New school 4

Jane could hardly stand up.. Her legs where just not up to carrying her…
Maz pushed her back on the desk.. All her limbs just hung over..
I think said MrF her body and brain are on over load..
Jane’s skirt was around her waist and I could see her wet cunt peeking out from the slit in her school pants..
Bev walked to the desk and slipped her fingers through the hole.. Christ her cunt is flowing..
Here feel this she told me grabbing my hand and pushing it into the same slit..
My fingers split her lips as Bev played with her nub..
Once more Jane’s body responded… Quivering and moving.. Please stop I can’t do this too sensitive please please.. No more..
Maz laughed.. Climbing on to the desk.. And placed her naked pussy on my sisters face.. Eat me bitch… Lick my cunt I want to cum over your face..
MrF commented on us being late..for our next.. Lesson..

But even as he was saying this I could see his erection tenting his trousers once more..

He pushed us out of the way as he was unzipping his cock.. All ready hard and leaking precum..

He pulled down Jane’s pants over her hips and let them fall to the floor.. She was spread now fully her cunt tempting him..

He ran his cock down is sweet nectar.. Teasing her clit with the head..
I so want to fuck her pussy..
He almost pushed it in..
When Maz said.. One day sir but not today.. You know the agreement..
Lift her legs up maz said looking at me and Bev..
We did as instructed and MrF pulled Jane’s arse to the edge of the desk and he thrust his cock back in to the hot tight hole he had enjoyed before..
… Jane’s moans where muffled by the cunt covering her face..
MrF didn’t hold back he fucked jane for all he was worth… Till a strangled cry was forced out of him.. His whole body stiffened as he came again into the Jane’s young ass…
He stumbled back wards luckily Bev and myself caught him and lowered him to the seat close to him..
Take her away.. He whispered..
Maz hopped off Jane’s face.. Time to go kiddies..
We hauled Jane off the desk and half carried half dragged her into the hall.. Her face was red and covered in maz,s juices…
MrF threw her panties at its don’t forget these he said as maz caught them in the air..
Not that she’s going to need them he laughed..
Now don’t be late..

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