Nanny McFuck

This is the bizarre story of how my nanny got me pregnant by secretly having sex with me, even though I was awake and let her do it.

My story begins when I was the tender age of 11 and I had my very first period.

My parents were rich and they worked in the city all the time so they weren’t around much, they hired a nanny to take care of me and my new baby brother, her name was Eva and she was very nice.

Eva would do all the cooking, cleaning, napping changing, helping me with my homework etc, she wasn’t my mom but she felt like she was at times, she was just so nice and understood me and didn’t talk to me like I was a little kid and we were very good friends.

When I got my first period I spoke to Eva about it and she told me what it was, why it happens and what I do to deal with it, she even showed me how to use a tampon.

When I turned 12 I began to explore my body more and learnt that touching my pussy in certain ways made me feel happy inside, so I was in my room one afternoon fingering myself when Eva caught me in the act.

It was so embarrassing but she told me it was a fine thing to do and made me feel comfortable with it, then she offered to teach me some techniques and soon afterwards she bought some sex toys to practice with, she said she would help me achieve orgasm.

She got me to lay down on my bed and she pinned an old sheet to the ceiling which went across the middle of the bed, she said she didn’t want me to see her using sex toys on me.

So I took my clothes off and laid on my bed, the sheet was hanging across my waist so I couldn’t see anything below my waist or what Eva was doing at the other side.

Eva would show me the toys she was going to use and then she began to use them on me, I felt lots of nice vibrations on my pussy and she used cock shaped dildos to push inside my hole, it was amazing and not being able to see what she was doing made it more intense, I had multiple orgasms every single time.

At first we did it once a week, then it was twice a week, then every other day, until finally we did it every single afternoon.

This continued until I was 13 years old, that’s when I started feeling sick and I put on weight, after going to the doctors I was told that I was 5 months pregnant, which was a shock to me and my parents, especially me because I know for a fact I hadn’t slept with any boys.

Child services got involved and after an investigation they found out that our nanny, Eva, was transgender, she was born a man but had undergone surgery when she was younger, she looked like a woman, sounded like a woman, and she had breasts, but she still had her penis!

She had been secretly having sex with me for 2 years, when I thought she was fucking me with the dildo, she was actually fucking me with her real penis, and it was made worse because I willingly laid down and let her do it, even though I didn’t know it was a real penis she was fucking me with.

So yes, my FEMALE nanny, got me pregnant.

Because I was so far along in my pregnancy I wasn’t able to get an abortion so I decided to keep the baby anyway and now my baby girl lives at home with me, my parents and our new nanny, who has been thoroughly checked out.

I will confess that I miss Eva’s cock though, I tried using the dildos she left behind but they don’t feel as big or as good as when she secretly fucked me with her cock.

Just be careful and check your female nannies and babysitters to make sure they don’t have a penis before you leave them alone with your daughters.