My life story. Part 2



It’s 9 months ago since I was raped. My due date has passed now and I am scheduled for C-Section as my and Sophie’s baby daughter is in distress so am going down to Operating Suite. Not long after I was in there I gave birth to a healthy baby girl her weight was 5lb 6oz doctor said she was a little small but he did say that that’s understandable as you are only 13. The midwife cleaned her up and gave me her to hold, the midwife asked me if I had a name for her I looked at my Mom and then at Sophie and both of them said go on and name her.

So I called her Faith I started crying and said Faith’s beautiful, I asked the midwife if my Mom and my girlfriend Sophie can have a hold. The Midwife said ok but only a quick hole as we need to get you into your room, I had another surprise waiting for me in the hallway. When the midwife went to take me to my room in the hallway waiting was my Dad, Dad I have a daughter I named her Faith my Dad started crying he said he was so very sorry that he left me and my Mom. Mom said I have one more bit of good news I said ok what is it Mom said Dad’s coming home he’s coming back home.

Again I started crying so the midwife took me to my room. Mom, Dad, and Lexi had to wait till I was settled in my room. 10 minutes passed and everyone was allowed in, then the midwife brought Faith into my room for a while so everyone could see Faith, the midwife left and Grandma and Grandpa turned up to see me and see Faith Grandma and Grandpa brought me some flowers and a card for me and Faith. Anyways after a while Faith woke and started crying as she was hungry so I passed the buzzer and called for the midwife and she brought me a bottle of milk so I can feed Faith.

So I said how do I feed Faith and the midwife showed me and showed me how to hold Faith,
I asked the midwife when can I go home the midwife said not for a few days at least you just had a C-Section, I asked everyone if I could have a few minutes with Sophie so I asked them if they could get me a cup of coffee for me. So I had the room to myself and Sophie so Sophie asked me what was up I said to Sophie that if you want out I understand, Sophie told me to never say that again. Sophie told me that she was in love with me and she not going anywhere that she promised me.

Sophie then kissed me with her tongue, I loved being French kissed with that said we didn’t even hear everyone else come back in my room. They all say Faith’s a beautiful baby I still can’t get over the fact that am a teenage Mom and that Sophie’s sticking by me, I know my life will change a hell of a lot I don’t know if I’ll be going back to school or not. There will be so many changes like not going out to the beach with my friends or going ice staking or just going out, Faith has to come first from now I just hope I’ll be a good Mom just like my Mom.

A week has gone by the doctors have just said I am ready to go home yay, I phoned my Mom and Dad up and also phoned Sophie to tell her that am coming home today and Sophie said that her parents are giving Sophie a day off school so she can spend the day with me and Faith. Sophie needs to bond with Faith as she’s going to be Faith’s other Mommy. A couple of hours later Mom and Sophie came up to the hospital to take me home, Mom said Dad’s making sure that Faith’s bedroom is ready for Faith to come home I said Faith has to be in my room for a while.

Mom said I know don’t forget I have had two daughters I said sorry Mom, Mom said why are you sorry you are just making sure that’s all, you have to do things your own way as Faith is your daughter. We will help you but only as Grandparents Mom said omg am a Grandma at my age, I said am sorry Mom. Mom said again really you don’t ever have to say sorry Nikki it’s not your fault that you ended up being pregnant Nikki so stop saying sorry. Right, it’s time to go home now the midwife give me a small box of baby milk as I didn’t want to breastfeed Faith as I liked my small breasts.

40 minutes later we are home Mon went in first then me and Sophie everyone was there Grandma and Grandpa and Sophie’s parents Grandparents lol, I saw Sophie talking to her parents and Sophie took something from her Mom and Dad. Sophie then said can everyone be quiet for a couple of minutes please I said what’s going on Sophie, Sophie then asked me if I would get engaged to her, omg are you joking Sophie said NO am not then I said YES I would love to to be engaged to you. eve knowing that we are all almost 14 years old this was one of the happiest days of my life so far.

So I said I love you Sophie said the same back to me in the middle of all this Faith was in dreamland sound asleep Mom said to everyone there’s food on the dining table so I said good am hungry, I started to take Faith into the dining room so I could get something to eat then guess who woke up YES Faith woke up so I went to feed Faith and Sophie said babes I’ll feed Faith get yourself something to eat I said you sure Sophie said yes I have to get used to feeding our daughter, don’t I. So I said thank you, Sophie, said you don’t have to thank me Faith is my daughter as well.

So Sophie feed Faith and changed her diaper Sophie’s Mom and Dad said good job Sophie they asked if they can hold Faith Sophie said yeah of course but not for long as Faith will go back to sleep. Sophie said first I have to get rid of Sophie’s wind first and as Sophie did that Sophie said thanks Faith, Faith was sick all down her top lol, Sophie asked me if she could have one of my tops to where I said Yes babes go and help yourself. I went upstairs with Sophie and Sophie took her top off I started to get a little horny so we kissed open mouth just the way I liked kissing Sophie.




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