My young sexy daughter

I’m a dad of 2 children my son is 15yrs old and my daughter is 13yrs old.
Well it started when my daughter started having a puppy love for me n would sit on my lap with a bikini on-see thru tops- and wear just knickers which obviously turned me on and my cock would get so fuckin hard rubbing it against her pussy. One day I couldn’t take it anymore and leaned her back and lifted her bikini top up to see her little titties n puffy nipples then I grabbed them playing with them while I grinded her pussy against my cock. My daughter didnt say anything, she was very horny too and we kissed I slid a finger inside her wet virgin pussy then slid her down on my cock,I fucked her like I’ve never fucked anyone before I rammed her so fuckin hard she was screaming out loud,I was about to cum so told her to get on her knees and open her mouth so she did I squirted my salty cum in her mouth and told her to swollow but she didn’t want to so I slapped her across the face twice and said swollow you little whore so she swollowed most of it but dribbled a bit out so I slapped her really hard on the arse n bent her over sliding my cock in her arse n fucked it fast n hard as a punishment for not eating all my cum.
My daughter came back for more n more so obviously I gave it to her but I always fucked the living shit out of her n treating her like a $2whore being so fuckin rough with her.. she hasnt told anyone but my wife was starting to notice us being a bit to friendly and asked me do I ever think about our daughter during sex or do I have feelings for her, I said no dont be silly. that’s why I get motel rooms and we meet there for fuck sessions now so my wife doesn’t get anymore ideas..

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