My Naked Sisters And I Part 2

Continuation Of When My Naked Sisters And I Had Sex As Well As My First Experience With “Cock Fucking” or “Urethral Fucking”, AKA Urethral Sounding!

While worried about the implications might be of our debauched sexual dalliance, for now I sat on the ground of my living room floor while my Older And Youngest Sister sat on the couch, our eyes glued to the television screen.
I remember one half our had passed since our sexual encounter because we had finished one cartoon program and even after that my genitals were still throbbing hot, so much so that it began to feel uncomfortable and so without further ado, I slid my pajama pants off my legs so that I could examine myself.
My penis had returned to his hardened state and he was a bright red as well as my scrotum and my pubis, the throbbing heat now obvious of where it came from.
My Sisters saw what I was doing and almost in unison, they too pulled down their pajama pants and spread their legs so I too could see their genitals.
Examining their own privates, I could see that their genitals looked red, inflamed and slightly swollen too, with looks of discomfort on both my Older And Youngest Sister’s faces.
My Oldest Sister suggested we go outside and cool off in the hose and sprinkler and with I and my Youngest Sister agreeing, we all once again shed our pajama tops and went outside into our backyard completely butt naked, as the day we left our Mother’s womb!
Being noon in the Summer it had gotten very hot and so it was a relief to once again be completely butt naked and we had no worries about being naked because one, our parents wouldn’t be home till about seven or so, and two, because all the surrounding houses in our neighborhood were one story and our fence was tall enough that no one would be able to peer in at us, which fences were pretty much used for.
Anyway, I sat naked on the grass which felt surprisingly cool on my bare bottom while my Youngest Sister stood eagerly next to me as we watched Older Sister unravel the hose from its spool.
She then twisted the head off so that only the hose end was on it and after that she turned on the hose so that a flood of water poured from the open end.
Turning the hose on herself first, Older Sister let the pouring water wash over her enflamed vagina but quickly pulled it away with a shouting giggle as the cold was initially too much for her.
Then she she did it again and again each time quickly pulling away the cold water with more giggling shouts.
Youngest Sister and I watched with amusement, giggling ourselves as we watched our Older Sister letting the cold hose water wash over her vagina and after Older Sister seemed satisfied that the inflammation on her vagina had gone away she handed the pouring hose to my Youngest Sister.
Youngest Sister did the same thing, letting the cold hose water pour onto her vagina and like Older Sister, she let out a squealing giggle whenever the cold water poured onto her vagina causing her to quickly remove the water off of her vagina in a quick movement!
Again like my Older Sister, my Youngest Sister did this several times until she was satisfied the inflammation had gone down and once that happened it was my turn to get those and with that Youngest Sister handed the hose to me.
As I let the cold water fall onto my throbbing hot genitals, it immediately overwhelmed what throbbing heat I had between my legs replacing it with a rushing cold pressure as the flowing water gave my genitals a slight what I would call pounding sensation which was accompanied by the cold!
This immediately made me utter my own squealing cry and I took the water away from my genitals causing both I and my Sisters to giggle and like my Sisters, I would pour the cold hose water over my genitals over and over again, squealing with trepidation as I quickly removed the water off of my genitals, until I the intense hot throbbing heat from my genitals was no more.
When this was finished, Older Sister suggested we hook the sprinkler up so her and Youngest Sister could run and jump through it naked and so next to the hose housing was the fan style sprinkler which Older Sister brought to the center of the yard before attaching the hose to it.
She then switched the sprinkler on and a fan of water erupted and began to sway to one side and then the other.
Then, for who knows how long, I watched excitedly and happily as my Older Sister and Younger Sister pranced, danced, and jumped through the fan of water squealing, giggling, and shrieking as they did.
I couldn’t help but admire and stare at both my sister’s wet naked bodies as they frolicked in the sprinkler because while both of them were different because of their age and size, each had exciting and interesting qualities about their naked bodies.
For Older Sister, when she jumped naked through the sprinkler, it was always fun to look at her vagina between her spread legs, but to me the more interesting aspect of her naked body was her large, round, tight, ass where the flesh would jiggle with each leap.
I found myself drawn to this jiggling flesh every time Older Sister would jump and this was my amusement.
For my Youngest Sister, she was obviously smaller than Older Sister and skinnier too which meant that she didn’t have a lot of soft parts for much jiggling and so when she jumped, I focused on that ever so tiny, smooth, wet, tight, coinslot looking, six year old vagina between her legs.
Granted Younger Sister’s butt was just as cute, tight, and round as Older Sister’s butt, BUT she was smaller and in all honesty firmer and so there was not much room for jiggling.
Neither of them had any boobies either so I couldn’t find any enjoyment in watching their non existing boobies flop, jiggle, and bounce around either.
