Our 10 Year Old Son Likes To Fuck Little Girls, My Wife Is Concerned, Daddies Not ;)

After letting my son fuck his twin sister, he now trying to fuck all the little girls. He makes Daddy so proud.

“I think we have a problem”, my wife says, holding a rag out in front of her. As she approaches the desk in my home office. I can now see that it’s not a rag but a small pair of panties. In her most serious voice she informs me that she found them in our son’s room.

Maybe there Lilly’s ?, my 12 year old Daughters , I ask ,trying to act like I cared. For god sakes Don. there “Blue’s Clues” panties, Lilly wouldn’t be caught dead in these, as she holds them out in front of her like there toxic or something. You know damn well what panties Lilly wears, thongs, you let her buy them.

Both Lilly and her Brother Kip are twins, and what has my wife worried is that last year, she came home early from work and found Kip, then age 11 with a 6 year old girl in his room. Seems when she found them, Kip was teaching the little tart the joys of oral sex. As my wife tells it “He had his penis in the poor little things mouth, just pumping away ,and her, all naked”. I could have convinced her that was just a one time event, kids being kids and all that, but there where 2 other episodes with Kip and little girls.

When Kip was, 10 he and 2 of his cousin’s were found standing over my niece, in the woods at a family reunion. The girl was 7 ,and they were jacking there little cocks off as she laid in the grass with her shorts and panties pulled down. A game of “you show me yours and I’ll show you mine”. Seems Kip had not only showed his cock to her ,but put it in her while the other 2 boys watched and encouraged it.

The next time this happened Kip had turned 12. My wife caught Kip and my Daughter Lilly fooling around in our pool house. She walked in to find Lilly bent over the tiki bar, little tight ass all up in the air as Kip was finger fucking her lil bald cunny, his other hand on his cock stroking it, Lilly moaning as she reached behind herself to spread her baby pussy wider. Again my wife went bat shit crazy and wanted to send Kip to counseling, she told me that she was afraid that Kip was becoming some sort of “Pervert”. Again I interceded on Kip’s behalf, talking her down off the ledge. I told her I’d have a stern talk with the Boy, set him straight and all that.

I know my wife thinks that Kip has a problem, what she doesn’t know is that it’s my fault he likes girls so young. Kip had just turned 10 when he walked in my home office and caught me with his twin Sister Lilly. When he walked in I had Lilly on my lap, my shorts pulled down and Lilly naked, my hard dad cock protruding between Lilly’s legs. I had waited as long as I could, when Lilly turned 10, I couldn’t wait any longer.

It started in our pool. Her mother always bought her dumb ass, one piece swim suites, you know the kind with a skirt attached. Lilly had long lean legs, she was taller the Kip and just a hint of budding titlets. her long blonde hair framed a face made to make any guy want her. But Lilly’s best asset (pardon the pun) was her hot tight little ass, it was so perfect, and I had to have it .In the pool that day I ask her why she didn’t wear a little bikini now ,since she was 10, knowing that her mother would never buy her a bikini. I told her to come to come to my home office when she was done with homework. I knew her mother would be at the PTA meeting at the school by then.

At 7:10 that April evening, my life changed forever. She knocked and came in my office, she was wearing her little pink nylon shorts from last year, the ones that said “CHEER” on ass, a little tight tank top, and a smile. I invited her to set on my lap as I brought up retailers selling bikini’s on the internet. We started with the sites that sold the usual boring “tween” suits, soon I ventured to some of the more sites with sexy bikini’s, Lilly giggled as we looked at the see thru thongs and at the tops that where barely there. She told me she didn’t have “boobies” yet and those bikinis wouldn’t look good her. As I stroked her back, I told her she had a very sexy body, all the boys will be after her. I told her that her “boobies” looked great to me. then I took the plunge, I ask her to show them to me. Without any hesitation she pulled her tank top right off, smiling the whole time.

It seems my baby girl wasn’t shy about showing her Daddy anything he wanted. As she squirmed around on my lap I got a huge hard on, With a puzzled look she ask me “Is that your pee pee getting hard Daddy”? I told her that her sexy body was making daddy hard, she wanted to see it. I set her on the edge of the desk as I peeled my shorts down, my hard cock springing forward, I heard her gasp when she seen it. I stood in front of my little baby girl, stroking my hard cock, looking down at her little flat titlets. Soon I had her shorts and panties off, her laying back on the desk, resting on her elbows. She watched as her Daddy licked her from hole to hole, tongue fucking her pinkness. I could see her eye’s rolling back in her head, I could tell she loved it and this wouldn’t be the last time she would be feeling Daddies tongue.

