thought nothing of it as she probably wanted to be looking her best for her first grandchild’s wedding…. I heard the bathroom door open and gran call out to me that it was all mine so I got up and walked along the hallway to the bathroom just in time to see gran enter her room wearing her robe which looked to me that it wasn’t fastened at the front.

I went for my shower and was quite surprised to see a lot of short hairs in the shower base… it was unusual for gran to leave a mess like this as she is normally very tidy and hates mess… I just assumed that she had shaved her armpits and forgotten to wash the hair away…. anyway…. I had my shower and by the time I was finished the base was full of water…. unbeknown to me there was a filter at the drain…. I got dried and went out and told gran that the shower wasn’t draining… she looked quite embarrassed by this and told me she would sort it…. she was still wearing her bath robe waiting for Elaine who wouldn’t be long…. she said I should go and dry off in her room and then get dressed while she was getting her hair done…. her clothes…. including her underwear were layed out on the bed beside mine…. once again I was drawn to her underwear and as the first time I had seen them I felt excited by them and my cock began to stir… and as before…. felt guilty that I was getting a hard on at the thought of my gran… I was thinking to myself what a creep and pervert I was… she’s your dear old gran for fuck sake I kept telling myself…. I heard the door… that would be Elaine… I heard the two of them laughing and giggling for a short while…. gran sounded so excited about the day to come… little did I know at that moment in time just why she was so excited.

I got myself dried off and sat down before starting to dress… once again my eyes were drawn to gran’s pink lacy see through panties and just tried to imagine what gran would look like wearing them…. I just couldn’t help myself…. I was lusting after my own gran…. my cock was now rock hard and the guilt I felt before had diminished…. I wanted my sweet old gran to take my virginity.

After short while sitting and cooling off I heard the hair dryer and I looked the clock…. 11.30… time to get dressed… the car would be here soon…. fully dressed I returned to the living room where Elaine had just finished gran…. “wow… look at you young man” Elaine said… gran smiled and said “that’s my handsome grandson…. my date for whole day”…. “lucky you” Elaine replied…. “oh look at the time” gran said…. “I’ll need to get my skates on”…. at that Elaine packed up her things and left and gran went to get dressed…. about five or so minutes later gran called me to her room…. she was standing there fully dressed now…. WOW…. she looked stunning… all I could think about though were her undies and how I would love to see her in front of me wearing only those…. “zip me up” gran said as she turned her back to me exposing her almost bare back…. only her bra visible…. I was trembling as I took the zip and slowly pulled it up…. now the dress was fitting…. showing gran’s figure to the full…. she looked so much younger than her years and I couldn’t wait to go to the wedding with her.

It took about half an hour in the taxi to the hotel where the wedding was taking place…. I sat in the back with gran and couldn’t take my eyes off of her nylon clad leg which was quite exposed as her dress had rode up… I don’t think she noticed that she was showing a lot of leg…. or that I was paying so much attention…. or did she…. the devil in me wanted to place my hand on her thigh and run it up and feel those lovely panties covering my gran’s special place…. stop it you dirty pervert I kept telling myself.

We got to the hotel and an usher directed us to our seats…. we didn’t have long to wait before my sister arrived looking stunning and the wedding began…. It was all quite boring really…. I kept looking down to have a glance at gran’s leg and she in turn gave me a nice smile and towards the end of the ceremony held my hand until it was all over.

Next came the photo’s… out in the hotel garden’s…. once we were done there was a bit of a lapse before the meal and speeches so gran took me to the bar and told me that she was to look after me and not let me have to much to drink as I was underage and there would be plenty wine on the table so she got me a beer and she had a large gin…. I can’t remember gran ever being a drinker so I was surprised when she finished it quite quickly and had another and so by the time we sat down to lunch she had quite a glow on her face…. once again she held my hand under the table for a while before the meal was served…. she was also getting stuck in to the wine but told me that my mum had warned her not to let me have to much…. “gran…. I hope your not going to get drunk” I cheekily said…. “well if I do you’ll just have to take care of me” she replied with what seemed to me a naughty look on her face.

