My Neighbor

He was like a dad to me, until he took my innocence away.

He was my neighbor. He was my parents friend ever since we moved in when I was 4, and he brought us cookies his wife made as a house warming gift. He was like a second dad to me. Especially after my mom and dad’s divorce when I turned 10. I honestly think my dad was more bummed about not getting to hang out with him anymore, and didn’t care so much about my mom.

My mom really leaned on him. They never had a sexual relationship as far as I could tell. He really seemed so in love with his wife. They didn’t have kids, something wrong with the wife. I would use her name, but don’t want to embarrass her…

He would help my mom with my sisters and I. Take us to cheer/dance/volleyball practices, and come to school events. Sometimes he would bring his wife and sometimes it would just be him until my mom got there. I would look into the crowed and see him with a big smile, and looking so proud. I loved that.

A few years after my parents divorce he started to come over to the house more and more. When his wife was there it seemed normal, but when she wasn’t it was odd. Back then I thought it was great not having my dad really around and all, but looking back that’s kinda weird.

I was just starting 8th grade and it was the first day of school. My mom was missing this one again.. she was always too busy and at work, but I knew it was to provide for us so I was never mad at her. Besides I had Ben.

I was finally starting to come into my own body. I actually had hips. A chest. My long blonde hair was past the mid of my back. I picked my favorite summer dress to wear. A baby blue color with puffy sleeves and ballet flats. Still kinda wished it was summer.

As soon as I walk out the door there he is. Ben. A big smile on his face and his video camera. He’d always do our home movies even when my dad was around. I didn’t get why he liked it so much, but I thought it was because he didn’t have kids himself.

My 2 other sisters (Maddie and Lauren) and I all greet him with a hug, and then he films us getting on the bus. Little did I know this would be my last normal day.

School was fine. Classes were just going over rules and boring stuff, and I was happy when we finally got home. We are greeted by Ben at our front door.

“Hey girls, your mom told me to take you two little ones to dance and volleyball, “he says pointing at my little sisiters,” She’s working late again.

I roll my eyes, but get in the car. I think I’m old enough to just stay at home, but my mom wants to wait one more year. We drop off my sisters off, and it’s just Ben and I.

“So how was your first day? Any boys catch your eye?”

“Uhhh haha,” I laugh, “not really.”

“I’m sure you caught there eye. Maybe even the older ones. You know you look a lot older than last year.”

“I do?”

“Yeah of course. You actually have well, a body now.”

I feel a little uncomfortable, but ignore it. He’s probably just trying to make conversation, and doesn’t know how to talk to teenage girls. He’s never had to talk to them. Then, we finally pull into the drive.

“Your mom asked me to come inside and sit with you for a while. Just until after she comes home with your sisters.” I told him okay, and we went inside.

As soon as we get in I started to head towards my room. I was already at my door before I realized Ben was right behind me.

“Go on in then. Just want to see your room. I haven’t seen it since you were little. I’m sure it’s different.” I said nothing and lead him in. He was being weird, but what could happen I thought.

We walk in my room and the only place to sit is my bed. He sits right away and makes himself comfortable. “Who gets so comfortable in someone else’s room,” I thought in my head.

“Come sit with me,” he said with a smile. I sit and he puts his arm around me. Weird.

“You know,” he starts as he begins to brush back my hair, “You’ve always been special to me. I’ve seen you grow up. You’re like a daughter to me.”

“That’s nice of you to say Ben,” he’s being weird, but he was trying to be kind.

“You know, I-I just have always wanted to be close to you. Take care of you. Protect you from boys who would hurt you.”

I laugh awkwardly, “No boys have hurt me.”

“Yeah, but they could. Young boys only have one thing on there mind. Do you know what that is?” I’m silent as he continues, “Sex. They always want sex from nice girls like you, but you’ve never have had sex. Have you?”

I shake my head no and say, “Um Ben, why don’t we go downstairs,” I’m nervous now and I can’t hide it. He’s never talked about this stuff with me before.

“No,” he says a little harsh, “Sit. We need to have this talk. So you haven’t had sex with any boys. Have you kissed any boys?” I shake my head no again.

“Have you kissed any girls?” Him asking this question threw me off, but I had on a dare at a birthday party last year.

I shake my head yes and he looks a little surprises, “Do you like girls. Like want to date them, touch them?”

I shake my head no and say, “It was a dare at a party. Just being silly I guess.” I’m getting more squeamish by the second.

“What did she look like. Tell me about her,” he demands.

“Umm, she was just a friend. She had brown hair, dark eyes, and short like me. She was wearing a red top. I remember because I was too. We matched.”

“Did she touch you?”

“What?” I say, “No! It was innocent just being silly and only for like a second.”

“So she didn’t do this,” he says as he moves his hand to my breast. I start to breath faster and I want to scream, but nothing is coming out.

I manage to say, “No she didn’t, please stop Ben. I’m uncomfortable.”

“Shhh,” he whispers, “I just want to get to know you. Remember you’re very important to me. I’m important to your mom. Always helping her and taking care of you guys. What would happen if I stopped helping. No more dance or volleyball for the girls. Your mom would have to cut back her hours, make less money, and you would probably lose your house.”

I start to cry. Feeling extremely terrified right now. He begins to wipe my tears with his thumb, “Listen Lucy, I’ve taken care of you, and now I need you to take care of me.”

