Naughty summertime

This is a story about the time my cousin came to town for the summer, the summer when we had the best time of our lives.

just a few details to know before the story starts
this happened when I was 18 and my cousin Jason 15

My cousin arrived at my place we hugged he greeted the rest of the family, and then I helped him with his suitcases. I brought the suitcases in the spare room and said ” feel free to make yourself at home” he thanked me and asked ” where’s the bathroom, its been a long trip is it cool if I take a shower?”

“yeah of course, its third door to the right, the 2 of us share this one” I replied.

I was in my room chilling on my laptop, and Jason came in wearing only his swimming trunks and asked if I wanted to go to the beach. Before I replied I was lowkey impressed by his body, I mean we both are pretty fit but that body type at 15 I had to be impressed. I said yes to the beach and we were on our way. As soon as we got there we jumped in the sea, after about an hour I asked him if he wanted to get something to drink, he agreed. We got changed and went to the store. “would you mind buying some alcohol for us” he asked. I agreed cuz why the hell not. We agreed to go home and come to the beach tomorrow. We got home and went into my room. We drank vodka mixed with redbull cuz it tastes pretty good and he never tried it so I was like um yeah you have to try this. Ofc we were drunk and why not play truth or dare. We kept asking stupid basic questions and giving eachother stupid dares. Until he dared me to kiss him. I pretended to not want to and said “comon rly”

He replied with yeah sorry it was a stupid idea
I dont think its stupid just didnt know if u were serious.

I was.
I looked at him and said ” oh what the hell” and kissed him.

we made out for about 10 seconds i looked at him and apologized he just smiled and said its cool

he slept in my room that night and next morning we just laughed about it


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