New House

The housing estate was one of the biggest in the country there were loads of people living on it and twelve year old Martin had just moved into a house on the estate with his parents and he knew nobody on the estate, his mum and dad worked very late not getting home till very late at night, he had made a couple of friends at the new school that he was attending and went to their homes after school had finished but was normally home by eight in the evening, tonight he had been to a friends house and was now walking home after getting a bag of chips but soon realised that he was lost, he thought all the streets look the same to me, as he tried to find his way back to his house he saw Jenny who was sixteen and lived next door to him and thought that he would walk along behind her that way he would find his way home, as he walked along Jenny suddenly stopped turned to him and asked him if he was lost and when Martin told her that he was Jenny told him that most people got lost when they first moved onto the estate, then said to him ” come on you can walk along with me I know the way I think” Martin was happy to walk along with Jenny and when he got home phoned his friend to let him know that he had got home safely and told him that a very good looking girl had took him home with her he then explained what had happened, after having a shower Martin went and watched telly for a while then went and made himself a drink, as he stood in the kitchen at the sink Martin looked out of the window and saw Jenny in her lounge and saw her take her jumper off and thought do not stop carry on after folding her jumper Jenny took her blouse off and when she took her jeans off Martin thought she is not stopping and I do not mind, Martin then saw Jenny’s hands reach behind her back and saw them fiddle with the clip on her bra and saw her take it off and throw it to one side and when she slid her panties down and off Martin stared at her naked bum thinking very nice and after a few minutes Jenny reach her arm forward and when it returned Martin saw that she had a hairbrush in her hand and watched as she started to brush her hair, Martin quickly put the kitchen light off and stood in the dark watching the naked Jenny as she brushed her hair and after a few minutes Jenny turned round, Martin’s mouth opened wide as he saw Jenny’s firm naked boobs and her hairless love tube he stood watching Jenny as she brushed her hair admiring the slight sway of her boobs thing I wish I was her bra, Martin watched as Jenny threw her hair brush to one side and start to do some exercises and after ten minutes Jenny slumped down on to her sofa with her legs stretched out in front of her then parted her legs Martin thought very nice as he looked at Jenny’s open tube and when she started to rub her boobs Martin just stared and after a few minutes Jenny slowly ran her hand down her body and between her legs and started to rub her love tube Martin thought he was dreaming and when Jenny inserted her fingers into her love tube and started to masturbate Martin just believe his eyes but sat watching and after ten minutes when Jenny arched her back Martin knew that she had climaxed and after ten minutes Jenny left the room Martin stayed where he was for quite a while but Jenny did not return, A hour later when his dad got home and asked Martin if he been bored Martin said ” no I just watched a bit of porn” his dad laughed. The next night Martin was stood in the dark kitchen hoping for a repeat show and when Jenny walked into her lounge naked Martin thought good here we go and when her boyfriend walked in naked with an erection Martin thought this could be even better and after ten minutes was staring eyes wide as Jenny lay on the floor with her boyfriend thrusting in and out of her love tube and after twenty minute Martin watched as Jenny’s boyfriend squirted his cum over Jenny’s body then lay down beside her. In her lounge Jenny was saying to her boyfriend I wonder if he is enjoying watching us” and laughed then added my two mates are here tomorrow night I wonder what he will make of it when they are rolling around on the floor naked having sex.