My mom told me to not keep my window up, now I know why

I’m a male of thin build, long hair and a feminine like face. But when I was around 14 me and my parents moved to New York since we wanted to run a farm. during the summers it got hot very hot, but my mom would never let me keep my window up and after I kept it up one night she screwed it shut. Fortunately I had a Swiss army and unscrewed it, I’d close it before dark though, but one night it got too hot for me to handle, and I opened the window fully to let some air in. After a few minutes I heard a creaking than a loud snap and a crash I froze and looked at the window with my heart pounding. “The screening fell out, that’s all.” I thought to my self. Another few minutes went by and I found myself falling asleep. I never do remember my dreams but this one was different it was warm and colorful instead of cold and dark. And I recall seeing my crush he was holding my hand. But a tight grasp on my hip woke me and I saw a dark figure a tried to scream but he put a hand on my mouth and shushed me. After I tried to call for help he hit me, I’ve been in fights before but seeing the big man tower over me as a lie on my bed helpless with blood in my mouth made me feel weak, like I couldn’t do anything about it so I complied with his command. He undid his own pants and took out his cock, when I was 14 I was around 5 inches but his was almost twice the size, he slowly pushed into me and I let out a soft moan, he put a hand over my mouth and I could feel nervous he was to do this he was sweaty and shaking. As he was about to cum he pulled out and jerked off onto me, leaving a white stain on my shirt. As I got up to try and get his sperm off me he took a pen from his pocket and grabbed a sheet of paper off my dresser, he wrote something down, gave it to me and jumped out the window, leaving with a small wave. I went into the bathroom and spit the blood in my mouth out then read the note, it said “Your quite a beautiful little boy, and you have an excellent ass. Maybe you can visit me tomorrow?” As I went back to bed I quietly answered “yes” to his question.