My Mother, My Whore

Don’t call me your whore,call me Barbie so no one knows who you are talking about said my Mother putting her hand in her panties to play with herself

I was fifteen years old when my Father walked out on my Mother Kimberly and me and disappeared for ever ,we think with some woman he worked with, although none of his so called friends who came to visit my Mother after he left ,I assume with the hope of fucking a poor lonely woman seemed to know who she was or if they did they didn’t say.

I wouldn’t say my Mother was terribly upset, she got over it pretty quickly, they had to get married when she fell pregnant with me, she was only seventeen years old years old and he was her first real boyfriend . I don’t think there was ever a lot of love in the marriage. I heard my Mother talking to Anne a neighbor one day , outside the open kitchen window , my Mother said something along the lines of
” HE “meaning my Father ” did it to me last night, first time in weeks , he got his and didn’t give a damn about me as usual “.

Mother had a fairly decent job,doing medical billing from home and when the Corona Virus became a pandemic she was working 10 hours a day and making big bucks . The summer vacation from school started, and I spent most days at a friends house a few doors down from ours , Kenny and I we were both hoping to land a place at Uni the following year, and his folks were both out all day at work ,so we spent time studying and playing games on the computer . Then one day I ate lunch Kenny’s Mother left for us, l didn’t know it was like three days old , beef cooked in red wine sauce and it had been re heated several times over the weekend, oh God was I ill that night with food poisoning. It was like 24 hours later I asked my Mother to help me to the shower, I had been sick and sweating all night, I didn’t care that she helped me out of my underwear and tee shirt and turned the shower on and left the door open while I showered, that’s was how ill I still felt,I didn’t give a damn about anything, least of all her looking at me and helping me get dry, and as I sat in the chair as she changed the sheets I could see her panties as he bent over which at the time I didn’t give a hoot about.

The following weekend the weather was great and we decided we would go out for a while, everyone was locked up indoors unless they were essential workers,and we said if anyone asks were taking me to hospital,I have been ill all week. I love to drive after I passed my test I drove the car more than my Mother ever did, so we took some food and drinks and I drove 50 miles from home up around the Lakes and Mother had taken a bottle of wine for herself and with me driving she finished the last plastic glass full while we sat on the bank looking over an empty lake which in July should have been full of happy vacationers ,but thanks to CV-19 was empty of boats or people.

She laid down in the sun and was giggling, I said ” whats funny” and she said ” nothing “,and every time I said ” whats so funny” she would just laugh some more. I ended up rolling on top of her and grabbing hold of her wrists putting them above her head and saying ” tell me,tell me”. Looking at my Mother I realized I was getting a hard on, and I knew I should get off her but I didn’t. She stopped laughing and looked at me, ” I was just thinking about something” she said as I put my knee against her thigh and pushed her legs apart. She looked at me and didn’t laugh anymore, I realized I had gone to far, so I let go of her wrists and got off her. She didn’t move, her hands remained above her head and her legs stayed open. ” Can I asked you something Steven ” she said slowly . ” Sure” I said feeling awkward. ” Have you ever had sex with a girl ” she asked seriously. ” What a damn silly question for a Mother to ask her son ” I said, trying not to sound as stupid as I felt. ” Well have you” she asked me again ? ” No” I said, ” there now you know, so why did you ask” ? She laughed and said ” your big down there, bigger than your Father was” she said slowly rolling onto her side, ” I thought you were going to do something wicked to me when you got on me ” she said giggling ,before suddenly sitting up, then standing up she said ” Come on lets go ,I need another drink” and she grabbed her bag and headed for the car.

In the next small town she said ” pull over there’s a store open there” and she came out with a couple of bottles of wine and a six pack of coke and some chips and a tube of red plastic cups. ” Stop when you see a park or what ever I don’t want to go home it’s too early “she said. I went past the freeway which would have taken us home and went into the huge empty parking lot at the State Beach,another place that should have been busy at this time of year but was completely empty . I parked next to a wooden bench overlooking the beach and next to a sign that said NO ALCOHOL, NO OPEN FIRES ,NO OVER NIGHT CAMPING, Mother undid one of the bottles and filled a red cup with wine, ” put the bottle in the trunk” she said ” just in case anyone comes nosing around “, and when I came back from the car her cup was on the floor and she was laying on the bench. She said ” don’t sit on me ” and she was laughing ,and she said ” do you think I am pretty or just OK” . Now it was my turn to laugh, ” I said of course your pretty” and she put her arms under her breast and kind of lifted them up towards her chin . ” What about my body” she said, ” do you think I am sexy” ? ” Of course I do” I said,” what about your friends,do you think they think I am sexy ” she asked.

” Of course they do ,hell I almost got into a fight with Danny Watson one time, you know him the red haired kid with the big nose, he used to come round on his bike when ever he wanted Dad to fix something on it . ” ” I remember him, why did you did you almost fight with him” she said looking seriously at me. ” At school one day he was mouthing off about how when he had been at our place you were looking at him, and he said you wanted to lay on the floor and fuck him, he was just being a big mouth” . My Mother laughed , ” and what would you have done if he had ” she said giggling . I was standing next to her, my crotch was inches from her face. For the first time I looked at my Mother and realized she was still a young giggling girl,not my Mother telling me to pick my clothes up,or to eat my dinner. I had seen her almost naked a few times when she had just a bra and panties on , I had a spell where I would jack off of a night time thinking about her naked ,but that fantasy had disappeared when I discovered porn on the computer.