After watching my naked sisters dance and frolic freely in their birthday suits in the sprinkler I suddenly had the urge to pee as between my legs an acidic pressure built that wasn’t the hot throbbing excitement from seeing my Sisters naked though that had returned watching them play naked in the sprinkler.
I alerted my Older Sister to my predicament and with that her and Youngest Sister immediately stopped playing in the sprinkler and turned it off before Oldest Sister ran back into the house, completely naked and wet mind you.
If you remember, I mentioned my disability where I couldn’t walk, well that disability also meant I couldn’t urinate like a normal person either, and so I had to use an intermittent catheter to relieve my bladder.
Because I was only seven years old at the time I didn’t quite have the grasp of cathing myself and so either my parents or someone who was qualified had to do it for me.
Older Sister had watched my parents cath me enough times that she could do it herself and in no time my still completely naked and completely wet sister emerged into the backyard, holding a urinal as well as a catheter, and some lubricant jelly.
Lying back with my legs spread, Older Sister sat on her knees between my legs where she dutifully opened the catheter and the lubricant packet which she then stuck the insertion point of the catheter into before removing it.
She then stuck the nozzle part into the urinal part and held my small hardened penis at the base with her fingers causing me to exhale sharply at feeling the warm, lush, fleshy pressure on my penis.
Older Sister than began to insert the catheter into the head of my penis, in my urethra and continued feeding the catheter into my penis until there was some slight resistance with a sensation of a slight spasm which I now recognize as the catheter going through my prostate into my bladder, and then the rushing relief I felt followed by the sight of urine flowing into the urinal which meant the catheter was doing its thing.
Because intermittent cathing was an every day thing, multiple times a day, I had gotten used to it to the point I really didn’t feel when the catheter was inserted into my penis, except when it passed my prostate to get to my bladder, other than that it was just a normal every day thing that was part of being disabled.
I remember Youngest Sister standing beside us and watching as my Older Sister cathed me, a look of indifference on her face.
She had seen this process too and so it didn’t faze her.
In fact as she continued to watch Older Sister cath me, Younger Sister took it upon herself to spread her legs and squat down slightly before both Older Sister and I watched as a yellow stream leaked from between Younger Sister’s legs onto the grass beneath her.
The sight and sound made all three of us giggle and it was about that time that my own urine flow had stopped and so with that my Older Sister gently withdrew the catheter from my penis letting the excess urine from the catheter drop onto the grass before taking the urinal inside to properly dispose of and clean it.
When she came back out she was obviously still completely naked and she sat on the grass with Youngest Sister and I.
I was still lying on my back, the cool grass feeling good on my naked body and noticed my penis was still fully hard and pointing at the sky, continuously twitching.
This made Older Sister and Youngest Sister giggle and casually they began to play with my penis by pushing him back against my pubis with one finger before releasing him so that he sprang right back up to attention pointing at the sky causing both I and my Sisters to giggle.
There was a slight fleshy warm pressure from when Older Sister and Youngest Sister would touch my penis and push him back against my pubis but nothing to exciting and that’s when Older Sister got a huge mischievous grin on her face and wondered what objects would fit inside my penis like my catheter had.
Now because I was cathed every single day of my life multiple times I didn’t think much of this and even agreed to it with a giggle and so did my Youngest Sister and so for the next several minutes both my Youngest and Older Sister when on a scavenger hunt to see what they could put inside of my penis.
Youngest Sister searched outside whilst Older Sister searched inside.
Youngest Sister had found a twig that looked small and smooth enough to fit inside of my penis without hurting me but thankfully, Older Sister had found a long thin piece of somewhat flexible plastic, something that was part of an accessory to one of Younger Sister’s toys or something and thankfully Older Sister had enough sense to let Younger Sister know that the twig would probably break off inside my urethra (a horrific thought on its own) and so we rightfully discarded the twig, deciding on going with the piece of long pink plastic which happened to have a slight bulb on the end of it.
We all figured it was thin, flexible and smooth enough to be stuck inside my urethra without hurting me and it was certainly long enough so with our minds made up, my still completely naked Older Sister went back into the house to retrieve yet another packet of lubricant, the same lubricant which was used to lube up my catheters, to lube up the piece of plastic which my Older Sister had found,
So lying on my back with my legs spread, I watched with anticipation as my Older Sister knelt in front of me and dutifully lubed the bulb part of the long piece of pink plastic she found.
When satisfied there was enough lube she once again took the base of my penis in her fingers causing me to lick my lips at once again feeling the warm smooth fleshy slight pressure.
Then without further ado, my Older Sister braced the bulb end of the long piece of pink plastic against my urethral hole in the center of my penis and began to insert it.
What followed was an immediate tense reaction for as soon as I felt the plastic bulb slide into my urethra I panicked, one because unlike a catheter which was flexible the plastic was firmer and two, because the resulting sensation was one of intense throbbing firm pressure of having that plastic bulb slide down my urethra which only got more intense as it finally reached my prostate which then caused the sensation to go from a throbbing one to a spasming one!
