My Naked Sisters And I Part 4

The events described happened over a three day period of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This particular event happened on Friday and sets up the action

When I awoke the next morning I was lying straight on my back.

I immediately noticed that between my legs my small seven year old penis was hard as usual and pointing up at the ceiling while twitching and throbbing away wildly. The head of my penis was actually unsheathed from my foreskin and bright red as he stood to attention.

Exhaling, I remember looking to my right to see my Older Sister sleeping on her side facing away from me and on my left I was aware of my Youngest Sister also sleeping on her side but facing towards me. I could tell because I could feel her sleeping exhalations on my cheek.

Because the covers were still off of us, I could see a perfect, Class A view of my Older Sister’s round, full, plump, tight fleshy naked ass which made me smile mischievously before I reached out and grabbed a handful of the soft, tight warm, smooth ass flesh belonging to my Older Sister which caused an immediate reaction as she groaned tiredly and turned towards me, looking at me with slightly irritated eyes.

“Dork.” She mumbled but I simply ignored her insult as I then pinched one of my Older Sister’s tiny yet diamond hard brown nipples which stared me right in the eye.

Older Sister let out an irritated protest in response to my teasing touch and in response tweaked my nipple which I responded by giggling and covering my nipples with my hands.

I then heard and innocent giggle from my left and I knew Youngest Sister was up, especially when she joined in on the fun by first tweaking my other nipple which made me giggle and rub my nipples again before she then went to work playing with my penis by squeezing him and wiggling him from side to side.

Older Sister did the same, gently squeezing the head of my penis before wiggling him around too and my Sisters even took turns touching and playing with my scrotum.

I then returned the favor by touching between their legs with quick rubs and massages whilst also playing with their nipples which they let me do without protest.

After probably half an hour of lazily playing with each other’s genitals, nature called to all of us and so we all went into the bathroom and did our business.

Once that was out of the way we got into the bathtub and started the shower.

I and my Sisters liked baths but we also liked showers too and so what we would do was that we would plug up the bathtub and let the shower fill up the bath though it took longer, however we didn’t care because that meant it would give I and my Sisters more time to play around naked with each other with this morning being no different as I And My Naked Sisters climbed into the tub before Older Sister plugged the drain, took the shower head off of its holder and started it before she started watering her naked body.

First she let the shower water cascade over her head which then flowed down her torso, but then she smiled as she took the shower head, used her index and middle finger to gently spread apart her coinslot shaped vaginal lips, and let the water cascade over the inner pink flesh of her vagina which caused Older Sister, I, and Youngest Sister to giggle.

Older Sister then turned around and let the shower water cascade over her round fleshy smooth tight ass, jiggling her from side to side and up and down causing all of us to laugh again. It even provoked Youngest Sister and I to grope our Older Sister’s butt cheeks simultaneously and in turns to which Older Sister would yelp in surprise but then giggle as she turned the shower head on us causing us to exclaim in surprise but laugh.

When Older Sister was done showering herself she turned the shower head on my Youngest Sister with Youngest Sister leaning slightly back and using both hands to gently spread apart her coinslot shaped vaginal lips so that the warm shower water could spray her inner pink vaginal parts causing another round of giggles between the three of us.

When this was over, Youngest Sister turned around and actually spread her butt cheeks apart so that we could not only see her tiny round tight fleshy lush butt cheeks but her tiny puckered asshole!

After making some jokes and letting the shower run over my Youngest Sister’s bare bottom with Older Sister and I taking turns and groping Youngest Sister’s tight soft fleshy warm slippery bare butt it was my turn and so getting on my hands and knees, Older Sister let the warm water cascade over my butt where my Sisters gently spread my butt cheeks to look at my own tiny puckered butthole before they gave me playful gropes and spanks which made me yelp and giggle with them yelping and giggling as well.

This is when Older Sister turned off the water and we began to wash each other’s naked bodies.

Taking the body wash, Older Sister squirted some into her hand and began to lather her naked body all over, starting with her face and then her torso and then between her legs which she made a show of by leaning slightly back and rubbing between her legs while gently opening her vagina and washing her inner lips causing all three of us to giggle and to help wash our sister we all took playful rubs between her legs causing more giggles.

Older Sister than turned around showing us her wonderfully smooth, round, tight, fleshy backside and again she rubbed the body wash in circles around her ass which we helped with which caused another round of giggles from the three of us.

It was then Youngest Sister’s turn as Older Sister put more body wash on her hand and went to work rubbing down Youngest Sister’s naked body where she made it a show to play with her nipples causing Youngest Sister to startle but then laugh and then moving down to between her legs where both Youngest Sister and Older Sister went to work washing Youngest Sister’s vagina by both rubbing their soapy hands vigorously between Youngest Sister’s legs.

