New Year’s Eve family orgy

The Turners are a family of four. Dad Ralph, 46, mom Sally, 45 daughter Kelly, 16 and son Jeff, 17. In addition, Gladys, 65, Ralph’s mom lived with them.

It was New Years Eve 2020 and due to the pandemic the usual big family and friends celebration was nixed in favor of a family affair with only the five of them.

They had pizza delivered and had wine to go with it. Because it was New Years Eve, Kelly and Jeff were allowed to drink. After a few drinks, Kelly was getting tipsy. She stood and started to dance seductively, moving her hips in a sexual manner. Jeff was encouraging her, “yeah Kelly! Move that ass!”

Kelly smiled at him and exaggerated the movement.

Sally thought it had gone far enough, “that’s enough dancing, Kelly, I think you’ve had too many drinks already.”

Gladys shouted, “ignore Sally, Kelly, you’re doing great! Keep it up!”

Kelly started twerking then, her ass moving almost in a blur.

“Yeah sis, how about a lap dance!”

Sally had had enough to drink herself that she didn’t argue further, just poured herself another drink as Kelly danced over to Jeff and, turning her back to him, squatted over his lap and rubbed her ass on his cock.

“Oh yeah, sis! Rub that pussy on me! How about pulling your pants down? Let me see that tight pussy!”

“Whatever you want, big brother!”

She pulled her pants and panties down and still bent over, showed her brother her ass and pussy.

Then Jeff told his grandmother, “hey Nana! Why don’t you give dad a lap dance!”

“Oh yes! What a great idea!” Gladys responded as she rose and pulled her dress up, revealing that she didn’t have panties on! She held her dress at the waist and danced over to her son. Then she turned and lowered her hairy cunt to her son’s lap. He surprised her by pulling his pants down and holding his cock up. He aimed it at her cunt as she sat down and it penetrated her!

“Oh my god! You’re in my cunt! Oh my god, Ralph! Ohhhhhhhhh!”

She started twerking like Kelly as her son’s cock drove in and out of her cunt!

Sally surrendered to the lust in the room and pulled her skirt up, pulling her panties down. She shoved two fingers into her cunt as he watched the two incestual couples. Jeff had taken his cock out and was shoving it into his sister’s cunt.

Kelly moaned, “oh god Jeff! Go fuck mom! She needs a cock really bad!”

“Oh no honey! You can’t! Not like this! Please!”

Jeff ignored his mom, knowing she was hot for his cock. He stood and dropped his pants and underwear on the way to his mom.

“I have to, mom. I have to fuck you!”

He knelt in front of her and pushed her legs apart then grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down his mom’s slit.

“Oh god, honey! Ohhhhhhhhh please! You can’t fuck your own mother! I’m a good Christian woman.”

“I know mom, and I’m going to put my cock in your Christian cunt.”

As he said that, he pushed his cock deep into his mom’s cunt!

“Ohhhhhhhhh god! Oh my god! You’re in me! Oh god! Ohhhhhhhhh my god! Oh! Oh! Oh!”

“Yeah mom! I’m fucking you! Fucking you hard!”

Ralph looked over at his son fucking his wife, “that’s it, Jeff, fuck the shit out of her! Make her moan!”

Kelly needed something in her cunt. She saw the wine bottle on the coffee table. She grabbed it and pushed it into her cunt!

“Ohhhhhhhhh god!” She moaned, “this is so fucking hot!”

She jammed the bottle into her cunt and pinched a nipple hard with the other. She was going crazy watching her dad fuck his mom and her brother fuck his mom.

She pushed the bottle as deep as it would go.

Jeff was trying to hold his cum but fucking his mom was just too nasty.

“Oh god, mom! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum in your cunt!”

Sally moaned, “oh yes baby! Cum in me! Fill my cunt! Ohhhhhhhhh god!”

“Ohhhhhhhhh yeeeaaahhhhh! Cumming!” Jeff grunted as his cum started to spew into his mom!

He spurted at least 8 times and then pulled out. Kelly saw the cum run out and hurried over and fell to her knees, closing her lips on her mom’s cunt. She sucked the cum out and licked her clit.

“Oh god, Kelly! Ohhhhhhhhh yes! I’m cumming baby! Oh yes!”

Kelly sucked up all the sperm and pussy juice, then rose and kissed her mom, pushing the cum and pussy juice into her mom’s mouth.

Ralph and Gladys were watching all this as they fucked, “Ohhhhhhhhh mom!”, Ralph moaned, “I’m cumming! Oh god!”

“Yes honey! Cum in mama’s cunt! Ohhhhhhhhh god! Cumming!”

Sally crawled over and when her husband stopped cumming and pulled out, she sucked the cum from her mother in law’s cunt.

“Oh god, Sally! You’re making me cum again! Oh god, you’re such a slut!”

They all sat back after they recovered and Kelly said, “wow! Best New Years Eve ever!” Just as the clock chimed midnight.