Never say never

15 y/0 Femboy seduces me into something I always sweared would never happen so never say never.This happened 5 years ago.

I was working at a grocery store as a checker which was good money. I rented a little two bedroom cottage just a mile away from where I worked. The store was very busy and they had 12 baggers 3 girls and 9 boysThat work there.

One of the baggers was Tyler a 15-year-old kid who is very cute and pretty small for a 15-year-old. He had a very feminine face and look like a young kid. He used to close with me at night 9 PM and it was just me and him and two guys who worked the night shift. I would be counting my money while Tyler emptied the trash and filled the bags up. One night as I was counting he slipped in behind me to empty the trash and squeezed my ass cheek.I turn my head around and yelled “What are you doing dude”. He looked up at me with a big smile on his face and said “Amy said you had a nice ass and she wanted to squeeze it, so I did”as he giggled.As he went to the next checkstand he bent over and grabbed his ankles and said “Do I have a nice ass Ian?”I hesitated and losing my account and then mumbled “Cute as a girls”He popped up and turned around with his pretty little face and his sky blue eyes attached to his prepubescent body and quietly said”Do you think I could pass for a girl Ian?”I paused for a minute replied”Maybe why do you ask?” Tyler didn’t answer he just turned around and continued his work.

We both finished our work said good night to the night crew and walked out into the parking lot. Tyler walked with me to my car and asked me if I had a girlfriend.I told him “No”we kept walking.”Why not Ian?”I snapped back”Because I don’t why do you have a girlfriend?”He shook his head no.”Well why not?”I asked.Tyler stopped and hung his head down and confessed”Ian can I tell you a secret?” “OK” I said.”You promise not to tell anybody?” “I promise “I replied.He comes right next to me and motions to whisper in my ear so I’ve been over and he whispered”I think I like guy’s”I popped my head up and said”Really dude?”Timer looked up at me with a scared look on his face and said”You’re not gonna tell anybody are you?” In a desperate voice.I replied”This will be our little secret OK?” Tyler smiled wrapped his arms around me and give me a big hug.

It was A hot summer night I was feeling pretty sweaty I asked Tyler if he wanted a ride home and he quickly said “yes please”. I stopped by the liquor store to get a six pack of beer grab my wallet with my ID and headed inside. I was 23 years old and I still get carded all the time. I grabbed a six pack at the cashier and came outside to see a guy leaningIn the passenger side window. He looked like a high school kid,Probably a friend of Tyler’s .He told Tyler to text him when he got home and walked off.”Who was that?” I asked. “A friend from junior high,we used to hang out a lot.I pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards Tyler’s house.”so what are you guys going to do tonight?”I asked him.”I kind of Wanted to spend the night with you If it’s all right?”he said softly.”What about your friend?”I said.”he is really boring and doesn’t want to do anything anymore” “well what about your parent’s?”I asked.There was a long pause then he replied”My dad left when I was a baby and I’ve never seen him and my mom is at my grandmas this weekend taking care of her “I turned towards him and said”So the house all to yourself all weekend?” He smiled and said”No my older sister gets home at 11pm and that’s why I asked you if I could spend the night so can I?”I thought for a minute About it and answered”I don’t care as long as it’s all right with your mom”I pulled into Tyler’s complex and drove up to his front door as he hopped out he said”My mom doesn’t care if I stay out she’s cool”.I kept the car running while he ran in and he quickly returned with a small bag.”those your clothes?”I asked and he replied”I won’t need clothes tonight”: part1

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