My wife thought it was kind’a odd, but naughty ,that when the kid’s where babies, I’d fuck her as she fed the twins, It was so hot, a baby on each of her swollen mommy melon’s, nipples all erect . I knew she secretly loved it when I fucked her then, she would get so wet and moan so loud. begging for me to fuck her faster. What she didn’t know that is, when I was fucking her I was looking at Lilly, dreaming of that day in April, the day I made my baby girl into a sex toy. As I pumped more seed into my wife I hoped she would make another little girl for me. If she had wanted Kip in that way I’d have approved, Hell I’d get off on watching that, her sucking his little boy cocklet. I hinted around about it, she told me I was watching to much HBO, whatever the hell that meant.

When Lilly’s little bikini came she showed to to her Mother, I could tell mom wasn’t happy but all she said was “only in our pool, you hear?”. Lilly looked like a little porn star, her mother even commented on how she seems to love strutting around in it and showing off. She told me she was worried that this summer Kip would have his friend’s over and how she didn’t like the idea of Lilly wearing “That” around boys in the pool. I told her that I’d make sure nothing happened, I’m a stay at home dad, what could go wrong. Secretly I knew that Lilly would her use newly learned skill’s and that bikini to drive all the little boys crazy. Oh yea, I’d be watching alright.

Soon Lilly and I developed a routine, when I would check in on the kids when they went to bed, I’d spend just a little more time In Lilly’s room, usually getting a quick blow job or fingering her baby cunt. When her Mom would have a PTA meeting Lilly would come to my office. Under her short’s she would be wearing a thong that I had recently bought her, she would get up on my desk and dance for her Daddy. She looked like a Little stripper in training, Id shove money down her thong, money she would use to secretly buy make-up and sexy things she knows daddy. likes to see her wear.

Soon the oral and fingering lead to me rubbing my cock on her wet slit, cuming on her, having her rub it in, to make her tits grow she said. Soon I was putting my cock head in her little love tunnel and stroking it till I flooded her baby twat with daddy seed, after all she was only 10 and didn’t start her periods yet. She loved to play in with her cunny after daddy filled it with cum..

One day in early May it happened. I had her on the edge of her bed, I told her how much Daddy loved her as I pushed a little harder, a little further. I watched her face, a little wince then that look of bliss that I love to see. I had taken my Daughter’s cherry at 10. Don’t judge me, but is that any worse then some kid stabbing around with his cock in the back of a car when she’s 16? She wanted it, so did I. Her tween love tunnel was so fucking tight, it was like a vise. She moaned as I gently moved it in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around me like she had been fucking cock for years. I was so proud of my baby girl.

It happened on a Wednesday night in early June. The Wife was at a PTA meeting, Lilly was in my office setting on my lap , my hard cock protruding between her legs, her gently rubbing my cock head as we watched porn movies on the computer. She was leaning back to French kiss Daddy as I played with her nipples. My Son , Kip walked right in on us, not bothering to knock. He stared in amazement, His twin sister, in full make-up, setting nude on His daddy’s lap. I kind’a yelped when I seen him, standing up trying to set Lilly on the chair, now my hard cock on display for him to see. Going thru my mind as all this unfolded is that, all these years I’ve waited for Lilly to ripen into the sex kitten she was now, and now it would all end, I was busted.

As Kip stood there , motionless ,mouth open in shock, I seen what he was looking at, he was staring at Lilly, all topless and in full make-up, little metallic blue thong barely covering her sex. He just said “Oh boy, look at you Lilly”. that’s when I had an idea. Clearly he liked what he seen, any 10 year Boy would, She looked like a Boy’s wet dream. And there she was all ready and willing. I ask Kip if he’d like to touch her, Lilly was smiling the entire time, loving all the attention she was getting.

Kip ran up the stairs to Lilly’s room, Lilly and I walked hand in had, her looking like a 10 year old model. I lead Lilly to the bed, and for the next two hours I showed Kip what a women likes, I watched her take his hairless straight cock between her red painted lips, I watched as she sucked at him and fondled his little boy balls. I showed him how to lick her pussy , and how she liked her little asshole tongued ,He “dry “came 3 times that night, Once as he lay on top of his sister, pumping away at her, I was so proud of my baby Girl, she’s so good at fucking cock. As I watched my kid’s fuck I was so turned on, like when I used to get when there mother fed them. I knew Kip would never say a word about what he seen. All I had to do was share Lilly’s little pussy, and I knew she wouldn’t mind.

My wife even commented on how well Lilly and Kip where getting along, no more bickering and fighting, she went on to say how sweet it was the way Kip looked after his twin Sister. Do I think she knew what was going on ?, maybe, after all, most Dad’s didn’t let the 10 year old Daughter’s wear revealing bikini’s and make-up. let alone the thong’s and lingerie. I really think she didn’t wanna know, and that was fine with me. Between her brother and I, it’s a wonder the poor girl can even walk.

I can’t wait to open our pool, I know Lilly and her Bikini’s will be very popular with the neighborhood boy’s. I’ll be sure to keep a close eye on her, from my bedroom window that is 😉

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