I grow frustrated, “What do you mean Ben. Stop it I want to go now!” I raised my voice at him, and he did not look pleased.

“Hey!” He shouts, “I have put up with your sisters and your mom for years, and now I’m going to take what’s mine.”

He pushes me down onto the bad. I cry even harder begging him to stop. Telling him I’m sorry. He wraps his hand around my throat to get me to shut up. It works.

“Listen to me,” he says a little softer, “let me take care of you. You might like it. You’re going to get up and stand in front of me. You’re not gonna scream, you’re not gonna run, you’re going to do what I ask understand?”

I nod yes and he finally removes his hand from my throat. I stand in front of him as he sits.

“Now, I want you to do a little circle for me,” I listen. “Now face the other way, bend down, and touch your toes,” I listened again crying more and more.

I hear him stand and get behind me. He lifts my dress, and starts rubbing my ass. I can hear him start to breath heavier. He then starts to pull down my panties, but grab on to them and turn around fast.

“Okay,” he says, “you do it. Take off your clothes. Slowly for me, but leave your shoes. I like your shoes.”

I begin to undress as he gawks at me. I untie the front sting of my dress and it slides of easily hitting the floor. I then go to my bra. I undo the back and slide it off. Then, I stop at my underwear.

“Keep going,” he says. So, I do.

I slide my panties down over my ass, then my thighs, my knees, and then they finally are on the floor.

He takes a long breath in as he looks at my body. Not very much hair down there yet. I haven’t even started my period even though I’m already 13.

“Come here.” I slowly walk toward him.

He starts touch me all over. Squeezes my tits, grabs my ass, and pulls my hair while I just whimper. He stands with me and looks me in the eyes.

“I’m going to be your first kiss. I will always be your first everything.” Then, he presses his lips into mine. He’s slow at first, but seems to lose control. He shoves his tongue in my mouth, and pulls on my hair harder and harder. I can feel his hard cock rubbing against my stomach. He’s so much bigger than me. So much taller. I got more scared.

He then spins me around and throws me on to the bed. “Do you want your Daddy to fuck you?” He asks, and I violently shake my head no while I beg him to stop and please don’t. He smacks me across the face.

“Say yes daddy I want you to fuck me.” Afraid to say no, and with the stinging of my cheek I say it back.

“Yes daddy I want you to fuck me.”

“That’s right,” he says, “you want daddy to fuck your little pussy don’t you.”

He’s smiling like a psychopath, and he starts to put his head between my legs. His breath his hot as he kissed my thigh. He makes his way to my pussy and starts to aggressively suck on my clit. It doesn’t feel good, but it’s like he can’t stop himself.

“Please Ben. Stop please. You’re hurting me,” I plead with him, but he continues.

After about 10 mins of this I start to fight less and less. I’m so scared and so alone that I don’t know what else to do. I can’t stop it. So, I stop fighting it.

He lifts his head from between my thighs and looks at me, “now you want to be my good little girl.” I just nod my head yes and lay there.

He then moves his way up my body kissing my tummy, and moves up to my nipples. He sucks, squeezes, and pinches them.
I feel his hard cock on my leg through his pants, and then he starts to take them off.

When I see it for the first time it’s the only one I’ve ever seen. It looks huge. So much bigger than my pussy I know it will hurt, and I know it won’t fit. I start to panic again.

“Please Benny (his old nickname when we were little) don’t do this to your little girl. Don’t hurt her.” I hoped this will make him stop, but I was wrong.

“It’ll only hurt the first time.”

He rubs the tip up and down my pussy. He has to spit on it to get it wet enough to go in. He puts in the just tip and it’s already stretching me. I yell out in pain, and he puts his hand over my mouth.

“Shhhh, it’ll only hurt for a little bit.” I just lay there and sob.

I’m one motion he shoves his 8 inch cock inside my little opening, and I can’t help but scream into his hand. It hurts so much, I can feel myself tearing and stretching for him.

He moans and grunts as he pushes inside of me getting faster and faster. I’m crying hard, and can’t stop.

“Oh I love you Lucy. My princess,” he says between thrusts, “You’re little pussy is so good.”

He continues to fuck me as I sob. I am just praying it will be over soon or my mom will come home early, but she never does.

His breath gets quicker as he continues to pound my opening. I feel the blood on my thighs and the small amount of juice that it now coming from my pussy. I feel his sweat drop on me. My tears on my cheeks. I feel his massive cock take my innocence away.

He moves his hand from my mouth. “I’m gonna cum baby. You want daddy’s cum in your little pussy don’t you?”

“Yes,” I whimper hoping this means it’ll be over soon.

“Oh here it comes baby. Just for my favorite daughter,” and with that his cum shoots into me. Warm and sticky. He pulls out, and I can feel the mixture of blood and cum fall onto the bed.

He lays beside me while I am motionless, and still in shock. We stay like this until 6pm the time my mom should be home, but I’m sure she texted him saying she was gonna be later than normal with my sisters.

He slowly rises and tells me to go take a shower and get dressed. After I shower I come back to my room and he is gone. Thank God.

I get dressed and stay in my room until I hear my mom and sisters come home. I run down the stairs, and Ben is still here.

He greets my mom with a smile, and she asks me, “So, anything interesting happen today?”

I look at Ben then back at my mom. He’s staring at me still. “No,” I say, “normal day.”

Ben left after that, and my family and I had dinner. I hoped that would be last time that would happen. But again.. I was wrong.

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