My Mom’s Juicy Ass – Part 2

I get confronted by my mom and things change

Weeks went by where I would just masturbate constantly to mental images of my mom’s ass in the bathroom that day. I started to get mad at myself for not seizing the moment and just raping her butthole then and there. I began weighing the consequences and playing out the scenario in my head. “How much trouble would I get in? Would she have enjoyed it? What would it feel like?”

These are all the things I was thinking about, and I was beginning to get depressed because I knew my mom would never let me have her ass in that way. Were other boys my age going through the same thing I was going through? Having an obsession with their mother’s ass? My mind was beginning to fail me and all I could think about was her phat, juicy, ass.

My mom began to notice my depressed state and finally asked me what was wrong. Of course, I told her I was fine. However, being a mom, she knew that I wasn’t fine. She kept pressing me over and over to tell her what was wrong, and I kept telling her, “NOTHING IS WRONG!”. She finally said, “Fine.. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be here.”

Later that evening, after dinner, my mom was sitting on the living room sofa with just panties on and a long shirt. She was messing around on her phone when I walked past her, and I could just see the curves of her body. I finally said, “Why do you have to dress like that around me?”

Mom: “What do you mean?”

Me: “It’s just hard to concentrate on anything else when you walk around the house half-naked all the time”

After I said that, I think a light bulb went off in her head because she knew what I was getting at.

Mom: “Honey. Is that what has been bothering you? I guess you are of that age where you should be experiencing puberty”

Me: “I don’t know what you’re talking about”

Mom: “Honey. I think it’s time we have the talk”

So, my mom had the whole sex talk with me, unbeknownst to her, I was already fucking my 11-year-old sister when she left for work. That is when I told her pretty much the whole thing, except for the sister part. I told her how I walked in on her cleaning the bathroom and how I would think about her ass all the time, and it sucked, because I could never have sex with her.

Naturally, my mom was taken back and shut down the conversation completely. She told me that it was highly inappropriate and that we needed to go see a therapist next week. Also, she said she was very disappointed in me and that I needed to hold back those urges and find a girl my age. Of course, I went into a more depressive state and sleep didn’t come well for me that night. I kept tossing and turning all night, and when I looked at my phone, it was 2AM.

I had a raging boner, and something finally just snapped in me. I told myself, “Fuck it, I’m fucking that ass whether she likes it or not”.

I got out of bed, crept down the hall, and made my way to my mom’s bedroom…

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