My Widowed Aunt

Aunt Rita was my mum’s oldest sister and although she lived at the other end of the country she was always very close…. In fact I always thought of her as my second mum… She was married to Harry who was a lovely man and who I was also close to…. A bit like my best friend in fact.

When they were sixty uncle Harry died suddenly… I went to the funeral with my mum and we stayed for about a week…. Rita was in bits…. Before we left to come home my mum told Rita that if she wished I would go and stay with her for the Summer holidays…. It was the first time since we were there that I saw Rita smile…. She nodded her head and said that would be wonderful and that she couldn’t wait…. She gave me a hug…. “Hurry back” she whispered in my ear.

Four months later…. Summer holidays…. No more school for seven weeks…. Mum put me on the train…. “Now you see and look after aunt Rita real good” mum said…. “She needs a lot of TLC right now” she went on…. I told mum I would do anything for Aunt Rita…. Anything… At hat the train moved away.

A few hours later Rita was meeting me at the other end… When she saw me her face lit up… She was so obviously pleased to see me…. She walked towards me and gave me a huge hug…. Her voice began to break…. “Oh Richard…. I’m so happy to have you here with me at last” she said… “I’ve been counting down the days” she went on before eventually letting me go and taking hold of my free hand to begin the short walk from the station to her house.

Once inside her flat she gave me another hug… This time holding me even tighter and pulling me so close to her and kissing me on the cheek…. There wasn’t much of Rita… She was very slightly built… Just like my mum… And as I hugged her back I could feel every rib on her back and then I began to feel guilty…. I could feel my cock begin to stir… Oh no I thought… I was getting a hard on…. I tried to pull away…. The thought that Rita would feel my cock pressing against her filled me with horror…. She continued hugging me for what seemed like hours…. My hard cock pressing in to her all the while before she let me go and smiled…. “I needed that” she said…. “Thank you” she went on… “I think we are going to get on just great” she said…. Her voice sounded different… A bit lower… And her breathing was a bit quicker… She took my hand… “Lets get you settled in to your room” she said… “We are going out for dinner tonight…. There’s a new pizza place opened up… I think you will like it”.

Rita told me she had a table booked for six… It was now four so we had just under two hours before dinner… We chatted for an hour or so… All the time Rita kept looking at me and smiling… She looked so much happier than the last I saw her shortly after uncle Harry’s funeral… She eventually started to talk about how much she missed him and was all alone here…. Rita and Harry never had any family of their own… She had a few friends but no one to close and that is why she is so pleased to have me stay for a few weeks… She told me how she thought of me as her own son and that I was far and away her favourite nephew…. But told me never to tell any of my cousins that…. I told her her secret was safe…. “Oh…. Is it that time already” she said… “We better start thinking about getting ready for our date” she went on with a cheeky smile on her face… At that we got up and went to our rooms to change.

I was ready in jig time…. My new jeans and t shirt that mum had bought me for best just before I came away… I went back to the living room to wait for Rita… She was taking a lot longer that I thought… She was never a fancy dresser…. Bit of a plain Jane really…. Never wore much make up but despite all that she had always been and still was quite an attractive woman…. So when she finally did appear I was quite taken aback… Gone was the dowdy plain Jane look that I had been used to…. WOW… I said under my breath…. She was wearing a skirt which was unusual for her… Just above the knee… Black stockings or tights and shoes with just a slight heel…. But it was her blouse that I was taken by…. White…. Sheer…. Almost see through… In fact I could clearly make out the colour of her bra…. Dark blue… And it didn’t look to have much material to it either…. I couldn’t draw my eyes away from this beautiful woman…. “Will I do then” Rita cheekily said… I was speechless at first before eventually replying that she looked gorgeous… She bowed her head… “Thank you” she said…. “I just wanted to look nice for you” she said…. And then…. For the second time today I felt myself stirring down below…. I was hard for my sixty year old aunt.

I felt so proud as we walked to the Pizzaria… Rita held closely on to my arm the whole way and I was getting the beautiful scent of her perfume… Once again…. I had never known her wear perfume before… She has clearly made a lot of effort for “our date”…. “I’m so proud” she said… “To be going out on the town with such a handsome young man” she went on… She held me even closer and tilted her head on to my shoulder…. And for the third time today I was hard for her… My head was in a spin…. I was confused… This surely should not be happening… Rita is my sixty-year-old aunt… Recently widowed… My mum’s big sister… I shouldn’t be having these feelings for her.

