My life with Ruth pt5

I meant to write this months ago, but got distracted by my niece. Thanks to Rob for reminding me.

When I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, I walked back into Ruth’s bedroom and the girls were gone. Instead was a young boy about 13. I immediately recognized him from the pictures I saw the other night.
Oh, hi. I stumbled, you must be Peter, right? I’m Eric.
Yeah, mom told me. She said to wait here for you. Then we’re supposed to go to your place to get some clothes or whatever and bring them back here. They went shopping.
I stopped to think. I was in the shower for like 5 minutes. Things move fast around this house. Then, I remembered that a couple days ago, I had never even been to the house. Never talked to Ruth outside of work. I asked her to dinner and a couple days later I am moving in with her and her kids? Things DEFINITELY moved fast around here.
So, are you going to get dressed or are we going with you wearing a towel? Peter asked with a typical teenager attitude.
No, I never wear a towel when I go out. I usually go naked, but I guess today, I’ll dress.
Wear a dress, a towel, naked, whatever dude. He said deadpan.
I laughed out loud. I like you Peter.
Pete. You can call me Pete. So, I hear you’re moving in.
Uh, I didn’t actually know that.
Well, mom says so and she pretty much always gets what she wants. So, I guess you’re moving in.
Okay, then we better go get some stuff, I said. I dropped my towel on the bed and grabbed my boxer briefs.
You have a nice cock, Pete said as he reached out and touched me.
I instantly started getting hard.
Whoa, boundries Pete. You have to let someone know before you just touch their junk.
You obviously liked it, you’re hard.
I pulled on my briefs.
Listen, I’ve had a LOT of crazy shit happen the past 24 hours. Let’s not make it more crazy right now.
He shrugged and stood up. Ok, hurry up. I’ve got other things to do today.
I quickly got dressed and we headed to the car.
On the drive I asked, So, are you gay Pete? It’s ok if you are, I’m just curious.
Yeah, you’re bi curious.
No, I meant curious about you.
I know, that’s why your cock got hard so fast in my hand.
No, I mean. Oh my god!. Never mind.
He chuckled. Sorry. I like fucking with people. It drives my sister crazy.
Not gay, but definitely bi. I’ve been with both. Girls are great. I love girls. But I like playing with boys too. I don’t feel romantic feelings for guys. I don’t think I would ever have a quote, unquote, boyfriend. But, sex is fun. Haven’t you ever done anything with a guy?
Well, there was this one time, in band camp, I thought in my head remembering the line from American Pie.
Let’s talk about something else. How do you get along with mom and sis?
I love them both. And they love me. A LOT!
Are you, I looked at him questioningly, are you and them…. you know…
Fucking? Yeah. For years now.
Holy fuck! I whispered out loud, but to myself.

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