My son’s small penis

“They tease him about his penis. They say it’s really little.” Angela said, blushing little bit.

My name is Valerie Frost, and I’m 36 years old, I’m a widow and have 12 year old twins, a boy, Jesse and a girl, Angela.

My husband was a police officer, and he was killed in the line of duty, when the Twins were only two years old. They really don’t remember him, but he left us financially well-off.

That meant that I did not have to work and could stay home and focus on my children. They usually got home from school around 3:30. The last three days, Jesse has been very upset when he got home. Of course, I asked him what’s wrong and off coarse he says “nothing”.

On the fourth day, he came home upset again. This time, I ask Angela if she knew what the problem was.

“Yeah, some of the boys at school are teasing him.” She told me, clearly uncomfortable with having to tell me this.

“Teasing him? Teasing him about what?” I replied.

“They tease him about his penis. They say it’s really little.” Angela said, blushing little bit. I thought back to the last time I had seen Jesse naked, and he was probably seven years old. I don’t remember his penis being unusually small. I mean, at that age, they’re all small right?

“Well, that’s not good. One of the worst ways you can hurt a boy, is to make fun of his manhood. I’ll go have a talk with him.” I told Angela.

I went into Jesse’s room, and he was sitting at his desk doing his homework. I went over and sat on his bed.

“Honey, Angela told me that the boys at school are teasing you, because you have a small penis.” I told Jesse, reassuringly.

“Oh god. That’s just great.” Jesse said, dejected.

“I just wanted to tell you that, before I met your father, I had quite a few boyfriends. And the one thing I can tell you is, the size of a boy’s penis doesn’t matter. A girl’s vagina will adapt to the size of the penis that’s inside of it.” I told him, in an attempt to make him feel better.

“Well, my penis will never get to go inside of a vagina, because now all the girls at school are going to know I have a small penis. Maybe to them, size does matter.” He replied, angrily.

I was thinking about what else I could do or day to make my son feel better. There was a chance, that boys making fun of him, we’re blessed with larger than average penises. Perhaps Jesse just at an average penis.

“Honey, I’m sure you’re blowing this out of proportion. Let me see your penis.” I told him.

“Are you kidding me? I’m not going to show you my penis.” He stated defiantly.

“Honey, right now you’re being teased by boys. Unless you’re gay, only what a girl thinks of your penis matters. Since I am a girl, I can tell you whether you have a nice penis or not.” I reasoned with him.

He must have agreed, because a few seconds later he stood up and unsnapped his pants. Then he lowered the zipper and pushed his pants down to just above his knees. Then he stood straight up, still in his underwear, with his hands on his hips.

I waited for him to lower his underwear. I was nervous for some reason. Then he slowly hooked his thumbs into the waistband, and pushed them down to his knees. Then he pushed them, along with his pants, down to his ankles and stepped out of them.

He stood back up, but kept his hands over his penis, so I really couldn’t see it. I looked up into his face, and arched my eyebrows as if to say, well? He slowly lowered his hands to his sides.

“Oh my. Oh, wow, umm, ahhh, geez, fuck, it really is small.” I said, in complete disbelief.

“MOM!” Jesse yelled.

“I’m so sorry honey. It just caught me off guard. When you said they teased you because it was small, I thought maybe they had really big ones, and yours was just average size. So I really wasn’t prepared to see just how small it is.” I tried to explain. But I could tell he was getting more and more upset.

His penis looked just like it did the last time I saw it, when he was 7 years old. Except for the little bit of pubic hair he was starting to grow, his penis looked exactly like a seven year olds. His testicles were in a small sack, close up to his body.

“Well honey, there’s an expression girls use to describe the kind of penis their boyfriend has. It’s either a shower, or a grower. Some boys have a big penis, but when it gets hard, it doesn’t get much bigger. Some boys have a really small penis, and when it gets hard, it gets huge. I bet your penis gets huge when it’s hard.” I told him encouragingly.

“It IS hard.” He said, and started to cry. I was dumbfounded. His penis could not have been more than 2″ and about as thick as my pinky finger.

I reached over and took his penis between my thumb and finger. It caused him to jump, this being the first time another person touched his penis. He looked down and watched, as I moved the skin back and forth, very slowly.

“Like I said before, size really doesn’t matter. What matters is, does your penis work right.” I told him, as I continued to slowly stroke his small penis. He stood there watching me masturbate him, eyes hooded, mouth slack.