Dinner was nice although I don’t think pizza was Rita’s thing… Obviously it was for my benefit… Once we had finished eating and the waitress had cleared the table Rita reached over and held my hand with both of hers as it lay on the table…. She squeezed it… Not to tight but just tight enough…. “I can’t thank you enough for this” she said… “You must have so many friends at home and you’ve chosen to spend your holiday with your old aunt” she went on… “Do you have a girlfriend?” She continued…. She gripped my hand a little tighter as she asked me this… I replied that no… I didn’t have a girlfriend…. A broad smile was etched upon her face as I said this and she gripped my hand even tighter with one of her hands while stroking my wrist with the other… Once again my cock began to stand to attention but this time I was feeling no guilt… This time I was thinking how much I would like to fuck my dear old aunt… I wanted her to take my virginity but surely she would have no interest in me.

As we walked back to Rita’s the sun was just beginning to go down and there was a bit of a chill in the air… By no means cold but enough for Rita to want to cuddle up to me once again… I put my arm around her waist and held her tight…. “Oh this is lovely” she said… “Just like all those years ago when I first started dating Harry…. Back then I was young and quite good looking… Not like now… A wrinkly old woman”…. I held her even more tightly and told her that she was still good looking and certainly not like a wrinkled old woman…. She turned her head… Our lips were now only a few inches apart…. “Oh Richard” she said…. “That’s very nice of you…. Your making me feel”……… There was a long pause…. She eventually went on “your making me feel young again”… I didn’t answer her but I was just thinking to myself what she was making me feel… HORNY…. My cock was bursting out of my jeans…. I just wanted to get it out and wank at the thought of Rita.

I couldn’t get to bed quick enough when we got back to Rita’s…. I told her it had been a long day and I was whacked…. What I really wanted and needed was to get my cock out and have a good wank…. I had only recently discovered the joys of wanking and rarely missed a day… When I had something nice on my mind then two or three times a day…. This is the horniest I had ever been… The thought of my aunt was really driving me over the edge…. Rita gave me a kiss on the cheek… “You get a nice sleep and get your strength back and I’ll see you in the morning” she said… Soon I was in bed…. My cock was so hard it felt almost painful and I barely had to touch it before shooting jet after jet of spunk in to the air…. Most of it landed on me but a few drops fell on to the sheet…. Once my head had stopped spinning after the best orgasm I had ever had I tried to clean up the spunk from the sheet with my pants… I would have been horrified if Rita was to find this mess…. My cock never really lost it’s hardness before I had a proper wank this time lasting a minute or so before another superb orgasm…. I couldn’t help thinking about Rita… Only a few yards away unaware that her nephew had just shot two loads of spunk at the thought of her… I had trouble getting to sleep that night and had another wank later on before I finally dropped off…. Still thinking about my aunt Rita…. What a day it had been.

I woke up the next morning with another throbbing hard on…. I could hear Rita in the kitchen getting breakfast ready…. I just wanted to beat off before I got up but thought I better leave it until later…. As I got out of bed I noticed the dried in spunk stain was clearly visible on the sheet… Oh fuck I thought…. Rita is sure to notice it…. Hopefully she won’t know what it is… I went to the bathroom and later to the kitchen… “Good morning Richard” aunt Rita greeted me with… “Did you sleep well” she went on…. I told her I had slept like a baby but not before three wanks while thinking of her…. “Breakfast is almost ready…. You sit down and I’ll put it out for you” she said… I noticed right away that she was wearing her dressing gown but she hadn’t tied it up very well and was showing quite a lot of flesh in her chest area…. She quite obviously wasn’t wearing a bra… She didn’t have a lot in the tit department but nevertheless it didn’t stop me trying to sneak a look…. My mind began to wonder what else she might not be wearing… Panties for instance… I think she must have caught me looking as she served up breakfast…. She smiled but made no attempt to cover up… Instant hard on…. She sat down opposite me… “What do you want to do today” she said… I answered back that I didn’t really mind…. “I thought we could do a bit of shopping… I would really like to get some new clothes… My wardrobe is a bit outdated” she went on…. “Maybe you could advise me on what I should be wearing nowadays” she said and went on to say “if I didn’t fancy this we could do something else”…. My something else was having sex with her I thought to myself but replied that that would be fine.