Feeling this, I immediately began screaming and trying to sit up in order to take the plastic out of me but an aggravated Older Sister immediately ordered Youngest Sister to hold me down and cover my mouth which she did with an excited look on her face!
As for Older Sister, she sat on my legs, keeping them in place so I couldn’t shift what little I could of my lower body.
From there I simply let out muffled screams as my Youngest Sister’s hand covered my whilst simultaneously trying to control my arms and hold me down.
The plastic in my urethra was now stinging me for my Older Sister was seeing how far the plastic would go into my urethra and after reaching my prostate it had reached my bladder and that was what was causing the stinging!
Yet curiosity seemed to be my Older Sister’s only goal for as soon as she could not push the blasted piece of plastic farther into my urethra she told me she was withdrawing the piece of plastic and so calming down I winced and clenched the grass as I felt the piece of plastic being withdrawn from my urethra.
My seven year old mind thought the worst but after seeing there was no blood on the plastic I calmed down though I was still pretty shook up on my genitals did sting.
I now know what my Older Sister had done to me was Urethral Sounding or if you wanna be vulgar about it “Cock Fucking” or “Urethral Fucking” which was basically masturbating a man through his urethra and when done right could be the most pleasurably intense thing for him.
As I grew older and researched this fact it was even said that the only way to directly pleasure a man’s prostate was through his urethra though many people only suspected it was through the anus or perineum.
Having experienced “Cock Fucking, “Urethral Fucking, or if you wanna use the proper term Urethral Sounding I have no doubt that it is in fact the urethra that you wanna go through if you wanna experience the ultimate in prostate stimulation.
Well after my Older Sister’s curiosity was sated she let me go as did my Youngest Sister and I was left to pout on the grass for a few moments before we all decided to go back inside.
We dried off our naked bodies and still choosing to be completely naked we decided to have a snack or rather my Sisters did while I still sat pouting on the living room floor with a bag of frozen vegetables on my genitals.
This time the cold wasn’t too much and actually helped the stinging of my genitals and so I was in no rush to take the frozen veggies off of my genitals until I was sure the stinging was gone.
As for my Sisters they sucked on popsicles and sat back down on the couch, still naked mind you, with their legs spread as wide as they would go in a carefree manner, to show their small, tight, smooth, coinslot shaped vaginas which didn’t look inflamed anymore.
After some time the frozen veggies began to defrost and at that time the stinging sensation from being raped in my urethra went away and so I took away the veggies from my genitals though I still kept my legs spread to examine the damage done to my precious penis.
Obviously, he was no longer in a hardened state but he was still red, probably from the cold of the icy veggies on him.
Nevertheless I felt better and sat staring at my Sisters still sucking on their popsicles.
Older Sister offered me one but I declined, and then she asked how my penis felt and I told her he was fine.
It was then without warning that while still sucking on their popsicles, my naked Older and Youngest Sisters got up from the couch and approached me before kneeling down next to me before all of a sudden, Older Sister poked me in the nipple with her popsicle which made me yelp at the sudden tingling cold of the frozen treat on my nipple while also still giggling and covering my hands with my chest.
Older Sister and Younger Sister giggled too and as I rubbed the cold from one nipple Youngest Sister poked me in the other nipple with HER popsicle causing me to utter another surprised yelp before trying to rub the cold from my nipple.
Older Sister than gently pushed me onto my back against the floor and without further ado began to poke my scrotum and my penis with her popsicle causing me to yelp and giggle before placing my hands on my cold genitals to which I would then remove them and them my Youngest Sister would do the same repeating the process over again.
This went on for a minute, until my nipples, genitals, and hands became a multi colored sticky mess from my Sisters poking me with their popsicles melted by their saliva in my vulnerable areas.
Once their popsicles were gone all that was left were their colored mouths, the popsicle sticks and the sticky, sugary mess upon my naked body especially my genitals!
I figured I’d have to take a bath but then without further ado, my Older and Youngest Sister went to work actually sucking and licking my fingers and the palms of my hands to get the stickiness off.
I actually found myself smiling and laughing at the slimy smooth soft fleshy textures of my Sister’s lips working on my fingers and hands to get the stickiness off.
Because Youngest Sister’s tongue was smaller her licks were softer while my Older Sister had stronger licks.
When the sugary mess was licked off of my fingers and hand my Sisters immediately went to work sucking and licking the popsicle mess off of my nipples!
Now I had never had my nipples licked or sucked and I had to admit it was an interesting and rather fun experience.