It took less than a minute, before he said “you better stop, cuz I have to pee.”

“No you don’t honey, you’re just getting ready to have an orgasm.” I told him, as I continued to stroke his penis faster. A couple seconds later, a small squirt of seman came out of his little penis, then one more small squirt, and that was it.

I continued to stroke his little penis, until he finally said it was tickling and I stopped.

“Wow, that was soooo cool.” Angela said from the doorway. We both must have jumped a foot in the air. Neither one of us noticed her, and apparently, she watched the whole thing.

She walked over to the bed and sat down next to her brother, and was looking at his penis.

“It really is small isn’t it?” She asked. This caught me off guard.

“How would you know if it’s small or not?” I asked her.

“Kenny, from across the street, talked me into giving him a hand job last summer. Well, a few handjobs. His penis is a lot bigger.” She casually replied. Fuck! My daughter was giving handjobs? I wondered what other experiences she’s had. Kenny was 17 years old. Me and Angela we’re going to have to have a conversation later.

“Can I touch it?” Angela asked her brother.

“Sure, go ahead.” He replied.

Angela reached out and took it between her thumb and finger and was able to bend it. That meant his penis was the same size hard, as it was soft. That was unusual. He wasn’t a grower, or a shower.

“It’s so weird to play with one so small. I have to use my whole hand to stroke Kenny’s.” Angela said, as she gently tugged on her brother’s little penis.

“Well Jesse, you need to get back to your homework. Angela, did you finish your homework?” I said.

“No way, I wanted to watch you play with Jesse’s penis.” Angela said smiling.

“Okay, well you got to watch, now go finish your homework.” I told her laughing.

While they did their homework, I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. While things were cooking, I went to the computer and did a little research.

An hour later, we all sat down to dinner. I’m the type of person that believes ripping the Band-Aid off quickly, is better than ripping it off slowly. I had some things to tell my son, and I wanted to tell him everything, so he could see the complete picture.

“So, I did some research on the computer. I found out honey, you have what’s called a micropenis. It’s something you’re born with. Its a result of low levels of hormones during the third trimester of pregnancy. When I saw your penis today, I noticed right away, it looks the same as it did when you were seven years old. The only difference is the pubic hair you’re starting to grow.” I said.

“So it’s your fault I have a micropenis?” Jesse asked his mom. The poor boy was on the verge of tears.

“Well, it happened while you were inside me, but I don’t know if it was my fault. Anything could have caused your hormone levels to go down.” I replied.

“What can I do about it?” He asked me. He had such a sad look on his face, I almost cried.

“There’s no treatment for it. I’m sorry, you’re just going to have to go through life with a micropenis.” I told him. He started crying and I felt bad for him.

“There’s something else. Earlier, when I told you, size doesn’t matter? Well, that really only applies, if you have a normal size penis. Honestly, you’re going to have trouble getting a girlfriend, with a micropenis.” I hold him.

“There’s nothing wrong with being gay. I don’t think men will care as much. if you have a micropenis. I think most gay men will just want to butt fuck you. Have you ever thought about sucking a penis?” I asked him, hopefully.

“Kenny, from across the street will let you suck his. He’s always trying to push it in my mouth.” Angela volunteered. Who the fuck are you? I thought to myself.

“Oh my God, no, I’ve never thought about sucking a dick, and no I’m not going to suck Kenny’s.” Jesse said as he got up from the table and stormed off to his room.

“Why did you say that to him?” I asked Angela.

“I was just trying to help.” She replied defensively. “Let me go try and cheer him up.”

While Angela was trying to cheer up her brother, I was cleaning up after dinner. About 30 minutes later, the kitchen was clean and I went looking for the kids.

I went to Jesse’s room, and when I walked in the door way, I stopped dead in my tracks. Jesse was on the bed, naked and spread eagle with Angela laying between his legs, licking his micropenis. In fact, the way she was licking his micropenis, made me think she may have eaten pussy before. The way her head moved when she was licking his micropenis, looked familiar.

“This is how you lift your brother’s spirits?” I asked as I got closer.

Angela paused her licking, and asked, “do your spirits feel lifted, brother?”

“Yes, lifted.” he replied, with a big smile on his face. Angela resumed her licking, and I went out to the TV room to watch my show.

Should there be a part 2?

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