After breakfast we went to our rooms to get ready…. It didn’t take me long so I went back to the living room passing Rita’s room… Her door was wide open and I could hear her moving around but couldn’t see past the door…. Just the thought that she was in there… Possibly naked… Had my cock standing on end once more…. I didn’t think I would be able to take another six weeks of this… Ten or so minutes later Rita appeared wearing her normal old lady outfit which by now I was finding so sexy…. “Oh” she said before we left… “I hope you don’t mind but I’ve arranged to meet my friend Polly for coffee later”…. She cheekily smiled…. “I just want to show you off”.

It wasn’t long before we were taking the short walk in to town…. Rita holding on to my arm and holding me tight… I was now loving the attention she was giving me… It was less than one whole day since I had arrived and already I was getting the feeling that this was going to be a fantastic holiday…. The first shop we went in to was a large department store… We went straight to the ladies’ wear department and Rita soon had a few items ready to try on…. We went to the changing rooms…. There was a chair just outside where Rita said I could sit and when she tried something on she would like my opinion… This must have taken about half an hour or so but I was enjoying seeing her in what some really nice and dare I say…. Sexy outfits… Another hard on…. After we had finished there Rita said that she wanted to buy some new underwear so she said if I wasn’t comfortable with this I should go and look around and come back and get her in about ten or fifteen minutes…. When I got back Rita was carrying a bag from the underwear department with a cheeky smile on her face…. I asked her if she got everything she wanted….. “Oh yes” she replied with a broad grin on her face…. I couldn’t wait to see what was in the bag.

Rita looked at her watch…. “Oh” she said…. “It’s time to meet Polly”…. She had arranged to meet her in the coffee shop on the top floor… Polly was already waiting when we got there… Not at all what I expected… Quite the opposite to my dear old aunt… Polly was about the same age but was heavily made up… Perhaps too much so… Her hair was quite clearly dyed and it looked like it was just out of the hairdresser’s… She was wearing an outfit that her daughter…. Maybe even her granddaughter should be wearing…. Showing quite a bit of cleavage and although I couldn’t see below the table at the time I would later find out quite a lot of leg was on display as well… She was what young guys like me would call an old cock tease… But I was still drawn to my dowdy plain Jane aunt… They greeted each other before Rita introduced us…. Polly instantly said “oh I’ve been waiting for this day for some time now… Rita’s told me SO much about you and I have to say… I think she has underestimated you” as she looked me up and down…. “Lucky Rita” she continued in a very sexy voice…. Rita bowed her head and giggled like a young girl… “Oh Polly… I REALLY don’t know what you mean by that”…. She said…. Her head still bowed.

The rest of the “coffee date” flew by with more than a few subtle comments from Polly and a few more blushes from my aunt to suggest to me that I was somehow the butt of a few jokes and by the time we all parted and Polly finally revealed a short skirt and fishnets… I was begining to think that the two of them had some kind of plot hatched with me at the centre of it… Wishful thinking on my part maybe…. But my cock was certainly stirring at the thought anyway.

The afternoon was spent with Rita trying on countless outfits and clothes…. She was always eager to know what I thought of them and I didn’t hold back…. I gave her a good thumbs up to anything at all revealing which always brought a huge smile on her face…. Eventually we went home with four bags full of new clothes… Plus the small bag she bought earlier which I was yet to see… By the time we set off home I was feeling so horny… I desperately wanted my dear old aunt to fuck me… To take my virginity… To give me my first taste of fanny… All sorts of thoughts… Many of which I thought were totally unnatural were swimming round my head.

We stopped off for dinner on the way home… Once again Rita looked so pleased to be out on the town with her “date” and on one occasion her foot rubbed up against mine followed by a sexy smile across the table and for I don’t know how many times to day my cock stood to attention… It was becoming unbearable… The unnatural feeling of lust I was having for my aunt… All I could think about was how she would look naked… How she would feel next to me… How it would feel for her to kiss me properly… And ultimately… How it would feel to stick my cock in to her fanny and fuck her and how it would feel to shoot my load in to her.

Rita ordered a large glass of wine which surprised me slightly as I had never known her to drink alcohol before… “I would like to get you one but you are too young” she said with another sexy smile on her face…. Dinner took a while to come so Rita had enough time for another glass of wine so by the time we were finished Rita was more than a little tipsy so on the way home she held on to me tight and cuddled in to me… This felt wonderful…. Rita put her head on my shoulder… Sighed… And said in a little girl sort of way what a lucky old aunt she was to have such a handsome young nephew like me to take care of her… She looked me in the eyes… Smiled… And we walked on slowly home.