She was laughing ,” well what would you have done” she said again ,as I put my hand on my jeans zipper and pretended I was going to pull it down and I kind of pushed my crotch towards her. She gave out a little squeal, and her hand awkwardly turned to grab my hand and she pulled it away from my zip and undid the top button on my jeans before pulling the zip down. ” Get it out ” she said softly, and I looked at her face , breathing hard, I pulled my cock over the top of my underwear as I watched her right hand go up the front of her summer dress, and work it’s way into her panties, and I could feel myself almost feeling giddy . My cock was inches from her mouth ,I caught her looking into my eyes as she took hold of it ,opened her mouth and put the big purple head of my cock between her lips, half kissing, half licking it, and in the excitement I pushed and she kind of rubbed her teeth along my cock and I shouted “agghh”, she pulled her head away and said ” sorry , your too big”, but she was laughing like a hyena
As she was rubbing my cock up and down I looked at the other end of the parking lot, a good half a mile away as a car came in and started heading toward us. ” Stop “I said as I took my cock out of her hand and pushed it back in my underwear. ” Whats the matter” she asked ? ,” There is a car coming this way” I said as she lifted her head off the bench, but as she started to sit up the car stopped and we watched as a guy got out of the car and let his dog out of the back seat and they walked towards the beach. Mother laid her head back on the bench, she put two fingers of the hand she had been rubbing her pussy with into her mouth and started licking them, “I want to cum” she said throatily , and ignoring me for five minutes she worked her hand under her dress and in her panties ,while I spent half the time watching my Mother play with herself and half the time watching the ass hole that had a 1,000 miles of beach to walk on slowly head in our direction. The fact there was someone making a be line for us didn’t seem to effect my Mother, she suddenly was making meowing noises , and her hand was obviously rubbing her pussy quiet violently under her dress when suddenly she dug her heels into the bench and she lifted her butt into the air opened her mouth and said ” aaaagghhhhhh “. She was trying to bend her back as if she was trying to sit up, before she was gasping for air as she laid back down rolling her head from side to side, saying don’t look at me,and she was laughing a little bit, as she took her hand out of her panties and licked her fingers.

Sure enough the damn guy with the dog came over the top of a dune a hundred yards away,I turned my back towards him and did up my zip, as he shouted out ” lovely evening ” ,or some bloody rubbish, and I waved back,then under my breath whispered ” fuck off”. Mother sat up slowly ,we watched as the guy slowly drove away, ” I need to pee bad” she said looking around as if she expected to see a Ladies rest room suddenly appear like magic. ” Well then go” I said, and she looked at me and said “where”? I looked around over about 1,000 acres of sand and said ” anywhere where you want “.She looked around as if she was looking for the ideal spot to go, and I laughed, ” don’t laugh” she said ” and look the other way “. I stepped back and lent on the car, ” I am leaving in about 30 seconds” I said ” either go pee,or get in the car,or walk home,I don’t care ” I said laughing. I watched as my Mother stood up and pulled her panties down to her knees she sat down o the bench and pulled them off completely and she threw them at me. I watched as she walked a few paces away behind the bench, she turned and looked at me, laughing she said ” stop looking” and I pretended to look away.

Looking back I watched as she squatted down,and then I took off running until I ran past her and stopped .She was holding her dress up all around and I could see her hair pussy as the stream of pee seemed to go on for ages. ” Get me a tissue from the car you pervert” said my Mother pretending she was angry , ” I don’t believe you watched me pee” she said as I went and got her a tissue. I watched as she wiped herself and she threw the tissue and her empty cup into the trash can a few feet away. got back behind the wheel and picked my Mothers panties up and threw them in the back seat. My Mother came and got in the car,closing the door. I pulled away and she sat in silence until we left the huge parking lot and got on the road heading for home . ” Stephen” she said softly, ” you must never tell anyone about today you know that don’t you” ? “Of course I do” I said.” don’t worry about it ,it’s just our little secret, and anyway I wouldn’t want anyone else to know what a sexy whore I have for a Mother” “WHORE” she said loudly, ” is that what I am to you ” she said laughing, I said ” well I can’t exactly call you Mother after this evening can I ,I have to have a pet name for you” I said laughing,” so if you don’t like being my whore then what do you want me to call you” I said ? She didn’t answer at first then she said
” whore makes me sound cheap you could call me Barbie then no one would ever know who you were talking about “she said laughing.

Nothing else was said that evening, we had snack dinner,sat watching tv and at about 10 o clock I went and had a shower and sat in my bedroom watching porn on my laptop, I heard my Mother go in the shower and when she came out, I walked along the landing and into her bedroom naked and with a hard on that needed relieving big time. She turned and looked at me when I entered her bedroom,her eyes opened wide as she looked at my cock. Neither of us said anything I went over and taking hold of her tits I started sucking her nipples and as she pulled away from me she said , “are you going to hurt me ,are you going to punish me “,and I could see her whole body shake . “I think you need punishing don’t you” I said softly as I took hold of the back of her hair and pulled her towards me “.Yes yes,yes” she said several times , “I need punishing , I have been naughty, punish me , punish me for being naughty” she said as I felt her go weak in my arms.

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