My little sister pregnant

My parents had to go out of town for a couple of weeks.leaving me to baby sit my 13yr sister Samantha, found some Ambien slipped to her and fucked her

I’m 16 my parents had to go out of town for a couple of weeks, leaving me to baby sit my 13yr old sister Samantha. I was looking through my mother’s meds,I found Ambien 10 sleep pills,it said to take only one at bedtime. My little sister is growing up fast she is starting to fill out her blonde hair and blue eyes she is beautiful. That night we were playing video games I asked her if she wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She said yes ,so I went to fix us a sandwich I put 3 Ambien 10 sleep pills on her sandwich,they are small covered with jelly. We ate our sandwich and played more games, Samantha went to put on her night gown while I played. It’s nothing new to see my sister in her grown. We played and I noticed that her speech was slurring and her eyes were in a trance, she started nodding off,so I helped her to her bed ,I laid her down and got on the bed with her talking to her. I asked her if she had ever had sex before? No she said only touching myself. I asked her how does that feel,you touching yourself,I don’t know just different. I started to rub her leg as we talked,I could tell she was out of it. As I rubbed her leg,I worked my hand upwards to get crotch and slowly started rubbing her virgin pussy through her panties. I asked her how does this feel ,it feels good. I slipped my fingers under her panties her eyes were closed so I started lightly rubbing her little smooth pussy, she started moving her legs some,I slipped down her panties her eyes were still closed,I got down between my legs and started to lick her getting her wet with my spit. I crawled up on top of her and started to push my little dick inside her,but it wouldn’t go in I pressed hard and pop it went in,my little sister let out a shriek ,I slowly slid my dick inside her pussy and started pumping it didn’t take long for me to bust my nutt inside her she was passed out,I pulled my dick out of saw some blood,so I got up and went and got a warm wet wash towel and started to clean her up my dick got hard again,so I put it back inside her again, this time much easier. I started fucking her she never moved soon I shit more sperm inside her. I fucked her 5 times that night, getting her clean and dressed back. When she woke up the next morning, she said that she was having some stomach cramp. I told her to relax it will go away. I gave my little sister more Ambien the next night and once again I fucked her pumping my sperm inside her again.and once again when she woke up she had no idea that I had been fucking her. When my parents got home everything was cool,I have noticed that my little sister is putting on some weight,the thing about this is she doesn’t have a clue that she is pregnant, when I heard her throwing up morning sickness. I know she is 4 months pregnant,I don’t know what I’m going to do when my parents find out she is pregnant and wanting to know how. I’m thinking about slipping both my mom and my sister some at the same time when my father leaves going to convention for a week,I would love to put a baby inside my mother she would think it was my father’s child but instead her son’s child inside her womb . 🔞Life Selector🔥 Interactive porn game, start playing now!🕹