Once home Rita couldn’t wait to show me what she had bought… I had already seen most of it as she wanted my opinion as she tried each one on… She took everything… Well almost everything out of their bags and laid them on the couch… It was quite a pile… “Can I try them on for you” she excitedly said… I nodded my head approvingly… She then lifted a few from the top of the pile and disappeared to her room… She was soon back wearing a lovely blouse… A floral pattern… Sheer with white lace edging and quite low cut… “Do you think this is to revealing for your old aunt” she asked in a naughty schoolgirl sort of way… I told her she looked stunning in it and that it is no way to revealing…. I went on to tell her that she could even get away with leaving the top button open…. Rita blushed before pouting her lips… “Like this” she sexily said as she undid the button revealing just a glimpse of her plain Jane bra… I told her that was much nicer… She smiled… “I’ll go and try the next one on” she said as she hurriedly went off to her room to change.

She returned a minute or so later this time wearing a lovely skirt and blouse which I remember her trying on in the shop and thinking how sexy it made her look… I told her she was stunning in this but she needed tights to show off her legs even more so…. Rita bowed her head before rushing off and returning wearing tights or stockings…. I wasn’t sure which… They showed off her slim legs to the maximum effect… “Is this better” she excitedly said…. I nodded my head in approval before she lifted her skirt slightly to reveal that she was actually wearing tights… I felt my mouth fall open at the sight before me and for what seemed like the hundredth time this day my cock stood to attention.

That really was a jaw dropping moment and I didn’t have to wait long for the next one… “I’ll show you my favourite” she said as she lifted another blouse and made to go to her room before pausing… Putting the blouse back down… Smiling… Before sexily unbuttoning the blouse and removing it before carefully placing it down and standing before me with a smouldering smile on her face revealing her bare midriff and bra… The top of her tights visible above the waistband of her skirt… Her slim waist and washboard tummy… By now she must have known that she had me very much excited and stood for what seemed like hours with her naughty schoolgirl smile before eventually trying the blouse on…. “Well” she said… “What do you think”… I was speechless and it took several attempts to answer…. Eventually I was able to tell her that she was beautiful before I lost it and told her she looked sexy… “OH” she said with a huge smile on her face… “You really think your old aunt is sexy”… I nervously nodded my head…. “Well I think that’s enough trying on for now…. I think I’ll have a nice bath” as she turned and went to her room.

I heard Rita go the bathroom and begin to run the water… Soon the air was filled the smell of bubble bath and a short while later I heard Rita enter the water… Splashing about for a while before it went quiet… Every now and again I could hear her splash about a bit… It was quite clear that the door was open… The thought of Rita just a few steps away… Totally naked was beginning to have it’s effect on me…. My cock was now bursting… I needed to wank and badly… And then… “Richard…. Be a dear and get my dressing gown from behind the bedroom door”…. I just couldn’t believe what I had just heard… She wanted me to take her gown to her…. I jumped up and went to her room which was just across from the bathroom and went to get the robe… What I saw on the bed stopped me in my tracks… There laid out on the bed were the contents of the mystery bag that Rita had got from the lingerie department…. Various pairs of frilly… Lacy and sheer panties and bra’s… But the stand out was neatly laid out… A short white see through nightie with matching panties… And it was a good job Rita wasn’t very big as the panties weren’t going to cover much… “Have you found my gown” Rita called out…. I told her I had it and was on my way… I knocked on the door… “Well bring it in to me then” she said…. I nervously went round the door and there was Rita in the bath… Covered in suds… All she was wearing was a very naughty smile… “Could you wash my back for me” she said… Her eyes staring straight through me… I gulped… For a moment I thought I must be dreaming…. I nodded my head and at that Rita sat up with her arms covering her tits…. I nervously began to rub her back with my hands feeling every bone on her arched back…. Oh this felt so good for me and it soon became clear that Rita was enjoying it just as much… “Do my neck please Richard”… Rita lay back a little at the same time dropping her arms as she slid back under the water… I massaged her neck… “Oh that’s nice… I think I’ll get out now… I’ll see you in a minute once I dry off”… At that I reluctantly backed away through the door and back to the living room.