Older Sister than turned Youngest Sister around, affording me a great view of Youngest Sister’s ass which both Older Sister and Youngest Sister also vigorously rubbed until Youngest Sister’s ass was nice and soapy!

Finally it was my turn and both Youngest Sister and Older Sister crouched on either side of me, Older Sister squirting more body wash into her hand before her and Youngest Sister went to work not only washing my genitals but my ass as well.

The tight simultaneous fleshy wet soapy rubbing pressure I felt from my Older Sister and Younger Sister’s hands on my genitals made the nerves within stir, throb, and tingle as if I were having my nipples played with only it was in my damn penis and the sensation had me staring down wide eyed in excitement until my Sisters were satisfied that my genitals were soaped up enough.

With our wet naked bodies covered in a layer of filmy soapy body wash we decided we were clean enough and so Older Sister quickly rinsed us off.

Older Sister reminded us that Oldest Sister would be here to pick us up at noon and so we had to be dressed and packed by then.

Youngest Sister had different ideas however as she escaped from the bathroom where she immediately began to run around the house completely naked, her small tight, six year old naked body still dripping wet!

A frustrated Older Sister gave chase and soon I was in for a show as I watched my Older Sister, who was also completely butt naked and dripping wet, run after my Younger Sister who was obviously still completely butt naked and dripping wet.

I couldn’t help but laugh excitedly as naked Younger Sister shrieked and laughed excitedly while flapping her arms up and down trying to avoid Older Sister who was also completely butt naked and trying to grab her so they could get dressed.

I found that when Older Sister ran her butt jiggled and I couldn’t help but focus on that.

Eventually Younger Sister tired out and ran back to the room where Older Sister finally caught her.

It turned into a tickle fight where we took glancing tickles under each other’s arms and then that lead to us playfully touching our genitals, nipples, and butts again.

But once that was over we FINALLY got dressed and packed what clothes we thought we might need for our Oldest Sister’s for the weekend.

When we were done, we still had a couple of hours to kill and with that we went into the living room to watch T.V. for a couple hours. Surprisingly, everyone behaved themselves and kept their clothes on and in what seemed like no time, a knock was on our door signaling that our Oldest Sister had arrived to pick us up and so gathering our back packs which had our stuff in them we greeted Oldest Sister and hugged her and loaded into her car.

Oldest Sister had a small house which my parents helped paid for and one of those large round inflatable above ground pools which I and my Sisters absolutely LOVED!

At only 19, Oldest Sister was still going to college and didn’t have a lot of money to take us places but we were perfectly happy spending the day at her place in the pool if need be and when we got to her house that’s exactly what Oldest Sister suggested and so without further ado, both I and my Sisters began to strip naked while giggling much to Oldest Sister’s alarm.

She wondered where our bathing suits were but we told her, giggling, that we didn’t pack any because we played in the water naked at our house and while slightly irritated, Oldest Sister had no energy to argue with us and let us go swimming and so not wasting any time, I, Older Sister, and Youngest Sister scampered into Oldest Sister’s backyard where we all got into the cold water of the large inflatable pool.

Width wise, it was a good size pool as well as height wise, but it wasn’t so tall that I couldn’t get in and all I had to do was position my wheelchair next to it before transferring my naked ass into the water.

Youngest Sister and Oldest Sister got in before me and we spent the next few minutes enjoying the cold water enveloping our young naked bodies while also playing around by splashing each other and taking turns holding our breaths underwater.

But then Oldest Sister came out wearing nothing but a yellow bikini with pink flowers on it, and I immediately stopped playing getting on my knees to look over the edge of the inflatable pool to watch as my bikini clad Oldest Sister laid down a towel on one of her lawn chairs before reclining in it as she began to read a magazine, sunglasses shielding her eyes from the already blaring sun.

Memories of seeing Oldest Sister naked when I was younger came flooding back to me especially those incredibly large fat round full plump tanned boobies complete with hard brown nipples and areolas.

I had stopped seeing her naked after she moved out BUT Oldest Sister and I still continued to cuddle when she came over, obviously because she loved me so much.

Why wouldn’t this be any different and so mustering up the courage I excitedly asked Oldest Sister if I could cuddle with her to which she looked up from her magazine and gratefully said YES much to my delighted excitement and so in my foolish excitement I attempted to scramble out of the pool but Oldest Sister was already on her feet and grabbed me underneath the arms before wrapping a warm smooth arm underneath my bare rump and wrapping another smooth warm arm around my back to steady me.