After the meal was finished and all the speeches were done the party started…. by this time gran was starting to look a bit worse for wear and when she went to the toilet my mum came over and told me that I would probably be having to get her home soon which I wasn’t to bothered about as it had already been quite a long day and I was never much of a party animal anyway… gran eventually returned from the toilet… sat down beside me and held my hand…. but this time she was holding something which she fumbled with before eventually transferring to my hand… it was her by now quite moist panties….. “put them in your pocket” she said with a very cheeky smile on her face… she then went on to say “I think gran’s had enough…. can you take me home please”.

I told my mum we were leaving and a taxi was soon there for us…. I got gran in the back and got in beside her… at this point the two things on my mind were gran’s panties in my pocket and the thought that her fanny was now very much bare…. she cuddled in to me and remained like this all the way home… when we arrived I got her out of the taxi and in to her flat…. once inside gran kicked her shoes off and said that she had had a wonderful day and thanked me for being her partner for the day… “give gran a hug… mmm… that’s nice” she said as she held me tight…. a few second’s later she said she just wanted bed…. “pull this zip down for gran” as she turned her back to me…. I fumbled for a second or two before lowering the zip…. gran then shocked me as she just let her dress fall to the floor and step out of it…. WOW…. “now the bra” she said…. I couldn’t quite believe what was happening… my gran was stripping off right before my eye’s…. I was shaking like a leaf with excitement as I fumbled with the clasp of her bra before finally unhooking it and it was very soon on the floor with her dress… at this point she was now only wearing her stocking’s which were the type that held up on their own… she then turned round to me revealing her almost naked body to me…. “do you think your gran is sexy?”….. I nervously nodded my head… “yes gran…. I think you are very sexy”…. her small tit’s were slightly saggy and her nipples were pointing straight at me…. looking down I was now seeing where all the hair was from in the shower…. her fanny was clean shaven… what a beautiful sight…. by this time my cock was so hard that it felt as though it was about to burst…. “I think your a bit to big for that small bed now…. I think you should sleep in gran’s bed to night”.

Gran took me by the hand and she silently led me the few short steps to her bedroom… once inside she wasted no time at all in stripping me off…. once naked gran stepped back to look at me…. my cock was pointing straight at the ceiling… “oh you are so beautiful…. I’ve been waiting years for this day… until you are old enough to make love to me…. do you think you can do this for your old gran?”….. I nervously nodded my head…. “yes gran…. I would like to do that very much”.

Gran lay on top of the bed and parted her legs slightly giving me the perfect view of her cunt… her outer lip’s only just covering the glistening pink inner…. this was the first time in my life I had seen a real live fanny and I could feel my legs begin to tremble with a mixture of the excitement of what I was about to do and fear that I wouldn’t know what to do…. I was still very much a virgin and was almost panicking that I wouldn’t be able to give my gran what she wanted…. gran raised her hand’s and beckoned me towards her…. “come on my lovely…. fuck your old gran”.

I could almost feel my leg’s turning to jelly as I took the two or three step’s towards gran’s bed and knelt down in between her legs… gran reached out and gently took hold oh my thighs and began gently rubbing up and down…. “your cock is beautiful….. it looks good enough to eat… is it alright if gran eats you”…. before I could say yes gran had me on my back and was holding my cock…. what a feeling…. next she began licking the tip before taking me between her lips…. I cried out with pleasure as gran began to roll her tongue over my cock before taking my entire length in to her mouth and greedily sucked me in and out…. the feelings that were now shooting through my body were like nothing I had ever felt in my life before…. it was like electric shocks coursing through my veins all the way to my cock tip…. and then without any warning I felt my whole body turn to jelly as I exploded in to my gran’s mouth… gran never stopped as she sucked every last drop of my spunk…. the feeling was now turning to almost pain in my cock…. the tip was like it was on fire before gran released her grip on me and allowed me to pull out…. “mmm she said… I’ve waited a long time for this…. that was lovely….. virgin spunk…. every woman’s dream”