My head was now totally in a spin… I couldn’t believe what was happening or what had just passed… Seeing my aunt in the bath… Ok… Under the bubbles but the feel of her naked body on my hands for just a few brief moments had just topped off what had been a fantastic day… I was by now dreaming of all that extremely sexy underwear and night wear laying on the bed… Was it placed there for me to see… I could only wish that it was and the hope of sometime seeing my aunt Rita actually wearing them was surely beyond my wildest dreams.

I could hear Rita getting out of the bath… I wanted to find some sort of excuse to go back to the bathroom and see her naked but couldn’t find the courage to do so… Soon I heard her leave the bathroom and go to her room… I could hear her humming a tune as she dried herself and then…. After two or three minutes she appeared…. WOW…. Standing in the doorway was My dear old aunt wearing only the sheer white short nightdress tied just below her neck and open all the way to her waist… Her small tits in almost full view through the almost transparent material… Clearly visible were her dark brown nipples trying to poke a hole through the nightie…. I felt my jaw drop a little but as my eyes dropped to below her waist to the skimpy panties… Again almost transparent that weren’t doing much to hide the thatch of nut brown hair protruding from each side and above the top… She stood there with her naughty cat that got the cream smile… Her eyes smouldering… Allowing me to feast my eyes on this beautiful and sexy sight…. “What do you think of my new nightie then Richard” she softly said… I was speechless… I continued to stare before eventually stuttering my reply that she looked beautiful and sexy… “Oh you think your old aunt is sexy do you” she went on…. I nodded my head… “Would you like to see just how sexy” she continued…. Again I nodded my head…. She raised her hand and with a single finger ushered me towards her as she turned and headed to her bedroom.

My whole body was trembling with a combination of fear and excitement as I eagerly followed Rita in to her bedroom where she stood before me with the sexiest look on her face… Right away she untied her nightie and dropped it to the floor… She was now only wearing the panties that hardly covered anything… What a sight…. What up to now I had seen as my plain Jane aunt had turned in to the most beautiful and sexy woman who looked so eager to have my virginity… She stepped towards me and pulled my t shirt over my head and on to the floor followed by my shorts and pants…. My cock was already standing to attention… “Nice” she said as she eyed up my virgin cock… “I hope that one day you’ll be able to forgive me for what I’m about to do to you” she said… “But I love sex… I need sex… And it’s been far too long since I had any” she went on… “If you don’t want to fuck your old aunt then you should walk away but I see from how hard you are that you want this as much as I do” she said…. Walk away I thought… No way… I held her round the waist and pressed against her… As soon as my cock touched her skin I felt shock waves run through my entire body and what felt like a hot poker inside my throbbing cock and shot load after load of virgin spunk on to Rita’s tummy…. My head arched back and I told Rita I was sorry… “It’s ok Richard…. The amount of teasing you’ve had to day I’m surprised you lasted that long”… She ran her fingers over her tummy scooping up my spunk and licking it in to her mouth… “Mmmm…. That tastes so beautiful” she said… “My first taste of virgin spunk” she went on…. “You are still a virgin aren’t you”…. I nodded my head.

Aunt Rita slowly and seductively pulled her panties down past her knees and stepped out of them revealing to me for the first time in my life a real live woman’s fanny… Her thick bush of nut-brown hair totally covering her most special place… I couldn’t take my eyes away from this most beautiful sight and considering that I had just shot the biggest load of spunk I had ever done my cock was still rock hard and throbbing… Rita took my hand and led me to her bed… Laid me down on my back and began massaging my young body…. First my legs and them my torso before my neck and shoulders…. She straddled me just above my waist…. The feel of her hairy cunt rubbing on me felt unbelievably good… She rubbed herself on me for a while before moving her body down…. This was the moment… I was about to lose my virginity…. She lowered herself on to me… Guiding my cock to the entrance to her most intimate and special place and slowly took me in to her sopping wet… Warm cunt hole…. Even though I had just recently emptied my balls I knew I wouldn’t last long… Rita began to ride me vigorously… Every time she came down exhaling like all the air was being thrust from her lungs before she arched her back and with one loud yell began to climax on me… This was too much and as my body tensed another huge load filled up Rita’s cunt… She collapsed on to me… Sighing with pleasure…. “Oh Richard… I needed that so badly… That was the best fucking orgasm I have ever had… Thank you”.

I lost count how many more times we fucked that night and for the next six weeks we had sex daily… Rita taught me everything there was to know about sex and I would visit her as often as I could for years to come.