Oldest Sister then carried me back to her pool chair where she reclined again only this time, my small seven year old frame was lying prone on top of hers.

With a sigh, Oldest Sister gave the top of my head a quick kiss and my bare bum a quick playful pat which caused both of us to giggle. I could’ve cared less what my other Sisters were doing at this point because the only thing that mattered to me was I was cuddling my Oldest Sister.

I let my face rest against the warm soft fabric of Oldest Sister’s bikini top which was cushioned underneath by the pillowy flesh of one of Oldest Sister’s fat round full plump smooth soft fleshy breast.

My hands were resting above my face on the bare tops of Oldest Sister’s soft smooth fleshy lush sweaty boobies which she let me keep on her.

Me groping my Oldest Sister’s boobies was nothing new for as far as I could remember when Oldest Sister and I cuddled my hands would rest and even EXPLORE my Oldest Sister’s boobies rubbing and squeezing which Oldest Sister would dismiss as innocent child curiosity.

Despite the intimate close contact I had with my Oldest Sister, I strangely found myself more relaxed than excited, so much so to the point I actually felt like I could fall asleep, between Oldest Sister’s soft flesh, my face resting on her clothed boob, her gentle breathing, the warm air and even Oldest Sister’s hypnotic stroking of my back and head (she had put down her magazine to pay attention to me) all contributed to some serious comfort I had not felt in a while.

But all of a sudden, that hypnotic comfort I was getting used to was shattered as Oldest Sister gave a surprised yelp and bolted upright with me still in her arms which in turn snapped me out of my trance as I thought I was in danger.

Immediately, I was placed on the lawn chair next to Oldest Sister’s where I then watched as Oldest Sister was grappling with Older And Younger Sister, who had both grabbed hold of Oldest Sister’s bikini and were trying to rip it off her naked body while cackling maniacally!

Youngest Sister had undone the right string of Oldest Sister’s bikini bottoms and was trying to pull them off in the same direction she had undone them.

Older Sister had undone the right string of Oldest Sister’s bikini top and was trying to pull them off in the same direction Youngest Sister was.

A furious Oldest Sister was trying to keep her big boobies from spilling out while also holding onto her bikini top with her left hand and arm while also trying to keep her bikini bottoms from being pulled out from underneath her with her right hand.

Oldest Sister was obviously stronger and could’ve pulled her bikini strings back towards her but before she could, Older Sister’s quick thinking allowed her to reach over to Oldest Sister’s back where she undid the string holding Oldest Sister’s bikini top together which instinctively made Oldest Sister panic and drop her guard so that she looked behind her!

This gave Older Sister the opportunity she needed to do the final steps in reaching over to Oldest Sister’s other shoulder and finally freeing the bikini from Oldest Sister’s incredibly large fat round full plump fleshy lush boobies!

As the bikini top fell away from Oldest Sister’s boobies and Older Sister ran away with it like a prize high above her head, giggling and cackling like a maniac while still completely butt naked and dripping wet, I once again got to see Oldest Sister’s boobies for the briefest of moments before she covered them in a panic with both her hands!

This however opened up Youngest Sister to take her bikini bottoms and quickly my Youngest Sister used her other hand to grab hold of the other side of Oldest Sister’s bikini bottoms before sliding them off and like Older Sister, running away them high above her head, cackling and shrieking excitedly as she did, bare ass, butt naked and dripping wet!

For the briefest of moments I got to see between Oldest Sister’s legs!

What was once a mound of hair was now a bald pair of fleshy lips unlike anything I had ever seen before because Oldest Sister didn’t have a coinslot shape like Older Sister or Younger Sister, but instead it looked as if Oldest Sister had a pair of fleshy lips between her legs.

But it was only the briefest of glances as Oldest Sister yelped and placed her hand between her legs before bolting to her feet and giving chase to both my Youngest and Older Sister in order to try and get her bikini back!

If I thought Older Sister had a big ass than I knew nothing about Oldest Sister’s ass, for while she was still tight, she was rounder plumper, and fleshier than Older Sister’s and like Older Sister’s, she swayed and jiggled this way and that as she gave chase to reclaim her bikini from my naked Sisters!

It was quite a sight for in the beginning, Oldest Sister tried to keep her hands covering her genitals as well as her fat round full plump smooth soft fleshy lush boobies with only her round tight fleshy lush smooth plump ass jiggling and swaying with each movement the only intimate naked part I could see of my Oldest Sister!

But as her frustration grew at trying to either catch my other naked Sisters or the articles of clothing they were carrying, or both for that matter, Oldest Sister would go from keeping her hand between her legs and holding onto her great big fat round full plump smooth soft fleshy lush boobies to finally releasing her hands from her boobs and between her legs so that she could run after my other naked Sisters more freely!