As I lay on my back and began to come down from the ceiling gran moved over me and spread her legs over my body…. I could feel the warmth from her fanny as she pressed down on my torso seeming to be getting great pleasure as she rubbed her sex over my body…. slowly…. inch by inch she moved further up until she was almost touching my face with her cunt… the scent from her most special place was like nothing I had ever known…. a musky mixture of sweat…. pee and something I had never known before…. sex….. she paused for a moment before moving further up and coming down on my face…. I was now tasting my gran’s sex on my face….. slowly at first she began to rub herself over me….. my mouth…. my nose… this was so beautiful…. I could feel the moistness and the silky softness of her fanny all over my face it was the most beautiful experience I had ever known in my entire life…. gran’s breathing began to change… she was now panting…. breathing heavily as she sped up and ground her sex harder on my face… she let out a loud yell….. then another… and another….. “Oh fuck” she exclaimed as she stopped her rubbing…. “you have just given gran the best orgasm she has ever had you beautiful boy”.

Gran eventually took herself off my face and came down and lay beside me… she had the most beautiful contented smile on her face… “oh I think this is going to turn in to quite the night” she said…. “I’m so glad we left early” she went on…. my cock was now very much rock hard again and ready for more…. I was now desperate to fuck her and as I fumbled around to try and feel her fanny gran helped me by laying on her back and parting her legs…. my hand slipped on to her clean shaven sex and I was able to run my finger along her soaking wet slit before instinct took over and I found her cunt hole…. my finger found it’s way in…. oh the feeling of her vagina on my finger…. it was so much hotter and wetter than I had imagined it would be and so silky smooth…. I worked my finger in and out for a while as gran began to wriggle around obviously enjoying the attention of my finger….. “I think it’s time you lost your virginity young man”.

Gran pushed me on to my back and brought her leg over me… she then held herself over me and took hold of my rock hard and throbbing cock and placed it at the entrance of her cunt hole… I looked down as she gently lowered herself on to me taking my virgin cock in to her sex… oh…. this felt amazing… I thought I was going to pass out with the pleasure… before I knew it I was entirely inside my gran…. the warmth…. the wetness… the silky feel of her vagina as it wrapped around my young cock… this was Utopia… gran began to wriggle and grind her body on to me… her head arched back… her mouth wide open… her eyes closed…. “Oooooh” she cried out… “it’s been so long…. so long since I felt like a woman”…. she then started to ride up and down on my cock… by this time I was gone…. the feeling’s running through my body were like shockwave’s and I knew I would not last long…. the heat started to build along the length of my cock before the release of pressure…. I felt shot after shot of spunk explode in to my gran’s cunt… she stopped riding me and sank down as far as she could taking my entire length inside her to receive my load…. “oh…. that feels so beautiful” she said… “so beautiful”.

Gran stayed on me for a while as my cock softened before lifting herself off me… she lay on top of me…. kissing my torso before moving up and kissing me on the lips… “that was wonderful” she said… “a thousand times better than I could ever have imagined”.

That was just the start….. we fucked all night…. I lost count of how many times I filled my gran with my spunk and how many times she orgasmed… we eventually fell asleep…. but in the morning we fucked again.

We had to go to my mum and dad’s in the morning for breakfast…. my mum, dad, sister and her boyfriend…. my aunt and uncle and two horrible cousin’s were all the worst for wear… but we were so happy… so in love….. we couldn’t wait to get back to gran’s to continue where we had left off.

As soon as we got back to gran’s we were straight in to bed…. and for the rest of the school holiday’s I visited gran as often as I could…. I don’t think anyone suspected what was going on…. I didn’t really care.