The texture of my Sisters smooth fleshy warm slimy tongues lapping on my nipple, coupled with the sucking sensation of their nipples, which was then triangulated with the natural reaction of my nipples nerves TINGLING at the touch of my Sisters tongue’s and lips on them and while I squirmed and giggled I made no move to make my Sisters stop sucking my nipples and instead let them suck them until all the popsicle drippings came off!
When my nipples were clean and somewhat sore from the intense sucking of both my Sisters I couldn’t help but feel excited and lick my lips whilst my heartbeat raced but then something I never thought possible happened as Older Sister and Younger Sister turned their attention to my penis.
Like my nipples and fingers he was coated in the stickiness from their popsicles and so without a word both Older and Youngest Sister went to work cleaning the popsicle drippings from my penis and scrotum with their tongues!
At first they took turns taking deep licking strokes of my scrotum and penis that sometimes started from my scrotum and reached to the head of my penis!
What resulted was an intense tingling fleshy lush licking pressure similar to what I felt when my nipples were sucked and licked only in my penis and scrotum which was repeated over and over by my Sisters eagerly licking tongues.
I didn’t think they were doing it for pleasure because they didn’t look at me as they licked my penis however they did giggle at each other as they licked me.
Then they doubled their efforts by SIMULTANEOUSLY licking my penis with their tongues at the same time and I couldn’t take my eyes off of them as they both treated my penis like their own popsicle, their fleshy pink tongues stroking up and down the length of my scrotum and penis.
Furthermore, unlike the crushing weight of my Oldest Sister’s naked body grinding my pelvis into mulch earlier in the morning, this new sensation I was feeling actually felt GREAT and I didn’t want it to stop!
Yet if I thought the act of having my penis licked was wonderful I had yet to experience my penis being SUCKED on, however, sure enough, my Sisters realized this, or rather, thought that it’d be easier to get the popsicle drippings off my penis by sucking on him and so without being told, Older Sister enveloped the small length of my penis into her mouth and began to suck away!
It wasn’t the typical up and down motion you’d might think of having your penis sucked on but rather my sister holding the small length of my penis in her mouth and using her cheeks to suck off the popsicle juice as well as using her tongue to simultaneously clean me off as well!
On top of this, my Youngest Sister went to work sucking on the lose skin of my scrotum where she also used her cheeks and tongue to clean off what popsicle drippings were there.
All this created an intense plethora of deep sucking, tingling, licking, slimy, hot, fleshy pressurized sensation that in all honesty overwhelmed me, especially it being my first time.
I found myself making small mewling noises while placing my hands on my Sisters backs and squirming underneath them though they held me in place by keeping their hands on my thighs to steady themselves.
Eventually I just gave up however and lied back, once again making the ceiling my visual focus whilst my hands pressed at the floor underneath.
At some point I gasped as I was aware of Older Sister and Youngest Sister switching so that Older Sister could suck on my scrotum while Youngest Sister sucked on my penis.
I took a moment to watch Youngest Sister suck me off and like Older Sister she didn’t move her lips up and down like I would come to know what was considered a normal blowjob and instead Youngest Sister just kept my penis in her mouth as she sucked with her cheeks and licked with her tongue.
There was a HUGE difference in the strength of Youngest Sister’s sucking compared to Older Sister’s but it was still nonetheless intense and again I found myself staring at the ceiling.
However, it seemed before I could get used to the sucking and licking assault on my genitals both my Youngest Sister and Older Sister got bored and stopped sucking on me.
I continued lying on the floor however, trying to catch my breath, just staring up at the ceiling, color blotches clouding my vision before I managed to lift my head and look up at my Sisters who were still sitting on either side of me blank, indifferent looks on their faces.
Between my legs, the popsicle drippings were completely cleaned only leaving my bare red naked throbbing penis which still pointed at the ceiling and twitched for attention!
Looking back at my Sisters I felt something come over me and something I had never felt for them before as I sat up to look Older Sister directly in the eyes before hugging her sweaty smooth soft naked flesh.
“I love you.” I said breathlessly to which I then felt small smooth bare arms wrap around me and a small bare smooth torso press into me.
“I love you brother.” Youngest Sister’s soft voice came,
I hugged her back and we all giggled, but then as if nothing happened we all got onto the couch so we could watch television, however Youngest Sister held my hand which was nice.
I remember as all three of us watched television, still completely naked and glancing at both my sisters wondering if anything more would happen, and secretly WISHING for it, but nothing did.
Instead I had to sit with an uncomfortably hard penis until the T.V. we watched distracted me from it.
We must’ve lost track of time because eventually we heard the tell tale click of the door opening signaling that one of our parents were finally home and so scrambling we were able to get our naked bodies dressed before what turned out to be our mom entered the living room.
And that was the first time I had sex with my naked sisters.
We spent June and July and most of August in that house before our parents divorced and we moved away from there, but that Summer held A LOT of sexual experiences for I and my Sisters if you’d all be interested in reading those. Thank you.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