This allowed me to see my Oldest Sister completely naked with her large round full plump smooth soft fleshy lush boobies bouncing and jiggling in every direction as well as her tight round full plump smooth fleshy ass! On top of this, I would also be able to see Oldest Sister’s fleshy vagina when she moved a certain way or at a certain angle.

So now, put yourself in my place.

I’m completely naked, sitting on a lawn chair, my eyes wide with excitement as between my legs my small penis is pointing straight up at the sky, hot and throbbing, as I watch all three of my Sisters run around COMPLETELY BUTT NAKED as my Oldest Sister desperately tries to get her bikini from my Youngest And Older Sisters!

Because Oldest Sister had now changed her tactics and was now able to run after my other Sisters more freely, her naked body not concerning her anymore, she was able to gain on them much faster now, and she closed in my Older Sister who still had her bikini top.

But just as Oldest Sister was about to grab Older Sister, Older Sister screamed and threw Oldest Sister’s bikini top over the fence!

This caused the chase to immediately stop and Oldest Sister stared open mouth at the area where she watched her bikini top disappear! Older Sister stopped with her mouth agape as well, wondering what type of ass whooping she might bring down on her but then Youngest Sister broke the shocked silence by sneaking up behind Oldest Sister and SHOVING HER HAND BETWEEN OLDEST SISTER’S LEGS from behind!

I didn’t know if Youngest Sister’s hand actually penetrated inside of Oldest Sister’s vagina but I do know that Oldest Sister suddenly yelped and jumped before turning around and facing Youngest Sister with a wide mouthed look of shock.

Youngest Sister simply stood there, recoiling, still holding Oldest Sister’s bikini bottoms, and with a maniacal giggling look on her face.

It looked as if Youngest Sister would be facing an ass whooping but before Oldest Sister could take action, Older Sister saved Youngest Sister by grabbing a firm hold of both of Oldest Sister’s ass cheeks causing Oldest Sister to once again shout before she angrily growled and gave chase after my naked Sisters again!

She once again pursued Older Sister but then gave chase to Youngest Sister again as Youngest Sister managed to land a playful spank on her left buttock; but once again as Oldest Sister was about to catch Youngest Sister, Youngest Sister threw Oldest Sister’s bikini bottoms over the fence meaning Oldest Sister wasn’t getting her bikini back anytime soon.

Time seemed to stand still as Youngest Sister looked fearful and cowered in front of my Oldest Sister who was staring wide eyed and open mouthed at where her bikini bottoms had disappeared. Meanwhile my Older Sister was behind Oldest Sister with a worried expression.

As for me I simply sat wide eyed and opened mouth as well wondering what the hell was gonna happen next.

But then time resumed and a furious Oldest Sister grabbed my Youngest Sister under her arms and pulled her small naked body towards her before bracing Youngest Sister’s naked body against her hip with Oldest Sister supporting Youngest Sister by cradling her small bare butt on her arm.

Youngest Sister held on fearfully wrapping her arms around Oldest Sister’s bare shoulders as Oldest Sister rounded on Older Sister and grabbed her shoulder before shoving her back in the direction of the house.

It was quite the sight, seeing all three of my Sisters, completely naked, and walking towards me though I knew it wasn’t because a good thing was going to happen.

Youngest Sister and Older Sister had pissed off Oldest Sister royally and no doubt there’d be consequences, most likely us being sent home with Oldest Sister telling of our actions.

When my Sisters arrived at the back patio where I was still sitting naked in the lawn chair, Oldest Sister gently let down Youngest Sister and went to pick me up by grabbing me under the arms and bracing me against the side of her NAKED BODY with my hard little penis pressing against Oldest Sister’s hip whilst I winced at feeling the intense sweaty fleshy hot pressure which made the nerves of my penis throb and quiver.

Oldest Sister noticed this and looked down at her hip to see what was pressing against her but then looked back up dismissively as if she didn’t care.

My heart and brain were racing however as my Oldest Sister who was completely NAKED was holding me while I was completely naked.

However, I dared not piss Oldest Sister off further and so I kept my hands wrapped around her shoulders and dared not to touch between her legs, her butt, or her boobies.

Once gathered in my naked Oldest Sister’s arms, Oldest Sister herded my Sisters inside with me braced on her hip, my small penis pressed against her hip, while Oldest Sister held me behind my back and under my small tight bare bottom, I, nor my Sisters being able to even closely comprehend what would happen next…TO BE CONTINUED!

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