Never Saw Them Cumming

I fell asleep in the lunch room, but it was before school. I have to guess that was the only time they got the chance.

I had a bad night, because the heater went out, and it was so cold. I bundled up, but I couldn’t breathe with my face under the covers, so my nose got cold sticking out. I woke up with a sore throat, and a runny nose, but I went to school anyways.

I wasn’t really sick, just tired, but the bus was nice and warm. I yawned, but it bounced around too much to get any sleep, and besides, my best was sitting right next to me. So, I skipped breakfast, and just put my head down in the corner. The bell rang, and woke me up, so I went to the restroom on my way to class.

“Ugh!” As soon as I pulled my skirt up to drop my tights. I smelled it as soon as my fingers touched something warm, wet, and slimy. “Gross.” I really had to pee quick, because I drank like a pot of hot coffee, but as soon as I sat down.

I knew it was spunk, because I’d smelled it in the trashcan downstairs. In the computer room, dad used it to look at porn, and throw out tissues, then my brothers started doing it too. So, sometimes, the trashcan smelled like a bucket of cum with 6 balls worth of snot rags.

“Snh?” I guess my runny nose cleared up, as soon as I got inside someplace warm. Or dried up, into flaky boogers, I really had to blow my nose hard to catch in some toilet paper. I was a little late for class, but Mrs. Nomes hadn’t shut the door yet. So, I put my head down until we had to open up our books, but not to sleep.

“Snh!” I could still smell it, and pulling up my skirt. I could see it drying on my pink tights. The streaks went back and forth, in 2 different directions, diagonally. It only took a little imagination to think up how they must have done it.

I guess they sat right next to me, pulled up my skirt, and whipped their dicks out to beat off in my lap. What a weird way to get your jollies, but I bet they felt me up too, and I slept right through it? Just my luck, I can’t even get a boy to look at me when I’m awake, but as soon as I passed out, I had 2 of them with hard-ons right there, and I missed it?


“Page one nineteen.” She wrote that up on the board, so I had to rub my eyes, and I almost regretted washing my hands. I nodded, biting my lip, and looking around. Everyone was looking at the board, and the teacher had her back turned. So, nobody saw me feeling up under my skirt, to rub my lags, until I felt some damp spots.

I had my legs together, so the spots that overshot 1 leg hit the other, and they criss crossed. My hand got real sticky whiping it up, but I had to lean over to my book bag, and lick it up pulling my pencils out of the front pocket. I blushed, ashamed of myself, and wondering what kids of diseases those boys might have. A little too late, but now I had a pasty aftertaste clinging too my mouth to get used to.

It’s not that bad, I could suck a dick. Yeah, I bet I could suck a boy off, unprotected so I get a nice mouthful of it fresh from the cock. When I hadn’t even gotten a handjob yet, let alone 2 of them. If only I had woken up, I could have felt under the table, and given them both a hand.

“Uh,” I raised my hand, crossing my legs, afraid that I would start soaking through, and stink up the whole classroom with pussy juice if I didn’t do something.

“Yes, Missy?”

“I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Huh!” She put the cap back on her marker, and got out a pen, to write down a hall pass. “Next time, go before class.”

“Okay, I will.” I didn’t tell her that I was late, going pee to get rid of all the coffee I drank this morning. Now, I was red hot, and wide awake, but it wasn’t the coffee.

I wonder if they have my lunch? I better put my head down, and pretend to take a nap, on lunch. Just to see if they cum back…


Missy (fF Talk)

“Okay, that’s lunch, but can I talk to you, Missy?”

“I’m really hungry, but what’s this about?”

“Huh, just.” She went over to grab a chair, and drag it back to the side of the desk. “Shut the door when you leave.”

I sat down, but the last student shut the door, so we could talk. Privately. She sniffed, but not like a sniffle. She pulled her mask back up, after a deep breath, and a sigh once her nose was covered back up.

“Huh, I know that I’m not allowed to teach anything, but abstinence only, but. You reek of sex, you came in late stinking of it, and I just want to make sure, I don’t have another teenage pregnancy statistic in my class this year.”

“Huh, so this has happened before?”

She nodded, seriously, “I’ve been teaching high school, and middle school, for almost 30 years. It happens all the time, but I have to ask. Are you on birth control?” I shook my head, “Does your boyfriend wear protection?”

“Oh, no. I don’t have a boyfriend, I just. Well, I don’t want to get anyone in trouble, but you know. Boys will be boys?”

“What did he do to you, I better call the councilor.”

“Oh, no.” She started getting her phone out anyway. “It’s okay, I mean. Yeah, it’s kinda weird, and creepy, but I’m not hurt, I think I kinda liked it.” So, I told her what happened, or what little I remember of it. Since I was passed out, all I really had was my spunky pink tights, but I showed her.

She pulled her mask down, just under her nose, and took another big breath. “Huh!” She pulled it back up, and I couldn’t tell if she was smiling, but her eyelids relaxed when the pheromones hit her. Even an hour later, it wasn’t fresh, it all dried up, not counting the stuff I licked up, or had to wash up to get my hand dirty.

You know, what she said about teenage pregnancy statistics? “Well, you’re lucky, it could have been much worse.” But I saw her neck turn pink, then darker, and darker red. I pulled my mask down to take a sniff, but that wasn’t just me. My hair stank of girl in heat, after sitting through class, and trying not to think about it for almost an hour, but now I knew for sure, it turned her on too.

Too bad, she”s my teacher, and not one of my friends, in the girl’s room. So, she couldn’t really talk about it. Let alone encourage such behavior. If the boys thought that was okay, then who knows? They might start raping girls passed out at parties, or drugging them to do them double while they’re passed out.

Great, now I’m thinking about that too, and it’s only making me hotter. “Well, I’m sorry, but if you didn’t even see them, there’s not much I can do besides send you home to change.” She winked, to say that I could fiddle off smelling them again while I was there. “But hurry back. Are you sure you don’t want to speak to a councilor?”

“No, but if you give me your number. Maybe I can call you after school, when we can talk. I know there’s things you can’t talk about in school, I get that, but.”

“Okay, give me your phone.” She typed her number in contacts, and even took her mask all the way off to take a selfy. She didn’t have any makeup on, except her eyes, because she didn’t want to smear it around with her mask, but you couldn’t tell, to look at the picture. She was so turned on, her cheeks were lit up with real blush, and I don’t know if her lips are normally that dark, but they looked like she had on lipstick, too.

It turns out that she had fantasies, about high school boys too. She never acted on them, as a teacher, but she did when she was in high school. Back then, they could teach sex ed, and the boys got so horny, it was easy to get them to do “Homework.” Hands-on, sex ed, like hand jobs, finger bangs, and dry humping.

She thought I was lucky. I guess I kinda am, in this day and age of Abstinence Only Education, social distancing, and masks so you can’t even tell if a boy is cute or not, unless he pulls it down to smoke. Or in the lunch room…

Too bad, they never did it again. At least not to me, and no other girls came forward, either. Oh well, at least I have my teacher to talk to about this stuff, and it turns out she’s also a really good writer. She writes a lot of erotica, even though she can’t bring herself to publish any of it, or even show it to her husband.

She’s married, and old, and he’s impotent. So, her stories are all the sex life she has left. I kinda feel sorry for her, but at least now she has someone to share her deepest darkest fantasies with, too.

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